        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            font        = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Time");
            Texture2D gras  = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Gras");
            Texture2D hecke = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Hecke2");

            spieler   = Content.Load <Model>("Teapot_red");
            arrow     = Content.Load <Model>("Arrow");
            hintArrow = Content.Load <Model>("HintArrow");
            map       = new Mazemap(2);
            maze      = new MazeConstructor(this, hecke, map, 8, 5);
            floor     = new MazeFloor(this, gras, 5, map.MazeSize, map.MazeSize);

            teekanne = new Spieler(this, spieler)
                Position = new Vector3(map.AnfangsFeld.X + 2.5f, 4, map.AnfangsFeld.Y * 5 + 2.5f)
            teekanne.Scale = new Vector3(0.015f);
            kompass        = new Kompass(this, arrow, teekanne)
                Scale = new Vector3(0.15f)
            hint = new Hint(this, hintArrow, teekanne, map.ZielFeld)
                Scale = new Vector3(0.2f)

            camera = new ArcBallCamera(this, teekanne);
            timer  = new Timer(this, font);
         * Diese Methode erzeugt das Labyrinth
        private void CreateMaze(Mazemap map)
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Part.Length; i++)
                WandLinks(-1, i);
                WandOben(i, -1);
                WandRechts(map.Part.Length, i);
                if (i != map.ZielFeld.X)
                    WandUnten(i, map.Part.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Part.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < map.Part.Length - 1; j++)
                    switch (map.Part[i][j])
                    case MazePart.GangObenUnten: GangObenUnten(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.GangRechtsLinks: GangRechtsLinks(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.Kreuzung: break;

                    case MazePart.KurveObenLinks: KurveObenLinks(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.KurveObenRechts: KurveObenRechts(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.KurveUntenLinks: KurveUntenLinks(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.KurveUntenRechts: KurveUntenRechts(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.SackgasseLinks: SackgasseLinks(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.SackgasseOben: SackgasseOben(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.SackgasseRechts: SackgasseRechts(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.SackgasseUnten: SackgasseUnten(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.TKreuzungLinks: TKreuzungLinks(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.TKreuzungOben: TKreuzungOben(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.TKreuzungRechts: TKreuzungRechts(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.TKreuzungUnten: TKreuzungUnten(i, j); break;

                    case MazePart.Wand: Wand(i, j); break;
            vertexBufferWaende = new VertexBuffer(game.GraphicsDevice, typeof(VertexPositionTexture), VerticesWaende.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
            vertexBufferWaende.SetData <VertexPositionTexture>(VerticesWaende);

            indexBufferWaende = new IndexBuffer(game.GraphicsDevice, typeof(short), IndicesWaende.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
            indexBufferWaende.SetData <short>(IndicesWaende);
 public MazeConstructor(Game game, Texture2D textureWand, Mazemap map, int height, int step)
     vertexListWaende = new List <VertexPositionTexture>();
     indexListWaende  = new List <short>();
     BoundingBoxes    = new List <BoundingBox>();
     this.game        = game;
     this.height      = height;
     this.step        = step;
     this.hecke       = textureWand;
     wandEffect       = new BasicEffect(game.GraphicsDevice);
     this.map         = map;