    // this handles cell creation using the passed coordinates
    private Cell createCell(MazeVector coords)
        // uses the attached prefab to make a cell object and uses the passed coordinates to set it's location in the world
        Cell newCell = Instantiate(cellPrefab) as Cell;

        cells [coords.x, coords.z] = newCell;
        newCell.coordinates        = coords;
        newCell.name             = "Maze cell " + coords.x + ", " + coords.z;
        newCell.transform.parent = transform;
        // adjusts the local position of the cell by set factors so that the cells will be all joined correctly
        newCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coords.x - size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f, 0f, coords.z - size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);
    // this is the next step of maze generation
    private void nextStep(List <Cell> active)
        int  currentIndex = active.Count - 1;        // index is set to one less than the current active count
        Cell currentCell  = active[currentIndex];    // the cell to work on is the one at the currentIndex in the active list

        // checks if the current cell is fully initialised and if so removes it from the active list and ends the function
        if (currentCell.isFullyInitialised)
        }         // otherwise
        // a random unused direction is chosen
        Direction direction = currentCell.randomUninitialisedDirection;
        // the coordinates of the cell in the selected direction are found
        MazeVector coordinates = currentCell.coordinates + direction.toMazeVector2();

        // if those coordinates are within the range of the maze world
        if (containsCoordinates(coordinates))
            Cell neighbour = getCell(coordinates);             // the cell at those coordinates is set as the neighbour cell
            // a neighbour is null when it hasn't been created for anything yet and so in that case is it
            // initialised and a passage is formed between the two cells
            if (neighbour == null)
                neighbour = createCell(coordinates);
                createPassage(currentCell, neighbour, direction);
            // otherwise a wall is created between the two cells
                createWall(currentCell, neighbour, direction);
        // if the coordinates are outside of the maze world space then a wall is made on that edge of the cell
            createWall(currentCell, null, direction);
 // returns the cell at the specified coordinates
 public Cell getCell(MazeVector coordinates)
     return(cells[coordinates.x, coordinates.z]);
 // checks if the coordinates passed to the function are within the range of the maze world
 public bool containsCoordinates(MazeVector coordinate)
     return(coordinate.x >= 0 && coordinate.x < size.x && coordinate.z >= 0 && coordinate.z < size.z);