internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body bA = BodyA;
            Body bB = BodyB;

            Vector2 vA = bA.LinearVelocityInternal;
            float   wA = bA.AngularVelocityInternal;
            Vector2 vB = bB.LinearVelocityInternal;
            float   wB = bB.AngularVelocityInternal;

            float mA = bA.InvMass, mB = bB.InvMass;
            float iA = bA.InvI, iB = bB.InvI;

            Transform xfA, xfB;

            bA.GetTransform(out xfA);
            bB.GetTransform(out xfB);

            Vector2 rA = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xfA.R, LocalAnchorA - bA.LocalCenter);
            Vector2 rB = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xfB.R, LocalAnchorB - bB.LocalCenter);

            //  Solve point-to-point constraint
            Vector2 Cdot1 = vB + MathUtils.Cross(wB, rB) - vA - MathUtils.Cross(wA, rA);
            float   Cdot2 = wB - wA;
            Vector3 Cdot  = new Vector3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

            Vector3 impulse = _mass.Solve33(-Cdot);

            _impulse += impulse;

            Vector2 P = new Vector2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

            vA -= mA * P;
            wA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(rA, P) + impulse.Z);

            vB += mB * P;
            wB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(rB, P) + impulse.Z);

            bA.LinearVelocityInternal  = vA;
            bA.AngularVelocityInternal = wA;
            bB.LinearVelocityInternal  = vB;
            bB.AngularVelocityInternal = wB;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 cA = data.positions[_indexA].c;
            float   aA = data.positions[_indexA].a;
            Vector2 cB = data.positions[_indexB].c;
            float   aB = data.positions[_indexB].a;

            Complex qA = Complex.FromAngle(aA);
            Complex qB = Complex.FromAngle(aB);

            float mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            float iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            Vector2 rA = Complex.Multiply(LocalAnchorA - _localCenterA, ref qA);
            Vector2 rB = Complex.Multiply(LocalAnchorB - _localCenterB, ref qB);

            float positionError, angularError;

            Mat33 K = new Mat33();

            K.ex.X = mA + mB + rA.Y * rA.Y * iA + rB.Y * rB.Y * iB;
            K.ey.X = -rA.Y * rA.X * iA - rB.Y * rB.X * iB;
            K.ez.X = -rA.Y * iA - rB.Y * iB;
            K.ex.Y = K.ey.X;
            K.ey.Y = mA + mB + rA.X * rA.X * iA + rB.X * rB.X * iB;
            K.ez.Y = rA.X * iA + rB.X * iB;
            K.ex.Z = K.ez.X;
            K.ey.Z = K.ez.Y;
            K.ez.Z = iA + iB;

            if (FrequencyHz > 0.0f)
                Vector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;

                positionError = C1.Length();
                angularError  = 0.0f;

                Vector2 P = -K.Solve22(C1);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(ref rA, ref P);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(ref rB, ref P);
                Vector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;
                float   C2 = aB - aA - ReferenceAngle;

                positionError = C1.Length();
                angularError  = Math.Abs(C2);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3(C1.X, C1.Y, C2);

                Vector3 impulse;
                if (K.ez.Z <= 0.0f)
                    Vector2 impulse2 = -K.Solve22(C1);
                    impulse = new Vector3(impulse2.X, impulse2.Y, 0.0f);
                    impulse = -K.Solve33(C);
                Vector2 P = new Vector2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(ref rA, ref P) + impulse.Z);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(ref rB, ref P) + impulse.Z);

            data.positions[_indexA].c = cA;
            data.positions[_indexA].a = aA;
            data.positions[_indexB].c = cB;
            data.positions[_indexB].a = aB;

            return(positionError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop);
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = _body1;
            Body b2 = _body2;

            Vec2  v1 = b1._linearVelocity;
            float w1 = b1._angularVelocity;
            Vec2  v2 = b2._linearVelocity;
            float w2 = b2._angularVelocity;

            // Solve linear motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.EqualLimits)
                float Cdot       = Vec2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (_motorSpeed - Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.Dt * _maxMotorForce;
                _motorImpulse = Box2DNet.Common.MathB2.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                Vec2  P  = impulse * _axis;
                float L1 = impulse * _a1;
                float L2 = impulse * _a2;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;

            Vec2 Cdot1;

            Cdot1.X = Vec2.Dot(_perp, v2 - v1) + _s2 * w2 - _s1 * w1;
            Cdot1.Y = w2 - w1;

            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.InactiveLimit)
                // Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
                var  Cdot2 = Vec2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                Vec3 Cdot  = new Vec3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

                Vec3 f1 = _impulse;
                Vec3 df = _K.Solve33(-Cdot);
                _impulse += df;

                if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLowerLimit)
                    _impulse.Z = Box2DNet.Common.MathB2.Max(_impulse.Z, 0.0f);
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpperLimit)
                    _impulse.Z = Box2DNet.Common.MathB2.Min(_impulse.Z, 0.0f);

                // f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
                Vec2 b   = -Cdot1 - (_impulse.Z - f1.Z) * new Vec2(_K.Col3.X, _K.Col3.Y);
                Vec2 f2r = _K.Solve22(b) + new Vec2(f1.X, f1.Y);
                _impulse.X = f2r.X;
                _impulse.Y = f2r.Y;

                df = _impulse - f1;

                Vec2  P  = df.X * _perp + df.Z * _axis;
                float L1 = df.X * _s1 + df.Y + df.Z * _a1;
                float L2 = df.X * _s2 + df.Y + df.Z * _a2;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;
                // Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
                Vec2 df = _K.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                _impulse.X += df.X;
                _impulse.Y += df.Y;

                Vec2  P  = df.X * _perp;
                float L1 = df.X * _s1 + df.Y;
                float L2 = df.X * _s2 + df.Y;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;

            b1._linearVelocity  = v1;
            b1._angularVelocity = w1;
            b2._linearVelocity  = v2;
            b2._angularVelocity = w2;
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = BodyA;

            Vector2     v1 = b1.LinearVelocityInternal;
            float       w1 = b1.AngularVelocityInternal;
            Vector2     v2 = Vector2.Zero;
            const float w2 = 0;

            float m1 = b1.InvMass;
            float i1 = b1.InvI;

            // Solve motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.Equal)
                float Cdot       = w2 - w1 - _motorSpeed;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (-Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.dt * _maxMotorTorque;
                _motorImpulse = MathUtils.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                w1 -= i1 * impulse;

            // Solve limit constraint.
            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.Inactive)
                Transform xf1;
                b1.GetTransform(out xf1);

                Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, LocalAnchorA - b1.LocalCenter);
                Vector2 r2 = _worldAnchor;

                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                Vector2 Cdot1 = v2 + MathUtils.Cross(w2, r2) - v1 - MathUtils.Cross(w1, r1);
                float   Cdot2 = w2 - w1;
                Vector3 Cdot  = new Vector3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 impulse = _mass.Solve33(-Cdot);

                if (_limitState == LimitState.Equal)
                    _impulse += impulse;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLower)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.Z + impulse.Z;
                    if (newImpulse < 0.0f)
                        Vector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                        impulse.X   = reduced.X;
                        impulse.Y   = reduced.Y;
                        impulse.Z   = -_impulse.Z;
                        _impulse.X += reduced.X;
                        _impulse.Y += reduced.Y;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpper)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.Z + impulse.Z;
                    if (newImpulse > 0.0f)
                        Vector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                        impulse.X   = reduced.X;
                        impulse.Y   = reduced.Y;
                        impulse.Z   = -_impulse.Z;
                        _impulse.X += reduced.X;
                        _impulse.Y += reduced.Y;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;

                Vector2 P = new Vector2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

                v1 -= m1 * P;
                w1 -= i1 * (MathUtils.Cross(r1, P) + impulse.Z);
                Transform xf1;
                b1.GetTransform(out xf1);

                Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, LocalAnchorA - b1.LocalCenter);
                Vector2 r2 = _worldAnchor;

                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                Vector2 Cdot    = v2 + MathUtils.Cross(w2, r2) - v1 - MathUtils.Cross(w1, r1);
                Vector2 impulse = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot);

                _impulse.X += impulse.X;
                _impulse.Y += impulse.Y;

                v1 -= m1 * impulse;
                w1 -= i1 * MathUtils.Cross(r1, impulse);

            b1.LinearVelocityInternal  = v1;
            b1.AngularVelocityInternal = w1;
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = _body1;
            Body b2 = _body2;

            Vector2 v1 = b1._linearVelocity;
            float   w1 = b1._angularVelocity;
            Vector2 v2 = b2._linearVelocity;
            float   w2 = b2._angularVelocity;

            float m1 = b1._invMass, m2 = b2._invMass;
            float i1 = b1._invI, i2 = b2._invI;

            //Solve motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.EqualLimits)
                float Cdot       = w2 - w1 - _motorSpeed;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (-Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.Dt * _maxMotorTorque;
                _motorImpulse = Mathf.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                w1 -= i1 * impulse;
                w2 += i2 * impulse;

            //Solve limit constraint.
            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.InactiveLimit)
                Vector2 r1 = b1.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter());
                Vector2 r2 = b2.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter());

                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                Vector2 Cdot1 = v2 + r2.CrossScalarPreMultiply(w2) - v1 - r1.CrossScalarPreMultiply(w1);
                float   Cdot2 = w2 - w1;
                Vector3 Cdot  = new Vector3(Cdot1.x, Cdot1.y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 impulse = _mass.Solve33(-Cdot);

                if (_limitState == LimitState.EqualLimits)
                    _impulse += impulse;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLowerLimit)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.z + impulse.z;
                    if (newImpulse < 0.0f)
                        Vector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                        impulse.x   = reduced.x;
                        impulse.y   = reduced.y;
                        impulse.z   = -_impulse.z;
                        _impulse.x += reduced.x;
                        _impulse.y += reduced.y;
                        _impulse.z  = 0.0f;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpperLimit)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.z + impulse.z;
                    if (newImpulse > 0.0f)
                        Vector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                        impulse.x   = reduced.x;
                        impulse.y   = reduced.y;
                        impulse.z   = -_impulse.z;
                        _impulse.x += reduced.x;
                        _impulse.y += reduced.y;
                        _impulse.z  = 0.0f;

                Vector2 P = impulse.ToVector2();

                v1 -= m1 * P;
                w1 -= i1 * (r1.Cross(P) + impulse.z);

                v2 += m2 * P;
                w2 += i2 * (r2.Cross(P) + impulse.z);
                Vector2 r1 = b1.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter());
                Vector2 r2 = b2.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter());

                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                Vector2 Cdot    = v2 + r2.CrossScalarPreMultiply(w2) - v1 - r1.CrossScalarPreMultiply(w1);
                Vector2 impulse = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot);

                _impulse.x += impulse.x;
                _impulse.y += impulse.y;

                v1 -= m1 * impulse;
                w1 -= i1 * r1.Cross(impulse);

                v2 += m2 * impulse;
                w2 += i2 * r2.Cross(impulse);

            b1._linearVelocity  = v1;
            b1._angularVelocity = w1;
            b2._linearVelocity  = v2;
            b2._angularVelocity = w2;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 cA = data.positions[_indexA].c;
            float   aA = data.positions[_indexA].a;
            Vector2 cB = data.positions[_indexB].c;
            float   aB = data.positions[_indexB].a;

            Complex qA = Complex.FromAngle(aA);
            Complex qB = Complex.FromAngle(aB);

            float mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            float iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            // Compute fresh Jacobians
            Vector2 rA = Complex.Multiply(LocalAnchorA - _localCenterA, ref qA);
            Vector2 rB = Complex.Multiply(LocalAnchorB - _localCenterB, ref qB);
            Vector2 d  = cB + rB - cA - rA;

            Vector2 axis = Complex.Multiply(ref _localXAxis, ref qA);
            float   a1   = MathUtils.Cross(d + rA, axis);
            float   a2   = MathUtils.Cross(ref rB, ref axis);
            Vector2 perp = Complex.Multiply(ref _localYAxisA, ref qA);

            float s1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + rA, perp);
            float s2 = MathUtils.Cross(ref rB, ref perp);

            Vector3 impulse;
            Vector2 C1 = new Vector2();

            C1.X = Vector2.Dot(perp, d);
            C1.Y = aB - aA - ReferenceAngle;

            float linearError  = Math.Abs(C1.X);
            float angularError = Math.Abs(C1.Y);

            bool  active = false;
            float C2     = 0.0f;

            if (_enableLimit)
                float translation = Vector2.Dot(axis, d);
                if (Math.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.LinearSlop)
                    // Prevent large angular corrections
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Math.Max(linearError, Math.Abs(translation));
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _lowerTranslation + Settings.LinearSlop, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
                    linearError = Math.Max(linearError, _lowerTranslation - translation);
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation >= _upperTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _upperTranslation - Settings.LinearSlop, 0.0f, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Math.Max(linearError, translation - _upperTranslation);
                    active      = true;

            if (active)
                float k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
                float k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
                float k13 = iA * s1 * a1 + iB * s2 * a2;
                float k22 = iA + iB;
                if (k22 == 0.0f)
                    // For fixed rotation
                    k22 = 1.0f;
                float k23 = iA * a1 + iB * a2;
                float k33 = mA + mB + iA * a1 * a1 + iB * a2 * a2;

                Mat33 K = new Mat33();
                K.ex = new Vector3(k11, k12, k13);
                K.ey = new Vector3(k12, k22, k23);
                K.ez = new Vector3(k13, k23, k33);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3();
                C.X = C1.X;
                C.Y = C1.Y;
                C.Z = C2;

                impulse = K.Solve33(-C);
                float k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
                float k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
                float k22 = iA + iB;
                if (k22 == 0.0f)
                    k22 = 1.0f;

                Mat22 K = new Mat22();
                K.ex = new Vector2(k11, k12);
                K.ey = new Vector2(k12, k22);

                Vector2 impulse1 = K.Solve(-C1);
                impulse   = new Vector3();
                impulse.X = impulse1.X;
                impulse.Y = impulse1.Y;
                impulse.Z = 0.0f;

            Vector2 P  = impulse.X * perp + impulse.Z * axis;
            float   LA = impulse.X * s1 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * a1;
            float   LB = impulse.X * s2 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * a2;

            cA -= mA * P;
            aA -= iA * LA;
            cB += mB * P;
            aB += iB * LB;

            data.positions[_indexA].c = cA;
            data.positions[_indexA].a = aA;
            data.positions[_indexB].c = cB;
            data.positions[_indexB].a = aB;

            return(linearError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop);
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = BodyA;
            Body b2 = BodyB;

            Vector2 v1 = b1.LinearVelocityInternal;
            float   w1 = b1.AngularVelocityInternal;
            Vector2 v2 = b2.LinearVelocityInternal;
            float   w2 = b2.AngularVelocityInternal;

            float m1 = b1.InvMass, m2 = b2.InvMass;
            float i1 = b1.InvI, i2 = b2.InvI;

            // Solve motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.Equal)
                float Cdot       = w2 - w1 - _motorSpeed;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (-Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.dt * _maxMotorTorque;
                _motorImpulse = MathUtils.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                w1 -= i1 * impulse;
                w2 += i2 * impulse;

            // Solve limit constraint.
            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.Inactive)
                /*Transform xf1, xf2;
                 * b1.GetTransform(out xf1);
                 * b2.GetTransform(out xf2);*/

                Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref b1.Xf.R, LocalAnchorA - b1.LocalCenter);
                Vector2 r2 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref b2.Xf.R, LocalAnchorB - b2.LocalCenter);

                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                MathUtils.Cross(w2, ref r2, out _tmpVector2);
                MathUtils.Cross(w1, ref r1, out _tmpVector1);
                Vector2 Cdot1 = v2 + /* w2 x r2 */ _tmpVector2 - v1 - /* w1 x r1 */ _tmpVector1;
                float   Cdot2 = w2 - w1;
                Vector3 Cdot  = new Vector3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 impulse = _mass.Solve33(-Cdot);

                if (_limitState == LimitState.Equal)
                    _impulse += impulse;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLower)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.Z + impulse.Z;
                    if (newImpulse < 0.0f)
                        Vector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                        impulse.X   = reduced.X;
                        impulse.Y   = reduced.Y;
                        impulse.Z   = -_impulse.Z;
                        _impulse.X += reduced.X;
                        _impulse.Y += reduced.Y;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpper)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.Z + impulse.Z;
                    if (newImpulse > 0.0f)
                        Vector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                        impulse.X   = reduced.X;
                        impulse.Y   = reduced.Y;
                        impulse.Z   = -_impulse.Z;
                        _impulse.X += reduced.X;
                        _impulse.Y += reduced.Y;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;

                Vector2 P = new Vector2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

                v1 -= m1 * P;
                MathUtils.Cross(ref r1, ref P, out _tmpFloat1);
                w1 -= i1 * (/* r1 x P */ _tmpFloat1 + impulse.Z);

                v2 += m2 * P;
                MathUtils.Cross(ref r2, ref P, out _tmpFloat1);
                w2 += i2 * (/* r2 x P */ _tmpFloat1 + impulse.Z);
                /*Transform xf1, xf2;
                 * b1.GetTransform(out xf1);
                 * b2.GetTransform(out xf2);*/

                _tmpVector1 = LocalAnchorA - b1.LocalCenter;
                _tmpVector2 = LocalAnchorB - b2.LocalCenter;
                Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref b1.Xf.R, ref _tmpVector1);
                Vector2 r2 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref b2.Xf.R, ref _tmpVector2);

                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                MathUtils.Cross(w2, ref r2, out _tmpVector2);
                MathUtils.Cross(w1, ref r1, out _tmpVector1);
                Vector2 Cdot    = v2 + /* w2 x r2 */ _tmpVector2 - v1 - /* w1 x r1 */ _tmpVector1;
                Vector2 impulse = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot);

                _impulse.X += impulse.X;
                _impulse.Y += impulse.Y;

                v1 -= m1 * impulse;
                MathUtils.Cross(ref r1, ref impulse, out _tmpFloat1);
                w1 -= i1 * /* r1 x impulse */ _tmpFloat1;

                v2 += m2 * impulse;
                MathUtils.Cross(ref r2, ref impulse, out _tmpFloat1);
                w2 += i2 * /* r2 x impulse */ _tmpFloat1;

            b1.LinearVelocityInternal  = v1;
            b1.AngularVelocityInternal = w1;
            b2.LinearVelocityInternal  = v2;
            b2.AngularVelocityInternal = w2;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 cA = data.positions[_indexA].c;
            float aA = data.positions[_indexA].a;
            Vector2 cB = data.positions[_indexB].c;
            float aB = data.positions[_indexB].a;

            Rot qA = new Rot(aA), qB = new Rot(aB);

            float mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            float iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            Vector2 rA = MathUtils.Mul(qA, LocalAnchorA - _localCenterA);
            Vector2 rB = MathUtils.Mul(qB, LocalAnchorB - _localCenterB);

            float positionError, angularError;

            Mat33 K = new Mat33();
            K.ex.X = mA + mB + rA.Y * rA.Y * iA + rB.Y * rB.Y * iB;
            K.ey.X = -rA.Y * rA.X * iA - rB.Y * rB.X * iB;
            K.ez.X = -rA.Y * iA - rB.Y * iB;
            K.ex.Y = K.ey.X;
            K.ey.Y = mA + mB + rA.X * rA.X * iA + rB.X * rB.X * iB;
            K.ez.Y = rA.X * iA + rB.X * iB;
            K.ex.Z = K.ez.X;
            K.ey.Z = K.ez.Y;
            K.ez.Z = iA + iB;

            if (FrequencyHz > 0.0f)
                Vector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;

                positionError = C1.Length();
                angularError = 0.0f;

                Vector2 P = -K.Solve22(C1);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(rA, P);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(rB, P);
                Vector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;
                float C2 = aB - aA - ReferenceAngle;

                positionError = C1.Length();
                angularError = Math.Abs(C2);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3(C1.X, C1.Y, C2);

                Vector3 impulse = -K.Solve33(C);
                Vector2 P = new Vector2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(rA, P) + impulse.Z);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(rB, P) + impulse.Z);

            data.positions[_indexA].c = cA;
            data.positions[_indexA].a = aA;
            data.positions[_indexB].c = cB;
            data.positions[_indexB].a = aB;

            return positionError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 cA = data.Positions[_indexA].C;

            GGame.Math.Fix64 aA = data.Positions[_indexA].A;
            Vector2          cB = data.Positions[_indexB].C;

            GGame.Math.Fix64 aB = data.Positions[_indexB].A;

            Rot qA = new Rot(aA), qB = new Rot(aB);

            GGame.Math.Fix64 mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            GGame.Math.Fix64 iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            Vector2 rA = MathUtils.Mul(qA, LocalAnchorA - _localCenterA);
            Vector2 rB = MathUtils.Mul(qB, LocalAnchorB - _localCenterB);

            GGame.Math.Fix64 positionError, angularError;

            Mat33 K = new Mat33();

            K.ex.X = mA + mB + rA.Y * rA.Y * iA + rB.Y * rB.Y * iB;
            K.ey.X = -rA.Y * rA.X * iA - rB.Y * rB.X * iB;
            K.ez.X = -rA.Y * iA - rB.Y * iB;
            K.ex.Y = K.ey.X;
            K.ey.Y = mA + mB + rA.X * rA.X * iA + rB.X * rB.X * iB;
            K.ez.Y = rA.X * iA + rB.X * iB;
            K.ex.Z = K.ez.X;
            K.ey.Z = K.ez.Y;
            K.ez.Z = iA + iB;

            if (FrequencyHz > 0.0f)
                Vector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;

                positionError = C1.Length();
                angularError  = 0.0f;

                Vector2 P = -K.Solve22(C1);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(rA, P);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(rB, P);
                Vector2          C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;
                GGame.Math.Fix64 C2 = aB - aA - ReferenceAngle;

                positionError = C1.Length();
                angularError  = GGame.Math.Fix64.Abs(C2);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3(C1.X, C1.Y, C2);

                Vector3 impulse;
                if (K.ez.Z > 0.0f)
                    impulse = -K.Solve33(C);
                    Vector2 impulse2 = -K.Solve22(C1);
                    impulse = new Vector3(impulse2.X, impulse2.Y, 0.0f);

                Vector2 P = new Vector2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(rA, P) + impulse.Z);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(rB, P) + impulse.Z);

            data.Positions[_indexA].C = cA;
            data.Positions[_indexA].A = aA;
            data.Positions[_indexB].C = cB;
            data.Positions[_indexB].A = aB;

            return(positionError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop);
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            FVector2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c;
            float    aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a;
            FVector2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
            float    aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;

            Rot qA = new Rot(aA), qB = new Rot(aB);

            float mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB;
            float iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB;

            FVector2 rA = MathUtils.Mul(qA, LocalAnchorA - m_localCenterA);
            FVector2 rB = MathUtils.Mul(qB, LocalAnchorB - m_localCenterB);

            float positionError, angularError;

            Mat33 K = new Mat33();

            K.ex.X = mA + mB + rA.Y * rA.Y * iA + rB.Y * rB.Y * iB;
            K.ey.X = -rA.Y * rA.X * iA - rB.Y * rB.X * iB;
            K.ez.X = -rA.Y * iA - rB.Y * iB;
            K.ex.Y = K.ey.X;
            K.ey.Y = mA + mB + rA.X * rA.X * iA + rB.X * rB.X * iB;
            K.ez.Y = rA.X * iA + rB.X * iB;
            K.ex.Z = K.ez.X;
            K.ey.Z = K.ez.Y;
            K.ez.Z = iA + iB;

            if (m_frequencyHz > 0.0f)
                FVector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;

                positionError = C1.Length();
                angularError  = 0.0f;

                FVector2 P = -K.Solve22(C1);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(rA, P);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(rB, P);
                FVector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;
                float    C2 = aB - aA - ReferenceAngle;

                positionError = C1.Length();
                angularError  = Math.Abs(C2);

                FVector3 C = new FVector3(C1.X, C1.Y, C2);

                FVector3 impulse = -K.Solve33(C);
                FVector2 P       = new FVector2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(rA, P) + impulse.Z);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(rB, P) + impulse.Z);

            data.positions[m_indexA].c = cA;
            data.positions[m_indexA].a = aA;
            data.positions[m_indexB].c = cB;
            data.positions[m_indexB].a = aB;

            return(positionError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop);
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            FPVector2 vA = data.velocities[_indexA].v;
            FP        wA = data.velocities[_indexA].w;
            FPVector2 vB = data.velocities[_indexB].v;
            FP        wB = data.velocities[_indexB].w;

            FP mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            FP iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            bool fixedRotation = (iA + iB == 0.0f);

            // Solve motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.Equal && fixedRotation == false)
                FP Cdot       = wB - wA - _motorSpeed;
                FP impulse    = _motorMass * (-Cdot);
                FP oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                FP maxImpulse = data.step.dt * _maxMotorTorque;
                _motorImpulse = MathUtils.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                wA -= iA * impulse;
                wB += iB * impulse;

            // Solve limit constraint.
            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.Inactive && fixedRotation == false)
                FPVector2 Cdot1 = vB + MathUtils.Cross(wB, _rB) - vA - MathUtils.Cross(wA, _rA);
                FP        Cdot2 = wB - wA;
                FPVector  Cdot  = new FPVector(Cdot1.x, Cdot1.y, Cdot2);

                FPVector impulse = _mass.Solve33(Cdot) * -1;

                if (_limitState == LimitState.Equal)
                    _impulse += impulse;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLower)
                    FP newImpulse = _impulse.z + impulse.z;
                    if (newImpulse < 0.0f)
                        FPVector2 rhs     = -Cdot1 + _impulse.z * new FPVector2(_mass.ez.x, _mass.ez.y);
                        FPVector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(rhs);
                        impulse.x   = reduced.x;
                        impulse.y   = reduced.y;
                        impulse.z   = -_impulse.z;
                        _impulse.x += reduced.x;
                        _impulse.y += reduced.y;
                        _impulse.z  = 0.0f;
                        _impulse += impulse;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpper)
                    FP newImpulse = _impulse.z + impulse.z;
                    if (newImpulse > 0.0f)
                        FPVector2 rhs     = -Cdot1 + _impulse.z * new FPVector2(_mass.ez.x, _mass.ez.y);
                        FPVector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(rhs);
                        impulse.x   = reduced.x;
                        impulse.y   = reduced.y;
                        impulse.z   = -_impulse.z;
                        _impulse.x += reduced.x;
                        _impulse.y += reduced.y;
                        _impulse.z  = 0.0f;
                        _impulse += impulse;

                FPVector2 P = new FPVector2(impulse.x, impulse.y);

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(_rA, P) + impulse.z);

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(_rB, P) + impulse.z);
                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                FPVector2 Cdot    = vB + MathUtils.Cross(wB, _rB) - vA - MathUtils.Cross(wA, _rA);
                FPVector2 impulse = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot);

                _impulse.x += impulse.x;
                _impulse.y += impulse.y;

                vA -= mA * impulse;
                wA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(_rA, impulse);

                vB += mB * impulse;
                wB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(_rB, impulse);

            data.velocities[_indexA].v = vA;
            data.velocities[_indexA].w = wA;
            data.velocities[_indexB].v = vB;
            data.velocities[_indexB].w = wB;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 cA = data.Positions[_indexA].C;

            GGame.Math.Fix64 aA = data.Positions[_indexA].A;
            Vector2          cB = data.Positions[_indexB].C;

            GGame.Math.Fix64 aB = data.Positions[_indexB].A;

            Rot qA = new Rot(aA), qB = new Rot(aB);

            GGame.Math.Fix64 mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            GGame.Math.Fix64 iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            // Compute fresh Jacobians
            Vector2 rA = MathUtils.Mul(qA, LocalAnchorA - _localCenterA);
            Vector2 rB = MathUtils.Mul(qB, LocalAnchorB - _localCenterB);
            Vector2 d  = cB + rB - cA - rA;

            Vector2 axis = MathUtils.Mul(qA, LocalXAxis);

            GGame.Math.Fix64 a1   = MathUtils.Cross(d + rA, axis);
            GGame.Math.Fix64 a2   = MathUtils.Cross(rB, axis);
            Vector2          perp = MathUtils.Mul(qA, _localYAxisA);

            GGame.Math.Fix64 s1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + rA, perp);
            GGame.Math.Fix64 s2 = MathUtils.Cross(rB, perp);

            Vector3 impulse;
            Vector2 C1 = new Vector2();

            C1.X = Vector2.Dot(perp, d);
            C1.Y = aB - aA - ReferenceAngle;

            GGame.Math.Fix64 linearError  = GGame.Math.Fix64.Abs(C1.X);
            GGame.Math.Fix64 angularError = GGame.Math.Fix64.Abs(C1.Y);

            bool active = false;

            GGame.Math.Fix64 C2 = 0.0f;
            if (_enableLimit)
                GGame.Math.Fix64 translation = Vector2.Dot(axis, d);
                if (GGame.Math.Fix64.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.LinearSlop)
                    // Prevent large angular corrections
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Math.Max((float)linearError, (float)GGame.Math.Fix64.Abs(translation));
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _lowerTranslation + Settings.LinearSlop, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
                    linearError = Math.Max((float)linearError, (float)(_lowerTranslation - translation));
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation >= _upperTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _upperTranslation - Settings.LinearSlop, 0.0f, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Math.Max((float)linearError, (float)(translation - _upperTranslation));
                    active      = true;

            if (active)
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k13 = iA * s1 * a1 + iB * s2 * a2;
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k22 = iA + iB;
                if (k22 == 0.0f)
                    // For fixed rotation
                    k22 = 1.0f;
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k23 = iA * a1 + iB * a2;
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k33 = mA + mB + iA * a1 * a1 + iB * a2 * a2;

                Mat33 K = new Mat33();
                K.ex = new Vector3(k11, k12, k13);
                K.ey = new Vector3(k12, k22, k23);
                K.ez = new Vector3(k13, k23, k33);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3();
                C.X = C1.X;
                C.Y = C1.Y;
                C.Z = C2;

                impulse = K.Solve33(-C);
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
                GGame.Math.Fix64 k22 = iA + iB;
                if (k22 == 0.0f)
                    k22 = 1.0f;

                Mat22 K = new Mat22();
                K.ex = new Vector2(k11, k12);
                K.ey = new Vector2(k12, k22);

                Vector2 impulse1 = K.Solve(-C1);
                impulse   = new Vector3();
                impulse.X = impulse1.X;
                impulse.Y = impulse1.Y;
                impulse.Z = 0.0f;

            Vector2 P = impulse.X * perp + impulse.Z * axis;

            GGame.Math.Fix64 LA = impulse.X * s1 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * a1;
            GGame.Math.Fix64 LB = impulse.X * s2 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * a2;

            cA -= mA * P;
            aA -= iA * LA;
            cB += mB * P;
            aB += iB * LB;

            data.Positions[_indexA].C = cA;
            data.Positions[_indexA].A = aA;
            data.Positions[_indexB].C = cB;
            data.Positions[_indexB].A = aB;

            return(linearError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop);
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints()
            Vector2 vA = _bodyA.velocity;
            float   wA = _bodyA.angularVelocity * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
            Vector2 vB = _bodyB.velocity;
            float   wB = _bodyB.angularVelocity * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            float mA = m_InvMassA, mB = m_InvMassB;
            float iA = m_InvIA, iB = m_InvIB;

            bool fixedRotation = (iA + iB == 0.0f);

            // Solve motor constraint.
            if (m_EnableMotor && limitState != JointLimitState2D.EqualLimits && fixedRotation == false)
                float Cdot       = wB - wA - m_MotorSpeed;
                float impulse    = m_MotorMass * (-Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = m_MotorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = Time.deltaTime * m_MaxMotorTorque;
                m_MotorImpulse = Mathf.Clamp(m_MotorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse        = m_MotorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                wA -= iA * impulse;
                wB += iB * impulse;

            // Solve limit constraint.
            if (m_EnableLimit && limitState != JointLimitState2D.Inactive && fixedRotation == false)
                Vector2 Cdot1 = vB + MathUtils.Cross(wB, m_RB) - vA - MathUtils.Cross(wA, m_RA);
                float   Cdot2 = wB - wA;
                Vector3 Cdot  = new Vector3(Cdot1.x, Cdot1.y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 impulse = -m_Mass.Solve33(Cdot);

                if (limitState == JointLimitState2D.EqualLimits)
                    m_Impulse += impulse;
                else if (limitState == JointLimitState2D.LowerLimit)
                    float newImpulse = m_Impulse.z + impulse.z;
                    if (newImpulse < 0.0f)
                        Vector2 rhs     = -Cdot1 + m_Impulse.z * new Vector2(m_Mass.ez.x, m_Mass.ez.y);
                        Vector2 reduced = m_Mass.Solve22(rhs);
                        impulse.x    = reduced.x;
                        impulse.y    = reduced.y;
                        impulse.z    = -m_Impulse.z;
                        m_Impulse.x += reduced.x;
                        m_Impulse.y += reduced.y;
                        m_Impulse.z  = 0.0f;
                        m_Impulse += impulse;
                else if (limitState == JointLimitState2D.UpperLimit)
                    float newImpulse = m_Impulse.z + impulse.z;
                    if (newImpulse > 0.0f)
                        Vector2 rhs     = -Cdot1 + m_Impulse.z * new Vector2(m_Mass.ez.x, m_Mass.ez.y);
                        Vector2 reduced = m_Mass.Solve22(rhs);
                        impulse.x    = reduced.x;
                        impulse.y    = reduced.y;
                        impulse.z    = -m_Impulse.z;
                        m_Impulse.x += reduced.x;
                        m_Impulse.y += reduced.y;
                        m_Impulse.z  = 0.0f;
                        m_Impulse += impulse;

                Vector2 P = new Vector2(impulse.x, impulse.y);

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(m_RA, P) + impulse.z);

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(m_RB, P) + impulse.z);
                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                Vector2 Cdot    = vB + MathUtils.Cross(wB, m_RB) - vA - MathUtils.Cross(wA, m_RA);
                Vector2 impulse = m_Mass.Solve22(-Cdot);

                m_Impulse.x += impulse.x;
                m_Impulse.y += impulse.y;

                vA -= mA * impulse;
                wA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(m_RA, impulse);

                vB += mB * impulse;
                wB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(m_RB, impulse);

            if (!_bodyA.isKinematic)
                _bodyA.velocity = vA;
                if (!_bodyA.fixedAngle)
                    _bodyA.angularVelocity = wA * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            if (!_bodyB.isKinematic)
                _bodyB.velocity = vB;
                if (!_bodyB.fixedAngle)
                    _bodyB.angularVelocity = wB * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints()
            Vector2 cA  = _bodyA.GetRelativePoint(m_LocalCenterA);
            Vector2 cA0 = cA;
            float   aA  = _bodyA.rotation * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
            Vector2 cB  = _bodyB.GetRelativePoint(m_LocalCenterB);
            Vector2 cB0 = cB;
            float   aB  = _bodyB.rotation * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            Rot qA = new Rot(aA), qB = new Rot(aB);

            float mA = m_InvMassA, mB = m_InvMassB;
            float iA = m_InvIA, iB = m_InvIB;

            // Compute fresh Jacobians
            Vector2 rA = MathUtils.Mul(qA, _localAnchorA - m_LocalCenterA);
            Vector2 rB = MathUtils.Mul(qB, _localAnchorB - m_LocalCenterB);
            Vector2 d  = cB + rB - cA - rA;

            Vector2 axis = MathUtils.Mul(qA, localXAxisA);
            float   a1   = MathUtils.Cross(d + rA, axis);
            float   a2   = MathUtils.Cross(rB, axis);
            Vector2 perp = MathUtils.Mul(qA, m_LocalYAxisA);

            float s1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + rA, perp);
            float s2 = MathUtils.Cross(rB, perp);

            Vector3 impulse;
            Vector2 C1 = new Vector2();

            C1.x = Vector2.Dot(perp, d);
            C1.y = aB - aA - referenceAngle;

            float linearError  = Mathf.Abs(C1.x);
            float angularError = Mathf.Abs(C1.y);

            bool  active = false;
            float C2     = 0.0f;

            if (m_EnableLimit)
                float translation = Vector2.Dot(axis, d);
                m_Translation = translation;

                if (Mathf.Abs(m_UpperTranslation - m_LowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Constants.linearSlop)
                    // Prevent large angular corrections
                    C2          = Mathf.Clamp(translation, -Constants.maxLinearCorrection, Constants.maxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Mathf.Max(linearError, Mathf.Abs(translation));
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation <= m_LowerTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2 = Mathf.Clamp(translation - m_LowerTranslation + Constants.linearSlop,
                                     -Constants.maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
                    linearError = Mathf.Max(linearError, m_LowerTranslation - translation);
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation >= m_UpperTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2 = Mathf.Clamp(translation - m_UpperTranslation - Constants.linearSlop, 0.0f,
                    linearError = Mathf.Max(linearError, translation - m_UpperTranslation);
                    active      = true;

            if (active)
                float k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
                float k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
                float k13 = iA * s1 * a1 + iB * s2 * a2;
                float k22 = iA + iB;
                if (k22 == 0.0f)
                    // For fixed rotation
                    k22 = 1.0f;
                float k23 = iA * a1 + iB * a2;
                float k33 = mA + mB + iA * a1 * a1 + iB * a2 * a2;

                Mat33 K = new Mat33();
                K.ex = new Vector3(k11, k12, k13);
                K.ey = new Vector3(k12, k22, k23);
                K.ez = new Vector3(k13, k23, k33);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3();
                C.x = C1.x;
                C.y = C1.y;
                C.z = C2;

                impulse = K.Solve33(-C);
                float k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
                float k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
                float k22 = iA + iB;
                if (k22 == 0.0f)
                    k22 = 1.0f;

                Mat22 K = new Mat22();
                K.ex = new Vector2(k11, k12);
                K.ey = new Vector2(k12, k22);

                Vector2 impulse1 = K.Solve(-C1);
                impulse   = new Vector3();
                impulse.x = impulse1.x;
                impulse.y = impulse1.y;
                impulse.z = 0.0f;

            Vector2 P  = impulse.x * perp + impulse.z * axis;
            float   LA = impulse.x * s1 + impulse.y + impulse.z * a1;
            float   LB = impulse.x * s2 + impulse.y + impulse.z * a2;

            cA -= mA * P;
            aA -= iA * LA;
            cB += mB * P;
            aB += iB * LB;

            if (!_bodyA.isKinematic)
                var dcA = cA0 - cA;
                _bodyA.position -= dcA;
                if (!_bodyA.fixedAngle)
                    _bodyA.rotation = aA * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            if (!_bodyB.isKinematic)
                var dcB = cB0 - cB;
                _bodyB.position -= dcB;
                if (!_bodyB.fixedAngle)
                    _bodyB.rotation = aB * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            return(linearError < Constants.linearSlop && angularError < Constants.angularSlop);
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints()
            Vector2 vA = _bodyA.velocity;
            float   wA = _bodyA.angularVelocity * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
            Vector2 vB = _bodyB.velocity;
            float   wB = _bodyB.angularVelocity * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            float mA = m_InvMassA, mB = m_InvMassB;
            float iA = m_InvIA, iB = m_InvIB;

            // Solve linear motor constraint.
            if (m_EnableMotor && m_LimitState != JointLimitState2D.EqualLimits)
                float Cdot       = Vector2.Dot(m_Axis, vB - vA) + m_A2 * wB - m_A1 * wA;
                float impulse    = m_MotorMass * (m_MotorSpeed - Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = m_MotorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = Time.deltaTime * m_MaxMotorForce;
                m_MotorImpulse = Mathf.Clamp(m_MotorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse        = m_MotorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P  = impulse * m_Axis;
                float   LA = impulse * m_A1;
                float   LB = impulse * m_A2;

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * LA;

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * LB;

            Vector2 Cdot1 = new Vector2();

            Cdot1.x = Vector2.Dot(m_Perp, vB - vA) + m_S2 * wB - m_S1 * wA;
            Cdot1.y = wB - wA;

            if (m_EnableLimit && m_LimitState != JointLimitState2D.Inactive)
                // Solve slider and limit constraint in block form.
                float Cdot2;
                Cdot2 = Vector2.Dot(m_Axis, vB - vA) + m_A2 * wB - m_A1 * wA;
                Vector3 Cdot = new Vector3(Cdot1.x, Cdot1.y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 f1 = m_Impulse;
                Vector3 df = m_K.Solve33(-Cdot);
                m_Impulse += df;

                if (m_LimitState == JointLimitState2D.LowerLimit)
                    m_Impulse.z = Mathf.Max(m_Impulse.z, 0.0f);
                else if (m_LimitState == JointLimitState2D.UpperLimit)
                    m_Impulse.z = Mathf.Min(m_Impulse.z, 0.0f);

                // f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
                Vector2 b   = -Cdot1 - (m_Impulse.z - f1.z) * new Vector2(m_K.ez.x, m_K.ez.y);
                Vector2 f2r = m_K.Solve22(b) + new Vector2(f1.x, f1.y);
                m_Impulse.x = f2r.x;
                m_Impulse.y = f2r.y;

                df = m_Impulse - f1;

                Vector2 P  = df.x * m_Perp + df.z * m_Axis;
                float   LA = df.x * m_S1 + df.y + df.z * m_A1;
                float   LB = df.x * m_S2 + df.y + df.z * m_A2;

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * LA;

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * LB;
                // Limit is inactive, just solve the slider constraint in block form.
                Vector2 df = m_K.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                m_Impulse.x += df.x;
                m_Impulse.y += df.y;

                Vector2 P  = df.x * m_Perp;
                float   LA = df.x * m_S1 + df.y;
                float   LB = df.x * m_S2 + df.y;

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * LA;

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * LB;

                //FVector2 Cdot10 = Cdot1;

                Cdot1.x = Vector2.Dot(m_Perp, vB - vA) + m_S2 * wB - m_S1 * wA;
                Cdot1.y = wB - wA;

                if (Mathf.Abs(Cdot1.x) > 0.01f || Mathf.Abs(Cdot1.y) > 0.01f)
                    //FVector2 test = MathUtils.Mul22(m_K, df);
                    Cdot1.x += 0.0f;

            if (!_bodyA.isKinematic)
                _bodyA.velocity = vA;
                if (!_bodyA.fixedAngle)
                    _bodyA.angularVelocity = wA * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            if (!_bodyB.isKinematic)
                _bodyB.velocity = vB;
                if (!_bodyB.fixedAngle)
                    _bodyB.angularVelocity = wB * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = _body1;
            Body b2 = _body2;

            Vec2  v1 = b1._linearVelocity;
            float w1 = b1._angularVelocity;
            Vec2  v2 = b2._linearVelocity;
            float w2 = b2._angularVelocity;

            float m1 = b1._invMass, m2 = b2._invMass;
            float i1 = b1._invI, i2 = b2._invI;

            //Solve motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.EqualLimits)
                float Cdot       = w2 - w1 - _motorSpeed;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (-Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.Dt * _maxMotorTorque;
                _motorImpulse = Box2DXMath.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                w1 -= i1 * impulse;
                w2 += i2 * impulse;

            //Solve limit constraint.
            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.InactiveLimit)
                Vec2 r1 = Box2DXMath.Mul(b1.GetXForm().R, _localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter());
                Vec2 r2 = Box2DXMath.Mul(b2.GetXForm().R, _localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter());

                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                Vec2  Cdot1 = v2 + Vec2.Cross(w2, r2) - v1 - Vec2.Cross(w1, r1);
                float Cdot2 = w2 - w1;
                Vec3  Cdot  = new Vec3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

                Vec3 impulse = _mass.Solve33(-Cdot);

                if (_limitState == LimitState.EqualLimits)
                    _impulse += impulse;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLowerLimit)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.Z + impulse.Z;
                    if (newImpulse < 0.0f)
                        Vec2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                        impulse.X   = reduced.X;
                        impulse.Y   = reduced.Y;
                        impulse.Z   = -_impulse.Z;
                        _impulse.X += reduced.X;
                        _impulse.Y += reduced.Y;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpperLimit)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.Z + impulse.Z;
                    if (newImpulse > 0.0f)
                        Vec2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                        impulse.X   = reduced.X;
                        impulse.Y   = reduced.Y;
                        impulse.Z   = -_impulse.Z;
                        _impulse.X += reduced.X;
                        _impulse.Y += reduced.Y;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;

                Vec2 P = new Vec2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

                v1 -= m1 * P;
                w1 -= i1 * (Vec2.Cross(r1, P) + impulse.Z);

                v2 += m2 * P;
                w2 += i2 * (Vec2.Cross(r2, P) + impulse.Z);
                Vec2 r1 = Box2DXMath.Mul(b1.GetXForm().R, _localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter());
                Vec2 r2 = Box2DXMath.Mul(b2.GetXForm().R, _localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter());

                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                Vec2 Cdot    = v2 + Vec2.Cross(w2, r2) - v1 - Vec2.Cross(w1, r1);
                Vec2 impulse = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot);

                _impulse.X += impulse.X;
                _impulse.Y += impulse.Y;

                v1 -= m1 * impulse;
                w1 -= i1 * Vec2.Cross(r1, impulse);

                v2 += m2 * impulse;
                w2 += i2 * Vec2.Cross(r2, impulse);

            b1._linearVelocity  = v1;
            b1._angularVelocity = w1;
            b2._linearVelocity  = v2;
            b2._angularVelocity = w2;
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 vA = data.Velocities[_indexA].V;
            float   wA = data.Velocities[_indexA].W;
            Vector2 vB = data.Velocities[_indexB].V;
            float   wB = data.Velocities[_indexB].W;

            float mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            float iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            bool fixedRotation = (iA + iB == 0.0f);

            // Solve motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.Equal && fixedRotation == false)
                float Cdot       = wB - wA - _motorSpeed;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (-Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = data.Step.dt * _maxMotorTorque;
                _motorImpulse = MathUtils.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                wA -= iA * impulse;
                wB += iB * impulse;

            // Solve limit constraint.
            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.Inactive && fixedRotation == false)
                Vector2 Cdot1 = vB + MathUtils.Cross(wB, _rB) - vA - MathUtils.Cross(wA, _rA);
                float   Cdot2 = wB - wA;
                Vector3 Cdot  = new Vector3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 impulse = -_mass.Solve33(Cdot);

                if (_limitState == LimitState.Equal)
                    _impulse += impulse;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLower)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.Z + impulse.Z;
                    if (newImpulse < 0.0f)
                        Vector2 rhs     = -Cdot1 + _impulse.Z * new Vector2(_mass.ez.X, _mass.ez.Y);
                        Vector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(rhs);
                        impulse.X   = reduced.X;
                        impulse.Y   = reduced.Y;
                        impulse.Z   = -_impulse.Z;
                        _impulse.X += reduced.X;
                        _impulse.Y += reduced.Y;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                        _impulse += impulse;
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpper)
                    float newImpulse = _impulse.Z + impulse.Z;
                    if (newImpulse > 0.0f)
                        Vector2 rhs     = -Cdot1 + _impulse.Z * new Vector2(_mass.ez.X, _mass.ez.Y);
                        Vector2 reduced = _mass.Solve22(rhs);
                        impulse.X   = reduced.X;
                        impulse.Y   = reduced.Y;
                        impulse.Z   = -_impulse.Z;
                        _impulse.X += reduced.X;
                        _impulse.Y += reduced.Y;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                        _impulse += impulse;

                Vector2 P = new Vector2(impulse.X, impulse.Y);

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(_rA, P) + impulse.Z);

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(_rB, P) + impulse.Z);
                // Solve point-to-point constraint
                Vector2 Cdot    = vB + MathUtils.Cross(wB, _rB) - vA - MathUtils.Cross(wA, _rA);
                Vector2 impulse = _mass.Solve22(-Cdot);

                _impulse.X += impulse.X;
                _impulse.Y += impulse.Y;

                vA -= mA * impulse;
                wA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(_rA, impulse);

                vB += mB * impulse;
                wB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(_rB, impulse);

            data.Velocities[_indexA].V = vA;
            data.Velocities[_indexA].W = wA;
            data.Velocities[_indexB].V = vB;
            data.Velocities[_indexB].W = wB;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints()
            Vector2 cA  = _bodyA.GetRelativePoint(m_LocalCenterA);
            Vector2 cA0 = cA;
            float   aA  = _bodyA.rotation * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
            Vector2 cB  = _bodyB.GetRelativePoint(m_LocalCenterB);
            Vector2 cB0 = cB;
            float   aB  = _bodyB.rotation * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            Rot qA = new Rot(aA), qB = new Rot(aB);

            float mA = m_InvMassA, mB = m_InvMassB;
            float iA = m_InvIA, iB = m_InvIB;

            Vector2 rA = MathUtils.Mul(qA, _localAnchorA - m_LocalCenterA);
            Vector2 rB = MathUtils.Mul(qB, _localAnchorB - m_LocalCenterB);

            float positionError, angularError;

            Mat33 K = new Mat33();

            K.ex.x = mA + mB + rA.y * rA.y * iA + rB.y * rB.y * iB;
            K.ey.x = -rA.y * rA.x * iA - rB.y * rB.x * iB;
            K.ez.x = -rA.y * iA - rB.y * iB;
            K.ex.y = K.ey.x;
            K.ey.y = mA + mB + rA.x * rA.x * iA + rB.x * rB.x * iB;
            K.ez.y = rA.x * iA + rB.x * iB;
            K.ex.z = K.ez.x;
            K.ey.z = K.ez.y;
            K.ez.z = iA + iB;

            if (frequency > 0.0f)
                Vector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;

                positionError = C1.magnitude;
                angularError  = 0.0f;

                Vector2 P = -K.Solve22(C1);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(rA, P);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(rB, P);
                Vector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;
                float   C2 = aB - aA - referenceAngle;

                positionError = C1.magnitude;
                angularError  = Mathf.Abs(C2);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3(C1.x, C1.y, C2);

                Vector3 impulse = -K.Solve33(C);
                Vector2 P       = new Vector2(impulse.x, impulse.y);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(rA, P) + impulse.z);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(rB, P) + impulse.z);

            if (!_bodyA.isKinematic)
                var dcA = cA0 - cA;
                _bodyA.position -= dcA;
                if (!_bodyA.fixedAngle)
                    _bodyA.rotation = aA * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            if (!_bodyB.isKinematic)
                var dcB = cB0 - cB;
                _bodyB.position -= dcB;
                if (!_bodyB.fixedAngle)
                    _bodyB.rotation = aB * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            return(positionError <= Constants.linearSlop && angularError <= Constants.angularSlop);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Solves the velocity constraints using the specified step
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="step">The step</param>
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = Body1;
            Body b2 = Body2;

            Vec2  v1 = b1.LinearVelocity;
            float w1 = b1.AngularVelocity;
            Vec2  v2 = b2.LinearVelocity;
            float w2 = b2.AngularVelocity;

            // Solve linear motor constraint.
            if (IsMotorEnabled && LimitState != LimitState.EqualLimits)
                float cdot       = Vec2.Dot(Axis, v2 - v1) + A2 * w2 - a1 * w1;
                float impulse    = MotorMass * (motorSpeedx - cdot);
                float oldImpulse = MotorForce;
                float maxImpulse = step.Dt * MaxMotorForce;
                MotorForce = Box2DXMath.Clamp(MotorForce + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse    = MotorForce - oldImpulse;

                Vec2  p  = impulse * Axis;
                float l1 = impulse * a1;
                float l2 = impulse * A2;

                v1 -= InvMass1 * p;
                w1 -= InvI1 * l1;

                v2 += InvMass2 * p;
                w2 += InvI2 * l2;

            Vec2 cdot1;

            cdot1.X = Vec2.Dot(Perp, v2 - v1) + s2 * w2 - s1 * w1;
            cdot1.Y = w2 - w1;

            if (IsLimitEnabled && LimitState != LimitState.InactiveLimit)
                // Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
                float cdot2;
                cdot2 = Vec2.Dot(Axis, v2 - v1) + A2 * w2 - a1 * w1;
                Vec3 cdot = new Vec3(cdot1.X, cdot1.Y, cdot2);

                Vec3 f1 = Impulse;
                Vec3 df = K.Solve33(-cdot);
                Impulse += df;

                if (LimitState == LimitState.AtLowerLimit)
                    Impulse.Z = Box2DXMath.Max(Impulse.Z, 0.0f);
                else if (LimitState == LimitState.AtUpperLimit)
                    Impulse.Z = Box2DXMath.Min(Impulse.Z, 0.0f);

                // f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
                Vec2 b   = -cdot1 - (Impulse.Z - f1.Z) * new Vec2(K.Col3.X, K.Col3.Y);
                Vec2 f2R = K.Solve22(b) + new Vec2(f1.X, f1.Y);
                Impulse.X = f2R.X;
                Impulse.Y = f2R.Y;

                df = Impulse - f1;

                Vec2  p  = df.X * Perp + df.Z * Axis;
                float l1 = df.X * s1 + df.Y + df.Z * a1;
                float l2 = df.X * s2 + df.Y + df.Z * A2;

                v1 -= InvMass1 * p;
                w1 -= InvI1 * l1;

                v2 += InvMass2 * p;
                w2 += InvI2 * l2;
                // Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
                Vec2 df = K.Solve22(-cdot1);
                Impulse.X += df.X;
                Impulse.Y += df.Y;

                Vec2  p  = df.X * Perp;
                float l1 = df.X * s1 + df.Y;
                float l2 = df.X * s2 + df.Y;

                v1 -= InvMass1 * p;
                w1 -= InvI1 * l1;

                v2 += InvMass2 * p;
                w2 += InvI2 * l2;

            b1.LinearVelocity  = v1;
            b1.AngularVelocity = w1;
            b2.LinearVelocity  = v2;
            b2.AngularVelocity = w2;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            FPVector2 cA = data.positions[_indexA].c;
            FP        aA = data.positions[_indexA].a;
            FPVector2 cB = data.positions[_indexB].c;
            FP        aB = data.positions[_indexB].a;

            Rot qA = new Rot(aA), qB = new Rot(aB);

            FP mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            FP iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            FPVector2 rA = MathUtils.Mul(qA, LocalAnchorA - _localCenterA);
            FPVector2 rB = MathUtils.Mul(qB, LocalAnchorB - _localCenterB);

            FP positionError, angularError;

            Mat33 K = new Mat33();

            K.ex.x = mA + mB + rA.y * rA.y * iA + rB.y * rB.y * iB;
            K.ey.x = -rA.y * rA.x * iA - rB.y * rB.x * iB;
            K.ez.x = -rA.y * iA - rB.y * iB;
            K.ex.y = K.ey.x;
            K.ey.y = mA + mB + rA.x * rA.x * iA + rB.x * rB.x * iB;
            K.ez.y = rA.x * iA + rB.x * iB;
            K.ex.z = K.ez.x;
            K.ey.z = K.ez.y;
            K.ez.z = iA + iB;

            if (FrequencyHz > 0.0f)
                FPVector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;

                positionError = C1.magnitude;
                angularError  = 0.0f;

                FPVector2 P = -K.Solve22(C1);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * MathUtils.Cross(rA, P);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * MathUtils.Cross(rB, P);
                FPVector2 C1 = cB + rB - cA - rA;
                FP        C2 = aB - aA - ReferenceAngle;

                positionError = C1.magnitude;
                angularError  = FP.Abs(C2);

                FPVector C = new FPVector(C1.x, C1.y, C2);

                FPVector  impulse = K.Solve33(C) * -1;
                FPVector2 P       = new FPVector2(impulse.x, impulse.y);

                cA -= mA * P;
                aA -= iA * (MathUtils.Cross(rA, P) + impulse.z);

                cB += mB * P;
                aB += iB * (MathUtils.Cross(rB, P) + impulse.z);

            data.positions[_indexA].c = cA;
            data.positions[_indexA].a = aA;
            data.positions[_indexB].c = cB;
            data.positions[_indexB].a = aB;

            return(positionError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop);
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 vA = data.velocities[_indexA].v;
            float   wA = data.velocities[_indexA].w;
            Vector2 vB = data.velocities[_indexB].v;
            float   wB = data.velocities[_indexB].w;

            float mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            float iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            // Solve linear motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.Equal)
                float Cdot       = Vector2.Dot(_axis, vB - vA) + _a2 * wB - _a1 * wA;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (_motorSpeed - Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = MotorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = data.step.dt * _maxMotorForce;
                MotorImpulse = MathUtils.Clamp(MotorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse      = MotorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P  = impulse * _axis;
                float   LA = impulse * _a1;
                float   LB = impulse * _a2;

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * LA;

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * LB;

            Vector2 Cdot1 = new Vector2();

            Cdot1.X = Vector2.Dot(_perp, vB - vA) + _s2 * wB - _s1 * wA;
            Cdot1.Y = wB - wA;

            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.Inactive)
                // Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
                float Cdot2;
                Cdot2 = Vector2.Dot(_axis, vB - vA) + _a2 * wB - _a1 * wA;
                Vector3 Cdot = new Vector3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 f1 = _impulse;
                Vector3 df = _K.Solve33(-Cdot);
                _impulse += df;

                if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLower)
                    _impulse.Z = Math.Max(_impulse.Z, 0.0f);
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpper)
                    _impulse.Z = Math.Min(_impulse.Z, 0.0f);

                // f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
                Vector2 b   = -Cdot1 - (_impulse.Z - f1.Z) * new Vector2(_K.ez.X, _K.ez.Y);
                Vector2 f2r = _K.Solve22(b) + new Vector2(f1.X, f1.Y);
                _impulse.X = f2r.X;
                _impulse.Y = f2r.Y;

                df = _impulse - f1;

                Vector2 P  = df.X * _perp + df.Z * _axis;
                float   LA = df.X * _s1 + df.Y + df.Z * _a1;
                float   LB = df.X * _s2 + df.Y + df.Z * _a2;

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * LA;

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * LB;
                // Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
                Vector2 df = _K.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                _impulse.X += df.X;
                _impulse.Y += df.Y;

                Vector2 P  = df.X * _perp;
                float   LA = df.X * _s1 + df.Y;
                float   LB = df.X * _s2 + df.Y;

                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * LA;

                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * LB;

            data.velocities[_indexA].v = vA;
            data.velocities[_indexA].w = wA;
            data.velocities[_indexB].v = vB;
            data.velocities[_indexB].w = wB;
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 cA = data.positions[_indexA].c;
            float aA = data.positions[_indexA].a;
            Vector2 cB = data.positions[_indexB].c;
            float aB = data.positions[_indexB].a;

            Rot qA = new Rot(aA), qB = new Rot(aB);

            float mA = _invMassA, mB = _invMassB;
            float iA = _invIA, iB = _invIB;

            // Compute fresh Jacobians
            Vector2 rA = MathUtils.Mul(qA, LocalAnchorA - _localCenterA);
            Vector2 rB = MathUtils.Mul(qB, LocalAnchorB - _localCenterB);
            Vector2 d = cB + rB - cA - rA;

            Vector2 axis = MathUtils.Mul(qA, LocalXAxis);
            float a1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + rA, axis);
            float a2 = MathUtils.Cross(rB, axis);
            Vector2 perp = MathUtils.Mul(qA, _localYAxisA);

            float s1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + rA, perp);
            float s2 = MathUtils.Cross(rB, perp);

            Vector3 impulse;
            Vector2 C1 = new Vector2();
            C1.X = Vector2.Dot(perp, d);
            C1.Y = aB - aA - ReferenceAngle;

            float linearError = Math.Abs(C1.X);
            float angularError = Math.Abs(C1.Y);

            bool active = false;
            float C2 = 0.0f;
            if (_enableLimit)
                float translation = Vector2.Dot(axis, d);
                if (Math.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.LinearSlop)
                    // Prevent large angular corrections
                    C2 = MathUtils.Clamp(translation, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Math.Max(linearError, Math.Abs(translation));
                    active = true;
                else if (translation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2 = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _lowerTranslation + Settings.LinearSlop, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
                    linearError = Math.Max(linearError, _lowerTranslation - translation);
                    active = true;
                else if (translation >= _upperTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2 = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _upperTranslation - Settings.LinearSlop, 0.0f, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Math.Max(linearError, translation - _upperTranslation);
                    active = true;

            if (active)
                float k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
                float k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
                float k13 = iA * s1 * a1 + iB * s2 * a2;
                float k22 = iA + iB;
                if (k22 == 0.0f)
                    // For fixed rotation
                    k22 = 1.0f;
                float k23 = iA * a1 + iB * a2;
                float k33 = mA + mB + iA * a1 * a1 + iB * a2 * a2;

                Mat33 K = new Mat33();
                K.ex = new Vector3(k11, k12, k13);
                K.ey = new Vector3(k12, k22, k23);
                K.ez = new Vector3(k13, k23, k33);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3();
                C.X = C1.X;
                C.Y = C1.Y;
                C.Z = C2;

                impulse = K.Solve33(-C);
                float k11 = mA + mB + iA * s1 * s1 + iB * s2 * s2;
                float k12 = iA * s1 + iB * s2;
                float k22 = iA + iB;
                if (k22 == 0.0f)
                    k22 = 1.0f;

                Mat22 K = new Mat22();
                K.ex = new Vector2(k11, k12);
                K.ey = new Vector2(k12, k22);

                Vector2 impulse1 = K.Solve(-C1);
                impulse = new Vector3();
                impulse.X = impulse1.X;
                impulse.Y = impulse1.Y;
                impulse.Z = 0.0f;

            Vector2 P = impulse.X * perp + impulse.Z * axis;
            float LA = impulse.X * s1 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * a1;
            float LB = impulse.X * s2 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * a2;

            cA -= mA * P;
            aA -= iA * LA;
            cB += mB * P;
            aB += iB * LB;

            data.positions[_indexA].c = cA;
            data.positions[_indexA].a = aA;
            data.positions[_indexB].c = cB;
            data.positions[_indexB].a = aB;

            return linearError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop;
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body b2 = BodyB;

            Vector2 v1 = Vector2.Zero;
            float   w1 = 0.0f;
            Vector2 v2 = b2.LinearVelocityInternal;
            float   w2 = b2.AngularVelocityInternal;

            // Solve linear motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.Equal)
                float Cdot       = Vector2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (_motorSpeed - Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.dt * _maxMotorForce;
                _motorImpulse = MathUtils.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P  = impulse * _axis;
                float   L1 = impulse * _a1;
                float   L2 = impulse * _a2;

                v1 -= InvMassA * P;
                w1 -= InvIA * L1;

                v2 += InvMassB * P;
                w2 += InvIB * L2;

            Vector2 Cdot1 = new Vector2(Vector2.Dot(_perp, v2 - v1) + _s2 * w2 - _s1 * w1, w2 - w1);

            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.Inactive)
                // Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
                float   Cdot2 = Vector2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                Vector3 Cdot  = new Vector3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 f1 = _impulse;
                Vector3 df = _K.Solve33(-Cdot);
                _impulse += df;

                if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLower)
                    _impulse.Z = Math.Max(_impulse.Z, 0.0f);
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpper)
                    _impulse.Z = Math.Min(_impulse.Z, 0.0f);

                // f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
                Vector2 b   = -Cdot1 - (_impulse.Z - f1.Z) * new Vector2(_K.col3.X, _K.col3.Y);
                Vector2 f2r = _K.Solve22(b) + new Vector2(f1.X, f1.Y);
                _impulse.X = f2r.X;
                _impulse.Y = f2r.Y;

                df = _impulse - f1;

                Vector2 P  = df.X * _perp + df.Z * _axis;
                float   L2 = df.X * _s2 + df.Y + df.Z * _a2;

                v2 += InvMassB * P;
                w2 += InvIB * L2;
                // Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
                Vector2 df = _K.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                _impulse.X += df.X;
                _impulse.Y += df.Y;

                Vector2 P  = df.X * _perp;
                float   L2 = df.X * _s2 + df.Y;

                v2 += InvMassB * P;
                w2 += InvIB * L2;

            b2.LinearVelocityInternal  = v2;
            b2.AngularVelocityInternal = w2;
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = _body1;
            Body b2 = _body2;

            Vector2 v1 = b1._linearVelocity;
            float   w1 = b1._angularVelocity;
            Vector2 v2 = b2._linearVelocity;
            float   w2 = b2._angularVelocity;

            // Solve linear motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.EqualLimits)
                float Cdot       = Vector2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (_motorSpeed - Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.Dt * _maxMotorForce;
                _motorImpulse = Mathf.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P  = impulse * _axis;
                float   L1 = impulse * _a1;
                float   L2 = impulse * _a2;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;

            Vector2 Cdot1;

            Cdot1.x = Vector2.Dot(_perp, v2 - v1) + _s2 * w2 - _s1 * w1;
            Cdot1.y = w2 - w1;

            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.InactiveLimit)
                // Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
                float Cdot2;
                Cdot2 = Vector2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                Vector3 Cdot = new Vector3(Cdot1.x, Cdot1.y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 f1 = _impulse;
                Vector3 df = _K.Solve33(-Cdot);
                _impulse += df;

                if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLowerLimit)
                    _impulse.z = Mathf.Max(_impulse.z, 0.0f);
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpperLimit)
                    _impulse.z = Mathf.Min(_impulse.z, 0.0f);

                // f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
                Vector2 b   = -Cdot1 - (_impulse.z - f1.z) * new Vector2(_K.Col3.x, _K.Col3.y);
                Vector2 f2r = _K.Solve22(b) + new Vector2(f1.x, f1.y);
                _impulse.x = f2r.x;
                _impulse.y = f2r.y;

                df = _impulse - f1;

                Vector2 P  = df.x * _perp + df.z * _axis;
                float   L1 = df.x * _s1 + df.y + df.z * _a1;
                float   L2 = df.x * _s2 + df.y + df.z * _a2;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;
                // Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
                Vector2 df = _K.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                _impulse.x += df.x;
                _impulse.y += df.y;

                Vector2 P  = df.x * _perp;
                float   L1 = df.x * _s1 + df.y;
                float   L2 = df.x * _s2 + df.y;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;

            b1._linearVelocity  = v1;
            b1._angularVelocity = w1;
            b2._linearVelocity  = v2;
            b2._angularVelocity = w2;