public void UnityIoCContainerTest() { Console.WriteLine("“I know only 2 ways to beat roulette: steal chips from the table\n" + "or open your own casino and put roulette there,” - Albert Einstein.\nNow we will check these words:\n"); int gamesMustPlay = 42; IUnityContainer rouletteContainer = InitializeRouletteIoCContainer(); Table table = rouletteContainer.Resolve <Table>(); MartingaleBot martin = rouletteContainer.Resolve <MartingaleBot>("MartingaleBot"); TitanicBot titan = rouletteContainer.Resolve <TitanicBot>("TitanicBot"); BeginnerBot begin = rouletteContainer.Resolve <BeginnerBot>("BeginnerBot"); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < gamesMustPlay; i++) { table.SpinRoulette(); martin.MakeBet(); titan.MakeBet(); begin.MakeBet(); martin.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); titan.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); begin.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); } Console.WriteLine($"\nThe cash balance of the table is {table.cashBalance}$."); }
public void MartingaleBotTest() { MartingaleBot MartingaleTest = new MartingaleBot(); BetInfo.Balance = 5000; MartingaleTest.Action(400, 2); }
public void MartingaleBotActionAfterBlackjackTest() { var bot = new MartingaleBot(exampleStartMoney, exampleStartRate); bot.TakeCard(new UsualCard(CardNames.Ten, CardSuits.Diamond)); bot.TakeCard(new AceCard(CardSuits.Diamond)); bot.MakeNextPlayerTurn(new AceCard(CardSuits.Diamond)); Assert.IsTrue(bot.PlayerTurnNow == PlayerTurn.Stand); }
public void RouletteTest() { Console.WriteLine("“I know only 2 ways to beat roulette: steal chips from the tableA\n" + "or open your own casino and put roulette there,” - Albert Einstein.\nNow we will check these words:\n"); int gamesMustPlay = 42; Table tableA = new Table(); MartingaleBot martin = new MartingaleBot(tableA); TitanicBot titan = new TitanicBot(tableA); BeginnerBot begin = new BeginnerBot(tableA); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < gamesMustPlay; i++) { tableA.SpinRoulette(); martin.MakeBet(); titan.MakeBet(); begin.MakeBet(); martin.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); titan.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); begin.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); } Console.WriteLine($"\nThe cash balance of the tableA is {tableA.CashBalance}$.\n\n"); Table tableB = new Table(); MartingaleBot martinB = new MartingaleBot(tableB); TitanicBot titanB = new TitanicBot(tableB); BeginnerBot beginB = new BeginnerBot(tableB); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < gamesMustPlay; i++) { tableB.SpinRoulette(); martinB.MakeBet(); titanB.MakeBet(); beginB.MakeBet(); martinB.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); titanB.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); beginB.DisplayInformation(gamesMustPlay); } Console.WriteLine($"\nThe cash balance of the tableB is {tableB.CashBalance}$."); }
public void GameWithMartingaleBotConstructorTest() { var firstBot = new MartingaleBot(1000, minimumRate); var firstGame = new Game(firstBot); firstGame.CreateGame(countDecksInOne); Assert.IsNotNull(firstGame); Assert.IsNotNull(firstGame.Deck); Assert.IsNotNull(firstGame.Dealer); Assert.IsNotNull(firstGame.Bot); Assert.AreEqual(firstBot, firstGame.Bot); }
public void MartingaleBotNextGamePreparationTest() { var bot = new MartingaleBot(exampleStartMoney, exampleStartRate); bot.Lose(); Assert.IsTrue(bot.Rate == exampleStartRate * 2); bot.Lose(); Assert.IsTrue(bot.Rate == exampleStartRate * 4); bot.Win(); Assert.IsTrue(bot.Rate == exampleStartRate); }
public void MartingaleBotPlayTest() { var firstBot = new MartingaleBot(1000, minimumRate); var firstGame = new Game(firstBot); firstGame.CreateGame(countDecksInOne); int startCountOfCards = firstGame.Deck.Deck.Count(); firstGame.CreateGame(countDecksInOne); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => firstGame.StartGame()); Assert.IsTrue(firstGame.Deck.Deck.Count() < startCountOfCards); }
static void Main(string[] agrs) { Console.WriteLine("This program show what balance you'll have after play Blackjack" + "with one of the strategies: \n"); int countGames = 50000; int startMoney = 10000; int startRate = 500; int sumAfterGame = 0; int countLoseAllBalanceGames = 0; // PrimitiveManchetanStrategyBot statistic for (int i = 0; i < countGames; i++) { PrimitiveManchetanStrategyBot bot = new PrimitiveManchetanStrategyBot(startMoney, startRate); Game game = new Game(bot); game.CreateGame(8); game.StartGame(); sumAfterGame += (int)bot.Money; if (bot.Money <= 0) { countLoseAllBalanceGames++; } } Console.WriteLine("1) PrimitiveManchetanStrategyBot statistic: "); Console.WriteLine($"Average winnings over 40 games ---> {sumAfterGame / 50000}/{startMoney} <--- Your start balance"); Console.WriteLine("The number of games when a player loses his entire balance ---> " + countLoseAllBalanceGames); // MartingaleBot statistic sumAfterGame = 0; countLoseAllBalanceGames = 0; for (int i = 0; i < countGames; i++) { MartingaleBot bot = new MartingaleBot(startMoney, startRate); Game game = new Game(bot); game.CreateGame(8); game.StartGame(); sumAfterGame += (int)bot.Money; if (bot.Money <= 0) { countLoseAllBalanceGames++; } } Console.WriteLine("2) MartingaleBot statistic: "); Console.WriteLine($"Average winnings over 40 games ---> {sumAfterGame / 50000}/{startMoney} <--- Your start balance"); Console.WriteLine("The number of games when a player loses his entire balance ---> " + countLoseAllBalanceGames); // OneThreeTwoSixBot statistic sumAfterGame = 0; countLoseAllBalanceGames = 0; for (int i = 0; i < countGames; i++) { OneThreeTwoSixBot bot = new OneThreeTwoSixBot(startMoney, startRate); Game game = new Game(bot); game.CreateGame(8); game.StartGame(); sumAfterGame += (int)bot.Money; if (bot.Money <= 0) { countLoseAllBalanceGames++; } } Console.WriteLine("3) OneThreeTwoSixBot statistic: "); Console.WriteLine($"Average winnings over 40 games ---> {sumAfterGame / 50000}/{startMoney} <--- Your start balance"); Console.WriteLine("The number of games when a player loses his entire balance ---> " + countLoseAllBalanceGames); Console.WriteLine("<----------------------------------------------->"); return; }
public void MartingaleBotConstructorTest() { var bot = new MartingaleBot(exampleStartMoney, exampleStartRate); ConstructorTest(bot); }