private void InitServerState() { if (flyingDirection == { Debug.LogWarning($"{} move direction unclear"); serverState.Direction = Vector2.up; } else { serverState.Direction = Vector2Int.RoundToInt(flyingDirection); } initialPosition = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0)); var child = transform.GetChild(0); var childPosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(new Vector3(child.transform.position.x, child.transform.position.y, 0)); pivot = initialPosition - childPosition; Debug.Log($"Calculated pivot {pivot} for {}"); serverState.Speed = 1f; serverState.Position = initialPosition; serverState.Orientation = Orientation.Up; serverTargetState = serverState; clientState = serverState; clientTargetState = serverState; }
private void DropDownItems() { State = MatrixState.NONE; var current = first; while (current != null) { var bottom = current; int rowKilled = 0; while (bottom != null) { var marker = bottom; while (marker != null && !marker.Visible && marker.Top != null && marker.Top.Visible) { SwapV(marker, marker.Top); rowKilled++; State = MatrixState.DROP_DOWN; } bottom = bottom.Bottom; } while (current.Top != null) { current = current.Top; } current = current.Right; } }
/// Called when MatrixMoveMessage is received public void UpdateClientState(MatrixState newState) { var oldState = clientState; clientState = newState; clientTargetState = newState; if (!StateInit) { StateInit = true; } if (!Equals(oldState.Orientation, newState.Orientation)) { OnRotate.Invoke(oldState.Orientation, newState.Orientation); //This is ok for occasional state changes like beginning of rot: gameObject.BroadcastMessage("MatrixMoveStartRotation", null, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); monitorOnRot = true; } if (!oldState.IsMoving && newState.IsMoving) { OnStart.Invoke(); } if (oldState.IsMoving && !newState.IsMoving) { OnStop.Invoke(); } if ((int)oldState.Speed != (int)newState.Speed) { OnSpeedChange.Invoke(oldState.Speed, newState.Speed); } }
/// Called when MatrixMoveMessage is received public void UpdateClientState(MatrixState newState) { var oldState = clientState; clientState = newState; clientTargetState = newState; if (!StateInit) { StateInit = true; } if (!Equals(oldState.Orientation, newState.Orientation)) { OnRotate.Invoke(oldState.Orientation, newState.Orientation); } if (!oldState.IsMoving && newState.IsMoving) { OnStart.Invoke(); } if (oldState.IsMoving && !newState.IsMoving) { OnStop.Invoke(); } if ((int)oldState.Speed != (int)newState.Speed) { OnSpeedChange.Invoke(oldState.Speed, newState.Speed); } }
/// Convert local matrix coordinates to world position. Keeps offsets in mind (+ rotation and pivot if MatrixMove is present) public static Vector3 LocalToWorld(Vector3 localPos, MatrixInfo matrix, MatrixState state = default(MatrixState)) { //Invalid matrix info provided if (matrix.Equals(MatrixInfo.Invalid) || localPos == TransformState.HiddenPos) { return(TransformState.HiddenPos); } // return matrix.MetaTileMap.LocalToWorld( localPos ); if (!matrix.MatrixMove) { return(localPos + matrix.Offset); } if (state.Equals(default(MatrixState))) { state = matrix.MatrixMove.ClientState; } Vector3 unpivotedPos = localPos - matrix.MatrixMove.Pivot; //localPos - localPivot Vector3 rotatedPos = state.FacingOffsetFromInitial(matrix.MatrixMove).Quaternion *unpivotedPos; //unpivotedPos rotated by N degrees Vector3 rotatedPivoted = rotatedPos + matrix.MatrixMove.Pivot + matrix.GetOffset(state); //adding back localPivot and applying localToWorldOffset return(rotatedPivoted); }
/// Called when MatrixMoveMessage is received public void UpdateClientState(MatrixState newState) { if (!Equals(clientState.Orientation, newState.Orientation)) { onRotation?.Invoke(clientState.Orientation, newState.Orientation); } clientState = newState; clientTargetState = newState; }
private void TryNotifyPlayers() { if (ServerPositionsMatch) { // When serverState reaches its planned destination, // embrace all other updates like changed speed and rotation serverState = serverTargetState; NotifyPlayers(); } }
//이동이 끝나고 다시 이동 버튼을 키는 함수 public void UIAnimationIn() { PlayerCtrl pc = player.GetComponent <PlayerCtrl>(); MatrixState[] states = new MatrixState[4]; states[0] = pc.pos.GetNorthState(); states[1] = pc.pos.GetEastState(); states[2] = pc.pos.GetSouthState(); states[3] = pc.pos.GetWestState(); //크리스탈과 ufo 방향을 초기화 crystalDirection = -1; UFODirection = -1; //갈수 있는 곳이면 버튼을 키기 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Debug.Log(states[i]); if (states[i] == MatrixState.CAN) { moveButtons[i].interactable = true; fadeinAnim[i].Play(); } if (states[i] == MatrixState.CRYSTAL) { crystalDirection = i; } if (states[i] == MatrixState.UFO) { UFODirection = i; } } if (crystalDirection != -1 && PlayerMgr.Instance.item == PlayerItem.EMPTY)//크리스탈 옆에 있고 크리스탈을 안갖고 있다면 { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CANVASOVERLAY").SendMessage("ChangeMineButtonState", true, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } if (UFODirection != -1 && (PlayerMgr.Instance.item == PlayerItem.BLUECRYSTAL || PlayerMgr.Instance.item == PlayerItem.REDCRYSTAL))//UFO가 옆에 있고 크리스탈을 갖고 있다면 { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CANVASOVERLAY").SendMessage("ChangeDropButtonState", true, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } GameMgr.Instance.NonClickPanel.SetActive(false); }
public static MatrixMoveMessage SendToAll(GameObject matrix, MatrixState state) { var msg = new MatrixMoveMessage { Matrix = matrix != null?matrix.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().netId : NetworkInstanceId.Invalid, State = state, }; msg.SendToAll(); return(msg); }
public static NetMessage SendToAll(GameObject matrix, MatrixState state) { var msg = new NetMessage { Matrix = matrix != null?matrix.GetComponent <NetworkedMatrix>().MatrixSync.netId : NetId.Invalid, State = state, }; SendToAll(msg); return(msg); }
private void TryNotifyPlayers() { if (ServerPositionsMatch) { // When serverState reaches its planned destination, // embrace all other updates like changed speed and rotation serverState = serverTargetState; Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0} setting server state from target state {1}", Category.Shuttles, this, serverState); NotifyPlayers(); } }
public Vector3Int GetOffset(MatrixState state = default(MatrixState)) { if (!MatrixMove) { return(InitialOffset); } if (state.Equals(default(MatrixState))) { state = MatrixMove.ClientState; } return(InitialOffset + (Vector3Int.RoundToInt(state.Position) - MatrixMove.InitialPos)); }
private void InitServerState() { if (flyingDirection == { Logger.LogWarning($"{} move direction unclear", Category.Matrix); serverState.Direction = Orientation.Up; } else { serverState.Direction = Orientation.From(Vector2Int.RoundToInt(flyingDirection)); } Vector3Int initialPositionInt = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0)); initialPosition = initialPositionInt; InitialPos = initialPosition.RoundToInt(); //initialOrientation = Orientation.From( serverState.Direction ); serverState.initialOrientation = serverState.Direction; var child = transform.GetChild(0); MatrixInfo = MatrixManager.Get(child.gameObject); var childPosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(new Vector3(child.transform.position.x, child.transform.position.y, 0)); pivot = initialPosition - childPosition; Pivot = pivot.RoundToInt(); Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0}: pivot={1} initialPos={2}, initialOrientation={3}", Category.Matrix,, pivot, initialPositionInt, serverState.initialOrientation); serverState.Speed = 1f; serverState.Position = initialPosition; serverState.orientation = serverState.initialOrientation; serverTargetState = serverState; clientState = serverState; clientTargetState = serverState; if (SensorPositions == null) { CollisionSensor[] sensors = GetComponentsInChildren <CollisionSensor>(); if (sensors.Length == 0) { SensorPositions = new Vector3Int[0]; return; } SensorPositions = sensors.Select(sensor => Vector3Int.RoundToInt(sensor.transform.localPosition)).ToArray(); Logger.Log($"Initialized sensors at {string.Join(",", SensorPositions)}," + $" direction is {State.Direction}", Category.Matrix); } }
public Vector3Int GetOffset(MatrixState state = default(MatrixState)) { if (!MatrixMove || !MatrixMove.IsMoving) { return(CachedOffset); } if (state.Equals(default(MatrixState))) { state = MatrixMove.ClientState; } CachedOffset = initialOffset + (state.Position.RoundToInt() - MatrixMove.InitialPos); return(CachedOffset); }
public GraphicsDevice(IntPtr target) { context = OpenGLContext.GetContext(); context.Samples = 4; // Create context using platform specific methods context.CreateContext(target, IntPtr.Zero, null); //GL.InitGeneral(context); //foreach (var str in GL.GetSupportedExtensions()) //Console.WriteLine(str); modelview_matrix = new MatrixState(); projection_matrix = new MatrixState(); texture_matrix = new MatrixState(); normal_matrix = new MatrixState(); var err = GL.glGetError(); GL.InitGL_1_2(context); GL.InitGL_1_3(context); GL.InitGL_1_4(context); GL.InitGL_1_5(context); GL.InitGL_2_0(context); GL.InitGL_2_1(context); GL.InitGL_3_0(context); GL.InitGL_3_1(context); GL.InitGL_3_2(context); GL.InitFramebuffers(context); GL.InitVertexArrayObjects(context); var sp = GL.GetSupportedExtensions(); if (sp.Contains("GL_AMD_debug_output")) { GL.InitDebugOutputAMD(context); GL.glDebugMessageCallbackAMD(new OpenGL.OpenGL.DebugProc(DebugProcecure), IntPtr.Zero); GL.glDebugMessageEnableAMD(0, 0, 0, new int[] { }, GL.boolean.TRUE); } err = GL.glGetError(); GL.glEnable(GL.Const.GL_TEXTURE_2D); state = new OpenGLState(this); state.Blend = true; state.BlendFunction(Blend.SrcAlpha, Blend.OneMinusSrcAlpha); state.Culling = true; state.DepthTest = true; }
/// Called when MatrixMoveMessage is received public void UpdateClientState(MatrixState newState) { var oldState = clientState; clientState = newState; clientTargetState = newState; if (!Equals(oldState.orientation, newState.orientation) || !ReceivedInitialRotation) { if (!ReceivedInitialRotation) { //this is the first state, so set initial rotation based on offset from initial position previousRotation = newState.RotationOffset; performingInitialRotation = true; } else { //update based on offset from old state previousRotation = oldState.orientation.OffsetTo(newState.orientation); } OnRotateStart.Invoke(previousRotation, !ReceivedInitialRotation); //This is ok for occasional state changes like beginning of rot: gameObject.BroadcastMessage("MatrixMoveStartRotation", null, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); monitorOnRot = true; } if (!ReceivedInitialRotation) { ReceivedInitialRotation = true; } if (!oldState.IsMoving && newState.IsMoving) { OnStart.Invoke(); } if (oldState.IsMoving && !newState.IsMoving) { OnStop.Invoke(); } if ((int)oldState.Speed != (int)newState.Speed) { OnSpeedChange.Invoke(oldState.Speed, newState.Speed); } }
public void PopMatrix() { MatrixState state = matrixState[matrixMode]; unsafe { #if FIXEDSTACK float *m = state.Stack.Pop(); vgLoadMatrix(m); #else float[] m = state.Stack.Pop(); fixed(float *p = m) { vgLoadMatrix(p); } #endif } }
private void CreateNewItems() { State = MatrixState.NONE; var current = first; while (current != null) { var top = current; while (top != null && !top.Visible) { top.NewLife(); State = MatrixState.CREATE; top = top.Bottom; } current = current.Right; } }
public Vector3Int GetOffset(MatrixState state = default(MatrixState)) { if (!MatrixMove) { return(InitialOffset); } if (state.Equals(default(MatrixState))) { state = MatrixMove.ClientState; } if (cachedPosition != state.Position) { //if we moved, update cached offset cachedPosition = state.Position; CachedOffset = initialOffset + (state.Position.RoundToInt() - MatrixMove.InitialPosition); } return(CachedOffset); }
/// Called when MatrixMoveMessage is received public void UpdateClientState(MatrixState newState) { if (!Equals(clientState.Orientation, newState.Orientation)) { OnRotate.Invoke(clientState.Orientation, newState.Orientation); } if (!clientState.IsMoving && newState.IsMoving) { OnStart.Invoke(); } if (clientState.IsMoving && !newState.IsMoving) { OnStop.Invoke(); } if ((int)clientState.Speed != (int)newState.Speed) { OnSpeedChange.Invoke(clientState.Speed, newState.Speed); } clientState = newState; clientTargetState = newState; }
public void PushMatrix() { MatrixState state = matrixState[matrixMode]; unsafe { #if FIXEDSTACK float *m = stackalloc float[9]; vgGetMatrix(m); state.Stack.Push(m); #else float[] m = new float[9]; fixed(float *p = m) { vgGetMatrix(p); } state.Stack.Push(m); #endif } }
/// Called when MatrixMoveMessage is received public void UpdateClientState(MatrixState newState) { var oldState = clientState; clientState = newState; clientTargetState = newState; Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0} setting client / client target state from message {1}", Category.Matrix, this, newState); if (!Equals(oldState.FacingDirection, newState.FacingDirection)) { if (!receivedInitialState && !pendingInitialRotation) { pendingInitialRotation = true; } inProgressRotation = oldState.FacingDirection.OffsetTo(newState.FacingDirection); Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0} starting rotation progress to {1}", Category.Matrix, this, newState.FacingDirection); MatrixMoveEvents.OnRotate.Invoke(new MatrixRotationInfo(this, inProgressRotation.Value, NetworkSide.Client, RotationEvent.Start)); } if (!oldState.IsMoving && newState.IsMoving) { MatrixMoveEvents.OnStartMovementClient.Invoke(); } if (oldState.IsMoving && !newState.IsMoving) { MatrixMoveEvents.OnStopMovementClient.Invoke(); } if ((int)oldState.Speed != (int)newState.Speed) { MatrixMoveEvents.OnSpeedChange.Invoke(oldState.Speed, newState.Speed); } if (!receivedInitialState && !pendingInitialRotation) { receivedInitialState = true; } }
//현재 맵 매트릭스의 한칸한칸의 정보를 불러오는 함수, 갈수 있는 곳이면 true를 반환 public bool GetMatrixState(Position pos, out MatrixState state) { if (pos.R >= 30 || pos.R < 0 || pos.C >= 30 || pos.C < 0) { state = MatrixState.OUT; return(false); } switch (mapMatrix[pos.R, pos.C]) { case MatrixState.CAN: state = MatrixState.CAN; return(true); case MatrixState.CRYSTAL: state = MatrixState.CRYSTAL; return(false); case MatrixState.UFO: state = MatrixState.UFO; return(false); case MatrixState.PLAYER: state = MatrixState.PLAYER; return(false); case MatrixState.AI: state = MatrixState.AI; return(false); case MatrixState.OUT: state = MatrixState.OUT; return(false); default: state = MatrixState.ERROR; return(false); } }
/// Convert local matrix coordinates to world position. Keeps offsets in mind (+ rotation and pivot if MatrixMove is present) public static Vector3 LocalToWorld(Vector3 localPos, MatrixInfo matrix, MatrixState state = default(MatrixState)) { //Invalid matrix info provided if (matrix.Equals(MatrixInfo.Invalid)) { return(TransformState.HiddenPos); } if (!matrix.MatrixMove) { return(localPos + matrix.Offset); } if (state.Equals(default(MatrixState))) { state = matrix.MatrixMove.ClientState; } Vector3 unpivotedPos = localPos - matrix.MatrixMove.Pivot; //localPos - localPivot Vector3 rotatedPos = state.Orientation.Euler * unpivotedPos; //unpivotedPos rotated by N degrees Vector3 rotatedPivoted = rotatedPos + matrix.MatrixMove.Pivot + matrix.GetOffset(state); //adding back localPivot and applying localToWorldOffset return(rotatedPivoted); }
public DestroyState(Matrix matrix, MatrixState oldState) : base(matrix) { this.oldState = oldState; }
/// Convert local matrix coordinates to world position. Keeps offsets in mind (+ rotation and pivot if MatrixMove is present) public static Vector3Int LocalToWorldInt(Vector3 localPos, MatrixInfo matrix, MatrixState state = default(MatrixState)) { return(Vector3Int.RoundToInt(LocalToWorld(localPos, matrix, state))); }
public bool Equals(MatrixState other) { return(Position.Equals(other.Position) && orientation.Equals(other.orientation)); }
private void InitServerState() { serverState.FlyingDirection = InitialFacing; serverState.FacingDirection = InitialFacing; Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0} server initial facing / flying {1}", Category.Shuttles, this, InitialFacing); Vector3Int initialPositionInt = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0)); SyncInitialPosition(initialPosition, initialPositionInt); var child = transform.GetChild(0); var childPosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(new Vector3(child.transform.position.x, child.transform.position.y, 0)); SyncPivot(pivot, initialPosition - childPosition); Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0}: pivot={1} initialPos={2}", Category.Shuttles,, pivot, initialPositionInt); serverState.Speed = 1f; serverState.Position = initialPosition; serverTargetState = serverState; clientState = serverState; RecheckThrusters(); if (thrusters.Count > 0) { foreach (var thruster in thrusters) { var integrity = thruster.GetComponent <Integrity>(); if (integrity) { integrity.OnWillDestroyServer.AddListener(destructionInfo => { if (thrusters.Contains(thruster)) { thrusters.Remove(thruster); } if (thrusters.Count == 0 && IsMovingServer) { StartCoroutine(StopWithDelay(1f)); } }); } } } if (SensorPositions == null) { CollisionSensor[] sensors = GetComponentsInChildren <CollisionSensor>(); if (sensors.Length == 0) { SensorPositions = new Vector3Int[0]; return; } SensorPositions = sensors.Select(sensor => Vector3Int.RoundToInt(sensor.transform.localPosition)).ToArray(); Logger.Log($"Initialized sensors at {string.Join(",", SensorPositions)}," + $" direction is {ServerState.FlyingDirection}", Category.Shuttles); } if (RotationSensors == null) { RotationCollisionSensor[] sensors = GetComponentsInChildren <RotationCollisionSensor>(); if (sensors.Length == 0) { RotationSensors = new GameObject[0]; return; } if (rotationSensorContainerObject == null) { rotationSensorContainerObject = sensors[0].transform.parent.gameObject; } RotationSensors = sensors.Select(sensor => sensor.gameObject).ToArray(); } IEnumerator StopWithDelay(float delay) { SetSpeed(ServerState.Speed / 2); yield return(WaitFor.Seconds(delay)); Logger.LogFormat("{0}: Stopping due to missing thrusters!", Category.Shuttles,; StopMovement(); } }
/// Called when MatrixMoveMessage is received public void UpdateClientState(MatrixState newState) { var oldState = clientState; clientState = newState; matrix.MetaTileMap.GlobalCachedBounds = null; Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0} setting client / client target state from message {1}", Category.Shuttles, this, newState); if (!Equals(oldState.FacingDirection, newState.FacingDirection)) { if (!receivedInitialState && !pendingInitialRotation) { pendingInitialRotation = true; } inProgressRotation = oldState.FacingDirection.OffsetTo(newState.FacingDirection); Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0} starting rotation progress to {1}", Category.Shuttles, this, newState.FacingDirection); MatrixMoveEvents.OnRotate.Invoke(new MatrixRotationInfo(this, inProgressRotation.Value, NetworkSide.Client, RotationEvent.Start)); } if (rcsModeActive) { // enable engines for clients that aren't using RCS if (clientState.IsMoving && !oldState.IsMoving && rcsMovementStartPosition != Vector2Int.RoundToInt(clientState.Position)) { OrientationEnum releativeDirection = GetReleativeOrientation(clientState.FacingDirection.AsEnum(), clientState.FlyingDirection.AsEnum()); StartCoroutine(ClientRCSCoroutine(releativeDirection, clientState.FlyingDirection, false)); } // don't teleport player back to start point Vector2Int roundedPosition = Vector2Int.RoundToInt(clientState.Position); if (roundedPosition == rcsMovementStartPosition) { clientState.FlyingDirection = oldState.FlyingDirection; clientState.Position = oldState.Position; clientState.Speed = oldState.Speed; clientState.IsMoving = oldState.IsMoving; canClientUseRcs = true; } else if (roundedPosition == rcsMovementTargetPosition) { clientState.Position = new Vector3(rcsMovementTargetPosition.x, rcsMovementTargetPosition.y, clientState.Position.z); canClientUseRcs = true; } // else - player is teleported to server position else { canClientUseRcs = true; } } if (!oldState.IsMoving && newState.IsMoving) { MatrixMoveEvents.OnStartMovementClient.Invoke(); } if (oldState.IsMoving && !newState.IsMoving) { MatrixMoveEvents.OnStopMovementClient.Invoke(); } if ((int)oldState.Speed != (int)newState.Speed) { MatrixMoveEvents.OnSpeedChange.Invoke(oldState.Speed, newState.Speed); } if (!receivedInitialState && !pendingInitialRotation) { receivedInitialState = true; } }
public static NetMessage Send(NetworkConnection recipient, GameObject matrix, MatrixState state) { var msg = new NetMessage { Matrix = matrix != null?matrix.GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().netId : NetId.Invalid, State = state, }; SendTo(recipient, msg); return(msg); }