    public static Scene MakeManySpritesScene()
        var tex1 = new TextureInfo(new Texture2D("/Application/Sample/GameEngine2D/FeatureCatalog/data/slime_green_frames.png", false)
                                   , new Vector2i(4, 4));

        var scene = new Scene()
            Name = "many SpriteUV scene"

        Bounds2 bounds = scene.Camera.CalcBounds();

        Vector2i num_cells = new Vector2i(8, 8);
        Vector2  cell_size = bounds.Size / num_cells.Vector2();

        Math.RandGenerator rgen   = new Math.RandGenerator();
        System.Random      random = new System.Random();

        for (int y = 0; y < num_cells.Y; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < num_cells.X; ++x)
                Vector2 uv = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y) / num_cells.Vector2();

                var sprite = new SpriteTile()
                    TextureInfo = tex1
                    , Color     = Math.SetAlpha(new Vector4(0.5f) + rgen.NextVector4(Math._0000, Math._1111) * 0.5f, 0.75f)
                                  //, Color = Math.SetAlpha( new Vector4(0.5f), 1f/*0.75f*/ )
                    , BlendMode   = BlendMode.None
                    , TileIndex2D = new Vector2i(random.Next(0, 4),
                                                 random.Next(0, 4))

                Vector2 p = bounds.Min + bounds.Size * uv;

                // init position/size
                sprite.Position = p;
                sprite.Quad.S   = cell_size;               // note: we don't want to touch the Node.Scale here
                sprite.Pivot    = sprite.Quad.S * 0.5f;

                sprite.Schedule((dt) =>
                    sprite.Rotation = sprite.Rotation.Rotate(Math.Deg2Rad(1.0f));
                    sprite.Rotation = sprite.Rotation.Normalize();

                    if (Common.FrameCount % 8 == 0)
                        sprite.TileIndex1D = (sprite.TileIndex1D + 1) % 16;



    public static Scene MakeManySpritesInSpriteListScene()
        var tex1 = new TextureInfo(new Texture2D("/Application/Sample/GameEngine2D/FeatureCatalog/data/water_puddle.png", false)
                                   , new Vector2i(6, 1));

        var scene = new Scene()
            Name = "many SpriteTile in SpriteList scene"

        Bounds2 bounds = scene.Camera.CalcBounds();

        Vector2i num_cells = new Vector2i(16, 8);
        Vector2  cell_size = bounds.Size / num_cells.Vector2();

        Math.RandGenerator rgen   = new Math.RandGenerator();
        System.Random      random = new System.Random();

        SpriteList sprite_list = new SpriteList(tex1)
            BlendMode = BlendMode.None

        sprite_list.EnableLocalTransform = true;


        for (int y = 0; y < num_cells.Y; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < num_cells.X; ++x)
                Vector2 uv = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y) / num_cells.Vector2();

                var sprite = new SpriteTile()
                    // all those properties (TextureInfo, Color, BlendMode) will be ignored
                    // if sprite is used in SpriteList
                    TextureInfo = tex1
                    , Color     = Math.SetAlpha(new Vector4(0.8f) + rgen.NextVector4(Math._0000, Math._1111) * 0.2f, 0.75f)
                    , BlendMode = BlendMode.Normal
                                  // TileIndex2D can still be set per sprite
                    , TileIndex2D = new Vector2i(random.Next(0, 6), 0)

                Vector2 p = bounds.Min + bounds.Size * uv;

                // init position/size
                if (sprite_list.EnableLocalTransform)
                    // use .Position as we did in MakeManySpritesScene
                    sprite.Position = p;
                    // .Position will be ignored, so use the geometry directly
                    sprite.Quad.T = p;
                sprite.Quad.S = cell_size;                 // note: we don't want to touch the Node.Scale here
                sprite.Pivot  = sprite.Quad.S * 0.5f;

                sprite.Schedule((dt) =>
                    sprite.Rotation = sprite.Rotation.Rotate(Math.Deg2Rad(1.0f));
                    sprite.Rotation = sprite.Rotation.Normalize();

                    // if you turn EnableLocalTransform off for performances, you can
                    // still move the sprite freely by changing its geometry directly:

//                      sprite.Quad.R = sprite.Quad.R.Rotate( Math.Deg2Rad( 1.0f ) );
//                      sprite.Quad.R = sprite.Quad.R.Normalize();
                    if (Common.FrameCount % 7 == 0)
                        sprite.TileIndex1D = (sprite.TileIndex1D + 1) % 6;



    public static Scene MakeForestScene()
//		System.Console.WriteLine( "MakeForestScene" );

        var scene = new Scene()
            Name = "Forest"

        TextureInfo ObjectsMap = new TextureInfo(new Texture2D("/Application/Sample/GameEngine2D/FeatureCatalog/data/PlanetCute/Objects.png", false), new Vector2i(7, 3));

        Vector2i[] tree_indexes = new Vector2i[3];
        tree_indexes[0] = PlanetCute.TreeShort;
        tree_indexes[1] = PlanetCute.TreeTall;
        tree_indexes[2] = PlanetCute.TreeUgly;

        Math.RandGenerator rgen = new Math.RandGenerator();

        Bounds2  bounds   = scene.Camera2D.CalcBounds();
        Vector2i numcells = new Vector2i(7, 4);
        Vector2  cellsize = bounds.Size / numcells.Vector2();

        System.Random rnd1 = new System.Random();

        SpriteList sprite_list = new SpriteList(ObjectsMap);

        // we are going to put a tree at a random location inside each cell of a regular grid
        for (int x = 0; x < numcells.X; ++x)
            // generate rows of tree top to bottom, for draw order
            for (int y = numcells.Y - 1; y >= 0; --y)
                Vector2 cellindexf = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y);
                var     sprite     = new SpriteTile();
//				sprite.TextureInfo = tree_tex[rnd1.Next(3)];
                sprite.TextureInfo = ObjectsMap;
                sprite.TileIndex2D = tree_indexes[rnd1.Next(3)];

                // bounds for one cell
                Bounds2 gen_bounds = new Bounds2(bounds.Min + cellindexf * cellsize,
                                                 bounds.Min + cellindexf * cellsize + cellsize);

                // scale gen_bounds to countrols irregularity
                gen_bounds = gen_bounds.Scale(new Vector2(0.6f), gen_bounds.Center);

                // pick up a random point in that cell
                sprite.Position = gen_bounds.Min + gen_bounds.Size * rgen.NextVector2(Math._00, Math._11);

                // make the size of the tree match the size of cells, preserve texture ratio
                Vector2 aspect = sprite.CalcSizeInPixels() / sprite.CalcSizeInPixels().X;
                sprite.Quad.S = cellsize.X * aspect;

                // make the sprite bottom center point be the new pivot (for Skew)

                // make the trees move in the wind
                sprite.Schedule((dt) => {
                    int hc             = sprite.GetHashCode();
                    System.Random rnd2 = new System.Random(hc);

                    sprite.Skew = new Vector2(Math.Deg2Rad(1.0f) * FMath.Sin((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * 1.0f * rnd2.Next(4096) / 4096.0f),
                                              Math.Deg2Rad(2.0f) * FMath.Sin((float)Director.Instance.DirectorTime * 3.0f * rnd2.Next(4096) / 4096.0f));


        scene.Camera2D.Center += new Vector2(0.0f, 2.0f);


