 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a perspective projection matrix suitable for 2D and 3D rendering.
 /// <para>The first 4 parameters define which area of the stage you want to view (the camera
 /// will 'zoom' to exactly this region). The final 3 parameters determine the perspective
 /// in which you're looking at the stage.</para>
 /// <para>The stage is always on the rectangle that is spawned up between x- and y-axis (with
 /// the given size). All objects that are exactly on that rectangle (z equals zero) will be
 /// rendered in their true size, without any distortion.</para>
 /// <para>If you pass only the first 4 parameters, the camera will be set up above the center
 /// of the stage, with a field of view of 1.0 rad.</para>
 /// </summary>
 public void SetProjectionMatrix(float x, float y, float width, float height,
                                 float stageWidth  = 0, float stageHeight = 0,
                                 float[] cameraPos = null)
     _projectionMatrix3D = MatrixUtil.CreatePerspectiveProjectionMatrix(
         x, y, width, height, stageWidth, stageHeight, cameraPos);
        /** Does the actual filter processing. This method will be called with up to four input
         *  textures and must return a new texture (acquired from the <code>helper</code>) that
         *  contains the filtered output. To to do this, it configures the FilterEffect
         *  (provided via <code>createEffect</code>) and calls its <code>render</code> method.
         *  <p>In a standard filter, only <code>input0</code> will contain a texture; that's the
         *  object the filter was applied to, rendered into an appropriately sized texture.
         *  However, filters may also accept multiple textures; that's useful when you need to
         *  combine the output of several filters into one. For example, the DropShadowFilter
         *  uses a BlurFilter to create the shadow and then feeds both input and shadow texture
         *  into a CompositeFilter.</p>
         *  <p>Never create or dispose any textures manually within this method; instead, get
         *  new textures from the provided helper object, and pass them to the helper when you do
         *  not need them any longer. Ownership of both input textures and returned texture
         *  lies at the caller; only temporary textures should be put into the helper.</p>
        public virtual Texture Process(Painter painter, IFilterHelper helper,
                                       Texture input0 = null, Texture input1 = null,
                                       Texture input2 = null, Texture input3 = null)
            Effect    effect = this.Effect;
            Texture   output = helper.GetTexture(_resolution);
            Matrix3D  projectionMatrix;
            Rectangle bounds = null;
            Texture   renderTarget;

            if (output != null) // render to texture
                renderTarget     = output;
                projectionMatrix = MatrixUtil.CreatePerspectiveProjectionMatrix(0, 0,
                                                                                output.Root.Width / _resolution, output.Root.Height / _resolution);
                // OpenGL renders into textures with Y coordinates flipped :(
            else // render to back buffer
                bounds                  = helper.TargetBounds;
                renderTarget            = (helper as FilterHelper).RenderTarget;
                projectionMatrix        = (helper as FilterHelper).ProjectionMatrix3D;
                effect.TextureSmoothing = _textureSmoothing;

            painter.State.RenderTarget = renderTarget;
            painter.DrawCount += 1;

            input0.SetupVertexPositions(VertexData, 0, bounds);

            effect.Texture     = input0;
            effect.MvpMatrix3D = projectionMatrix;
