public IHttpActionResult Create([FromBody] MaterialRequestModel model) { try { var materialRequest = new MaterialRequest(); Mapper.Map(model, materialRequest); var user = GetCurrentUser(); materialRequest.SubmittedBy = user.Id; _materialRequestsService.Create(materialRequest); model.Id = materialRequest.Id; model.StatusId = model.StatusId; return(Ok(model)); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { foreach (var entityValidationErrors in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in entityValidationErrors.ValidationErrors) { model.SetError(validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } return(Ok(model)); } catch (Exception) { return(InternalServerError()); } }
public IEnumerator InitIterativ(GraphicRequest req, int n, int points) { var data = GraphicsDatabase.GetColorData(req.path + directions[n], bodyColor, true); yield return(null); while (points > 0) { var stain = ZombieStains.GetRandom(points, req.path.Contains("Naked")); var it = data.ApplyStainsIterativ(stain.Key, Rand.Bool, Rand.Bool); while (it.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } points -= stain.Value; hash = Gen.HashCombine(hash, stain); yield return(null); } var request = new MaterialRequest { mainTex = null, // will be calculated lazy from 'data' shader = req.shader, color = color, colorTwo = colorTwo, maskTex = null }; mats[n] = new VariableMaterial(request, data); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new array of Materials with a priority (materials with higher priorities are shown first). /// </summary> /// <param name="mats">The materials</param> /// <param name="priority">The priority</param> public void Add(Material[] mats, int priority) { var mr = new MaterialRequest(); mr.mats = mats; mr.priority = priority; Add(mr); }
public static Material[] GetMatsFrom(GraphicRequest req, Texture2D[] inputTextureArray, Texture2D[] inputMaskArray) { Material[] matArray = new Material[inputTextureArray.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < inputTextureArray.Length; i++) { if (inputTextureArray[i] != null) { Texture2D mask; if (inputMaskArray[i] != null) { mask = inputMaskArray[i]; } else { mask = HairMasker.GetDefaultMask(inputTextureArray[i].width, inputTextureArray[i].height); } MaterialRequest tempMatReq = default(MaterialRequest); tempMatReq.mainTex = inputTextureArray[i]; tempMatReq.shader = req.shader; tempMatReq.color = req.color; tempMatReq.colorTwo = req.colorTwo; tempMatReq.maskTex = mask; tempMatReq.shaderParameters = req.shaderParameters; matArray[i] = MaterialPool.MatFrom(tempMatReq); } } return(matArray); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new Material with a priority (materials with higher priorities are shown first). /// </summary> /// <param name="mat">The material</param> /// <param name="priority">The priority</param> public void Add(Material mat, int priority) { var mr = new MaterialRequest(); mr.mat = mat; mr.priority = priority; Add(mr); }
public async Task HandleAsync(CreateMaterialRequest command) { var supplier = await _repository.GetAsync <Supplier>(command.SupplierId); var requestedItems = new List <InventoryItem>(); foreach (var(articleId, amount) in command.Items) { if (supplier.SuppliableArticles.All(a => a.Id != articleId)) { throw new DomainException(RequestingUnregisteredArticle(supplier, articleId)); } var article = await _repository.LoadAsync <Article>(articleId); requestedItems.Add(new InventoryItem(article, amount)); } var name = $"To {supplier.Name} from {DateTimeOffset.Now}"; var request = new MaterialRequest(command.Id, name) { Supplier = supplier, Status = MaterialRequestStatus.Submitted, ItemsRequested = requestedItems, CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now }; supplier.MaterialRequests.Add(request); await _repository.AddAsync(request); await _eventTransmitter.BroadcastAsync(new DomainEvent <MaterialRequest>(request, Trigger.Added, command.InitiatorId)); }
/// <summary> /// solve Tree /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> private void MaterialRequest(object o) { var p = o as ProductionOrder; var request = p.Message as MaterialRequest; if (request.Material.Materials != null) { foreach (var child in request.Material.Materials) { for (int i = 0; i < child.Quantity; i++) { var childRequest = new MaterialRequest(material: child, childRequests: null, parrent: request.Id, due: request.Due - request.Material.AssemblyDuration - child.AssemblyDuration, isHead: false); request.ChildRequests.Add(childRequest.Id, false); var po = new ProductionOrder(childRequest, Self); _SimulationContext.Tell(po, Self); } } } if (request.Material.IsReady) { ReadyItems.Enqueue(request); } else { WaitingItems.Add(request); } PushWork(); }
public void Update(MaterialRequest materialRequest) { materialRequest.Status = null; _db.SetEntityStateModified(materialRequest); _db.DeleteOrphans(); _db.SaveChanges(); }
public Material getShellMat() { // Material result = MaterialPool.MatFrom(path + "0"); if (ticktime < 34910 && !canFire) { return(oldt); } if (!hasPower()) { return(oldt); } if (ticktime % 4 != 0 && oldt != null) { return(oldt); } var req = new MaterialRequest(list.RandomElement()); var result = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req); oldt = result; return(result); // result = MaterialPool.MatFrom(path + index); }
public int CreateRequest(MaterialRequest materialRequest) { using (SqlConnection connGetDistrict = ConnectionProvider.GetConnection()) { int Result = 0; try { SqlCommand cmdDistrict = new SqlCommand("SP_Request", connGetDistrict); cmdDistrict.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmdDistrict.CommandTimeout = 250; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@flag", SqlDbType.Char).Value = "CreateRequestHdr"; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@DATE", SqlDbType.Date).Value = materialRequest.Date; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@TIME", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = materialRequest.Time; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@REQUESTER_NAME", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = materialRequest.Requester_Name; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@DEPARTMENT_ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = materialRequest.Department_Id; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@DESCRIPTION", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = materialRequest.Description; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@COMMENTS", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = materialRequest.Comment; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@OutID", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmdDistrict.ExecuteNonQuery(); int ID = Convert.ToInt32(cmdDistrict.Parameters["@OutID"].Value); string ReqNumber = "MRI" + ID; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Clear(); cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@flag", SqlDbType.Char).Value = "UpdateReqNo"; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@REQUEST_NO", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = ReqNumber; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@REQUEST_HDR_ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ID; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@OutID", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; Result = cmdDistrict.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (Result > 0) { foreach (var Items in materialRequest.RequestItemsList) { cmdDistrict.Parameters.Clear(); cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@flag", SqlDbType.Char).Value = "CreateRequestDtl"; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@REQUEST_HDR_ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ID; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@ITEM_ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Items.Item_Id; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@UOM_ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Items.Uom_Id; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@TO_LOCATION", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Items.To_Location; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@REQUEST_QUANTITY", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = Items.Request_Quantity; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@COMMENTS", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = Items.Comment; cmdDistrict.Parameters.Add("@OutID", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; Result = cmdDistrict.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } return(Result); } catch (Exception ex) { return(0); } finally { if (connGetDistrict.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connGetDistrict.Close(); } } } }
static bool Prefix(MaterialRequest req) { if (!Active) { return(true); } req.mainTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; return(true); }
public virtual async Task <IActionResult> Create(MaterialRequest materialData) { var category = categoriesCache.GetCategory(materialData.CategoryName); if (category == null) { return(BadRequest()); } if (!materialsAuthorization.CanCreate(User.Roles, category)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var material = new Material { Title = materialData.Title, Text = materialData.text, PublishDate = now, LastActivity = now, CategoryId = category.Id, AuthorId = User.UserId }; await SetNameAsync(material, materialData.Name); if (category.IsMaterialsSubTitleEditable) { material.SubTitle = materialData.SubTitle; } if (materialData.IsHidden && materialsAuthorization.CanHide(User.Roles, category)) { material.IsHidden = true; } if (materialData.IsHidden && materialsAuthorization.CanBlockComments(User.Roles, category)) { material.IsCommentsBlocked = true; } if (materialsAuthorization.CanEditSettingsJson(User.Roles, category)) { material.SettingsJson = materialData.SettingsJson; } await materialsManager.CreateAsync(material, materialData.Tags, category, User.Roles); contentCache.InvalidateCache(category.Id); return(Ok()); }
public static bool MatFrom(ref Material __result, MaterialRequest req) { if (allThreads2.TryGetValue(CurrentThread, out ThreadInfo threadInfo)) { threadInfo.safeFunctionRequest = new object[] { safeFunction, new object[] { req } }; mainThreadWaitHandle.Set(); threadInfo.eventWaitStart.WaitOne(); __result = (Material)threadInfo.safeFunctionResult; return(false); } return(true); }
private static Material MatFrom(string texPath, Shader shader, Color color, Color colorTwo, int renderQueue) { var materialRequest = new MaterialRequest(ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(texPath), shader) { renderQueue = renderQueue, color = colorTwo, colorTwo = color, maskTex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(texPath + Graphic_Single.MaskSuffix, false) }; return(MaterialPool.MatFrom(materialRequest)); }
private static void RunSimulation() { LogConfiguration.LogTo(TargetTypes.File, TargetNames.LOG_AGENTS, LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Warn); LogConfiguration.LogTo(TargetTypes.Console, TargetNames.LOG_AGENTS, LogLevel.Info); LogConfiguration.LogTo(TargetTypes.Console, TargetNames.LOG_AKKA, LogLevel.Warn); LogConfiguration.LogTo(TargetTypes.File, TargetNames.LOG_AKKA, LogLevel.Trace); //InternalLogger.LogToConsole = true; //InternalLogger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Trace; SimulationConfig simConfig = new SimulationConfig(debugAkka: false , debugAkkaSim: true , interruptInterval: 120 , timeToAdvance: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0)); var sim = new Simulation(simConfig); var r = new Random(); Console.ReadKey(); var jobDistributor = sim.ActorSystem.ActorOf(MachineJobDistributor.Props(sim.ActorSystem.EventStream, sim.SimulationContext, 0), "JobDistributor"); // Tell all Machines for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Create a message var createMachines = new MachineJobDistributor.AddMachine(null, jobDistributor); sim.SimulationContext.Tell(createMachines, null); } for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { var materialRequest = new MaterialRequest(CreateBOM(), new Dictionary <int, bool>(), 0, r.Next(50, 500), true); var request = new MachineJobDistributor.ProductionOrder(materialRequest, jobDistributor); sim.SimulationContext.Tell(request, null); } // example to monitor for FinishWork Messages. var monitor = sim.ActorSystem.ActorOf(props: Monitoring.WorkTimeMonitor .Props(time: 0), name: "SimulationMonitor"); if (sim.IsReady()) { var terminated = sim.RunAsync(); new StateManager().Continuation(simConfig.Inbox, sim); terminated.Wait(); } Console.WriteLine("Systen is shutdown!"); Console.WriteLine("System Runtime " + sim.ActorSystem.Uptime); }
public void Create(MaterialRequest materialRequest) { var status = _db.Status.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Description.Equals("Submitted")); if (status != null) { materialRequest.StatusId = status.Id; materialRequest.RequestDate = DateTime.Now; _db.SetEntityStateAdded(materialRequest); _db.SaveChanges(); } }
public static bool MatFrom(ref Material __result, MaterialRequest req) { if (!CurrentThread.IsBackground || !allWorkerThreads.TryGetValue(CurrentThread, out ThreadInfo threadInfo)) { return(true); } threadInfo.safeFunctionRequest = new object[] { FuncMatFrom, new object[] { req } }; mainThreadWaitHandle.Set(); threadInfo.eventWaitStart.WaitOne(); __result = (Material)threadInfo.safeFunctionResult; return(false); }
private static Material MatFrom(string texPath, Shader shader, Color color, Color colorTwo, int renderQueue) { MaterialRequest materialRequest = new MaterialRequest(tex: ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(itemPath: texPath), shader: shader) { renderQueue = renderQueue, color = colorTwo, colorTwo = color, maskTex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(itemPath : texPath + Graphic_Single.MaskSuffix, reportFailure : false), }; return(MaterialPool.MatFrom(req: materialRequest)); }
/// <summary> /// A small helper function to load materials (based on Tynans code) /// </summary> /// <param name="texturePath"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Material LoadMaterial(string texturePath, ShaderType shaderType = ShaderType.Transparent, bool throwError = true) { Texture2D texture2D = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(texturePath, throwError); if (texture2D == null) { return(null); } MaterialRequest materialRequest = new MaterialRequest(texture2D, ShaderDatabase.ShaderFromType(shaderType)); return(MaterialPool.MatFrom(materialRequest)); }
public IEnumerable <Material> GetMaterialList(MaterialRequest request = null) { request = request ?? new MaterialRequest(); using (var dbContext = new BasedataDbContext()) { IQueryable <Material> materials = dbContext.Materials; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.MaterialName)) { materials = materials.Where(u => u.MaterialName.Contains(request.MaterialName)); } return(materials.OrderByDescending(u => u.ID).ToPagedList(request.PageIndex, request.PageSize)); } }
private static void Run() { Console.WriteLine("Simulation world of Akka!"); SimulationConfig simConfig = new SimulationConfig(false, 480); var sim = new Simulation(simConfig); var r = new Random(); Console.ReadKey(); var jobDistributor = sim.ActorSystem.ActorOf(MachineJobDistributor.Props(sim.ActorSystem.EventStream, sim.SimulationContext, 0), "JobDistributor"); // Create a message var createMachines = new MachineJobDistributor.AddMachine(null, jobDistributor); // Tell all Machines for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sim.SimulationContext.Tell(createMachines, null); } for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++) { var materialRequest = new MaterialRequest(CreateBOM(), new Dictionary <int, bool>(), 0, r.Next(50, 500), true); var request = new MachineJobDistributor.ProductionOrder(materialRequest, jobDistributor); sim.SimulationContext.Tell(request, null); } // example to monitor for FinishWork Messages. var monitor = sim.ActorSystem.ActorOf(props: Monitoring.WorkTimeMonitor .Props(time: 0), name: "SimulationMonitor"); var stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Start(); if (sim.IsReady()) { sim.RunAsync(); //Continuation(simConfig.Inbox, sim); } Console.WriteLine("Systen shutdown. . . "); Console.WriteLine("System Runtime " + sim.ActorSystem.Uptime); Console.ReadLine(); }
public Material getMat() { // int speed = this.Props.speed; //int index = ((this.ticktime)/speed) %4 ; //if (this.ticktime>=(4* speed) -1) { this.ticktime = 0; } if (ticktime % 4 != 0 && oldt != null) { return(oldt); } var req = new MaterialRequest(list.RandomElement()); var result = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req); oldt = result; return(result); }
public MaterialRequestRGB(MaterialRequest req, Texture2D patternTex, PatternProperties properties, bool isSkin) { shader = req.shader; mainTex = req.mainTex; maskTex = req.maskTex; = properties; color = properties.colorOne ?? Color.white; colorTwo = properties.colorTwo ?? Color.white; colorThree = properties.colorThree ?? Color.white; tiles = properties.tiles.TryGetValue("All", 1); displacement =; this.patternTex = patternTex; renderQueue = req.renderQueue; shaderParameters = req.shaderParameters; this.isSkin = isSkin; }
public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool respawningAfterLoad) { base.SpawnSetup(map, respawningAfterLoad); GraphicRequest req = new GraphicRequest(this.def.graphicData.graphicClass, this.def.graphicData.texPath + "_Ground", this.def.graphicData.shaderType.Shader, this.def.graphicData.drawSize, this.def.graphicData.color, this.def.graphicData.colorTwo, this.def.graphicData, 0, null); MaterialRequest req2 = default(MaterialRequest); req2.mainTex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path); req2.shader = req.shader; req2.color = req.color; req2.colorTwo = req.colorTwo; req2.renderQueue = req.renderQueue; req2.shaderParameters = req.shaderParameters; groundMat = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req2); }
public ActionResult Index(MaterialRequest request, int?id) { this.ViewData["BasisDataService"] = this.BasisDataService; if (id > 0) { return(View(this.BasisDataService.GetMaterialList(new MaterialRequest() { ClassificationID = id }))); } else { //var materialList = this.BasisDataService.GetMaterialList(new MaterialRequest()); //this.ViewBag.ChannelId = new SelectList(classList, "ID", "Name"); var result = this.BasisDataService.GetMaterialList(request); return(View(result)); } }
public Material getMat() { // int speed = this.Props.speed; //int index = ((this.ticktime)/speed) %4 ; //if (this.ticktime>=(4* speed) -1) { this.ticktime = 0; } if (this.ticktime % 4 == 0 || oldt == null) { MaterialRequest req = new MaterialRequest(list.RandomElement <Texture2D>()); Material result = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req); oldt = result; return(result); } return(oldt); }
public override void Init(GraphicRequest req) { data = req.graphicData; path = req.path; color = req.color; colorTwo = req.colorTwo; drawSize = req.drawSize; hash = Gen.HashCombine(hash, path); hash = Gen.HashCombineStruct(hash, color); hash = Gen.HashCombineStruct(hash, colorTwo); var bodyColor = GraphicToolbox.RandomSkinColorString(); mats = new ColorData[] { GraphicsDatabase.GetColorData(req.path + "_back", bodyColor, true), GraphicsDatabase.GetColorData(req.path + "_side", bodyColor, true), GraphicsDatabase.GetColorData(req.path + "_front", bodyColor, true) } .Select(data => { var points = ZombieStains.maxStainPoints; while (points > 0) { var stain = ZombieStains.GetRandom(points, req.path.Contains("Naked")); data.ApplyStains(stain.Key, Rand.Bool, Rand.Bool); points -= stain.Value; hash = Gen.HashCombine(hash, stain); } var request = new MaterialRequest { mainTex = null, // will be calculated lazy from 'data' shader = req.shader, color = color, colorTwo = colorTwo, maskTex = null }; return(new PreparedMaterial(request, data)); }) .ToArray(); }
public static bool MatFrom(ref Material __result, MaterialRequest req) { int tID = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; if (RimThreaded.mainRequestWaits.TryGetValue(tID, out EventWaitHandle eventWaitStart)) { object[] functionAndParameters = new object[] { safeFunction, new object[] { req } }; lock (RimThreaded.safeFunctionRequests) { RimThreaded.safeFunctionRequests[tID] = functionAndParameters; } RimThreaded.mainThreadWaitHandle.Set(); eventWaitStart.WaitOne(); RimThreaded.safeFunctionResults.TryGetValue(tID, out object safeFunctionResult); __result = (Material)safeFunctionResult; return(false); } return(true); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Update([FromRoute] Guid materialId, [FromBody] MaterialRequest request) { var material = await _materialsService.GetByIdAsync(materialId); material.Category = request.Category; material.HouseSection = HouseSectionStringToEnum(request.HouseSection); material.Name = request.Name; material.PricePerUnit = request.PricePerUnit; material.Supplier = request.Supplier; material.Units = request.Units; var updated = await _materialsService.UpdateAsync(material); if (updated) { return(Ok(MaterialToMaterialResponse(material))); } return(NotFound()); }
public void Delete(MaterialRequest materialRequest) { var listDuplexes = materialRequest.RequestedDuplexes.ToList(); foreach (var requestedDuplex in listDuplexes) { _db.SetEntityStateDeleted(requestedDuplex); } var listStrands = materialRequest.RequestedStrands.ToList(); foreach (var requestedStrand in listStrands) { _db.SetEntityStateDeleted(requestedStrand); } _db.SetEntityStateDeleted(materialRequest); _db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Simulation world of Akka!"); var sim = new Simulation(false); var r = new Random(); Console.ReadKey(); var jobDistributor = sim.ActorSystem.ActorOf(MachineJobDistributor.Props(sim.ActorSystem.EventStream, sim.SimulationContext, 0), "JobDistributor"); // Create a message var createMachines = new MachineJobDistributor.AddMachine(null, jobDistributor); // Tell all Machines for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sim.SimulationContext.Tell(createMachines, null); } for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { var materialRequest = new MaterialRequest(CreateBOM(), new Dictionary <int, bool>(), 0, r.Next(50, 500), true); var request = new MachineJobDistributor.ProductionOrder(materialRequest, jobDistributor); sim.SimulationContext.Tell(request, null); } // example to monitor for FinishWork Messages. var monitor = sim.ActorSystem.ActorOf(props: Monitoring.WorkTimeMonitor .Props(time: 0), name: "SimulationMonitor"); var stw = new Stopwatch(); stw.Start(); sim.RunAsync().Wait(); Console.WriteLine("System Runtime " + sim.ActorSystem.Uptime); Console.WriteLine("Final Call Finisch Done Forever Together And So On"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public Material getShellMat() { // Material result = MaterialPool.MatFrom(path + "0"); if (this.ticktime >= 34910 || canFire) { if (hasPower()) { if (this.ticktime % 4 == 0 || oldt == null) { MaterialRequest req = new MaterialRequest(list.RandomElement <Texture2D>()); Material result = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req); oldt = result; return(result); } } // result = MaterialPool.MatFrom(path + index); } return(oldt); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new MaterialRequest /// </summary> /// <param name="mr">The MaterialRequest to add</param> void Add(MaterialRequest mr) { for (int i = 0; i < materialRequests.Count; i++) if (mr.priority < materialRequests[i].priority) { materialRequests.Insert(i, mr); break; } if (!materialRequests.Contains(mr)) materialRequests.Add(mr); // At the end if not added already UpdateMaterial(); }