        private static Point3D?CastRay_Cylinder(Point3D point, Vector3D direction, double radius, RayHitTestParameters mouseDownClickRay, RayHitTestParameters mouseDownCenterRay, RayHitTestParameters currentClickRay)
            // Get points on the cylinder
            Point3D?mouseDownClickPoint  = null;
            Point3D?mouseDownCenterPoint = null;
            Point3D?currentClickPoint    = null;

            Point3D[] nearestCylinderPoints, nearestLinePoints;
            if (Math3D.GetClosestPoints_Cylinder_Line(out nearestCylinderPoints, out nearestLinePoints, point, direction, radius, currentClickRay.Origin, currentClickRay.Direction, Math3D.RayCastReturn.ClosestToRay))
                currentClickPoint = nearestCylinderPoints[0];

                if (Math3D.GetClosestPoints_Cylinder_Line(out nearestCylinderPoints, out nearestLinePoints, point, direction, radius, mouseDownClickRay.Origin, mouseDownClickRay.Direction, Math3D.RayCastReturn.ClosestToRay))
                    mouseDownClickPoint = nearestCylinderPoints[0];

                    if (Math3D.GetClosestPoints_Cylinder_Line(out nearestCylinderPoints, out nearestLinePoints, point, direction, radius, mouseDownCenterRay.Origin, mouseDownCenterRay.Direction, Math3D.RayCastReturn.ClosestToRay))
                        mouseDownCenterPoint = nearestCylinderPoints[0];

            if (mouseDownCenterPoint == null || mouseDownClickPoint == null || currentClickPoint == null)
                return(currentClickPoint);               // it doesn't matter if this one is null or not, the offset can't be determined, so just return the raw click value

            // Circle only cared about an offset angle, but cylinder needs two things:
            //		Offset line (the part of the offset that is parallel to the cylinder's axis)
            //		Offset angle (the part of the offset that is perpendicular to the cylinder's axis)
            Vector3D   offsetLinear = (mouseDownCenterPoint.Value - mouseDownClickPoint.Value).GetProjectedVector(direction);
            Quaternion offsetRadial = GetRotation_Circle(point, direction, mouseDownClickPoint.Value, mouseDownCenterPoint.Value);

            //TODO: Get the radial offset working as well (sphere is also messed up, the same fix should work for both)

            //TODO: See if this is the most effiecient way or not
            Transform3DGroup transform = new Transform3DGroup();

            //transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform3D(new QuaternionRotation3D(offsetRadial)));
            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform3D(offsetLinear));

            //TODO: Bring currentClickPoint into local coords, do the transform, then put it back into global coords

            // Find the point along the cylinder's axis that is nearest to the current click.  This will become the center of the model coords
            Point3D modelCenter = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(point, direction, currentClickPoint.Value);

            // Shift the click point into model coords
            Vector3D modelClick = currentClickPoint.Value - modelCenter;

            // Adjust by the offset transform (needed to put into model coords, because there is a rotation)
            modelClick = transform.Transform(modelClick);

            // Now put back into world coords
            return(modelCenter + modelClick);
        private double?GetClickDistanceNearSwarm_ALLBOTS(RayHitTestParameters clickRay)
            Point3D?closestPoint = null;
            double  minDist      = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (SwarmBot1a bot in _map.GetItems <SwarmBot1a>(false))
                Point3D botPos = bot.PositionWorld;

                Point3D closest = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(clickRay.Origin, clickRay.Direction, botPos);
                if (Vector3D.DotProduct(closest - clickRay.Origin, clickRay.Direction) < 0)
                    // It's behind the camera

                double lenSqr = (botPos - closest).LengthSquared;

                if (lenSqr < minDist)
                    minDist      = lenSqr;
                    closestPoint = closest;

            if (closestPoint == null)

            return((closestPoint.Value - clickRay.Origin).Length);
        private static Quaternion GetRotation_Circle(Point3D center, Vector3D normal, Point3D from, Point3D to)
            // Get the two angles, it doesn't matter where they are along that normal
            Vector3D fromLine = from - Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(center, normal, from);
            Vector3D toLine   = to - Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(center, normal, to);

            return(Math3D.GetRotation(fromLine, toLine));                // I was about to just take the angle, since I already have the normal, but the angle could be greater than 180, so the axis would flip, and the math3d method already accounts for that, so I'm just using it
        private static Point3D?CastRay_LinesCircles(IEnumerable <RayHitTestParameters> lines, IEnumerable <CircleDefinition> circles, Point3D testPoint)
            Point3D?retVal   = null;
            double  distance = double.MaxValue;

            if (lines != null)
                // Cast onto each line, and return the point that's closest to the test point
                foreach (RayHitTestParameters line in lines)
                    Point3D point = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(line.Origin, line.Direction, testPoint);

                    double localDistance = (point - testPoint).LengthSquared;
                    if (retVal == null || localDistance < distance)
                        retVal   = point;
                        distance = localDistance;

            if (circles != null)
                // Cast onto each circle, and return the point that's closest to the test point
                foreach (CircleDefinition circle in circles)
                    Point3D?point = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Circle_Point(circle.Plane, circle.Center, circle.Radius, testPoint);
                    if (point != null)
                        double localDistance = (point.Value - testPoint).LengthSquared;
                        if (retVal == null || localDistance < distance)
                            retVal   = point.Value;
                            distance = localDistance;

        private static BezierSegment3D[][] GetModel_Second_Curves(AxeSecondProps arg)
            BezierSegment3D[][] retVal = new BezierSegment3D[5][];

            AxeSecondProps[] argLevels = new AxeSecondProps[5];

            argLevels[2] = arg;     // Edge
            #region Middle

            argLevels[1] = UtilityCore.Clone_Shallow(arg);

            // Right
            argLevels[1].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTR.X * .8, argLevels[1].EndTR.Y * .9, .15);

            Vector3D   offsetTR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTR.X, argLevels[1].EndTR.Y, 0) - arg.EndTR;
            Quaternion angleTR  = Math3D.GetRotation((arg.EndTL - arg.EndTR), offsetTR);

            Vector3D rotated = (arg.EndBL_1 - arg.EndBR).ToUnit() * offsetTR.Length;
            rotated = rotated.GetRotatedVector(angleTR.Axis, angleTR.Angle * -1.3);

            argLevels[1].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBR.X + rotated.X, argLevels[1].EndBR.Y + rotated.Y, .15);      // can't just use percents of coordinates.  Instead use the same offset angle,distance that top left had

            // Left
            argLevels[1].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndTL.X, argLevels[1].EndTL.Y * .95, .3);

            if (argLevels[1].EndBL_2 == null)
                argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_1.Y * .9, .3);
                Vector3D offsetBL1 = arg.EndBR - arg.EndBL_1;
                double   lengthBL1 = (new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBR.X, argLevels[1].EndBR.Y, 0) - arg.EndBR).Length;
                offsetBL1 = offsetBL1.ToUnit() * (offsetBL1.Length - lengthBL1);

                argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = argLevels[1].EndBR - offsetBL1;
                argLevels[1].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_1.Y, .18);

                argLevels[1].EndBL_2 = new Point3D(argLevels[1].EndBL_2.Value.X, argLevels[1].EndBL_2.Value.Y * .9, .3);

            argLevels[3] = argLevels[1].CloneNegateZ();

            #region Far

            argLevels[0] = UtilityCore.Clone_Shallow(arg);

            argLevels[0].EndTL = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTL.X, argLevels[0].EndTL.Y * .7, .4);

            argLevels[0].EndTR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndTR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndTR.Y * .6, .25);

            if (argLevels[0].EndBL_2 == null)
                argLevels[0].EndBR   = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBR.X * .5, argLevels[0].EndBR.Y * .6, .25);
                argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBL_1.X, argLevels[0].EndBL_1.Y * .6, .4);
                // Bottom Right
                Vector3D offset     = (argLevels[1].EndBR - argLevels[1].EndBL_1) * .5;
                Point3D  startPoint = argLevels[1].EndBL_1 + offset;    // midway along bottom edge

                offset = argLevels[1].EndTR - startPoint;

                argLevels[0].EndBR = startPoint + (offset * .15);                                  // from midway point toward upper right point
                argLevels[0].EndBR = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBR.X, argLevels[0].EndBR.Y, .25); // fix z

                // Left of bottom right (where the circle cutout ends)
                offset = argLevels[1].EndBR - argLevels[1].EndBL_1;
                argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(argLevels[0].EndBR, offset, argLevels[0].EndBL_1);

                offset *= .05;
                Point3D  minBL1     = argLevels[0].EndBR - offset;
                Vector3D testOffset = argLevels[0].EndBL_1 - argLevels[0].EndBR;
                if (Vector3D.DotProduct(testOffset, offset) < 0 || testOffset.LengthSquared < offset.LengthSquared)
                    argLevels[0].EndBL_1 = minBL1;

                // Bottom Left
                argLevels[0].EndBL_2 = new Point3D(argLevels[0].EndBL_2.Value.X, argLevels[0].EndBL_2.Value.Y * .6, .4);

                // Reduce the curve a bit
                argLevels[0].B2AngleL   = argLevels[0].B2AngleL * .9;
                argLevels[0].B2PercentL = argLevels[0].B2PercentL * .95;

                argLevels[0].B2AngleR   = argLevels[0].B2AngleR * .85;
                argLevels[0].B2PercentR = argLevels[0].B2PercentR * .95;

            argLevels[4] = argLevels[0].CloneNegateZ();


            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 5; cntr++)
                BezierSegment3D[] segments = GetModel_Second_Segments(argLevels[cntr]);
                retVal[cntr] = segments;

        /// <summary>
        /// This returns the normal of the drag shape relative to the point passed in
        /// NOTE: I'll wait till this method is needed before finishing it
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is important for cases where they are dragging an object across a cylinder or sphere.  You would want that object's orientation
        /// to change so it appears to be stuck to the side of the shape
        /// Drag shape of line(s) just returns null
        /// </remarks>
        public Vector3D?GetNormal(Point3D point)
            // Can't do this, because if the point goes under the plane, the normal gets reversed
            //// This should handle most cases
            //Point3D? pointOnShape = CastRay(point);
            //if (pointOnShape != null && !Math3D.IsNearValue(point, pointOnShape.Value))
            //    return point - pointOnShape.Value;

            Vector3D?retVal = null;

            // The request point is sitting on the shape.  Some of the shapes can get more generic

            switch (_shape)
            case ShapeType.Plane:
                #region Plane

                retVal = _plane.NormalUnit;

                // No need to do all this.  Execution only gets here when the request point is sitting on the plane
                //Point3D pointOnPlane = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Point_Plane(_plane, point);

                //if (!Math3D.IsNearValue(point, pointOnPlane) && Vector3D.DotProduct(point - pointOnPlane, retVal.Value) < 0)
                //    // The test point is away from the normal, reverse it
                //    retVal = retVal.Value * -1;


            case ShapeType.Cylinder:
                #region Cylinder

                // Execution gets here when the request point is sitting on the surface of the cylinder.  Treat it like a line and try again

                Point3D nearestAxisPoint = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(_point, _direction, point);

                if (!Math3D.IsNearValue(nearestAxisPoint, point))
                    retVal = point - nearestAxisPoint;


            case ShapeType.Sphere:
                #region Sphere

                if (!Math3D.IsNearValue(_point, point))
                    retVal = point - _point;


        /// <summary>
        /// This overload returns a point on the shape that is closest to the point passed in
        /// </summary>
        public Point3D?CastRay(Point3D point)
            Point3D?retVal = null;

            switch (_shape)
            case ShapeType.Line:
                #region Line

                retVal = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Line_Point(_point, _direction, point);


            case ShapeType.Lines:
                #region Lines

                retVal = CastRay_LinesCircles(_lines, null, point);


            case ShapeType.Plane:
                #region Plane

                retVal = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Plane_Point(_plane, point);


            case ShapeType.Circle:
                #region Circle

                retVal = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Circle_Point(_plane, _point, _radius, point);


            case ShapeType.Circles:
                #region Circles

                retVal = CastRay_LinesCircles(null, _circles, point);


            case ShapeType.LinesCircles:
                #region LinesCircles

                retVal = CastRay_LinesCircles(_lines, _circles, point);


            case ShapeType.Cylinder:
                #region Cylinder

                retVal = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Cylinder_Point(_point, _direction, _radius, point);


            case ShapeType.Sphere:
                #region Sphere

                retVal = Math3D.GetClosestPoint_Sphere_Point(_point, _radius, point);


            case ShapeType.Mesh:
                throw new ApplicationException("finish this");

            case ShapeType.None:
                retVal = null;

                throw new ApplicationException("Unknown ShapeType: " + _shape.ToString());
