// Constructor used to map from MaturityDataBaseModel
 public MaturityDataModel(MaturityDataBaseModel maturityDataBaseModel) : base()
     PolicyNumber       = maturityDataBaseModel.PolicyNumber;
     PolicyStartDate    = maturityDataBaseModel.PolicyStartDate;
     Premiums           = maturityDataBaseModel.Premiums;
     Membership         = maturityDataBaseModel.Membership;
     DiscretionaryBonus = maturityDataBaseModel.DiscretionaryBonus;
     UpliftPercentage   = maturityDataBaseModel.UpliftPercentage;
        public MaturityDataModel CreateModelFromBaseAndPopulateValues(MaturityDataBaseModel baseModel)
            // Logic for mapping fields has been moved from here into the MaturityDataModel constructor
            MaturityDataModel model = new MaturityDataModel(baseModel);

            // PolicyTypeService is used populate values in accordance with rules that relate to the relevant policy type.

 public MaturityDataModel CreateModelFromBaseModel(MaturityDataBaseModel item)
     // Convert to model containing additional derived/calculated fields
     return(new MaturityDataModel
         PolicyNumber = item.PolicyNumber,
         PolicyStartDate = item.PolicyStartDate,
         Premiums = item.Premiums,
         Membership = item.Membership,
         DiscretionaryBonus = item.DiscretionaryBonus,
         UpliftPercentage = item.UpliftPercentage
        private MaturityDataBaseModel ConvertCsvValuesToModel(string[] values)
            string policy_number       = values[0];
            string policy_start_date   = values[1];
            string premiums            = values[2];
            string membership          = values[3];
            string discretionary_bonus = values[4];
            string uplift_percentage   = values[5];

            MaturityDataBaseModel maturityData = new MaturityDataBaseModel
                PolicyNumber       = policy_number,
                PolicyStartDate    = DateTime.Parse(policy_start_date),
                Premiums           = int.Parse(premiums),
                Membership         = membership.ToUpper() == "Y" ? true : false,
                DiscretionaryBonus = decimal.Parse(discretionary_bonus),
                UpliftPercentage   = decimal.Parse(uplift_percentage)

        public IEnumerable <MaturityDataBaseModel> GetMaturityData()
            // Check CSV file exists
            if (!File.Exists(csvPath))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Please ensure that {0} is in the {1} folder", csvFilename, csvFolder));

            List <MaturityDataBaseModel> maturityDataList = new List <MaturityDataBaseModel>();

            // Load CSV file into StreamReader
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(csvPath))
                int count = 1;
                // Iterate through lines of CSV
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    var line = sr.ReadLine();

                    // Skip the first line containing the column headers
                    if (count > 1)
                        // Split CSV line into string array
                        var values = line.Split(',');

                        // Convert CSV values to MaturityDataBaseModel
                        MaturityDataBaseModel maturityData = ConvertCsvValuesToModel(values);

                        // Add to list
