        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var db = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory("Data Source=MAHMOUD\\MAHMOUD;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2012;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False", new SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider()).OpenDbConnection())
                // print the FisrtName of the employee who have a nightshift
                var NightShift = db.Select <Person>(db.From <Person>().Join <EmployeeDepartmentHistory>().Join <Shift, EmployeeDepartmentHistory>().Where <Shift>(o => o.Name == "Night").OrderBy(x => x.FirstName));

                foreach (var shift in NightShift)

                //Print the Number of Employees

                var NumberOfEmployee = db.Scalar <int>(db.From <Employee>().Select(Sql.Count("*")));
                Console.WriteLine("The number of employess is :{0}", NumberOfEmployee);

                //// print the product name having a Black color and a safteyStock more than 800

                var ColorANdSaftey = db.Select <products>(x => x.SafetyStockLevel > 800 && x.Color == "Black");
                foreach (var item in ColorANdSaftey)
                    Console.WriteLine("the item name is {0}", item.Name);

                //print the DepartmentID ordered by the DepartmentID
                var Departments = db.Select <EmployeeDepartmentHistory>().OrderBy(x => x.DepartmentID);
                foreach (var department in Departments)

                //for each product , print the max Standarcost for this product
                var product = db.Select <product>();

                var max = product.GroupBy(w => w.ProductID, w => w.StandardCost, (groupkey, invtotal) => new
                    key         = groupkey,
                    standarcost = invtotal.Max()

                foreach (var item in max)
                    Console.WriteLine("ProductID {0} , Max Standard Cost {1}", item.key, item.standarcost);

                // for each product in different location print the  location who got max product quantity
                var productinventory = db.Select <ProductInventory>();
                var query            = productinventory.GroupBy(x => new
                    prouductid = x.ProductID,
                    locationid = x.LocationID
                }, x => x.Quantity, (groupkey, Maximum) => new
                    key      = groupkey,
                    Quantity = Maximum.Max()

                foreach (var item in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} , {1}, {2}", item.key.prouductid, item.key.locationid, item.Quantity);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var db = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory("Data Source=MAHMOUD\\MAHMOUD;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2012;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False", new SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider()).OpenDbConnection())
                //var ColorANdSaftey = db.Select<products>().Where(x => x.Color == "black" && x.SafetyStockLevel<1000);
                //foreach (var item in ColorANdSaftey)
                //    Console.WriteLine("the item name is ", item.Name);

                //var NumberOfEmployee = db.Scalar<int>(db.From<Employee>().Select(Sql.Count("*")));

                //var Departments = db.Select<EmployeeDepartmentHistory>().OrderBy(x => x.DepartmentID);
                //foreach (var department in Departments)
                //    Console.WriteLine(department.DepartmentID);

                //var product = db.Select<product>();

                //var max = product.GroupBy(w => w.ProductID, w => w.StandardCost, (groupkey, invtotal) => new
                //     {
                //         key = groupkey,
                //         standarcost = invtotal.Max()

                //     });

                // foreach (var item in max)
                //    Console.WriteLine("{0} , {1}", item.key, item.standarcost);

                var productinventory = db.Select <ProductInventory>();
                var query            = productinventory.GroupBy(x => new
                    prouductid = x.ProductID,
                    locationid = x.LocationID
                }, x => x.Quantity, (groupkey, Maximum) => new
                    key      = groupkey,
                    Quantity = Maximum.Max()

                foreach (var item in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} , {1}, {2}", item.key.prouductid, item.key.locationid, item.Quantity);

                //var NightShift = db.Select<Person>(db.From<Person>().Join<EmployeeDepartmentHistory>().Join<Shift, EmployeeDepartmentHistory>().Where<Shift>(o => o.Name == "Night").OrderBy(x => x.FirstName));

                //foreach (var shift in NightShift)
                //    Console.WriteLine(shift.FirstName);
