internal RollingFileAppender(IElementConfiguration configuration)
     : base(configuration)
     mDatePattern = new DatePattern(Properties);
     mMaximumFileSize = new MaximumFileSize(Properties);
     mCountDirection = new CountDirection(Properties);
 internal RollingFileAppender(IElementConfiguration configuration)
     : base(configuration)
     mDatePattern      = new DatePattern();
     mMaximumFileSize  = new MaximumFileSize();
     mCountDirection   = new CountDirection();
     mDateTimeStrategy = new StringValueProperty("Date Time Strategy:", "dateTimeStrategy", Log4NetXmlConstants.Type)
         ToolTip = "Sets the strategy for determining the current date and time.\n" +
                   "The default implementation is to use LocalDateTime (log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender+LocalDateTime,log4net) which internally calls through to DateTime.Now.\n" +
                   "DateTime.UtcNow may be used on frameworks newer than .NET 1.0 by specifying UniversalDateTime (log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender+UniversalDateTime,log4net).\n" +
                   "A custom implementation that implements IDateTime can be specified here as well. Leave blank to use LocalDateTime."
 public void SetUp()
     mSut = new MaximumFileSize(new ReadOnlyCollection <IProperty>(new List <IProperty>()));
 public void SetUp()
     mSut = new MaximumFileSize();