private async ValueTask <byte[]> FormatAsync(RequestContent requestContent, bool async)
                using var memoryStream = new MaxLengthStream(_maxLength);

                if (async)
                    await requestContent.WriteToAsync(memoryStream, _cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    requestContent.WriteTo(memoryStream, _cancellationToken);

        public void MaxLengthStreamTests()
            string[] lines = new string[]
                "G1 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 F500",
                "G1 X18 Y0 Z0 F2500",
                "G1 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 F500",

            // We should go back to the above code when possible. It requires making pause part and move while paused part of the stream.
            // All communication should go through stream to minimize the difference between printing and controlling while not printing (all printing in essence).
            string[] expected = new string[]
                "G1 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 F500",
                "G1 X6 F2500",
                "G1 X12",
                "G1 X18",
                "G1 X12 F500",
                "G1 X6",
                "G1 X0",

            AggContext.StaticData = new FileSystemStaticData(TestContext.CurrentContext.ResolveProjectPath(4, "StaticData"));

            MaxLengthStream maxLengthStream = new MaxLengthStream(new TestGCodeStream(lines), 6);

            int    expectedIndex = 0;
            string actualLine    = maxLengthStream.ReadLine();
            string expectedLine  = expected[expectedIndex++];

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLine, actualLine, "Unexpected response from MaxLengthStream");

            while (actualLine != null)
                actualLine   = maxLengthStream.ReadLine();
                expectedLine = expected[expectedIndex++];

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedLine, actualLine, "Unexpected response from MaxLengthStream");
            private async ValueTask <byte[]> FormatAsync(Stream content, bool async)
                using var memoryStream = new MaxLengthStream(_maxLength);

                if (async)
                    await content.CopyToAsync(memoryStream, CopyBufferSize, _cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                content.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        public void MaxLengthStreamTests()
            string[] lines = new string[]
                "G1 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 F500",
                "G1 X18 Y0 Z0 F2500",
                "G1 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 F500",

            // We should go back to the above code when possible. It requires making pause part and move while paused part of the stream.
            // All communication should go through stream to minimize the difference between printing and controlling while not printing (all printing in essence).
            string[] expected = new string[]
                "G1 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 F500",
                "G1 X6 F2500",
                "G1 X12",
                "G1 X18",
                "G1 X12 F500",
                "G1 X6",
                "G1 X0",

            MaxLengthStream maxLengthStream = new MaxLengthStream(new TestGCodeStream(lines), 6);

            int    expectedIndex = 0;
            string actualLine    = maxLengthStream.ReadLine();
            string expectedLine  = expected[expectedIndex++];

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLine, actualLine, "Unexpected response from MaxLengthStream");

            while (actualLine != null)
                actualLine   = maxLengthStream.ReadLine();
                expectedLine = expected[expectedIndex++];

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedLine, actualLine, "Unexpected response from MaxLengthStream");