        public void WriteRecords(string filePath, Dictionary <string, object> extra = null)
            MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(filePath);

            WriteGammaList(writer, InPrecision, "inShape", "inRate");
            WriteGammaList(writer, OutPrecision, "outShape", "outRate");

            // MatlabWritter cannot write boolean
            writer.Write("consultOracle", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(ConsultOracle));
            Matrix uncertaintyMat = MatrixUtils.StackColumnsIgnoreNull(Uncertainty);

            // write a Matrix
            writer.Write("uncertainty", uncertaintyMat);
            WriteGammaList(writer, OracleOut, "oraOutShape", "oraOutRate");

            if (extra != null)
                foreach (var kv in extra)
                    writer.Write(kv.Key, kv.Value);

 public static void WriteGammaList(MatlabWriter writer, List <Gamma?> gList,
                                   string shapeName, string rateName)
     double[] shapes, rates;
     GammaListToArrays(gList, out shapes, out rates);
     writer.Write(shapeName, shapes);
     writer.Write(rateName, rates);
        internal void StudentIsPositiveTest4()
            double shape     = 1;
            Gamma  precPrior = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(shape, shape);
            // mean=-1 causes improper messages
            double   mean      = -1;
            Gaussian meanPrior = Gaussian.PointMass(mean);
            double   evExpected;
            Gaussian xExpected = StudentIsPositiveExact(mean, precPrior, out evExpected);

            GaussianOp.ForceProper       = false;
            GaussianOp_Laplace.modified  = true;
            GaussianOp_Laplace.modified2 = true;
            Gaussian xF = Gaussian.Uniform();
            Gaussian xB = Gaussian.Uniform();
            Gamma    q  = GaussianOp_Laplace.QInit();
            double   r0 = 0.38;

            r0 = 0.1;
            for (int iter = 0; iter < 20; iter++)
                q = GaussianOp_Laplace.Q(xB, meanPrior, precPrior, q);
                //xF = GaussianOp_Laplace.SampleAverageConditional(xB, meanPrior, precPrior, q);
                xF = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(mean, r0);
                xB = IsPositiveOp.XAverageConditional(true, xF);
                Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} xB = {1}", xF, xB);
            Console.WriteLine("x = {0} should be {1}", xF * xB, xExpected);

            double[] precs     = EpTests.linspace(1e-3, 5, 100);
            double[] evTrue    = new double[precs.Length];
            double[] evApprox  = new double[precs.Length];
            double[] evApprox2 = new double[precs.Length];
            //r0 = q.GetMean();
            double sum = 0, sum2 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < precs.Length; i++)
                double   r   = precs[i];
                Gaussian xFt = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(mean, r);
                evTrue[i]    = IsPositiveOp.LogAverageFactor(true, xFt) + precPrior.GetLogProb(r);
                evApprox[i]  = IsPositiveOp.LogAverageFactor(true, xF) + precPrior.GetLogProb(r) + xB.GetLogAverageOf(xFt) - xB.GetLogAverageOf(xF);
                evApprox2[i] = IsPositiveOp.LogAverageFactor(true, xF) + precPrior.GetLogProb(r0) + q.GetLogProb(r) - q.GetLogProb(r0);
                sum         += System.Math.Exp(evApprox[i]);
                sum2        += System.Math.Exp(evApprox2[i]);
            Console.WriteLine("r0 = {0}: {1} {2} {3}", r0, sum, sum2, q.GetVariance() + System.Math.Pow(r0 - q.GetMean(), 2));
            //TODO: change path for cross platform using
            using (var writer = new MatlabWriter(@"..\..\..\Tests\student.mat"))
                writer.Write("z", evTrue);
                writer.Write("z2", evApprox);
                writer.Write("z3", evApprox2);
                writer.Write("precs", precs);
        public void WriteBadMatrixThrowsArgumentException()
            var matrix = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(1, 1);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile1", matrix, string.Empty));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile1", matrix, null));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var data = Matrix <double> .Build.Random(2, 2);

            DelimitedWriter.Write("123", data);
            MatlabWriter.Write("123", Matrix <double> .Build.Random(2, 2), "a");
        public static void TestWritingMat()
            string       p = Config.PathToSavedFile("test_save_mat.mat");
            MatlabWriter w = new MatlabWriter(p);

            w.Write("b", 2);
            double[] arr = new double[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            w.Write("arr", arr);
            Vector vec = Vector.FromArray(new double[] { 4, 5, 6, 7 });

            w.Write("vec", vec);

            List <double> list = new List <double>(arr);

            w.Write("list", list);
            Matrix m = Matrix.Parse("1 2\n 3 4");

            w.Write("m", m);

            long time = 1329L;

            w.Write("longNum", time);

            List <Matrix> mats = new List <Matrix>();

            mats.Add(Matrix.IdentityScaledBy(2, 3.0));
            mats.Add(Matrix.IdentityScaledBy(3, 4.0));
            w.Write("list_mats", mats);
        public void CanWriteComplexMatrices()
            var mat1 = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Dense(5, 3);

            for (var i = 0; i < mat1.ColumnCount; i++)
                mat1[i, i] = new Complex(i + .1, i + .1);

            var mat2 = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Dense(4, 5);

            for (var i = 0; i < mat2.RowCount; i++)
                mat2[i, i] = new Complex(i + .1, i + .1);

            var mat3 = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Sparse(5, 4);

            mat3[0, 0] = new Complex(1.1, 1.1);
            mat3[0, 2] = new Complex(2.2, 2.2);
            mat3[4, 3] = new Complex(3.3, 3.3);

            var mat4 = Matrix <Complex> .Build.Sparse(3, 5);

            mat4[0, 0] = new Complex(1.1, 1.1);
            mat4[0, 2] = new Complex(2.2, 2.2);
            mat4[2, 4] = new Complex(3.3, 3.3);

            Matrix <Complex>[] write = { mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4 };
            string[]           names = { "mat1", "dense_matrix_2", "s1", "sparse2" };

            if (File.Exists("testz.mat"))

            MatlabWriter.Write("testz.mat", write, names);

            var read = MatlabReader.ReadAll <Complex>("testz.mat", names);

            Assert.AreEqual(write.Length, read.Count);

            for (var i = 0; i < write.Length; i++)
                var w = write[i];
                var r = read[names[i]];
                Assert.AreEqual(w.RowCount, r.RowCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(w.ColumnCount, r.ColumnCount);

        public void CanWriteDoubleMatrices()
            Matrix <double> mat1 = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(5, 5);

            for (var i = 0; i < mat1.ColumnCount; i++)
                mat1[i, i] = i + .1;

            Matrix <double> mat2 = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(4, 5);

            for (var i = 0; i < mat2.RowCount; i++)
                mat2[i, i] = i + .1;

            Matrix <double> mat3 = Matrix <double> .Build.Sparse(5, 4);

            mat3[0, 0] = 1.1;
            mat3[0, 2] = 2.2;
            mat3[4, 3] = 3.3;

            Matrix <double> mat4 = Matrix <double> .Build.Sparse(3, 5);

            mat4[0, 0] = 1.1;
            mat4[0, 2] = 2.2;
            mat4[2, 4] = 3.3;

            Matrix <double>[] write = { mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4 };
            string[]          names = { "mat1", "dense_matrix_2", "s1", "sparse2" };

            if (File.Exists("testd.mat"))

            MatlabWriter.Write("testd.mat", write, names);

            var read = MatlabReader.ReadAll <double>("testd.mat", names);

            Assert.AreEqual(write.Length, read.Count);

            for (var i = 0; i < write.Length; i++)
                var w = write[i];
                var r = read[names[i]];
                Assert.AreEqual(w.RowCount, r.RowCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(w.ColumnCount, r.ColumnCount);

        public void WriteBadMatricesThrowsArgumentException()
            Matrix <float> matrix = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(1, 1);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile3", matrix, string.Empty));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile3", matrix, null));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile3", matrix, "some matrix"));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile3", new[] { matrix }, new[] { string.Empty }));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile3", new[] { matrix }, new string[] { null }));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile3", new[] { matrix, matrix }, new[] { "matrix" }));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write("somefile3", new[] { matrix }, new[] { "some matrix" }));
        public void MatlabWriteNumericNameTest()
            string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriteNumericNameTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat";

            using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName))
                writer.Write("24", new int[0]);
            Dictionary <string, object> vars = MatlabReader.Read(fileName);

            int[] ints = (int[])vars["24"];
        //[DeploymentItem(@"Data\test.mat", "Data")]
        public void MatlabWriterTest()
            Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(Path.Combine(TestUtils.DataFolderPath, "test.mat"));
            string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriterTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat";

            using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName))
                foreach (var entry in dict)
                    writer.Write(entry.Key, entry.Value);
        public static void ToLogisticSerializeToMat(string file,
                                                    List <Tuple <Beta, Gaussian, Beta> > msgs,
                                                    Dictionary <string, object> extra)
            int n = msgs.Count;

            double[] outBetaA = new double[n];
            double[] outBetaB = new double[n];

            double[] inNormalMeans     = new double[n];
            double[] inNormalVariances = new double[n];
            // alpha parameters
            double[] inBetaA = new double[n];
            double[] inBetaB = new double[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < msgs.Count; i++)
                Tuple <Beta, Gaussian, Beta> pairI = msgs[i];
                Beta     toBeta       = pairI.Item1;
                Gaussian fromX        = pairI.Item2;
                Beta     fromLogistic = pairI.Item3;

                fromX.GetMeanAndVariance(out inNormalMeans[i], out inNormalVariances[i]);
                outBetaA[i] = toBeta.TrueCount;
                outBetaB[i] = toBeta.FalseCount;
                double alpha = fromLogistic.TrueCount;
                double beta  = fromLogistic.FalseCount;
                inBetaA[i] = alpha;
                inBetaB[i] = beta;

            // write to .mat file
            MatlabWriter matWriter = new MatlabWriter(file);

            matWriter.Write("outBetaA", outBetaA);
            matWriter.Write("outBetaB", outBetaB);
            matWriter.Write("inNormalMeans", inNormalMeans);
            matWriter.Write("inNormalVariances", inNormalVariances);
            matWriter.Write("inBetaA", inBetaA);
            matWriter.Write("inBetaB", inBetaB);

            if (extra != null)
                foreach (var kv in extra)
                    matWriter.Write(kv.Key, kv.Value);
        //[DeploymentItem(@"Data\test.mat", "Data")]
        public void MatlabWriterTest()
            Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(Path.Combine(
                                                                     Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(PsychTests).Assembly.Location), // work dir is not the one with Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.Tests.dll on netcore and neither is .Location on netfull
                                                                     "Data", "test.mat"));
            string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriterTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat";

            using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName))
                foreach (var entry in dict)
                    writer.Write(entry.Key, entry.Value);
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double[,] matdata = new double[2, dataList[0].Count];
            for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < dataList.ElementAt(i).Count; j++)
                    matdata[i, j] = dataList.ElementAt(i).ElementAt(j);

            Matrix <double> matrix = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(matdata);

            String path = "D:\\TestDataFile\\thmat\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM -dd-H-mm-ss_") + ".mat";

            MatlabWriter.Write(path, matrix, "data");
        /// <summary>
        /// Escribe la salida del clasificador como una matriz
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list"> lista de objetos OutputAndTarget o salidas del clasificador cntk</param>
        /// <param name="path"> direccion de destino del archivo .mat a crear</param>

        public static void saveDataMatlabMatrix(List <NetEvaluation.OutputAndTarget> list, string path)
            Matrix <float> target = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(list.Count, 1);

            //rows  igual a el numero de registros
            //colums igual al numero de valores en el registro
            Matrix <float> salida = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(list.Count, list[0].Output.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                target.At(i, 0, list[i].Target);
                salida.SetRow(i, list[i].Output);
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, Matrix <float> >();

            dict.Add("target", target);
            dict.Add("output", salida);
            MatlabWriter.Write(path, dict);
 public void Save(string file)
     if (file.EndsWith(".mat"))
         MatlabWriter.Write <Complex>(file, matrix, "A");
     else if (file.EndsWith(".mtx"))
         MatrixMarketWriter.WriteMatrix <Complex>(file, matrix);
     else if (file.EndsWith(".csv"))
         DelimitedWriter.Write <Complex>(file, matrix, ";");
         throw new NotImplementedException();
        public void MatlabWriteStringListTest()
            List <string> strings = new List <string>();

            string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriteStringListTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat";

            using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName))
                writer.Write("strings", strings);
            Dictionary <string, object> vars = MatlabReader.Read(fileName);

            string[] array = (string[])vars["strings"];
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(strings[i], array[i]);
        public void MatlabWriteStringDictionaryTest()
            Dictionary <string, string> dictString = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dictString["a"] = "a";
            dictString["b"] = "b";
            string fileName = $"{System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()}MatlabWriteStringDictionaryTest{Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId}.mat";

            using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(fileName))
                writer.Write("dictString", dictString);
            Dictionary <string, object> vars = MatlabReader.Read(fileName);
            Dictionary <string, object> dict = (Dictionary <string, object>)vars["dictString"];

            foreach (var entry in dictString)
                Assert.Equal(dictString[entry.Key], dict[entry.Key]);
        private void TestCollocationPointCreation()
            var                model        = new CollocationModel();
            ModelCreator       modelCreator = new ModelCreator(model);
            string             filename     = "..\\..\\..\\InputFiles\\PlateWithHole.txt";
            IsogeometricReader modelReader  = new IsogeometricReader(modelCreator, filename);


            //var solverBuilder = new SuiteSparseSolver.Builder();
            //solverBuilder.DofOrderer = new DofOrderer(
            //    new NodeMajorDofOrderingStrategy(), new NullReordering());
            var     solverBuilder = new GmresSolver.Builder();
            ISolver solver        = new GmresSolver(model,
                                                    new AsymmetricDofOrderer(new RowDofOrderingStrategy()),
                                                    new DofOrderer(new NodeMajorDofOrderingStrategy(), new NullReordering()));

            // Structural problem provider
            var provider = new ProblemStructural(model, solver);

            // Linear static analysis
            var childAnalyzer  = new LinearAnalyzer(model, solver, provider);
            var parentAnalyzer = new StaticAnalyzer(model, solver, provider, childAnalyzer);

            // Run the analysis

            var k = solver.LinearSystems[0].Matrix;

            Matrix <double> kmatlab = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(k.NumRows, k.NumColumns);

            for (int i = 0; i < k.NumRows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < k.NumColumns; j++)
                    kmatlab[i, j] = k[i, j];
            MatlabWriter.Write("..\\..\\..\\InputFiles\\KcolMsolve.mat", kmatlab, "Ktotal");
        public void WriteBadMatricesThrowsArgumentException()
            var matrix = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(1, 1);

            var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write(filePath, matrix, string.Empty));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write(filePath, matrix, null));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write(filePath, matrix, "some matrix"));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write(filePath, new[] { matrix }, new[] { string.Empty }));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write(filePath, new[] { matrix }, new string[] { null }));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write(filePath, new[] { matrix, matrix }, new[] { "matrix" }));
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write(filePath, new[] { matrix }, new[] { "some matrix" }));
 public void WriteNullMatrixThrowsArgumentNullException()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => MatlabWriter.Write <double>("somefile2", null, "matrix"));
        public static void LogisticIrt(int numParams, PriorType priorType, AlgorithmType algType, string conditionPrefix = "")
            // timing on Intel Core 2 Duo P9500 with 4GB RAM running Windows Vista
            // 10_250 trial 1:
            // Bayesian/Hierarchical 2000 = 5.4s inference only
            // Variational/Hierarchical 50 iter = 4.2s inference only
            // Variational/Hierarchical 10 iter = 0.85s inference only
            // Variational_JJ/Hierarchical 50 iter = 0.1s inference only
            // Variational_JJ/Hierarchical 10 iter = 0.04s inference only
            // time on desktop:
            // Variational/Hierarchical 10 iter = 0.75s inference only (including test)
            // Variational_JJ/Hierarchical 10 iter = 0.07s inference only (including test)
            LogisticIrtModel train = new LogisticIrtModel(numParams, priorType);
            //train.engine.NumberOfIterations = 100;
            //train.engine.ShowTimings = true;
            string logistic_type = "";

            //logistic_type = "JJ";
            if (logistic_type == "JJ")
            bool specialInitialization = false;

            if (specialInitialization)
                // change initialization
                train.abilityMean.InitialiseTo(new Gaussian(5, 10));
                train.abilityPrecision.InitialiseTo(new Gamma(1, 10));
                train.difficultyMean.InitialiseTo(new Gaussian(5, 10));
                train.difficultyPrecision.InitialiseTo(new Gamma(1, 10));
            LogisticIrtTestModel test = new LogisticIrtTestModel(numParams);

            train.engine.ShowProgress = false;
            test.engine.ShowProgress  = false;
            if (algType == AlgorithmType.Variational)
                train.engine.Algorithm = new VariationalMessagePassing();
                test.engine.Algorithm  = new VariationalMessagePassing();
            bool showTiming = false;

            string baseFolder = @"..\..\";
            string modelName  = numParams + "-PL";
            //modelName = "Mild_skew";
            //modelName = "Extreme_skew";
            //modelName = "Lsat";
            //modelName = "Wide_b";
            string        modelFolder = baseFolder + @"Data_mat\" + modelName;
            DirectoryInfo modelDir    = new DirectoryInfo(modelFolder);

            foreach (DirectoryInfo conditionDir in modelDir.GetDirectories())
                string condition = conditionDir.Name;
                if (!condition.StartsWith(conditionPrefix))
                int    trimStart   = condition.Length - 1;
                string inputFolder = baseFolder + @"Data_mat\" + modelName + @"\" + condition;
                string alg;
                if (algType == AlgorithmType.Variational)
                    alg = "Variational" + logistic_type + @"\" + priorType;
                    alg = algType + @"\" + priorType;
                string outputFolder = baseFolder + @"Estimates_mat\" + modelName + @"\" + alg + @"\" + condition;
                DirectoryInfo outputDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder);
                DirectoryInfo inputDir  = new DirectoryInfo(inputFolder);
                foreach (FileInfo file in inputDir.GetFiles("*.mat"))
                    string name           = file.Name;
                    string number         = name; //.Substring(trimStart);
                    string outputFileName = outputFolder + @"\" + number;
                    if (File.Exists(outputFileName))
                    Dictionary <string, object> dict = MatlabReader.Read(file.FullName);
                    Matrix     m = (Matrix)dict["Y"];
                    Gaussian[] abilityPost, difficultyPost;
                    Gamma[]    discriminationPost = null;
                    Beta[]     guessProbPost      = null;
                    Matrix     responseProbMean;
                    if (algType != AlgorithmType.MCMC)
                        // VMP
                        Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                        abilityPost    = train.engine.Infer <Gaussian[]>(train.ability);
                        difficultyPost = train.engine.Infer <Gaussian[]>(train.difficulty);
                        if (numParams >= 2)
                            discriminationPost = train.engine.Infer <Gamma[]>(train.discrimination);
                        if (numParams >= 3)
                            guessProbPost = train.engine.Infer <Beta[]>(train.guessProb);
                        responseProbMean = test.GetResponseProbs(abilityPost, difficultyPost, discriminationPost, guessProbPost);
                        if (showTiming)
                            Console.WriteLine(algType + " elapsed time = {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                        // sampler
                        LogisticIrtSampler sampler = new LogisticIrtSampler();
                        sampler.abilityMeanPrior        = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(0, 1e6);
                        sampler.abilityPrecPrior        = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1, 1);
                        sampler.difficultyMeanPrior     = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(0, 1e6);
                        sampler.difficultyPrecPrior     = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1, 1);
                        sampler.discriminationMeanPrior = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(0, 1e6);
                        sampler.discriminationPrecPrior = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1, 1);
                        // for debugging
                        //sampler.abilityObserved = ((Matrix)dict["ability"]).ToArray<double>();
                        //sampler.difficultyObserved = ((Matrix)dict["difficulty"]).ToArray<double>();
                        //sampler.discriminationObserved = ((Matrix)dict["discrimination"]).ToArray<double>();
                        if (train.abilityMean.IsObserved)
                            sampler.abilityMeanPrior = Gaussian.PointMass(train.abilityMean.ObservedValue);
                        if (train.abilityPrecision.IsObserved)
                            sampler.abilityPrecPrior = Gamma.PointMass(train.abilityPrecision.ObservedValue);
                        if (train.difficultyMean.IsObserved)
                            sampler.difficultyMeanPrior = Gaussian.PointMass(train.difficultyMean.ObservedValue);
                        if (train.difficultyPrecision.IsObserved)
                            sampler.difficultyPrecPrior = Gamma.PointMass(train.difficultyPrecision.ObservedValue);
                        if (train.discriminationMean.IsObserved)
                            sampler.discriminationMeanPrior = Gaussian.PointMass(train.discriminationMean.ObservedValue);
                        if (train.discriminationPrecision.IsObserved)
                            sampler.discriminationPrecPrior = Gamma.PointMass(train.discriminationPrecision.ObservedValue);
                        Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                        sampler.Sample(new Options(), m);
                        abilityPost        = sampler.abilityPost;
                        difficultyPost     = sampler.difficultyPost;
                        responseProbMean   = sampler.responseProbMean;
                        discriminationPost = sampler.discriminationPost;
                        if (showTiming)
                            Console.WriteLine("MCMC elapsed time = {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    bool showEstimates = false;
                    if (showEstimates)
                        Console.WriteLine("abilityMean = {0}", train.engine.Infer(train.abilityMean));
                        Console.WriteLine("abilityPrecision = {0}", train.engine.Infer(train.abilityPrecision));
                        //Console.WriteLine("abilityMean2 = {0}", train.engine.Infer(train.abilityMean2));
                        //Console.WriteLine("abilityPrecision2 = {0}", train.engine.Infer(train.abilityPrecision2));
                        Console.WriteLine("difficultyMean = {0}", train.engine.Infer(train.difficultyMean));
                        Console.WriteLine("difficultyPrecision = {0}", train.engine.Infer(train.difficultyPrecision));
                    if (showEstimates)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(outputFileName))
                        writer.Write("ability", ToMeanMatrix(abilityPost));
                        writer.Write("ability_se", ToStddevMatrix(abilityPost));
                        writer.Write("difficulty", ToMeanMatrix(difficultyPost));
                        writer.Write("difficulty_se", ToStddevMatrix(difficultyPost));
                        if (discriminationPost != null)
                            writer.Write("discrimination", ToMeanMatrix(discriminationPost));
                            writer.Write("discrimination_se", ToStddevMatrix(discriminationPost));
                        if (guessProbPost != null)
                            writer.Write("guessing", ToMeanAndStddevMatrix(guessProbPost));
                        writer.Write("p", responseProbMean);
        internal void HeteroscedasticGPR()
            // This model is based on the paper "Most Likely Heteroscedastic Gaussian Process Regression" by Kersting et al, ICML 2007
            // Silverman's motorcycle benchmark dataset
            double[] inputs = new double[]
                2.4, 2.6, 3.2, 3.6, 4, 6.2, 6.6, 6.8, 7.8, 8.199999999999999, 8.800000000000001, 8.800000000000001,
                9.6, 10, 10.2, 10.6, 11, 11.4, 13.2, 13.6, 13.8, 14.6, 14.6, 14.6, 14.6, 14.6, 14.6, 14.8, 15.4, 15.4,
                15.4, 15.4, 15.6, 15.6, 15.8, 15.8, 16, 16, 16.2, 16.2, 16.2, 16.4, 16.4, 16.6, 16.8, 16.8, 16.8, 17.6,
                17.6, 17.6, 17.6, 17.8, 17.8, 18.6, 18.6, 19.2, 19.4, 19.4, 19.6, 20.2, 20.4, 21.2, 21.4, 21.8, 22, 23.2,
                23.4, 24, 24.2, 24.2, 24.6, 25, 25, 25.4, 25.4, 25.6, 26, 26.2, 26.2, 26.4, 27, 27.2, 27.2, 27.2, 27.6,
                28.2, 28.4, 28.4, 28.6, 29.4, 30.2, 31, 31.2, 32, 32, 32.8, 33.4, 33.8, 34.4, 34.8, 35.2, 35.2, 35.4, 35.6,
                35.6, 36.2, 36.2, 38, 38, 39.2, 39.4, 40, 40.4, 41.6, 41.6, 42.4, 42.8, 42.8, 43, 44, 44.4, 45, 46.6, 47.8,
                47.8, 48.8, 50.6, 52, 53.2, 55, 55, 55.4, 57.6
            double[] outputs = new double[]
                0, -1.3, -2.7, 0, -2.7, -2.7, -2.7, -1.3, -2.7, -2.7, -1.3, -2.7, -2.7, -2.7, -5.4,
                -2.7, -5.4, 0, -2.7, -2.7, 0, -13.3, -5.4, -5.4, -9.300000000000001, -16, -22.8, -2.7, -22.8, -32.1, -53.5,
                -54.9, -40.2, -21.5, -21.5, -50.8, -42.9, -26.8, -21.5, -50.8, -61.7, -5.4, -80.40000000000001, -59, -71,
                -91.09999999999999, -77.7, -37.5, -85.59999999999999, -123.1, -101.9, -99.09999999999999, -104.4, -112.5,
                -50.8, -123.1, -85.59999999999999, -72.3, -127.2, -123.1, -117.9, -134, -101.9, -108.4, -123.1, -123.1, -128.5,
                -112.5, -95.09999999999999, -81.8, -53.5, -64.40000000000001, -57.6, -72.3, -44.3, -26.8, -5.4, -107.1, -21.5,
                -65.59999999999999, -16, -45.6, -24.2, 9.5, 4, 12, -21.5, 37.5, 46.9, -17.4, 36.2, 75, 8.1, 54.9, 48.2, 46.9,
                16, 45.6, 1.3, 75, -16, -54.9, 69.59999999999999, 34.8, 32.1, -37.5, 22.8, 46.9, 10.7, 5.4, -1.3, -21.5, -13.3,
                30.8, -10.7, 29.4, 0, -10.7, 14.7, -1.3, 0, 10.7, 10.7, -26.8, -14.7, -13.3, 0, 10.7, -14.7, -2.7, 10.7, -2.7, 10.7
            Range j = new Range(inputs.Length);

            Vector[] inputsVec       = Util.ArrayInit(inputs.Length, i => Vector.FromArray(inputs[i]));
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Observed(inputsVec, j).Named("x");
            VariableArray <double> y = Variable.Observed(outputs, j).Named("y");
            // Set up the GP prior, which will be filled in later
            Variable <SparseGP> prior  = Variable.New <SparseGP>().Named("prior");
            Variable <SparseGP> prior2 = Variable.New <SparseGP>().Named("prior2");

            // The sparse GP variable - a distribution over functions
            Variable <IFunction> f = Variable <IFunction> .Random(prior).Named("f");

            Variable <IFunction> r = Variable <IFunction> .Random(prior2).Named("r");

            Variable <double> mean        = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[j]).Named("mean");
            Variable <double> logVariance = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(r, x[j]).Named("logVariance");
            Variable <double> variance    = Variable.Exp(logVariance);

            y[j] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(mean, variance);

            InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();
            GaussianProcess gp     = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), new SquaredExponential(0));
            GaussianProcess gp2    = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), new SquaredExponential(0));

            // Fill in the sparse GP prior
            //Vector[] basis = Util.ArrayInit(120, i => Vector.FromArray(0.5*i));
            Vector[] basis = Util.ArrayInit(60, i => Vector.FromArray(1.0 * i));
            prior.ObservedValue  = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));
            prior2.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp2, basis));
            // Infer the posterior Sparse GP
            SparseGP sgp = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);

            // Check that training set is classified correctly
            Console.WriteLine("Predictions on training set:");
            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
                Gaussian post = sgp.Marginal(inputsVec[i]);
                //double postMean = post.GetMean();
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1}", inputs[i], post);
            //TODO: change path for cross platform using
            using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(@"..\..\HGPR.mat"))
                int      n = outputs.Length;
                double[] m = new double[n];
                double[] s = new double[n];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    Gaussian post = sgp.Marginal(inputsVec[i]);
                    double   mi, vi;
                    post.GetMeanAndVariance(out mi, out vi);
                    m[i] = mi;
                    s[i] = System.Math.Sqrt(vi);
                writer.Write("mean", m);
                writer.Write("std", s);
        public void Sample(Options options, Matrix data)
            if (options.numParams > 2)
                throw new Exception("numParams > 2");
            int numStudents  = data.Rows;
            int numQuestions = data.Cols;
            // initialize the sampler at the mean of the priors (not sampling from the priors)
            double abilityMean        = abilityMeanPrior.GetMean();
            double abilityPrec        = abilityPrecPrior.GetMean();
            double difficultyMean     = difficultyMeanPrior.GetMean();
            double difficultyPrec     = difficultyPrecPrior.GetMean();
            double discriminationMean = discriminationMeanPrior.GetMean();
            double discriminationPrec = discriminationPrecPrior.GetMean();

            double[]            ability             = new double[numStudents];
            double[]            difficulty          = new double[numQuestions];
            List <double>[]     difficultySamples   = new List <double> [numQuestions];
            GaussianEstimator[] difficultyEstimator = new GaussianEstimator[numQuestions];
            for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                difficultyEstimator[question] = new GaussianEstimator();
                difficultySamples[question]   = new List <double>();
                if (difficultyObserved != null)
                    difficulty[question] = difficultyObserved[question];
            List <double>[]     abilitySamples   = new List <double> [numStudents];
            GaussianEstimator[] abilityEstimator = new GaussianEstimator[ability.Length];
            for (int student = 0; student < abilityEstimator.Length; student++)
                abilityEstimator[student] = new GaussianEstimator();
                abilitySamples[student]   = new List <double>();
                if (abilityObserved != null)
                    ability[student] = abilityObserved[student];
            double[]         discrimination          = new double[numQuestions];
            List <double>[]  discriminationSamples   = new List <double> [numQuestions];
            GammaEstimator[] discriminationEstimator = new GammaEstimator[numQuestions];
            for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                discriminationEstimator[question] = new GammaEstimator();
                discriminationSamples[question]   = new List <double>();
                discrimination[question]          = 1;
                if (discriminationObserved != null)
                    discrimination[question] = discriminationObserved[question];
            responseProbMean = new Matrix(numStudents, numQuestions);
            int    niters           = options.numberOfSamples;
            int    burnin           = options.burnIn;
            double logisticVariance = Math.PI * Math.PI / 3;
            double shape            = 4.5;
            Gamma  precPrior        = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(shape, (shape - 1) * logisticVariance);

            precPrior      = Gamma.PointMass(1);
            double[,] prec = new double[numStudents, numQuestions];
            double[,] x    = new double[numStudents, numQuestions];
            int numRejected = 0, numAttempts = 0;

            for (int iter = 0; iter < niters; iter++)
                for (int student = 0; student < numStudents; student++)
                    for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                        // sample prec given ability, difficulty, x
                        // N(x; ability-difficulty, 1/prec) = Gamma(prec; 1.5, (x-ability+difficulty)^2/2)
                        Gamma  precPost = precPrior;
                        double xMean    = (ability[student] - difficulty[question]) * discrimination[question];
                        double delta    = x[student, question] - xMean;
                        Gamma  like     = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1.5, 0.5 * delta * delta);
                        precPost.SetToProduct(precPost, like);
                        prec[student, question] = precPost.Sample();
                        // sample x given ability, difficulty, prec, data
                        // using an independence chain MH
                        bool     y      = (data[student, question] > 0);
                        double   sign   = y ? 1.0 : -1.0;
                        Gaussian xPrior = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(xMean, prec[student, question]);
                        // we want to sample from xPrior*I(x>0)
                        // instead we sample from xPost
                        Gaussian xPost = xPrior * IsPositiveOp.XAverageConditional(y, xPrior);
                        double   oldx  = x[student, question];
                        double   newx  = xPost.Sample();
                        if (newx * sign < 0)
                            newx = oldx; // rejected
                            // importance weights
                            double oldw = xPrior.GetLogProb(oldx) - xPost.GetLogProb(oldx);
                            double neww = xPrior.GetLogProb(newx) - xPost.GetLogProb(newx);
                            // acceptance ratio
                            double paccept = Math.Exp(neww - oldw);
                            if (paccept < 1 && Rand.Double() > paccept)
                                newx = oldx; // rejected
                        x[student, question] = newx;
                        if (iter >= burnin)
                            double responseProb = MMath.Logistic(xMean);
                            responseProbMean[student, question] += responseProb;
                if (abilityObserved == null)
                    // sample ability given difficulty, prec, x
                    for (int student = 0; student < numStudents; student++)
                        Gaussian post = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(abilityMean, abilityPrec);
                        for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                            // N(x; disc*(ability-difficulty), 1/prec) =propto N(x/disc; ability-difficulty, 1/disc^2/prec) = N(ability; x/disc+difficulty, 1/disc^2/prec)
                            Gaussian abilityLike = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(x[student, question] / discrimination[question] + difficulty[question], prec[student, question] * discrimination[question] * discrimination[question]);
                            post.SetToProduct(post, abilityLike);
                        ability[student] = post.Sample();
                        if (iter >= burnin)
                // sample difficulty given ability, prec, x
                for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                    Gaussian post = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(difficultyMean, difficultyPrec);
                    for (int student = 0; student < numStudents; student++)
                        // N(x; disc*(ability-difficulty), 1/prec) =propto N(x/disc; ability-difficulty, 1/disc^2/prec) = N(difficulty; ability-x/disc, 1/disc^2/prec)
                        if (discrimination[question] > 0)
                            Gaussian like = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(ability[student] - x[student, question] / discrimination[question], prec[student, question] * discrimination[question] * discrimination[question]);
                            post.SetToProduct(post, like);
                    difficulty[question] = post.Sample();
                    if (iter >= burnin)
                        //if (difficulty[question] > 100)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("difficulty[{0}] = {1}", question, difficulty[question]);
                if (options.numParams > 1 && discriminationObserved == null)
                    // sample discrimination given ability, difficulty, prec, x
                    for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                        // moment-matching on the prior
                        Gaussian approxPrior = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(Math.Exp(discriminationMean + 0.5 / discriminationPrec), Math.Exp(2 * discriminationMean + 1 / discriminationPrec) * (Math.Exp(1 / discriminationPrec) - 1));
                        Gaussian post        = approxPrior;
                        for (int student = 0; student < numStudents; student++)
                            // N(x; disc*delta, 1/prec) =propto N(x/delta; disc, 1/prec/delta^2)
                            double delta = ability[student] - difficulty[question];
                            if (delta > 0)
                                Gaussian like = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(x[student, question] / delta, prec[student, question] * delta * delta);
                                post.SetToProduct(post, like);
                        TruncatedGaussian postTrunc = new TruncatedGaussian(post, 0, double.PositiveInfinity);
                        double            olddisc   = discrimination[question];
                        double            newdisc   = postTrunc.Sample();
                        // importance weights
                        Func <double, double> priorLogProb = delegate(double d)
                            double logd = Math.Log(d);
                            return(Gaussian.GetLogProb(logd, discriminationMean, 1 / discriminationPrec) - logd);
                        double oldw = priorLogProb(olddisc) - approxPrior.GetLogProb(olddisc);
                        double neww = priorLogProb(newdisc) - approxPrior.GetLogProb(newdisc);
                        // acceptance ratio
                        double paccept = Math.Exp(neww - oldw);
                        if (paccept < 1 && Rand.Double() > paccept)
                            // rejected
                            discrimination[question] = newdisc;
                        if (iter >= burnin)
                // sample abilityMean given ability, abilityPrec
                Gaussian abilityMeanPost = abilityMeanPrior;
                for (int student = 0; student < numStudents; student++)
                    Gaussian like = GaussianOp.MeanAverageConditional(ability[student], abilityPrec);
                    abilityMeanPost *= like;
                abilityMean = abilityMeanPost.Sample();
                // sample abilityPrec given ability, abilityMean
                Gamma abilityPrecPost = abilityPrecPrior;
                for (int student = 0; student < numStudents; student++)
                    Gamma like = GaussianOp.PrecisionAverageConditional(ability[student], abilityMean);
                    abilityPrecPost *= like;
                abilityPrec = abilityPrecPost.Sample();
                // sample difficultyMean given difficulty, difficultyPrec
                Gaussian difficultyMeanPost = difficultyMeanPrior;
                for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                    Gaussian like = GaussianOp.MeanAverageConditional(difficulty[question], difficultyPrec);
                    difficultyMeanPost *= like;
                difficultyMean = difficultyMeanPost.Sample();
                // sample difficultyPrec given difficulty, difficultyMean
                Gamma difficultyPrecPost = difficultyPrecPrior;
                for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                    Gamma like = GaussianOp.PrecisionAverageConditional(difficulty[question], difficultyMean);
                    difficultyPrecPost *= like;
                difficultyPrec = difficultyPrecPost.Sample();
                // sample discriminationMean given discrimination, discriminationPrec
                Gaussian discriminationMeanPost = discriminationMeanPrior;
                for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                    Gaussian like = GaussianOp.MeanAverageConditional(Math.Log(discrimination[question]), discriminationPrec);
                    discriminationMeanPost *= like;
                discriminationMean = discriminationMeanPost.Sample();
                // sample discriminationPrec given discrimination, discriminationMean
                Gamma discriminationPrecPost = discriminationPrecPrior;
                for (int question = 0; question < numQuestions; question++)
                    Gamma like = GaussianOp.PrecisionAverageConditional(Math.Log(discrimination[question]), discriminationMean);
                    discriminationPrecPost *= like;
                discriminationPrec = discriminationPrecPost.Sample();
                //if (iter % 1 == 0)
                //    Console.WriteLine("iter = {0}", iter);
            //Console.WriteLine("abilityMean = {0}, abilityPrec = {1}", abilityMean, abilityPrec);
            //Console.WriteLine("difficultyMean = {0}, difficultyPrec = {1}", difficultyMean, difficultyPrec);
            int numSamplesUsed = niters - burnin;

            responseProbMean.Scale(1.0 / numSamplesUsed);
            //Console.WriteLine("acceptance rate = {0}", ((double)numAttempts - numRejected)/numAttempts);
            difficultyPost = Array.ConvertAll(difficultyEstimator, est => est.GetDistribution(Gaussian.Uniform()));
            abilityPost    = Array.ConvertAll(abilityEstimator, est => est.GetDistribution(Gaussian.Uniform()));
            if (options.numParams > 1)
                discriminationPost = Array.ConvertAll(discriminationEstimator, est => est.GetDistribution(new Gamma()));
            abilityCred    = GetCredibleIntervals(options.credibleIntervalProbability, abilitySamples);
            difficultyCred = GetCredibleIntervals(options.credibleIntervalProbability, difficultySamples);
            bool saveSamples = false;

            if (saveSamples)
                using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(@"..\..\samples.mat"))
                    int q = 11;
                    writer.Write("difficulty", difficultySamples[q]);
                    writer.Write("discrimination", discriminationSamples[q]);
        static void Main()
            Func <double, double> Result = ((double result) => { return(Math.Pow(Math.E, -result)); });

            Console.WriteLine("...bayes_estimation2 Start!!!...");

            Class_p     pre1 = new Class_p();
            MWArray     max_m1 = (MWNumericArray)pre1.pre_process();
            f_method    fsolve_r1 = new f_method();
            f_method1   fmincon_r = new f_method1();
            Classi      integratef = new Classi();
            Classi1     integratef1 = new Classi1();
            MWCharArray str2 = "theta";
            MWCharArray str2f = "n";
            string      str1tt = "(theta^" + 0.ToString() + "/factorial(" + 0.ToString() + ")*exp(1)^(-theta))", str1t;

            Console.WriteLine("please assign the number of points you want deal with:");
            int i, j, data_range = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            for (i = 0; i <= data_range; i++)
                str1tt = str1tt + "*" + "(theta^" + i.ToString() + "/factorial(" + i.ToString() + ")*exp(1)^(-theta))";

            string str1ttf = "(theta^n/factorial(n)*exp(1)^(-theta))" + "*" + str1tt;

            double[,] max_m2 = (double[, ])max_m1.ToArray();
            var max_m3 = DenseMatrix.OfArray(max_m2);

            int s1 = max_m2.GetLength(0), s2 = max_m2.GetLength(1);

            var result_p  = new DenseMatrix((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(s1 / data_range)), s2);
            var result_p1 = new DenseVector(s2);

            double[] std_r;

            long stop_Value = 0, start_Value = 0, freq = 0;

            QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref freq);      //获取CPU频率
            QueryPerformanceCounter(ref start_Value); //获取初始前值

            var count1f = new DenseMatrix((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(s1 / data_range)), s2);

            double[] count1t = new double[s2];
            MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> tmp_m1;

            MWArray[] argsOut   = new MWArray[3];
            MWArray[] argsOut1  = new MWArray[2];
            MWArray[] argsIn    = new MWArray[6];
            MWArray[] argsIn1   = new MWArray[5];
            MWArray[] argsIn1f  = new MWArray[4];
            MWArray[] argsOutf1 = new MWArray[1];
            MWArray[] argsIn1f1 = new MWArray[7];
            MWArray[] argsOutf2 = new MWArray[1];
            int       exitflag  = 0;
            int       allmins   = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < s2; i++)
                //s2 / data_range???
                for (j = 0; j < (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(s1 / data_range)); j++)
                    int count1 = 0;
                    if ((j + 1) * data_range - 1 > max_m3.RowCount)
                        tmp_m1 = max_m3.SubMatrix(j * data_range, data_range - ((j + 1) * data_range - max_m3.ColumnCount), i, 1);
                        tmp_m1 = max_m3.SubMatrix(j * data_range, data_range, i, 1);
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < tmp_m1.RowCount; ii++)
                        for (int jj = 0; jj < tmp_m1.ColumnCount; jj++)
                            if (Math.Abs(tmp_m1[ii, jj]) > 0.9 * max_m3.SubMatrix(0, max_m3.RowCount, i, 1).Enumerate().Max())
                    count1f[j, i] = count1;
                    count1t[i]    = count1t[i] + count1;
                count1t[i] = count1t[i] / Math.Ceiling((double)(s1 / data_range));

            for (i = 0; i < s2; i++)
                //s2 / data_range???
                for (j = 0; j < (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(s1 / data_range)); j++)
                    str1t = "theta^" + count1f[j, i].ToString() + "/factorial(" + ((int)Math.Round(count1f[j, i])).ToString() + ")*exp(1)^(-theta)-" + (count1f[j, i] / data_range).ToString();
                    MWCharArray str1 = new MWCharArray(str1t);
                    argsIn[0]  = str1;
                    argsIn[1]  = str2;
                    argsIn[2]  = 1;
                    argsIn[5]  = 100;
                    argsOut[0] = result_p[j, i];
                    argsOut[1] = exitflag;
                    argsOut[2] = allmins;
                    if (count1f[j, i] <= count1t[i])
                        argsIn[3] = 0;
                        argsIn[4] = count1t[i];
                        fsolve_r1.fsolve_r1(3, ref argsOut, argsIn);
                        result_p[j, i] = ((MWNumericArray)argsOut[0]).ToScalarDouble();
                        argsIn[3] = count1t[i];
                        argsIn[4] = data_range;
                        fsolve_r1.fsolve_r1(3, ref argsOut, argsIn);
                        result_p[j, i] = ((MWNumericArray)argsOut[0]).ToScalarDouble();
            std_r = (double[])Std_t1(result_p);

            for (i = 0; i < s2; i++)
                string str3 = "((1/(sqrt(2*pi)*" + std_r[i].ToString() + "))*exp(((theta-" + count1t[i].ToString() + ")^2)/" + "(-2*" + std_r[i].ToString() + "^2)))";
                str1tt      = str1tt + "*" + str3;
                argsIn1f[0] = str1tt;
                argsIn1f[1] = str2;
                argsIn1f[2] = 0;
                argsIn1f[3] = data_range;
                integratef.integrate(1, ref argsOutf1, argsIn1f);
                result_p1[i] = ((MWNumericArray)argsOutf1[0]).ToScalarDouble();
                str1tt       = str1tt + "/" + result_p1[i].ToString();
                str1tt       = str1tt + "*" + str1ttf + "*" + str2f;;
                argsIn1f1[0] = str1tt;
                argsIn1f1[1] = str2;
                argsIn1f1[2] = str2f;
                argsIn1f1[3] = 0;
                argsIn1f1[4] = data_range;
                argsIn1f1[5] = 0;
                argsIn1f1[6] = data_range;
                integratef1.integrate1(1, ref argsOutf2, argsIn1f1);
                result_p1[i] = ((MWNumericArray)argsOutf2[0]).ToScalarDouble();

            //for (i = 0; i < s2; i++)
            //    MWCharArray str1tt1;
            //    //s2 / data_range???
            //    for (j = 0; j < (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(s1 / data_range)); j++)
            //    {
            //        string str3 = "((1/(sqrt(2*pi)*" + std_r[i].ToString() + "))*exp(((theta-" + count1t[i].ToString() + ")^2)/" + "(-2*" + std_r[i].ToString() + "^2)))";
            //        str1tt = str1tt + "*" + str3;
            //        str1tt1 = new MWCharArray(str1tt);
            //        argsIn1[0] = str1tt1;
            //        argsIn1[1] = str2;
            //        argsIn1[2] = result_p[j, i];
            //        argsIn1[3] = 0;
            //        argsIn1[4] = data_range;
            //        argsOut1[0] = result_p[j, i];
            //        argsOut1[1] = exitflag;
            //        fmincon_r.fmincon_r(2, ref argsOut1, argsIn1);
            //        result_p[j, i] = Result(((MWNumericArray)argsOut1[0]).ToScalarDouble());
            //    }
            MatlabWriter.Write("result_p1.mat", result_p, "result_p1");
            QueryPerformanceCounter(ref stop_Value);//获取终止变量值
            var times2 = (stop_Value - start_Value) / (double)freq * 1000;

            Console.WriteLine("RunTime " + times2 / 1000 + "s");
        public void RecordInferNETTime()
            /**Records time by infer.net*/

             * Only one W just like in Ali's paper.
             * In practice, we typically observe multiple sets of observations
             * where we want to do inference on the same model with the same
             * parameter.
            Vector w = Vector.Zero(d);

            Rand.Normal(Vector.Zero(d), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(d), w);

            // Create the Logistic operator instance only one because we want to use the same
            // one after a new problem (new seed).
            // stopwatch for measuring inference time for each problem
            Stopwatch watch      = new Stopwatch();
            Type      logisticOp = typeof(LogisticOp2);

            LogisticOp2.Watch = watch;
            List <long> allInferTimes = new List <long>();
            var         allPosteriors = new List <VectorGaussian>();

            LogisticOp2.IsCollectLogisticMessages = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectProjMsgs         = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectXMessages        = false;
            for (int seed = seed_from; seed <= seed_to; seed++)
                double b = 0;
                // combine the bias term into W
                Vector[] X;
                bool[]   Y;
                LogisticRegression.GenData(n, w, b, out X, out Y, seed);

                Console.Write("Y: ");

                VectorGaussian wPost;

                // start the watch
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out wPost, epIter, logisticOp);
                // stop the watch
                long inferenceTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;


                Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
                Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
                int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);
                Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);
                Console.WriteLine("True bias: {0}", b);
                //			Vector meanW = wPost.GetMean();

                Console.WriteLine("True w: {0}", w);
                Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");
            string fnameM = string.Format("rec_dnet_n{0}_logistic_iter{1}_sf{2}_st{3}.mat",
                                          n, epIter, seed_from, seed_to);
            string       recordPathM = Config.PathToSavedFile(fnameM);
            MatlabWriter writer      = new MatlabWriter(recordPathM);

            writer.Write("allInferTimes", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(allInferTimes));
            Vector[] postMeans = allPosteriors.Select(vg => vg.GetMean()).ToArray();
            Matrix[] postCovs  = allPosteriors.Select(vg => vg.GetVariance()).ToArray();
            writer.Write("postMeans", postMeans);
            writer.Write("postCovs", postCovs);
            writer.Write("dim", d);
            writer.Write("n", n);
            writer.Write("epIter", epIter);
            writer.Write("seed_from", seed_from);
            writer.Write("seed_to", seed_to);
            writer.Write("init_fixed_seed", init_fixed_seed);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region 保存txt文件格式

            //decimal[] myValue = new decimal[] { 1.111111888m, 2.111111888m, 3.111111888m, 4.111111888m };
            //double[] myValueDb = new double[myValue.Length];
            //for (int i = 0; i < myValue.Length; i++)
            //    myValueDb[i] = (double)decimal.Round(myValue[i], 6);
            //string[] mydateTime = new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString("F"), DateTime.Now.ToString("F"), DateTime.Now.ToString("F"), DateTime.Now.ToString("F") };

            //string fileName = @"C:\Users\asus\Desktop\1.txt";
            //using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create))

            //    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
            //    sw.Write("序号|");
            //    sw.Write("          时间           |");
            //    sw.WriteLine("   值    ");
            //    sw.WriteLine();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < myValue.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        sw.Write(" " + (i + 1) + "  |" + mydateTime[i].ToString() + "   |");
            //        sw.WriteLine("   " + myValueDb[i].ToString());
            //    }
            //    sw.Flush();
            //    sw.Close();


            #region 保存csv文件格式
            //string[] mydateTime = new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString("F"), DateTime.Now.ToString("F"), DateTime.Now.ToString("F"), DateTime.Now.ToString("F") };
            //decimal[] myValue = new decimal[] { 1.1111118m, 2.1111118m, 3.1111118m, 4.1111118m };
            //double[] myValueDb = new double[myValue.Length];

            //for (int i = 0; i < myValue.Length; i++)
            //    myValueDb[i] = (double)decimal.Round(myValue[i], 6);

            //string fileName = @"C:\Users\asus\Desktop\1.csv";
            //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, false, Encoding.UTF8);

            //sw.Write("序号" + "," + "时间" + "," + "值");
            //for (int i = 0; i < myValue.Length; i++)
            //    sw.Write((i + 1) + "," + mydateTime[i] + "," + myValueDb[i]);
            //    sw.Write(Environment.NewLine);


            #region 保存mat格式

            FileStream fs = File.Create(@"C:\Users\asus\Desktop\collection2.mat");
            double[] X = new double[] { 1.1111118f, 2.1111118f, 3.1111118f, 4.1111118f, 5.1111118f };
            double[] Y = new double[] { 9.1111118f, 9.1111118f, 9.1111118f, 9.1111118f, 10.1111118f };
            double[,] X_Y = new double[5, 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < X.Length; i++)
                X_Y[i, 0] = Math.Round(X[i], 7);
                X_Y[i, 1] = Math.Round(Y[i], 7);
            var mb = Matrix <double> .Build;

            var myMatrix = mb.Dense(X.Length, 2, (i, j) => X_Y[i, j]);
            MatlabWriter.Write <double>(@"C:\Users\asus\Desktop\collection2.mat", myMatrix, "a");

        internal void StudentIsPositiveTest2()
            GaussianOp.ForceProper = false;
            double   shape     = 1;
            double   mean      = -1;
            Gamma    precPrior = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(shape, shape);
            Gaussian meanPrior = Gaussian.PointMass(mean);
            double   evExpected;
            Gaussian xExpected = StudentIsPositiveExact(mean, precPrior, out evExpected);

            Gaussian xF2 = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(-1, 1);
            // the energy has a stationary point here (min in both dimensions), even though xF0 is improper
            Gaussian xB0 = new Gaussian(2, 1);

            xF2 = Gaussian.FromMeanAndVariance(-4.552, 6.484);
            //xB0 = new Gaussian(1.832, 0.9502);
            //xB0 = new Gaussian(1.792, 1.558);
            //xB0 = new Gaussian(1.71, 1.558);
            //xB0 = new Gaussian(1.792, 1.5);
            Gaussian xF0 = GaussianOp_Slow.SampleAverageConditional(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior);

            //Console.WriteLine("xB0 = {0} xF0 = {1}", xB0, xF0);

            xF2 = new Gaussian(0.8651, 1.173);
            xB0 = new Gaussian(-4, 2);
            xB0 = new Gaussian(7, 7);
            if (false)
                xF2 = new Gaussian(mean, 1);
                double[] xs      = EpTests.linspace(0, 100, 1000);
                double[] logTrue = Util.ArrayInit(xs.Length, i => GaussianOp.LogAverageFactor(xs[i], mean, precPrior));
                xF2 = FindxF4(xs, logTrue, xF2);
                xF2 = Gaussian.FromNatural(-0.85, 0);
                xB0 = IsPositiveOp.XAverageConditional(true, xF2);
                Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} xB = {1}", xF2, xB0);
                Console.WriteLine("x = {0} should be {1}", xF2 * xB0, xExpected);
                Console.WriteLine("proj[T*xB] = {0}", GaussianOp_Slow.SampleAverageConditional(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior) * xB0);
                double ev = System.Math.Exp(IsPositiveOp.LogAverageFactor(true, xF2) + GaussianOp_Slow.LogAverageFactor(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior) - xF2.GetLogAverageOf(xB0));
                Console.WriteLine("evidence = {0} should be {1}", ev, evExpected);
            if (false)
                xF2 = new Gaussian(mean, 1);
                xF2 = FindxF3(xExpected, evExpected, meanPrior, precPrior, xF2);
                xB0 = IsPositiveOp.XAverageConditional(true, xF2);
                Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} xB = {1}", xF2, xB0);
                Console.WriteLine("x = {0} should be {1}", xF2 * xB0, xExpected);
                //double ev = Math.Exp(IsPositiveOp.LogAverageFactor(true, xF2) + GaussianOp.LogAverageFactor_slow(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior) - xF2.GetLogAverageOf(xB0));
                //Console.WriteLine("evidence = {0} should be {1}", ev, evExpected);
            if (false)
                xF2 = new Gaussian(-2, 10);
                xF2 = FindxF2(meanPrior, precPrior, xF2);
                xB0 = IsPositiveOp.XAverageConditional(true, xF2);
                xF0 = GaussianOp_Slow.SampleAverageConditional(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior);
                Console.WriteLine("xB = {0}", xB0);
                Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} should be {1}", xF0, xF2);
            if (false)
                xF2 = new Gaussian(-3998, 4000);
                xF2 = new Gaussian(0.8651, 1.173);
                xB0 = new Gaussian(-4, 2);
                xB0 = new Gaussian(2000, 1e-5);
                xB0 = FindxB(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior, xF2);
                xF0 = GaussianOp_Slow.SampleAverageConditional(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior);
                Console.WriteLine("xB = {0}", xB0);
                Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} should be {1}", xF0, xF2);
            if (false)
                //xF2 = new Gaussian(-7, 10);
                //xF2 = new Gaussian(-50, 52);
                xB0 = new Gaussian(-1.966, 5.506e-08);
                //xF2 = new Gaussian(-3998, 4000);
                xF0 = FindxF(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior, xF2);
                Gaussian xB2 = IsPositiveOp.XAverageConditional(true, xF0);
                Console.WriteLine("xF = {0}", xF0);
                Console.WriteLine("xB = {0} should be {1}", xB2, xB0);
            if (true)
                xF0 = new Gaussian(-3.397e+08, 5.64e+08);
                xF0 = new Gaussian(-2.373e+04, 2.8e+04);
                xB0 = new Gaussian(2.359, 1.392);
                xF0 = Gaussian.FromNatural(-0.84, 0);
                //xF0 = Gaussian.FromNatural(-0.7, 0);
                for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++)
                    xB0 = FindxB(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior, xF0);
                    Gaussian xFt = GaussianOp_Slow.SampleAverageConditional(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior);
                    Console.WriteLine("xB = {0}", xB0);
                    Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} should be {1}", xFt, xF0);
                    xF0 = FindxF0(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior, xF0);
                    Gaussian xBt = IsPositiveOp.XAverageConditional(true, xF0);
                    Console.WriteLine("xF = {0}", xF0);
                    Console.WriteLine("xB = {0} should be {1}", xBt, xB0);
                Console.WriteLine("x = {0} should be {1}", xF0 * xB0, xExpected);
                double ev = System.Math.Exp(IsPositiveOp.LogAverageFactor(true, xF0) + GaussianOp_Slow.LogAverageFactor(xB0, meanPrior, precPrior) - xF0.GetLogAverageOf(xB0));
                Console.WriteLine("evidence = {0} should be {1}", ev, evExpected);

            //var precs = EpTests.linspace(1e-6, 1e-5, 200);
            var precs = EpTests.linspace(xB0.Precision / 11, xB0.Precision, 100);

            //var precs = EpTests.linspace(xF0.Precision/20, xF0.Precision/3, 100);
            precs = EpTests.linspace(1e-9, 1e-5, 100);
            //precs = new double[] { xB0.Precision };
            var ms = EpTests.linspace(xB0.GetMean() - 1, xB0.GetMean() + 1, 100);

            //var ms = EpTests.linspace(xF0.GetMean()-1, xF0.GetMean()+1, 100);
            //precs = EpTests.linspace(1.0/10, 1.0/8, 200);
            ms = EpTests.linspace(2000, 4000, 100);
            //ms = new double[] { xB0.GetMean() };
            Matrix result  = new Matrix(precs.Length, ms.Length);
            Matrix result2 = new Matrix(precs.Length, ms.Length);

            //ms = new double[] { 0.7 };
            for (int j = 0; j < ms.Length; j++)
                double   maxZ  = double.NegativeInfinity;
                double   minZ  = double.PositiveInfinity;
                Gaussian maxxF = Gaussian.Uniform();
                Gaussian minxF = Gaussian.Uniform();
                Gaussian maxxB = Gaussian.Uniform();
                Gaussian minxB = Gaussian.Uniform();
                Vector   v     = Vector.Zero(3);
                for (int i = 0; i < precs.Length; i++)
                    Gaussian xF = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(ms[j], precs[i]);
                    xF = xF2;
                    Gaussian xB = IsPositiveOp.XAverageConditional(true, xF);
                    xB = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(ms[j], precs[i]);
                    //xB = xB0;
                    v[0] = IsPositiveOp.LogAverageFactor(true, xF);
                    v[1] = GaussianOp.LogAverageFactor_slow(xB, meanPrior, precPrior);
                    //v[1] = GaussianOp_Slow.LogAverageFactor(xB, meanPrior, precPrior);
                    v[2] = -xF.GetLogAverageOf(xB);
                    double logZ = v.Sum();
                    double Z    = logZ;
                    if (Z > maxZ)
                        maxZ  = Z;
                        maxxF = xF;
                        maxxB = xB;
                    if (Z < minZ)
                        minZ  = Z;
                        minxF = xF;
                        minxB = xB;
                    result[i, j]  = Z;
                    result2[i, j] = IsPositiveOp.LogAverageFactor(true, xF) + xF0.GetLogAverageOf(xB) - xF.GetLogAverageOf(xB);
                    //Gaussian xF3 = GaussianOp.SampleAverageConditional_slower(xB, meanPrior, precPrior);
                    //result[i, j] = Math.Pow(xF3.Precision - xF.Precision, 2);
                    //result2[i, j] = Math.Pow((xF2*xB).Precision - (xF*xB).Precision, 2);
                    //result2[i, j] = -xF.GetLogAverageOf(xB);
                    //Gaussian xF2 = GaussianOp.SampleAverageConditional_slow(xB, Gaussian.PointMass(0), precPrior);
                    Gaussian xMarginal = xF * xB;
                    //Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} Z = {1} x = {2}", xF, Z.ToString("g4"), xMarginal);
                double delta = v[1] - v[2];
                //Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} xB = {1} maxZ = {2} x = {3}", maxxF, maxxB, maxZ.ToString("g4"), maxxF*maxxB);
                //Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} maxZ = {1} delta = {2}", maxxF, maxZ.ToString("g4"), delta.ToString("g4"));
                Console.WriteLine("xF = {0} xB = {1} minZ = {2} x = {3}", minxF, minxB, minZ.ToString("g4"), minxF * minxB);
            //TODO: change path for cross platform using
            using (var writer = new MatlabWriter(@"..\..\..\Tests\student.mat"))
                writer.Write("z", result);
                writer.Write("z2", result2);
                writer.Write("precs", precs);
                writer.Write("ms", ms);