private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, m_Threshold.AsFloat()); if (m_RespawnPoints != null) { for (int respawnPointIndex = 0; respawnPointIndex < m_RespawnPoints.Length; ++respawnPointIndex) { RespawnPoint respawnPoint = m_RespawnPoints[respawnPointIndex]; if (respawnPoint == null) { continue; } TSVector2 normalizedDir = respawnPoint.forceDirection.normalized; // Draw main direction. if (respawnPoint.transform != null) { Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Vector3 from = respawnPoint.transform.position.ToVector(); Vector3 to = from + new Vector3(normalizedDir.x.AsFloat(), normalizedDir.y.AsFloat(), 0f); Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to); } if (MathFP.Abs(respawnPoint.errorAngle) > FP.Zero) { // Draw error range. { Gizmos.color =; TSVector2 normalizedDirLeft = normalizedDir.Rotate(-respawnPoint.errorAngle); Vector3 from = respawnPoint.transform.position.ToVector(); Vector3 to = from + new Vector3(normalizedDirLeft.x.AsFloat(), normalizedDirLeft.y.AsFloat(), 0f); Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to); } { Gizmos.color =; TSVector2 normalizedDirRight = normalizedDir.Rotate(respawnPoint.errorAngle); Vector3 from = respawnPoint.transform.position.ToVector(); Vector3 to = from + new Vector3(normalizedDirRight.x.AsFloat(), normalizedDirRight.y.AsFloat(), 0f); Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to); } } } } }
static public int Distance(int dx, int dy) { dx = MathFP.Abs(dx); dy = MathFP.Abs(dy); if (dx == 0) { return(dy); } else if (dy == 0) { return(dx); } long len = (((long)dx * dx) >> SingleFP.DecimalBits) + (((long)dy * dy) >> SingleFP.DecimalBits); long s = (dx + dy) - (MathFP.Min(dx, dy) >> 1); s = (s + ((len << SingleFP.DecimalBits) / s)) >> 1; s = (s + ((len << SingleFP.DecimalBits) / s)) >> 1; return((int)s); }
public GradientBrushFP(int ff_xmin, int ff_ymin, int ff_xmax, int ff_ymax, int ff_angle, int type) { bounds.Reset(ff_xmin, ff_ymin, ff_xmax == ff_xmin ? ff_xmin + 1 : ff_xmax, ff_ymax == ff_ymin ? ff_ymin + 1 : ff_ymax); matrix = new MatrixFP(); matrix.Translate(-(ff_xmin + ff_xmax) / 2, -(ff_ymin + ff_ymax) / 2); matrix.Rotate(-ff_angle); this.type = type; if (type == RADIAL_GRADIENT) { matrix.Scale(MathFP.Div(SingleFP.One, bounds.Width), MathFP.Div(SingleFP.One, bounds.Height)); } int ff_ang = MathFP.Atan(MathFP.Div(bounds.Height, bounds.Width == 0 ? 1 : bounds.Width)); int ff_len = PointFP.Distance(bounds.Height, bounds.Width); ff_length = MathFP.Mul(ff_len, MathFP.Max( MathFP.Abs(MathFP.Cos(ff_angle - ff_ang)), MathFP.Abs(MathFP.Cos(ff_angle + ff_ang)))); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------ // Date Name Tracking # Description // --------- ------------------- ------------- ---------------------- // 13JUN2009 James Shen Initial Creation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * calculate the distance. * @param dx * @param dy * @return */ static public int Distance(int dx, int dy) { dx = MathFP.Abs(dx); dy = MathFP.Abs(dy); if (dx == 0) { return(dy); } if (dy == 0) { return(dx); } var len = (((long)dx * dx) >> SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS) + (((long)dy * dy) >> SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS); long s = (dx + dy) - (MathFP.Min(dx, dy) >> 1); s = (s + ((len << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS) / s)) >> 1; s = (s + ((len << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS) / s)) >> 1; return((int)s); }
public static GraphicsPathFP CreateArc(int ff_xmin, int ff_ymin, int ff_xmax, int ff_ymax, int ff_startangle, int ff_sweepangle, bool closed, bool standalone) { if (ff_sweepangle < 0) { ff_startangle += ff_sweepangle; ff_sweepangle = -ff_sweepangle; } int segments = MathFP.Round(MathFP.Div(4 * MathFP.Abs(ff_sweepangle), MathFP.PI)) >> SingleFP.DecimalBits; if (segments == 0) { segments = 1; } GraphicsPathFP path = new GraphicsPathFP(); int ff_darg = ff_sweepangle / segments; int ff_arg = ff_startangle; int ff_lastcos = MathFP.Cos(ff_startangle); int ff_lastsin = MathFP.Sin(ff_startangle); int ff_xc = (ff_xmin + ff_xmax) / 2; int ff_yc = (ff_ymin + ff_ymax) / 2; int ff_rx = (ff_xmax - ff_xmin) / 2; int ff_ry = (ff_ymax - ff_ymin) / 2; int ff_RXBETA = MathFP.Mul(17381, ff_rx); int ff_RYBETA = MathFP.Mul(17381, ff_ry); int ff_currcos, ff_currsin, ff_x1, ff_y1, ff_x2, ff_y2; if (closed) { path.AddMoveTo(new PointFP(ff_xc, ff_yc)); } for (int i = 1; i <= segments; i++) { ff_arg = i == segments?ff_startangle + ff_sweepangle:ff_arg + ff_darg; ff_currcos = MathFP.Cos(ff_arg); ff_currsin = MathFP.Sin(ff_arg); ff_x1 = ff_xc + MathFP.Mul(ff_rx, ff_lastcos); ff_y1 = ff_yc + MathFP.Mul(ff_ry, ff_lastsin); ff_x2 = ff_xc + MathFP.Mul(ff_rx, ff_currcos); ff_y2 = ff_yc + MathFP.Mul(ff_ry, ff_currsin); if (i == 1) { if (closed) { path.AddLineTo(new PointFP(ff_x1, ff_y1)); } else if (standalone) { path.AddMoveTo(new PointFP(ff_x1, ff_y1)); } } path.AddCurveTo( new PointFP(ff_x1 - MathFP.Mul(ff_RXBETA, ff_lastsin), ff_y1 + MathFP.Mul(ff_RYBETA, ff_lastcos)), new PointFP(ff_x2 + MathFP.Mul(ff_RXBETA, ff_currsin), ff_y2 - MathFP.Mul(ff_RYBETA, ff_currcos)), new PointFP(ff_x2, ff_y2)); ff_lastcos = ff_currcos; ff_lastsin = ff_currsin; } if (closed) { path.AddClose(); } return(path); }
private static bool IsZero(int ff_val) { return(MathFP.Abs(ff_val) < (1 << SingleFP.DecimalBits / 2)); }
public override void OnSyncedUpdate() { base.OnSyncedUpdate(); if (!m_IsActive || m_HoleIndex < 0) { return; } // Get Simulation info. int currentTick = TrueSyncManager.ticksMain; int rollbackWindow = TrueSyncManager.rollbackWindowMain; // Check current collision TSVector2 myPosition = tsTransform2D.position; for (int targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < m_Targets.Count; ++targetIndex) { tnHoleTarget holeTarget = m_Targets[targetIndex]; if (holeTarget == null) { continue; } TSTransform2D otherTransform = holeTarget.GetComponent <TSTransform2D>(); if (otherTransform == null) { continue; } TSVector2 targetPosition = otherTransform.position; TSVector2 positionDelta = targetPosition - myPosition; FP distance2 = positionDelta.LengthSquared(); if (distance2 < m_Threshold * m_Threshold) { // Notify collision. holeTarget.CollidingWithHole(); // Add object to pending list. if (holeTarget.canEnterHole && !holeTarget.isTeleporting) { Internal_CacheTarget(currentTick, holeTarget); } } } // Check pending objects. for (int index = 0; index < m_Pending.count; ++index) { int tick = m_Pending.GetKey(index); if (currentTick == tick + rollbackWindow) { List <tnHoleTarget> holeTargets = m_Pending.GetValue(tick); if (holeTargets != null) { for (int targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < holeTargets.Count; ++targetIndex) { tnHoleTarget holeTarget = holeTargets[targetIndex]; if (holeTarget == null) { continue; } RespawnPoint respawnPoint = GetRandomSpawnPoint(); if (respawnPoint == null || respawnPoint.transform == null) { continue; } TSTransform2D targetTransform = holeTarget.tsTransform2D; TSRigidBody2D targetRigidbody = holeTarget.GetComponent <TSRigidBody2D>(); // Snap position. if (targetRigidbody != null) { targetRigidbody.MovePosition(tsTransform2D.position); } else { targetTransform.position = tsTransform2D.position; } // Set rigidbody velocity, if (targetRigidbody != null) { targetRigidbody.velocity =; } // Eavluate force TSVector2 forceDirection = respawnPoint.forceDirection; forceDirection.Normalize(); if (MathFP.Abs(respawnPoint.errorAngle) > FP.Zero) { int random = TSRandom.Range(0, 101); FP t = ((FP)random) / 100; FP randomError = MathFP.Lerp(-respawnPoint.errorAngle, respawnPoint.errorAngle, t); forceDirection = forceDirection.Rotate(randomError); } TSVector2 outForce = forceDirection * respawnPoint.forceIntensity; // Teleport. holeTarget.Teleport(m_HoleIndex, respawnPoint.respawnPosition, outForce, m_RespawnTime, m_InEffect, m_OutEffect); } } } } // Remove old data from dictionary. for (int index = 0; index < m_Pending.count; ++index) { int tick = m_Pending.GetKey(index); int executionTick = tick + rollbackWindow; bool isSafeTick = TrueSyncManager.IsTickOutOfRollbackMain(executionTick); if (isSafeTick) { m_Pending.Remove(tick); index = -1; } } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------ // Date Name Tracking # Description // --------- ------------------- ------------- ---------------------- // 13JUN2009 James Shen Initial Creation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Check to see a Value is zero. * @param ff_val * @return */ private static bool IsZero(int ffVal) { return(MathFP.Abs(ffVal) < (1 << SingleFP.DECIMAL_BITS / 2)); }
public override void OnSyncedUpdate() { base.OnSyncedUpdate(); if (!m_RunSyncedUpdate) { return; } // Get delta time. FP deltaTime = TrueSyncManager.deltaTimeMain; // Update movement direction. FP horizontalAxis; FP verticalAxis; if (m_EnableInputCompression) { int intX = TrueSyncInput.GetInt(m_HorizontalAxisCode); int intY = TrueSyncInput.GetInt(m_VerticalAxisCode); horizontalAxis = intX / (FP)s_InputPrecision; verticalAxis = intY / (FP)s_InputPrecision; } else { horizontalAxis = TrueSyncInput.GetFP(m_HorizontalAxisCode); verticalAxis = TrueSyncInput.GetFP(m_VerticalAxisCode); } FP horizontalAxisAbs = MathFP.Abs(horizontalAxis); FP verticalAxisAbs = MathFP.Abs(verticalAxis); TSVector2 moveDirection = new TSVector2(horizontalAxis, verticalAxis); moveDirection.Normalize(); m_MoveDirection = moveDirection; // Update player action. if (m_CooldownTimer > FP.Zero) { m_CooldownTimer -= deltaTime; if (m_CooldownTimer < FP.Zero) { m_CooldownTimer = FP.Zero; } } if (m_CooldownTimer == FP.Zero) { bool buttonPressed = (TrueSyncInput.GetByte(m_ButtonPressedCode) > 0); if (buttonPressed) { m_PressureTime += deltaTime; m_ChargeLevel = MathFP.GetClampedPercentage(m_PressureTime, m_PressureTimeRange.min, m_PressureTimeRange.max); } else { if (m_PrevPressed) { FP axisThreshold = FP.One / FP.Ten; if (horizontalAxisAbs > axisThreshold || verticalAxisAbs > axisThreshold) { // Apply an insant force. FP requestForceMagnitude = MathFP.Lerp(m_ForceRange.min, m_ForceRange.max, m_ChargeLevel); TSVector2 moveForce = m_MoveDirection * requestForceMagnitude; m_Rigidbody2D.AddForce(moveForce); // Update cooldown timer. m_CooldownTimer = MathFP.Lerp(m_CooldownRange.min, m_CooldownRange.max, m_ChargeLevel); } else { m_CooldownTimer = FP.Zero; } } m_PressureTime = FP.Zero; m_ChargeLevel = FP.Zero; } m_PrevPressed = buttonPressed; } else { m_PressureTime = FP.Zero; m_ChargeLevel = FP.Zero; m_PrevPressed = false; } }