        public static void MyCallback(int bd, MccDaq.EventType et,
                                      uint interruptCount, IntPtr pUserData)
            //MyCallback is a static member function. So, we must do some work to get the reference
            // to this object. Recall that we passed in a pointer to a struct that wrapped the
            // class reference as UserData.
            TUserData       userStruct = (TUserData)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pUserData, typeof(TUserData));
            frmEventDisplay ThisObj    = (frmEventDisplay)userStruct.ThisObj;


            // these updates below are "expensive"; so, only do them every
            //  _updateSize interrupts.
            if (interruptCount >= ThisObj._intCount + _updateSize)
                ThisObj._intCount = interruptCount;

                //read the digital
                ushort           digVal = 0;
                MccDaq.ErrorInfo ULStat = ThisObj.DaqBoard.DIn
                                              (ThisObj.PortNum, out digVal);
                if (ULStat.Value != MccDaq.ErrorInfo.ErrorCode.NoErrors)

                ThisObj.lblInterruptCount.Text   = Convert.ToString(ThisObj._intCount);
                ThisObj.lblInterruptsMissed.Text = (ThisObj._intCount - ThisObj._eventCount).ToString();
                ThisObj.lblDigitalIn.Text        = "0x" + digVal.ToString("x2");
            ThisObj.lblEventCount.Text = Convert.ToString(ThisObj._eventCount);
        private void cmdEnableEvent_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            /// Enable and connect one or more event types to a single user callback
            /// function using MccDaq.MccBoard.EnableEvent().
            /// Parameters:
            ///   eventType   :the condition that will cause an event to fire
            ///   eventSize   :only used for MccDaq.EventType.OnDataAvailable to determine how
            ///               many samples to collect before firing an event
            ///   _ptrMyCallback : a pointer to the user function or event handler
            ///                     to call when above event type occurs. Note that the handler
            ///						can be a delegate or a static member function. Here, we use
            ///						a pointer to a static member function.
            ///   _ptrUserData  : a pointer to a value type that will be used within the event
            ///					   handler. Since our handler is a static member function which
            ///					   does NOT include a reference to this class instance, we're
            ///					   sending the pointer to a struct that holds a reference to the class.

            MccDaq.EventType eventType = MccDaq.EventType.OnExternalInterrupt;
            uint             eventSize = 0;                     // not used for OnExternalInterrupt

            MccDaq.ErrorInfo ULStat = DaqBoard.EnableEvent(eventType, eventSize, _ptrMyCallback, _ptrUserData);

            if (ULStat.Value == MccDaq.ErrorInfo.ErrorCode.NoErrors)
                this._eventCount              = 0;
                this._intCount                = 0;
                this.lblEventCount.Text       = _eventCount.ToString();
                this.lblInterruptsMissed.Text = "0";
                this.lblInterruptCount.Text   = "0";

                this.lblDigitalIn.Text = "NA";
文件: ULEV02.cs 项目: r4forth/sdkpub
        public static void OnScanError(int bd, MccDaq.EventType et, uint scanError, IntPtr pdata)
            //OnScanError is a static member function. So, we must do some work to get the reference
            // to this object. Recall that we passed in a pointer to a struct that wrapped the
            // class reference as UserData...
            TUserData       thisStruct = (TUserData)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pdata, typeof(TUserData));
            frmEventDisplay ThisObj    = (frmEventDisplay)thisStruct.ThisObj;


            // Reset the chkAutoRestart such that the 'OnEndOfAiScan' event does
            //not automatically start a new scan
            ThisObj.chkAutoRestart.Checked = false;
文件: ULEV02.cs 项目: r4forth/sdkpub
        public static void MyCallback(int bd, MccDaq.EventType et, uint sampleCount, IntPtr pUserData)
            //MyCallback is a static member function. So, we must do some work to get the reference
            // to this object. Recall that we passed in a pointer to a struct that wrapped the
            // class reference as UserData.
            TUserData       userStruct = (TUserData)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pUserData, typeof(TUserData));
            frmEventDisplay ThisObj    = (frmEventDisplay)userStruct.ThisObj;

            //Calculate the index of the latest sample in the buffer.
            int    sampleIdx = ((int)sampleCount - 1) % ThisObj.TotalCount;
            ushort rawData;
            float  voltData;

            //Retrieve the latest sample and convert it to engineering units.
            MccDaq.MccService.WinBufToArray(ThisObj.hBuffer, out rawData, (int)sampleIdx, 1);
            ThisObj.DaqBoard.ToEngUnits(ThisObj.Range, rawData, out voltData);

            // Update display values.
            ThisObj.lblSampleCount.Text  = sampleCount.ToString();
            ThisObj.lblLatestSample.Text = voltData.ToString("F4") + " V";
            ThisObj.lblStatus.Text       = "RUNNING";

            if (et == MccDaq.EventType.OnEndOfAiScan)
                //If the event is the end of acquisition, release the resources in preparation for
                //  the next scan.

                if (ThisObj.chkAutoRestart.Checked)
                    int rate = ThisObj.DesiredRate;

                    ThisObj.DaqBoard.AInScan(0, 0, ThisObj.TotalCount, ref rate, ThisObj.Range, ThisObj.hBuffer, ThisObj.Options);
                    ThisObj.lblStatus.Text = "IDLE";
文件: ULEV02.cs 项目: r4forth/sdkpub
        private void cmdEnableEvent_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            /// Enable and connect one or more event types to a single user callback
            /// function using MccDaq.MccBoard.EnableEvent().
            /// If we want to attach a single callback function to more than one event
            /// type, we can do it in a single call to MccDaq.MccBoard.EnableEvent, or we can do this in
            /// separate calls for each event type. The main disadvantage of doing this in a
            /// single call is that if the call generates an error, we will not know which
            /// event type caused the error. In addition, the same error condition could
            /// generate multiple error messages.
            /// Parameters:
            ///   eventType   :the condition that will cause an event to fire
            ///   eventSize   :only used for MccDaq.EventType.OnDataAvailable to determine how
            ///               many samples to collect before firing an event
            ///   _ptrMyCallback : a pointer to the user function or event handler
            ///                     to call when above event type occurs. Note that the handler
            ///						can be a delegate or a static member function. Here, we use
            ///						a pointer to a static member function.
            ///   _ptrUserData  : a pointer to a value type that will be used within the event
            ///					   handler. Since our handler is a static member function which
            ///					   does NOT include a reference to this class instance, we're
            ///					   sending the pointer to a struct that holds a reference to the class.

            MccDaq.EventType eventType = MccDaq.EventType.OnDataAvailable;
            eventType |= MccDaq.EventType.OnEndOfAiScan;

            uint eventSize = (uint)this.EventSize.Value;

            MccDaq.ErrorInfo ULStat = DaqBoard.EnableEvent(eventType, eventSize, _ptrMyCallback, _ptrUserData);

            eventType = MccDaq.EventType.OnScanError;
            ULStat    = DaqBoard.EnableEvent(eventType, 0, _ptrOnScanError, _ptrUserData);