文件: PacketIn.cs 项目: Xijezu/XChat
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads in 4 bytes and converts it from network to host byte order
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A 4 byte int value</returns>
        public virtual int ReadInt32()
            var v1 = (byte)ReadByte();
            var v2 = (byte)ReadByte();
            var v3 = (byte)ReadByte();
            var v4 = (byte)ReadByte();

            return(Marshal.ConvertToInt32(v4, v3, v2, v1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the client has received data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numBytes">number of bytes received in _pBuf</param>
        protected void OnReceive(byte[] buffer, int numBytes)
            lock (this)
                //End Offset of buffer
                int bufferSize = m_pBufOffset + numBytes;

                //Size < minimum
                if (bufferSize < PacketIn.HDR_SIZE)
                    m_pBufOffset = bufferSize; // undo buffer read

                //Reset the offset
                m_pBufOffset = 0;

                //Current offset into the buffer
                int curOffset = 0;

                    byte[] hdr = m_decoding.Peek(buffer, curOffset);

                    int packetLength = Marshal.ConvertToInt32(hdr, 0);
                    int dataLeft     = bufferSize - curOffset;

                    if (dataLeft < packetLength)
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, curOffset, buffer, 0, dataLeft);
                        m_pBufOffset = dataLeft;

                    int packetEnd = curOffset + packetLength;

                    byte[] d = m_decoding.Decode(buffer, curOffset, packetLength);

                    //Console.WriteLine( Marshal.ToHexDump(
                    //string.Format("{0} <=== <{3}> Packet 0x{1:X2} ({2}) length: {4}", m_config.PacketInTxt, Marshal.ConvertToInt16(d, 4),
                    //Marshal.ConvertToInt16(d, 4), TcpEndpoint, Marshal.ConvertToInt32(d, 0),

                    long start = Environment.TickCount;
                        PacketIn packet = m_networkHandler.ProcessPacket(this, d, 0, packetLength);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("ProcessPacket error: {0}", e.ToString());
                    long timeUsed = Environment.TickCount - start;

                    curOffset += packetLength;
                } while (bufferSize - 1 > curOffset);

                if (bufferSize - 1 == curOffset)
                    buffer[0]    = buffer[curOffset];
                    m_pBufOffset = 1;