        protected virtual void RenderInstances(CameraContext cameraContext, CommandBuffer renderQueue, Mesh mesh,
                                               List <Matrix4x4> transforms, List <Matrix4x4> parentTransforms,
                                               List <CreateMessage> shapes, Material material)
            CategoriesState categories = this.CategoriesState;

            // Handle instancing block size limits.
            for (int i = 0; i < transforms.Count; i += _instanceTransforms.Length)
                MaterialPropertyBlock materialProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
                int itemCount = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < _instanceTransforms.Length && j + i < transforms.Count; ++j)
                    if (categories == null || categories.IsActive(shapes[i + j].Category))
                        _instanceTransforms[itemCount] =
                            cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * parentTransforms[i + j] * transforms[i + j];
                        Maths.Colour colour = new Maths.Colour(shapes[i + j].Attributes.Colour);

                if (itemCount > 0)
                    materialProperties.SetVectorArray("_Color", _instanceColours);
                    renderQueue.DrawMeshInstanced(mesh, 0, material, 0, _instanceTransforms, itemCount, materialProperties);
        protected override void RenderInstances(CameraContext cameraContext, CommandBuffer renderQueue, Mesh mesh,
                                                List <Matrix4x4> transforms, List <Matrix4x4> parentTransforms,
                                                List <CreateMessage> shapes, Material material)
            // Work out which mesh set we are rendering from the parent call: solid or wireframe. We could also look at
            // the first CreateMessage flags.
            Mesh[] meshes =
                (shapes.Count > 0 && (shapes[0].Flags & (ushort)ObjectFlag.Wireframe) != 0)  ? _wireframeMeshes : _solidMeshes;
            CategoriesState categories = this.CategoriesState;

            // Handle instancing block size limits.
            for (int i = 0; i < transforms.Count; i += _instanceTransforms.Length)
                MaterialPropertyBlock materialProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
                int itemCount = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < _instanceTransforms.Length && j + i < transforms.Count; ++j)
                    if (categories != null && !categories.IsActive(shapes[i + j].Category))

                    // Build the end cap transforms.
                    Matrix4x4 modelToSceneTransform = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * parentTransforms[i + j];
                    Matrix4x4 transform             = transforms[i + j];

                    // Work out the scaling. We only want to lengthen each line.
                    Vector3 scale = Vector3.zero;
                    scale.x = transform.GetColumn(0).magnitude;
                    scale.y = transform.GetColumn(1).magnitude;
                    scale.z = transform.GetColumn(2).magnitude;

                    // Remove scaling.
                    transform.SetColumn(0, transform.GetColumn(0) / scale.x);
                    transform.SetColumn(1, transform.GetColumn(1) / scale.y);
                    transform.SetColumn(2, transform.GetColumn(2) / scale.z);

                    // Scale each mesh.
                    Matrix4x4 transform2 = transform;
                    transform2.SetColumn(0, transform2.GetColumn(0) * scale.x);
                    _instanceTransforms[itemCount] = modelToSceneTransform * transform2;

                    transform2 = transform;
                    transform2.SetColumn(1, transform2.GetColumn(1) * scale.y);
                    _axis1Transforms[itemCount] = modelToSceneTransform * transform2;

                    transform2 = transform;
                    transform2.SetColumn(2, transform2.GetColumn(2) * scale.z);
                    _axis2Transforms[itemCount] = modelToSceneTransform * transform2;

                    Maths.Colour colour = new Maths.Colour(shapes[i + j].Attributes.Colour);

                if (itemCount > 0)
                    materialProperties.SetVectorArray("_Color", _instanceColours);
                    // Render body.
                    renderQueue.DrawMeshInstanced(meshes[0], 0, material, 0, _instanceTransforms, itemCount, materialProperties);
                    // Render end caps.
                    renderQueue.DrawMeshInstanced(meshes[1], 0, material, 0, _axis1Transforms, itemCount, materialProperties);
                    renderQueue.DrawMeshInstanced(meshes[2], 0, material, 0, _axis2Transforms, itemCount, materialProperties);
        protected override void RenderInstances(CameraContext cameraContext, CommandBuffer renderQueue, Mesh mesh,
                                                List <Matrix4x4> transforms, List <Matrix4x4> parentTransforms,
                                                List <CreateMessage> shapes, Material material)
            // Work out which mesh set we are rendering from the parent call: solid or wireframe. We could also look at
            // the first CreateMessage flags.
            Mesh[] meshes =
                (shapes.Count > 0 && (shapes[0].Flags & (ushort)ObjectFlag.Wireframe) != 0)  ? _wireframeMeshes : _solidMeshes;
            CategoriesState categories = this.CategoriesState;

            // Handle instancing block size limits.
            for (int i = 0; i < transforms.Count; i += _instanceTransforms.Length)
                MaterialPropertyBlock materialProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
                int itemCount = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < _instanceTransforms.Length && j + i < transforms.Count; ++j)
                    if (categories != null && !categories.IsActive(shapes[i + j].Category))

                    // Build the end cap transforms.
                    Matrix4x4 modelToSceneTransform = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * parentTransforms[i + j];
                    Matrix4x4 transform             = transforms[i + j];
                    _instanceTransforms[itemCount] = modelToSceneTransform * transform;

                    // Extract radius and length to position the end caps.
                    float   radius = transform.GetColumn(0).magnitude;
                    Vector4 zAxis  = transform.GetColumn(2);
                    float   length = zAxis.magnitude;
                    zAxis *= 1.0f / (length != 0 ? length : 1.0f);
                    // Scale the length axis to match the other two as the end caps are spheres.
                    transform.SetColumn(2, zAxis * radius);

                    // Adjust position for the first end cap.
                    Vector4 tAxis = transform.GetColumn(3);
                    tAxis += -0.5f * length * zAxis;
                    transform.SetColumn(3, tAxis);
                    _cap1Transforms[j] = modelToSceneTransform * transform;

                    // Adjust position for the second end cap.
                    tAxis += length * zAxis;
                    transform.SetColumn(3, tAxis);
                    _cap2Transforms[j] = modelToSceneTransform * transform;

                    Maths.Colour colour = new Maths.Colour(shapes[i + j].Attributes.Colour);

                if (itemCount > 0)
                    materialProperties.SetVectorArray("_Color", _instanceColours);
                    // Render body.
                    renderQueue.DrawMeshInstanced(meshes[0], 0, material, 0, _instanceTransforms, itemCount, materialProperties);
                    // Render end caps.
                    renderQueue.DrawMeshInstanced(meshes[1], 0, material, 0, _cap1Transforms, itemCount, materialProperties);
                    renderQueue.DrawMeshInstanced(meshes[2], 0, material, 0, _cap2Transforms, itemCount, materialProperties);