    public override void PlaceBackground(EditorMazeTile tile)
        EditorMazeTileBackgroundPlacer tileBackgroundPlacer  = new EditorMazeTileBackgroundPlacer(tile);
        MazeTileBackgroundRemover      tileBackgroundRemover = new MazeTileBackgroundRemover(tile);
        MazeTileAttributeRemover       tileAttributeRemover  = new MazeTileAttributeRemover(tile);

        List <ITileBackground> backgrounds       = tile.GetBackgrounds();
        ITileBackground        mazeTileBaseWater = backgrounds.FirstOrDefault(background => background is MazeTileBaseWater);

        // Only act if there is no water
        if (mazeTileBaseWater == null)
            Type oldMainMaterial = tile.TileMainMaterial?.GetType(); // old material before updating it

            // Remove any background overlays for Ground tiles, such as paths.
            if (oldMainMaterial == null || oldMainMaterial == typeof(GroundMainMaterial))
                tileBackgroundRemover.RemoveBackground <MazeTilePath>();

            MazeTileBaseWater water = tileBackgroundPlacer.PlaceBackground <MazeTileBaseWater>();

            List <ITileAttribute> attributes = tile.GetAttributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++)

            if (oldMainMaterial == null || oldMainMaterial == typeof(GroundMainMaterial))
                if (water.ConnectionScore == 16) // remove background if we completely covered the tile with water
                    tileBackgroundRemover.RemoveBackground <MazeTileBaseGround>();
    public override void PlaceBackground(EditorMazeTile tile)
        EditorMazeTileBackgroundPlacer tileBackgroundPlacer  = new EditorMazeTileBackgroundPlacer(tile);
        MazeTileBackgroundRemover      tileBackgroundRemover = new MazeTileBackgroundRemover(tile);
        MazeTileAttributeRemover       tileAttributeRemover  = new MazeTileAttributeRemover(tile);

        Type oldMainMaterial = tile.TileMainMaterial?.GetType(); // old material before updating it

        MazeTileBaseGround oldMazeTileBaseGround = (MazeTileBaseGround)tile.GetBackgrounds().FirstOrDefault(background => background is MazeTileBaseGround);

        if ((oldMainMaterial != typeof(GroundMainMaterial)))
            List <ITileAttribute> attributes = tile.GetAttributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++)

            // Remove the old land background, because we are going to fully cover it with a new land background
            if (oldMazeTileBaseGround != null && oldMazeTileBaseGround.ConnectionScore != 16)
                tileBackgroundRemover.RemoveBackground <MazeTileBaseGround>();

            MazeTileBaseGround newMazeTileBaseGround = tileBackgroundPlacer.PlaceBackground <MazeTileBaseGround>();
            // Remove water from the tile that is fully covered by land
            if (newMazeTileBaseGround.ConnectionScore == 16)
                tileBackgroundRemover.RemoveBackground <MazeTileBaseWater>();

        // Place corner fillers