/// <summary>
        /// Default public contructor. All properties are set via the config file
        /// </summary>
        public AmazonIntegration()
            // Verify that the settings in the config file are setup correctly.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_AccessKeyId))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSAccessKeyId setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_SecretAccessKey))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSSecretAccessKey setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_ApplicationName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSApplicationName setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_ApplicationVersion))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSApplicationVersion setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_MerchantId))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSMerchantId setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_MarketplaceId))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSMarketplaceId setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_TemporaryFileDirectory))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("TempFileDirectory setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");

            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
            // Set configuration to use US marketplace
            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";
            // Set the HTTP Header for user agent for the application.
            _AmazonClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(_AccessKeyId, _SecretAccessKey, config);

            // Setup the orders service client
            var ordersConfig = new MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersConfig();
            ordersConfig.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/2011-01-01";
            ordersConfig.SetUserAgent(_ApplicationName, _ApplicationVersion);
            _AmazonOrdersClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersClient(
                _ApplicationName, _ApplicationVersion, _AccessKeyId, _SecretAccessKey, ordersConfig);
        private static void Test()
            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.SetUserAgentHeader( "", "", "C#" );

            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";

            MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(
                config );

            var request = new SubmitFeedRequest {
                Merchant = Secret.MerchantId,
                MWSAuthToken = null,//"",
                MarketplaceIdList = new IdList { Id = new List< string >( new string[] { Secret.MarketplaceId } ) },
                FeedContent = File.Open( Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ),
                FeedType = FeedType
            request.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5( request.FeedContent );
            request.FeedContent.Position = 0;

            SubmitFeedSample.InvokeSubmitFeed( service, request );
        public void GetFeedsTest()
            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = serviceURL;

            MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service =
                new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

            GetFeedSubmissionListRequest req = new GetFeedSubmissionListRequest();

            req.MWSAuthToken = mWSAuthToken;
            req.Merchant     = sellerId;
            var response = service.GetFeedSubmissionList(req);

            foreach (var item in response.GetFeedSubmissionListResult.FeedSubmissionInfo)
        public MarketplaceWebServiceClient GetMWSClient()
            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";

                "<Parameter 1>", "<Parameter 2>");

            MarketplaceWebServiceClient service =
                new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

        public AmazonService(PlatformServiceFactory platformServiceFactory, string company, string connectionString)
            m_platformServiceFactory = platformServiceFactory;
            m_company          = company;
            m_connectionString = connectionString;
            using (ERPContext context = new ERPContext(m_connectionString))
                var q = from amazonAccount in context.AmazonAccount
                        select amazonAccount;
                foreach (var row in q)
                    sellerIdDictionary[row.AccountName]     = row.SellerId;
                    mwsAuthTokenDictionary[row.AccountName] = row.MWSAuthToken;

            MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = serviceURL;
            client            = new MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersClient(accessKey, secretKey, appName, appVersion, config);

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig mwsConfig = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            mwsConfig.ServiceURL = serviceURL;
            mwsClient            = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKey, secretKey, appName, appVersion, mwsConfig);
		public void RequestReportTest()

			MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
			config.ServiceURL = serviceURL;

			MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service =
				new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

			string reportType = "_GET_FLAT_FILE_ORDERS_DATA_";

			RequestReportRequest request = new RequestReportRequest();
			request.ReportType = reportType;
			request.Merchant = sellerId;
			request.MWSAuthToken = mWSAuthToken; // Optional
												 //@TODO: set additional request parameters here
			RequestReportResponse response = service.RequestReport(request);

			Assert.IsTrue(response.RequestReportResult.ReportRequestInfo.ReportType == reportType);
			Console.WriteLine("GeneratedReportId: " + response.RequestReportResult.ReportRequestInfo.GeneratedReportId);
		public void GetFeedSubmissionResultTest()
			MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
			config.ServiceURL = serviceURL;

			MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service =
				new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

			GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest req = new GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest();
			req.MWSAuthToken = mWSAuthToken;
			req.Merchant = sellerId;
			req.FeedSubmissionId = "50014017726";

			var response = service.GetFeedSubmissionResultAmazonEnvelope(req);


			if (response.Message.First().ProcessingReport.Result != null)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Preparing application...");

            string accessKeyId        = "<Your AWS Access Key>";
            string secretAccessKey    = "<Your AWS Secret Key>";
            string applicationName    = "<Your Application Name>";
            string applicationVersion = "<Your Application Version>";
            string merchantId         = "<Your Merchant ID>";
            string marketplaceId      = "<Your Marketplace ID>";

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";

            Console.WriteLine("Contacting Amazon web services...");

                "<Parameter 1>", "<Parameter 2>");
            MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, config);

            Console.WriteLine("Service client created. Downloading settlement report...");

            DownloadSettlementReport(service, merchantId);

        public void SubmitFeedTest()
            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = serviceURL;

            MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service =
                new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

            SubmitFeedRequest submitFeedRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest();

            submitFeedRequest.MWSAuthToken = mWSAuthToken;
            submitFeedRequest.Merchant     = sellerId;
            submitFeedRequest.FeedType     = "_POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA_";
            AmazonEnvelope priceFeed = PriceFeedBuilder.Build();

            priceFeed.Message.First().MessageID = "1";
            priceFeed.Message.First().Price.StandardPrice.Value = 67.00m;
            priceFeed.Message.First().Price.SKU = "8E-5FMM-A9HN";             //priceFeed.Message.Add(new Message() { MessageID = "123" });
            priceFeed.Header.MerchantIdentifier = sellerId;
            var stream = Util.GenerateStreamFromXml <AmazonEnvelope>(priceFeed);

            submitFeedRequest.FeedContent = stream;
            submitFeedRequest.ContentMD5  = Util.CalculateContentMD5(stream);
            SubmitFeedResponse submitFeedResponse = service.SubmitFeed(submitFeedRequest);


 public SubmitFeedController(MarketplaceWebServiceClient amazonClient,
                             string marketplaceId,
                             string merchantId,
                             string submittedBy)
     _amazonCient   = amazonClient;
     _marketplaceId = marketplaceId;
     _merchantId    = merchantId;
     _submittedBy   = submittedBy;
     SleepFirst     = true;
        private void InitMwsFeedClient()
            var mwsConfig = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
            mwsConfig.SetUserAgentHeader( "Speadbot", "1.0", "C#" );
            mwsConfig.ServiceURL = AmazonSettings.ServiceUrl;

            _mwsFeedClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(
                mwsConfig );
        public AmazonMarketplaceReportProvider()
            // create configuratin to use US marketplace
            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig {
                ServiceURL = RequestHelper.ServiceUrl

            config.SetUserAgentHeader("EIS Inventory System", "3.0", "C#");

            _amazonClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient("AKIAJDQNAJIEJ2XZWVQA",
        /// <summary>
        /// Default public contructor. All properties are set via the config file
        /// </summary>
        public AmazonIntegration()
            // Verify that the settings in the config file are setup correctly.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_AccessKeyId))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSAccessKeyId setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_SecretAccessKey))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSSecretAccessKey setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_ApplicationName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSApplicationName setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_ApplicationVersion))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSApplicationVersion setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_MerchantId))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSMerchantId setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_MarketplaceId))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AWSMarketplaceId setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_TemporaryFileDirectory))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("TempFileDirectory setting in the config file can't be whitespace, blank or null");

            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            // Set configuration to use US marketplace
            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";
            // Set the HTTP Header for user agent for the application.
            _AmazonClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(_AccessKeyId, _SecretAccessKey, config);

            // Setup the orders service client
            var ordersConfig = new MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersConfig();

            ordersConfig.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com/Orders/2011-01-01";
            ordersConfig.SetUserAgent(_ApplicationName, _ApplicationVersion);
            _AmazonOrdersClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersClient(
                _ApplicationName, _ApplicationVersion, _AccessKeyId, _SecretAccessKey, ordersConfig);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the SubmitFeedRequest given a stream of content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataContent">The stream of the content</param>
        /// <param name="feedType">The type of feed to be submitted.</param>
        /// <returns>A SubmitFeedRequest object</returns>
        private SubmitFeedRequest CreateSubmitFeedRequest(Stream dataContent, string feedType)
            var request = new SubmitFeedRequest();

            request.Merchant             = _MerchantId;
            request.MarketplaceIdList    = new IdList();
            request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List <string>(new string[] { _MarketplaceId });
            request.FeedContent          = dataContent;
            // Set the MD5 hash of the content
            request.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
            // Reset the position of the reader of the FeedContent
            request.FeedType = feedType;
        public SubmitFeedRequest GetSubmitFeedRequest(AmazonFeedType feedType, FileStream feedContent)
            var request = new SubmitFeedRequest()
                Merchant          = _amazonSellerSettings.SellerId,
                ContentType       = new ContentType(MediaType.XML),
                FeedContent       = feedContent,
                FeedType          = feedType.ToString(),
                MarketplaceIdList = new IdList {
                    Id = new List <string>(new[] { _amazonSellerSettings.MarketplaceId })

            request.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
        public AmazonReportController()
            // init the reports directory
            _reportsDirectory = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportsPath"].ToString();
            _merchantId       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MerchantId"].ToString();
            _accessKeyId      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessKeyId"].ToString();
            _secretAccessKey  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SecretAccessKey"].ToString();

            // create configuratin to use US marketplace
            var config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig {
                ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com"

            config.SetUserAgentHeader("EIS Reports Service", "3.0", "C#");
            _amazonClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(_accessKeyId, _secretAccessKey, config);
        public string Create()
            var client = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(_accessKey, _secretKey, new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig
                ServiceURL = _serviceUrl
            var req = new Claytondus.AmazonMWS.Feeds.Model.SubmitFeedRequest();

            req.Merchant = _merchantId;
            req.WithMarketplaceIdList(new Claytondus.AmazonMWS.Feeds.Model.IdList {
                Id = new List <string> {
            var res = client.SubmitFeed(req);

        public string GetReport(string ReportId, string Path)
            string amazonFileLocation = "";

            GetReportRequest requestReport = new GetReportRequest();

#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            requestReport.Marketplace = api.MarketplaceId;
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            requestReport.Merchant = api.Merchant;

            requestReport.ReportId = ReportId;

            string Extension = string.Format("{1}{0}", ".txt", DateTime.Now.ToString("hh.mm.ss.ffffff"));

            string FullPath = Path + Extension;

            if (!File.Exists(FullPath))
                var stream = File.Create(FullPath);

            // string fileLocation = FileAmazon.createFile(reportId, "txt", ReportModule, ""); -> METHOD TO CREATE THE PATH

            if (FullPath != "")
                var stream = File.Open(FullPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                requestReport.Report = stream;

                MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
                config.ServiceURL = webService.SERVICE_URL;

                MarketplaceWebServiceClient client = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(api.AccessKey, api.SecretKey, config);

                InvokeGetReport(client, requestReport);


                amazonFileLocation = FullPath;

        /// <summary>
        /// Create SubmitFeedRequest object with the specified XML file path and the type of the feed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">The full file path of the XML</param>
        /// <param name="feedType">The type of Amazon feed</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SubmitFeedRequest CreateSubmitFeedRequest(string filePath, AmazonFeedType feedType)
            // create submit feed request
            var feedRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest
                Merchant          = MerchantId,
                MarketplaceIdList = new IdList {
                    Id = MarketplaceIdList
                FeedType    = feedType.ToString(),
                ContentType = new ContentType(MediaType.OctetStream),
                FeedContent = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)

            feedRequest.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(feedRequest.FeedContent);

        public MwsProductsApi(string sellerId, string marketPlaceId, string accessKeyId, string secretAccessKeyId, string serviceUrl)
            m_sellerId      = sellerId;
            m_marketPlaceId = marketPlaceId;

            MarketplaceWebServiceProductsConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceProductsConfig {
                ServiceURL = serviceUrl

            m_productClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceProductsClient(string.Empty, string.Empty, accessKeyId, secretAccessKeyId, config);

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig configService = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig()

            configService.SetUserAgentHeader(string.Empty, string.Empty, "C#");

            m_service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKeyId, configService);
        private SubmitFeedResponse InvokeSubmitFeed(SubmitFeedParamaters objParams, string xmlFeedContent)
            SubmitFeedResponse resSubmitFeed = new SubmitFeedResponse();

                UTF8Encoding      encoding   = new UTF8Encoding();
                Stream            streamData = new MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(xmlFeedContent));
                SubmitFeedRequest request    = new SubmitFeedRequest();
                request.Merchant             = objParams.objSOAmazonSetup.SellerId;
                request.FeedContent          = streamData;
                request.ContentMD5           = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
                request.FeedContent.Position = 0;
                request.PurgeAndReplace      = false;
                request.FeedType             = SOConstants.feedTypePostOrderFulfillment;
                request.MWSAuthToken         = objParams.objSOAmazonSetup.AuthToken;
                resSubmitFeed = clientFeed.SubmitFeed(request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is MarketplaceWebServiceException)
                    MarketplaceWebServiceException exception = ex as MarketplaceWebServiceException;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exception.ErrorCode) && exception.ErrorCode.ToLower().Trim() == SOMessages.requestThrottled)
                        Thread.Sleep(SOHelper.DelayProcess(objParams.objPartialMaint, SOConstants.apiSubmitFeed));
                        resSubmitFeed = InvokeSubmitFeed(objParams, xmlFeedContent);
                        throw new PXException(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message) ? ex.Message :
                                              ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message
                             : SOConstants.exceptionIsEmpty);
                    throw new PXException(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message) ? ex.Message :
                                          ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message
                             : SOConstants.exceptionIsEmpty);
        public MwsFeedsApi(string sellerId, string marketPlaceId, string accessKeyId, string secretAccessKeyId, string merchantIdentifier)
            m_merchantId    = sellerId;
            m_marketPlaceId = marketPlaceId;

            m_merchantId         = sellerId;
            m_merchantIdentifier = merchantIdentifier;

            const string serviceUrl = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig {
                ServiceURL = serviceUrl

            config.ServiceURL = serviceUrl;
            config.SetUserAgentHeader("applicationName", "applicationVersion", "C#", "<Parameter 1>", "<Parameter 1>");

            m_service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKeyId, config);
		public void SubmitFeedTestRedCarpet()
			MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
			config.ServiceURL = serviceURL;

			MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service =
				new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

			SubmitFeedRequest submitFeedRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest();
			submitFeedRequest.MWSAuthToken = mWSAuthToken;
			submitFeedRequest.Merchant = sellerId;
			submitFeedRequest.FeedType = "_POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA_";
			AmazonEnvelope priceFeed = PriceFeedBuilder.Build();
			Message msg = PriceFeedBuilder.BuildMessage();
			msg.MessageID = "1";
			msg.Price.StandardPrice.Value = 154.40m;
			msg.Price.SKU = "HEWD9P29A";

			Message msg2 = PriceFeedBuilder.BuildMessage();
			msg2.MessageID = "2";
			msg2.Price.StandardPrice.Value = 62.05m;
			msg2.Price.SKU = "HEW35S";

			priceFeed.Header.MerchantIdentifier = sellerId;
			var stream = Util.GenerateStreamFromXml<AmazonEnvelope>(priceFeed);


			submitFeedRequest.FeedContent = stream;
			submitFeedRequest.ContentMD5 = Util.CalculateContentMD5(stream);
			SubmitFeedResponse submitFeedResponse = service.SubmitFeed(submitFeedRequest);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create SubmitFeedRequest given an XML file path and feed type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlFilePath">The xml full file path</param>
        /// <param name="feedType">The type of feed to be submitted</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SubmitFeedRequest createSubmitFeedRequest(string xmlFilePath, AmazonFeedType feedType)
            // create submit feed request
            var feedRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest
                Merchant          = _merchantId,
                MarketplaceIdList = new IdList {
                    Id = new List <string> {
                FeedType    = feedType.ToString(),
                ContentType = new ContentType(MediaType.OctetStream),
                FeedContent = File.Open(xmlFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)

            feedRequest.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(feedRequest.FeedContent);

        public FeedSubmissionInfo SubmitFeed(EFeedType FeedType, string FeedContent, bool PurgeAndReplace)
            switch (PurgeAndReplace)
            case true:

            case false:

            AmazonCredential            Credentials = this.GetCredential();
            MarketplaceWebServiceClient Client      = this.GetClient(Credentials);
            SubmitFeedRequest           Request     = new SubmitFeedRequest()
                Merchant        = Credentials.MerchantID,
                FeedType        = EnumStringHandler.GetEnumString <EFeedType>(FeedType),
                FeedContent     = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(FeedContent)),
                PurgeAndReplace = PurgeAndReplace
            SubmitFeedResponse Response = Client.SubmitFeed(Request);

            if (Response.IsSetSubmitFeedResult())
                SubmitFeedResult Result = Response.SubmitFeedResult;
                if (Result.IsSetFeedSubmissionInfo())
        public void GetReportCountTest()
            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = serviceURL;

            MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service =
                new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

            GetReportCountRequest request = new GetReportCountRequest();

            request.Merchant     = sellerId;
            request.MWSAuthToken = "";             // Optional
            //@TODO: set additional request parameters here
            GetReportCountResponse response = service.GetReportCount(request);
        /// <param name="region">The region of the account. Required parameter. A finer grained region or country can be specified on a PropertiesContainer by specifying its marketplaceIdList constructor argument.</param>
        /// <param name="merchantId">Seller ID / Merchant ID. Required parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="accessKeyId">Amazon account access key. Required parameter. This key can either belong to a seller or to a developer account authorized by a seller. If the key belongs to a developer account authorized by the seller then also make sure to specify the MWSAuthToken argument.</param>
        /// <param name="mwsSecretAccessKey">Amazon account secret access key. Required parameter. This key can either belong to a seller or to a developer account authorized by a seller. If the key belongs to a developer account authorized by the seller then also make sure to specify the MWSAuthToken argument.</param>
        /// <param name="mwsAuthToken">MWS Authorization Token. Optional parameter. If the provided access keys belong to a developer account authorized by a seller, this argument is the MWS Authorization Token provided by the seller to the authorized developer.</param>
        /// <param name="easyMwsLogger">An optional IEasyMwsLogger instance that can provide access to logs. It is strongly recommended to use a logger implementation already existing in the EasyMws package.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Configuration options for EasyMwsClient</param>
        public EasyMwsClient(AmazonRegion region, string merchantId, string accessKeyId, string mwsSecretAccessKey, string mwsAuthToken = null,
                             IEasyMwsLogger easyMwsLogger = null, EasyMwsOptions options = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(merchantId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessKeyId) ||
                throw new ArgumentNullException(
                          "One or more required parameters provided to initialize the EasyMwsClient were null or empty");

            _amazonRegion = region;
            _merchantId   = merchantId;
            _options      = options ?? new EasyMwsOptions();

            _easyMwsLogger = easyMwsLogger ?? new EasyMwsLogger(isEnabled: false);
            var mwsClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, mwsSecretAccessKey, CreateConfig(_amazonRegion));

            _reportProcessor = _reportProcessor ?? new ReportProcessor(_amazonRegion, _merchantId, mwsAuthToken, _options, mwsClient, _easyMwsLogger);
            _feedProcessor   = _feedProcessor ?? new FeedProcessor(_amazonRegion, _merchantId, mwsAuthToken, _options, mwsClient, _easyMwsLogger);

        public SubmitFeedResult SubmitFeed(MarketplaceWebService service, FileInfo fileInfo, AmazonFeedType feedType)
            var response = new SubmitFeedResponse();

            var sfRequest = new SubmitFeedRequest();

            sfRequest.Merchant          = _merchantId;
            sfRequest.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList {
                Id = new List <string>(new[] { _marketplaceId })

            using (var stream = new FileStream(fileInfo.Name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                sfRequest.FeedContent          = stream;
                sfRequest.ContentMD5           = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(sfRequest.FeedContent);
                sfRequest.FeedContent.Position = 0;
                sfRequest.FeedType             = feedType.ToString();

                response = service.SubmitFeed(sfRequest);

        public string RequestReport(string Type, DateTime From, DateTime To)
                RequestReportRequest requestReport = new RequestReportRequest();
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                requestReport.Marketplace = api.MarketplaceId;
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                requestReport.Merchant = api.Merchant;

                requestReport.StartDate = From;
                requestReport.EndDate   = To;

                requestReport.ReportOptions = "true";

                IdList idList = new IdList();
                idList.Id = new List <string>()
                requestReport.MarketplaceIdList = idList;

                requestReport.ReportType = Type;

                MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
                config.ServiceURL = webService.SERVICE_URL;

                MarketplaceWebServiceClient client = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(api.AccessKey, api.SecretKey, config);

                return(InvokeRequestReport(client, requestReport));
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void UpdateOurPrices(IEnumerable <UpdatedItemPrice> newPrices)
            SubmitFeedRequest request = new SubmitFeedRequest
                Merchant          = m_merchantId,
                MarketplaceIdList = new IdList {
                    Id = new List <string>(new[] { m_marketPlaceId })

            // This chunk of code takes our queue, writes the formatted xml string needed, deletes the queue.
            // Puts the xml string into a temporary stream, and makes the request to Amazon.
            string newPricesXmlString = ConstructXmlFile(newPrices);

            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(newPricesXmlString);
            request.FeedContent = new MemoryStream(byteArray);
            request.ContentMD5  = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
            request.FeedType    = "_POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA_";


            // No memory leaks?  I think this is unnecessary.
        private static string AdlsAccountName   = "";                                // Name of the Azure Data Lake Store

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Fetching Prerequisites Data from Azure SQL Server
            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                // Fetching data from Report Config Table
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("USE CommerceLabsDW;OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY SymmetricKey1 DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE Certificate1; SELECT CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(SellerCentral_LoginID)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(SellerCentral_LoginPWD)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(ADS_RefreshToken)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(ADS_ClientID)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(ADS_ClientSecret)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(ADS_Scope)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(WP_Authorization)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(MWS_AccessID)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(MWS_SecretKey)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(MWS_MerchantID)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(MWS_AuthToken)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(Azure_ClientID)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(Azure_ClientSecret)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(Azure_TenantID)), CONVERT(varchar(max), DECRYPTBYKEY(Azure_DataLakeName)) FROM stage.rpt_ConfigTable WHERE ID = 1; ", con);
                //Opening the Connection
                SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    SC_LoginID        = reader.GetString(0);
                    SC_LoginPwd       = reader.GetString(1);
                    ADS_RefreshToken  = reader.GetString(2);
                    ADS_ClientID      = reader.GetString(3);
                    ADS_ClientSecret  = reader.GetString(4);
                    ADS_Scope         = reader.GetString(5);
                    WP_Authorization  = reader.GetString(6);
                    MWS_AccessID      = reader.GetString(7);
                    MWS_SecretKey     = reader.GetString(8);
                    MWS_MerchantID    = reader.GetString(9);
                    MWS_AuthToken     = reader.GetString(10);
                    AzureClientId     = reader.GetString(11);
                    AzureClientSecret = reader.GetString(12);
                    AzureTenantId     = reader.GetString(13);
                    AdlsAccountName   = reader.GetString(14);
                //Closing the Connection

            // Azure Data Lake Initialisation
            SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext());
            var clientCredential = new ClientCredential(AzureClientId, AzureClientSecret);
            var creds            = ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(AzureTenantId, clientCredential).Result;

            adlsFileSystemClient = new DataLakeStoreFileSystemManagementClient(creds);
            string Azuresource = "", Azuredestination = "";  // Azure Source and Destination Variable

            // Creating a Folder in the App Path
            var directoryFullPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"DownloadedReports\";    // Creating a Folder in Current Directory if not exists


            // Web Driver Object
            IWebDriver driver;

            // Setting the needed Chrome Options
            ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();

            options.AddUserProfilePreference("download.default_directory", directoryFullPath); // Setting the default directory for the report to be downloaded
            options.AddUserProfilePreference("intl.accept_languages", "en-us");                // Setting the language as English
            // options.AddArgument("--headless"); // Setting headless browser option

            driver = new ChromeDriver(options);  // Assigning all the above options to Chrome Driver

            // Amazon Seller Central Login Page

            /*// Generating OTP
             * var otpKeyStr = "WGHSYZEE2RJOO6OFMCBMB6HKNHDZRADH4TK2FDJ77YWQ5YFRWDBQ"; //  2FA secret key.
             * var otpKeyBytes = Base32Encoding.ToBytes(otpKeyStr);
             * var totp = new Totp(otpKeyBytes);
             * var twoFactorCode = totp.ComputeTotp(DateTime.UtcNow); // 2FA code at this time!
             * Console.WriteLine(twoFactorCode);*/

            // OTP
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the OTP : ");
            var input = Console.ReadLine();


            // ------------------ REPORT 1 ------------------ // ---- Automating Scraping Method -----
            // Downloading Business Report
            driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1000);

            // Downloading Past 3 Days' Reports by looping through dates
            for (int i = -1; i > -4; i--)
                // Looping through Dates and setting the Date Value
                var DateValue = DateTime.Now.AddDays(i).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").Replace("-", "/");

                // Setting From Date
                IWebElement FromDateBox = driver.FindElement(By.Id("fromDate2"));
                FromDateBox.SendKeys(DateValue + Keys.Enter);
                // Setting To Date
                IWebElement ToDateBox = driver.FindElement(By.Id("toDate2"));
                ToDateBox.SendKeys(DateValue + Keys.Enter);

                // Downloading the Report

                // Editing the Business Report CSV
                string BusRepfilePath = directoryFullPath + "BusinessReport-" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yy") + ".csv";

                // Transaction Date
                var Buscol1 = File.ReadLines(BusRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ", Transaction Date"
                                                                                             : line + "," + DateValue.Replace("/", "-")).ToList();
                File.WriteAllLines(BusRepfilePath, Buscol1);

                // Account
                var Buscol2 = File.ReadLines(BusRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Account"
                                                                                             : line + ",Meal Prep Haven").ToList();
                File.WriteAllLines(BusRepfilePath, Buscol2);

                // Country
                var Buscol3 = File.ReadLines(BusRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Country"
                                                                                             : line + ",US").ToList();
                File.WriteAllLines(BusRepfilePath, Buscol3);

                // Reference URL
                var Buscol4 = File.ReadLines(BusRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Reference"
                                                                                       : line + "," + driver.Url).ToList();
                File.WriteAllLines(BusRepfilePath, Buscol4);

                // Renaming the Report File
                File.Move(BusRepfilePath, directoryFullPath + "BusinessReport" + i + ".csv");

            // Combining all the CSV Files into 1
            string BussourceFolder    = directoryFullPath;
            string BusdestinationFile = directoryFullPath + "BusinessReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv";

            // Matches the CSV files by searching the specified wildcard and combines them to single file
            string[]     filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(BussourceFolder, "BusinessReport-?.csv");
            StreamWriter fileDest  = new StreamWriter(BusdestinationFile, true);

            for (int j = 0; j < filePaths.Length; j++)
                string file = filePaths[j];

                string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file);

                if (j > 0)
                    lines = lines.Skip(1).ToArray(); // Skipping Header row for all except first file

                foreach (string line in lines)


            // Uploading Business Report to Azure Data Lake
            Azuresource      = directoryFullPath + @"BusinessReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv";
            Azuredestination = "Meal prep haven/CA_AO/Business Reports/" + "BusinessReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv";
            adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(AdlsAccountName, Azuresource, Azuredestination, 1, false, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Business Report");

            // Deleting the Business Report Files
            Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath), File.Delete);

            // ------------------ REPORT 2 ------------------ // ---- Automating Scraping Method ----
            // Downloading Reserved Inventory Report
            driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1000);

            // Editing the Reserved Inventory CSV
            // Appending Columns and Values in Existing CSV File
            string ResRepfilePath = "";

            foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath))
                ResRepfilePath = directoryFullPath + Path.GetFileName(filename);  // Getting the File Name

            // Account
            var Rescol1 = File.ReadLines(ResRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Account"
                                                                                         : line + ",Meal Prep Haven").ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(ResRepfilePath, Rescol1);

            // Country
            var Rescol2 = File.ReadLines(ResRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Country"
                                                                                         : line + ",US").ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(ResRepfilePath, Rescol2);

            // Reference URL
            var Rescol3 = File.ReadLines(ResRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Reference"
                                                                                         : line + "," + driver.Url).ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(ResRepfilePath, Rescol3);

            // Transaction Date
            var Rescol4 = File.ReadLines(ResRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ", Transaction Date"
                                                                                         : line + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")).ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(ResRepfilePath, Rescol4);

            // Renaming the Report File
            File.Move(ResRepfilePath, directoryFullPath + "ReservedInventoryReport.csv");

            // Uploading Reserved Inventory Report to Azure Data Lake
            Azuresource      = directoryFullPath + "ReservedInventoryReport.csv";
            Azuredestination = "Meal prep haven/CA_AO/Reserved Inventory Reports/" + "ReservedInventoryReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv";
            adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(AdlsAccountName, Azuresource, Azuredestination, 1, false, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Reserved Inventory Report");

            // Deleting the Reserved Inventory Report File
            Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath), File.Delete);

            // ------------------ REPORT 3 ------------------ // ---- Automating Scraping Method ----
            // Downloading Managed Inventory Report
            driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1000);

            // Editing the Managed Inventory CSV
            // Appending Columns and Values in Existing CSV File
            string ManRepfilePath = "";

            foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath))
                ManRepfilePath = directoryFullPath + Path.GetFileName(filename);  // Getting the File Name

            // Account
            var Mancol1 = File.ReadLines(ManRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Account"
                                                                                            : line + ",Meal Prep Haven").ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(ManRepfilePath, Mancol1);

            // Country
            var Mancol2 = File.ReadLines(ManRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Country"
                                                                                            : line + ",US").ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(ManRepfilePath, Mancol2);

            // Reference URL
            var Mancol3 = File.ReadLines(ManRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Reference"
                                                                                            : line + "," + driver.Url).ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(ManRepfilePath, Mancol3);

            // Transaction Date
            var Mancol4 = File.ReadLines(ManRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ", Transaction Date"
                                                                                         : line + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")).ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(ManRepfilePath, Mancol4);

            // Renaming the Report File
            File.Move(ManRepfilePath, directoryFullPath + "ManagedInventoryReport.csv");

            // Uploading Reserved Inventory Report to Azure Data Lake
            Azuresource      = directoryFullPath + "ManagedInventoryReport.csv";
            Azuredestination = "Meal prep haven/CA_AO/Managed Inventory Reports/" + "ManagedInventoryReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv";
            adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(AdlsAccountName, Azuresource, Azuredestination, 1, false, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Managed Inventory Report");

            // Deleting the Managed Inventory Report File
            Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath), File.Delete);

            // ------------------ REPORT 4 ------------------ // ---- Automating Scraping Method ----
            // Downloading Payment Report
            driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id=\"drrFromDate\"]")).SendKeys(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").Replace("-", "/") + Keys.Enter);
            driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id=\"drrToDate\"]")).SendKeys(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").Replace("-", "/") + Keys.Enter);
            driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1000);
            driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1000);

            // Editing the Payment CSV
            // Appending Columns and Values in Existing CSV File
            string PayRepfilePath = "";

            foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath))
                PayRepfilePath = directoryFullPath + Path.GetFileName(filename);  // Getting the File Name

            // Account
            var Paycol1 = File.ReadLines(PayRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Account"
                                                                                            : line + ",Meal Prep Haven").ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(PayRepfilePath, Paycol1);

            // Country
            var Paycol2 = File.ReadLines(PayRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Country"
                                                                                            : line + ",US").ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(PayRepfilePath, Paycol2);

            // Reference URL
            var Paycol3 = File.ReadLines(PayRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Reference"
                                                                                            : line + ",https://sellercentral.amazon.com/payments/reports/custom/request?tbla_daterangereportstable=sort:%7B%22sortOrder%22%3A%22DESCENDING%22%7D;search:undefined;pagination:1;").ToList(); //+ driver.Url).ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(PayRepfilePath, Paycol3);

            // Renaming the Report File
            File.Move(PayRepfilePath, directoryFullPath + "PaymentReport.csv");

            // Uploading Payment Report to Azure Data Lake
            Azuresource      = directoryFullPath + "PaymentReport.csv";
            Azuredestination = "Meal prep haven/CA_AO/Payment Reports/" + "PaymentReport-17-10-2019.csv"; //+ DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv";
            adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(AdlsAccountName, Azuresource, Azuredestination, 1, false, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Payment Report");

            // Deleting the Payment Report File
            Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath), File.Delete);

            // ------------------ REPORT 5 ------------------ // ---- Automating Scraping Method ----
            // Downloading Storage Fees Report
            driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4000);

            // Editing the Storage Fees CSV
            // Appending Columns and Values in Existing CSV File
            string StoRepfilePath = "";

            foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath))
                StoRepfilePath = directoryFullPath + Path.GetFileName(filename);  // Getting the File Name

            // Account
            var Stocol1 = File.ReadLines(StoRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Account"
                                                                                            : line + ",Meal Prep Haven").ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(StoRepfilePath, Stocol1);

            // Country
            var Stocol2 = File.ReadLines(StoRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Country"
                                                                                            : line + ",US").ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(StoRepfilePath, Stocol2);

            // Reference URL
            var Stocol3 = File.ReadLines(StoRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ",Reference"
                                                                                            : line + "," + driver.Url).ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(StoRepfilePath, Stocol3);

            // Transaction Date
            var Stocol4 = File.ReadLines(StoRepfilePath).Select((line, index) => index == 0 ? line + ", Transaction Date"
                                                                                         : line + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")).ToList();

            File.WriteAllLines(StoRepfilePath, Stocol4);

            // Renaming the Report File
            File.Move(StoRepfilePath, directoryFullPath + "StorageFeesReport.csv");

            // Uploading Storage Fees Report to Azure Data Lake
            Azuresource      = directoryFullPath + "StorageFeesReport.csv";
            Azuredestination = "Meal prep haven/CA_AO/Storage Fees Reports/" + "StorageFeesReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv";
            adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(AdlsAccountName, Azuresource, Azuredestination, 1, false, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Storage Fees Report");

            // Deleting the Storage Fees Report File
            Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath), File.Delete);

            // ------------------ REPORT 6 ------------------ // ---- API Method ----
            // Downloading Amazon ADS Product Report through API
            // Refreshing Access Token
            var client1  = new RestClient("https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token");
            var request1 = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

            request1.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            request1.AddParameter("grant_type", "refresh_token");
            request1.AddParameter("refresh_token", ADS_RefreshToken);
            request1.AddParameter("client_id", ADS_ClientID);
            request1.AddParameter("client_secret", ADS_ClientSecret);
            IRestResponse response1       = client1.Execute(request1);
            dynamic       result1         = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response1.Content);
            string        ADS_AccessToken = result1.access_token;

            // Getting the Report ID
            var client2  = new RestClient("https://advertising-api.amazon.com/v2/sp/productAds/report");
            var request2 = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

            request2.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
            request2.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + ADS_AccessToken);
            request2.AddHeader("Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId", ADS_ClientID);
            request2.AddHeader("Amazon-Advertising-API-Scope", ADS_Scope);
            request2.AddParameter("undefined", "{\"reportDate\":\"20190930\", \"metrics\":\"campaignName,campaignId,adGroupName,adGroupId,currency,asin,sku,impressions,clicks,cost,attributedConversions1d,attributedConversions7d,attributedConversions14d,attributedConversions30d,attributedConversions1dSameSKU,attributedConversions7dSameSKU,attributedConversions14dSameSKU,attributedConversions30dSameSKU,attributedUnitsOrdered1d,attributedUnitsOrdered7d,attributedUnitsOrdered14d,attributedUnitsOrdered30d,attributedSales1d,attributedSales7d,attributedSales14d,attributedSales30d,attributedSales1dSameSKU,attributedSales7dSameSKU,attributedSales14dSameSKU,attributedSales30dSameSKU\"}", ParameterType.RequestBody);
            IRestResponse response2 = client2.Execute(request2);
            dynamic       result2   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response2.Content);
            string        ReportID  = result2.reportId;


            // Retrieving the Report Status
            var client3  = new RestClient("https://advertising-api.amazon.com/v2/reports/" + ReportID);
            var request3 = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

            request3.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
            request3.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + ADS_AccessToken);
            request3.AddHeader("Amazon-Advertising-API-ClientId", ADS_ClientID);
            request3.AddHeader("Amazon-Advertising-API-Scope", ADS_Scope);
            IRestResponse response3        = client3.Execute(request3);
            dynamic       result3          = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response3.Content);
            string        DownloadLocation = result3.location;

            if (result3.status == "SUCCESS")
                // Retrieving Report Download URL
                var client4  = new RestClient(DownloadLocation);
                var request4 = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
                request4.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + ADS_AccessToken);
                request4.AddHeader("Amazon-Advertising-API-Scope", ADS_Scope);
                IRestResponse response4   = client4.Execute(request4);
                string        DownloadURL = response4.ResponseUri.ToString();

                // Downloading the Report

            // Extracting .gz Zip file
            DirectoryInfo directorySelected = new DirectoryInfo(directoryFullPath);

            foreach (FileInfo fileToDecompress in directorySelected.GetFiles("*.gz"))

            // Uploading Amazon ADS Product Report to Azure Data Lake
            Azuresource      = directoryFullPath + "ADSProductReport.json";
            Azuredestination = "Meal prep haven/CA_AO/Advertised Product Reports/" + "AmazonADSProductReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".json";
            adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(AdlsAccountName, Azuresource, Azuredestination, 1, false, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Amazon ADS Product Report");

            // Deleting the Amazon ADS Product Report File
            Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath), File.Delete);

            // ------------------ REPORT 7 ------------------ // ---- API Method ----
            // Downloading WorldPack Report through API
            // Getting the Access Token
            var clientw1  = new RestClient("http://secure-wms.com/AuthServer/api/Token");
            var requestw1 = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

            requestw1.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
            requestw1.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
            requestw1.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + WP_Authorization);
            requestw1.AddParameter("undefined", "{\"grant_type\": \"client_credentials\",\"tpl\": \"{1ddbea91-a4ff-4b42-a25d-81a25b8cb727}\",\"user_login_id\": \"759\"}", ParameterType.RequestBody);
            IRestResponse responsew1     = clientw1.Execute(requestw1);
            dynamic       resultw1       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responsew1.Content);
            string        WP_AccessToken = resultw1.access_token;

            // Getting the Inventory Details
            var clientw2  = new RestClient("https://secure-wms.com/inventory/stockdetails?customerid=194&facilityid=4");
            var requestw2 = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

            requestw2.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/hal+json; charset=utf-8");
            requestw2.AddHeader("Accept", "application/hal+json");
            requestw2.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + WP_AccessToken);
            IRestResponse responsew2 = clientw2.Execute(requestw2);
            dynamic       resultw2   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responsew2.Content);
            string        jsonstr    = resultw2._embedded.ToString();

            // Uploading WorldPack Report to Azure Data Lake
            Azuresource      = directoryFullPath + "WorldPackReport.json";
            Azuredestination = "Third Party Reports/WorldPack Reports/" + "WorldPackReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".json";
            adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(AdlsAccountName, Azuresource, Azuredestination, 1, false, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded World Pack Report");

            // Deleting the Amazon ADS Product Report File
            Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(directoryFullPath), File.Delete);

            // ------------------ REPORT 8 ------------------ // ---- API Method ----
            // Downloading Amazon MWS Reports - FBA_StorageFees Report through API
            string accessKeyId                 = MWS_AccessID;
            string secretAccessKey             = MWS_SecretKey;
            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";
            const string applicationName    = "ApplicationName";
            const string applicationVersion = "0.1a";

            MarketplaceWebServiceClient service =
                new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(

            string merchantID   = MWS_MerchantID;
            string mwsauthtoken = MWS_AuthToken;

            // Requesting the Report
            RequestReportRequest reportRequest = new RequestReportRequest();

            reportRequest.Merchant      = merchantID;
            reportRequest.MWSAuthToken  = mwsauthtoken;
            reportRequest.ReportType    = "_GET_FBA_STORAGE_FEE_CHARGES_DATA_";
            reportRequest.StartDate     = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
            reportRequest.EndDate       = DateTime.Now;
            reportRequest.ReportOptions = "true"; //shows sales channel to certain reports

            // Handling the Response of RequestReport
            RequestReportResponse reportResponse = service.RequestReport(reportRequest);

            Thread.Sleep(30000); //sleep for 30 seconds to allow report request to generate prior to requesting the reportRequestID

            string requestID    = reportResponse.RequestReportResult.ReportRequestInfo.ReportRequestId;
            string reportStatus = ""; // holds the status of the report

            // Getting the Report Request List
            GetReportRequestListRequest reportRequestList = new GetReportRequestListRequest();

            reportRequestList.Merchant     = merchantID;
            reportRequestList.MWSAuthToken = mwsauthtoken;

            // Handling the Response of Report Request List
            GetReportRequestListResponse reportRequestListReponse = service.GetReportRequestList(reportRequestList);

            foreach (ReportRequestInfo info in reportRequestListReponse.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo)
                if (info.ReportRequestId.Equals(requestID))
                    reportStatus = info.ReportProcessingStatus;

                    if (reportStatus == "_DONE_")
                        // Getting the Report using Report ID
                        GetReportRequest getReport = new GetReportRequest();
                        getReport.ReportId     = info.GeneratedReportId;
                        getReport.Merchant     = merchantID;
                        getReport.MWSAuthToken = mwsauthtoken;

                        // Writting the Report as a File
                        string filename = Path.Combine(directoryFullPath, "FBA_StorageFeesReport-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv");
                        getReport.Report = File.Open(filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                        GetReportResponse report_response = service.GetReport(getReport);
                        Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 1 minute to allow processes to settle. ");

                        // Uploading FBA Storage Fees to Azure Data Lake
                        Azuresource      = filename;
                        Azuredestination = "Amazon MWS Reports/" + "FBA_StorageFeesReport-" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ".csv";
                        adlsFileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile(AdlsAccountName, Azuresource, Azuredestination, 1, false, true);
                        Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Amazon MWS FBA_StorageFees Report");

                    continue; // Only concerning about the requested report, not all the reports being generated

            // Closing the Browser
        public static string SubmitAmazonTrackingFeed(string filepath, string merchantId, string marketplaceId, string accessKeyId, string secretAccessKey)
            string            feedSubmissionId = "";
            SubmitFeedRequest request          = new SubmitFeedRequest();

            request.Merchant             = merchantId;
            request.MarketplaceIdList    = new IdList();
            request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List <string>(new string[] { marketplaceId });
            request.FeedContent          = File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            request.ContentMD5           = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
            request.FeedContent.Position = 0;
            request.FeedType             = "_POST_ORDER_FULFILLMENT_DATA_";

            const string applicationName       = "<Your Application Name>";
            const string applicationVersion    = "<Your Application Version>";
            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";
                "<Parameter 1>", "<Parameter 2>");
            MarketplaceWebService.MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, config);

                SubmitFeedResponse response = service.SubmitFeed(request);

                Console.WriteLine("Service Response");

                Console.WriteLine("        SubmitFeedResponse");
                if (response.IsSetSubmitFeedResult())
                    Console.WriteLine("            SubmitFeedResult");
                    SubmitFeedResult submitFeedResult = response.SubmitFeedResult;
                    if (submitFeedResult.IsSetFeedSubmissionInfo())
                        Console.WriteLine("                FeedSubmissionInfo");
                        FeedSubmissionInfo feedSubmissionInfo = submitFeedResult.FeedSubmissionInfo;
                        if (feedSubmissionInfo.IsSetFeedSubmissionId())
                            Console.WriteLine("                    FeedSubmissionId");
                            Console.WriteLine("                        {0}", feedSubmissionInfo.FeedSubmissionId);
                            feedSubmissionId = feedSubmissionInfo.FeedSubmissionId;
                        if (feedSubmissionInfo.IsSetFeedType())
                            Console.WriteLine("                    FeedType");
                            Console.WriteLine("                        {0}", feedSubmissionInfo.FeedType);
                        if (feedSubmissionInfo.IsSetSubmittedDate())
                            Console.WriteLine("                    SubmittedDate");
                            Console.WriteLine("                        {0}", feedSubmissionInfo.SubmittedDate);
                        if (feedSubmissionInfo.IsSetFeedProcessingStatus())
                            Console.WriteLine("                    FeedProcessingStatus");
                            Console.WriteLine("                        {0}", feedSubmissionInfo.FeedProcessingStatus);
                        if (feedSubmissionInfo.IsSetStartedProcessingDate())
                            Console.WriteLine("                    StartedProcessingDate");
                            Console.WriteLine("                        {0}", feedSubmissionInfo.StartedProcessingDate);
                        if (feedSubmissionInfo.IsSetCompletedProcessingDate())
                            Console.WriteLine("                    CompletedProcessingDate");
                            Console.WriteLine("                        {0}", feedSubmissionInfo.CompletedProcessingDate);
                if (response.IsSetResponseMetadata())
                    Console.WriteLine("            ResponseMetadata");
                    ResponseMetadata responseMetadata = response.ResponseMetadata;
                    if (responseMetadata.IsSetRequestId())
                        Console.WriteLine("                RequestId");
                        Console.WriteLine("                    {0}", responseMetadata.RequestId);

                Console.WriteLine("            ResponseHeaderMetadata");
                Console.WriteLine("                RequestId");
                Console.WriteLine("                    " + response.ResponseHeaderMetadata.RequestId);
                Console.WriteLine("                ResponseContext");
                Console.WriteLine("                    " + response.ResponseHeaderMetadata.ResponseContext);
                Console.WriteLine("                Timestamp");
                Console.WriteLine("                    " + response.ResponseHeaderMetadata.Timestamp);
            catch (MarketplaceWebServiceException ex)
                ExceptionUtility exceptionUtility = new ExceptionUtility();
                exceptionUtility.CatchMethod(ex, "SubmitAmazonTrackingFeed Error:", ex.Message.ToString(), senderEmail, messageFromPassword, messageToEmail, smtpClient, smtpPortNum);

                Console.WriteLine("Caught Exception: " + ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Response Status Code: " + ex.StatusCode);
                Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + ex.ErrorCode);
                Console.WriteLine("Error Type: " + ex.ErrorType);
                Console.WriteLine("Request ID: " + ex.RequestId);
                Console.WriteLine("XML: " + ex.XML);
                Console.WriteLine("ResponseHeaderMetadata: " + ex.ResponseHeaderMetadata);

    private void DownloadSalesData()
      this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Creating MWS client");
      // Set up MWS client
      string accessKey = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MwsAccK"];
      string secretKey = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MwsSecK"];
      string sellerId = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MwsSeller"];
      string marketplaceId = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MwsMktpl"];
      MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
      config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com ";
      config.SetUserAgentHeader("CMA", "1.0", "C#", new string[] { });
      MarketplaceWebServiceClient client = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKey, secretKey, config);

      // Submit the report request
      MarketplaceWebService.Model.RequestReportRequest request = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.RequestReportRequest();
      request.ReportType = "_GET_FLAT_FILE_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_LAST_UPDATE_";
      request.Merchant = sellerId;
      request.StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30).AddHours(-6);
      request.EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-6);

      this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Requesting Report Type {0} for {1} through {2}", request.ReportType, request.StartDate.ToShortDateString(), request.EndDate.ToShortDateString());
      var responseToRequestReport = client.RequestReport(request);


      string reportRequestId = "";
      if (responseToRequestReport.IsSetRequestReportResult())
        if (responseToRequestReport.RequestReportResult.IsSetReportRequestInfo())
          if (responseToRequestReport.RequestReportResult.ReportRequestInfo.IsSetReportRequestId())
            reportRequestId = responseToRequestReport.RequestReportResult.ReportRequestInfo.ReportRequestId;
            // Would be good to implement wait-and-retry here
            throw new Exception("ReportRequestId was not returned from RequestReport()");

      this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Report Request ID: {0}", reportRequestId);

      // Check for the report to have a _DONE_ status
      string reportId = "";

      bool reportDone = false;

        this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Checking report status");
        MarketplaceWebService.Model.GetReportRequestListRequest requestGetReportRequestList = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.GetReportRequestListRequest();
        requestGetReportRequestList.ReportRequestIdList = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.IdList();
        requestGetReportRequestList.ReportRequestIdList.Id = new List<string>();
        requestGetReportRequestList.Merchant = sellerId;

        var responseToGetReportRequestList = client.GetReportRequestList(requestGetReportRequestList);

        if (responseToGetReportRequestList.IsSetGetReportRequestListResult() && responseToGetReportRequestList.GetReportRequestListResult.IsSetReportRequestInfo() && responseToGetReportRequestList.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo.Count != 0)
          this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Report status: {0}", responseToGetReportRequestList.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo[0].ReportProcessingStatus);
          if (responseToGetReportRequestList.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo[0].ReportProcessingStatus.Equals("_DONE_"))
            reportDone = true;
            if (responseToGetReportRequestList.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo[0].IsSetGeneratedReportId())
              reportId = responseToGetReportRequestList.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo[0].GeneratedReportId;
              this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Report ID: {0}", reportId);
              // ReportId was not returned, call GetReportList()
              this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Report ID was not returned. Trying GetReportList()");
              var requestGetReportList = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.GetReportListRequest();
              requestGetReportList.ReportRequestIdList = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.IdList();
              requestGetReportList.ReportRequestIdList.Id = new List<string>();
              requestGetReportList.Merchant = sellerId;

              var responseToGetReportList = client.GetReportList(requestGetReportList);

              if (responseToGetReportList.IsSetGetReportListResult() && responseToGetReportList.GetReportListResult.IsSetReportInfo() && responseToGetReportList.GetReportListResult.ReportInfo.Count != 0)
                reportId = responseToGetReportList.GetReportListResult.ReportInfo[0].ReportId;
                this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Report ID: {0}", reportId);
                throw new Exception("ReportId could not be retrieved.");
          else if (responseToGetReportRequestList.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo[0].ReportProcessingStatus.Equals("_DONE_NO_DATA_"))
            throw new Exception("Report returned with status _DONE_NO_DATA_");
            for (int secondsTilRetry = 60; secondsTilRetry > 0; secondsTilRetry--)
              this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Report status: {0} (Will check again in {1}s)", responseToGetReportRequestList.GetReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo[0].ReportProcessingStatus, secondsTilRetry);

      } while (!reportDone);


      // Retrieve the report
      string saveFileName = reportId + ".txt";
      this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Downloading report to {0}", saveFileName);
      MarketplaceWebService.Model.GetReportRequest requestGetReport = new MarketplaceWebService.Model.GetReportRequest();
      requestGetReport.ReportId = reportId;
      requestGetReport.Merchant = sellerId;

      using (Stream file = File.Open(saveFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) {
        requestGetReport.Report = file;
        var responseToGetReport = client.GetReport(requestGetReport);
        * Samples for Marketplace Web Service functionality
        public static void GetReport(string reportType, string fileName)
            * Instantiate  Implementation of Marketplace Web Service

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

             * The application name and version are included in each MWS call's
             * HTTP User-Agent field. These are required fields.

             * All MWS requests must contain the seller's merchant ID and
             * marketplace ID.

            config.ServiceURL = GlobalConfig.Instance.ServiceURL;

            config.SetUserAgentHeader(GlobalConfig.Instance.AppName, GlobalConfig.Instance.AppVersion, "C#");
            MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(GlobalConfig.Instance.AccessKey, GlobalConfig.Instance.SecretKey, config);

            //*** 1. Submit a report request using the RequestReport operation. This is a request to Amazon MWS to generate a specific report.
            RequestReportRequest reportRequest = new RequestReportRequest();
            reportRequest.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
            // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
            reportRequest.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
            reportRequest.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>( new string [] { GlobalConfig.Instance.MarketplaceId } );

            reportRequest.ReportType = reportType;
            reportRequest.StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 8, 1);
            reportRequest.EndDate = new DateTime(2015, 9, 21);
            // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
            // request.ReportOptions = "ShowSalesChannel=true";
            string reportRequestId = RequestReportSample.InvokeRequestReport(service, reportRequest);

            Dictionary<string, string> requestInfo = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            requestInfo["ReportProcessingStatus"] = "";
            requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] = "";

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request List Action
                GetReportRequestListRequest request = new GetReportRequestListRequest();
                request.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                request.ReportRequestIdList = new IdList();
                request.ReportRequestIdList.Id = new List<string>(new string[] { reportRequestId });
                while(requestInfo["ReportProcessingStatus"] != "_DONE_" && requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] == "")
                    if(!GetReportRequestListSample.InvokeGetReportRequestList(service, request, requestInfo))
                        // todo �쳣����
                    //*** Request every 60s
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1 * 60 * 1000);

            //*** 2. Using the GetReportList operation and include the ReportRequestId for the report requested.
            //*** The operation returns a ReportId that you can then pass to the GetReport operation 50193016685
                if (requestInfo["ReportProcessingStatus"] == "_DONE_" && requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] == "")

                    GetReportListRequest getReportListRequest = new GetReportListRequest();
                    getReportListRequest.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
                    //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                    getReportListRequest.ReportRequestIdList = new IdList();
                    getReportListRequest.ReportRequestIdList.Id = new List<string>(new string[] { reportRequestId });
                    string reportId = "";
                    while (reportId == "")
                        //*** Request every 60s
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1 * 60 * 1000);
                        reportId = GetReportListSample.InvokeGetReportList(service, getReportListRequest);
                    requestInfo["reportId"] = reportId;

            //*** 3. Submit a request using the GetReport operation to receive a specific report.
            //*** You include in the request the GeneratedReportId or the ReportId for the report you want to receive.
            //*** You then process the Content-MD5 header to confirm that the report was not corrupted during transmission.
            GetReportRequest getReportRequest = new GetReportRequest();
            getReportRequest.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
            // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

            // Note that depending on the type of report being downloaded, a report can reach
            // sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_ program to
            // MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
            // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
            // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
            if (requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] != "" || requestInfo["reportId"] != "")
                getReportRequest.ReportId = requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] != "" ? requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] : requestInfo["reportId"];
                getReportRequest.Report = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                GetReportSample.InvokeGetReport(service, getReportRequest);
        public static void GetFeedSubmissionResult(string market_id, string feedSubmissionId, string fileName)
            //IniReader iniReader = new IniReader(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\config.ini");
            //string awsSection = "AWS_US";

            String accessKeyId = GlobalConfig.Instance.GetConfigValue(market_id, "accessKey");
            String secretAccessKey = GlobalConfig.Instance.GetConfigValue(market_id, "secretKey");

            * Instantiate  Implementation of Marketplace Web Service

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

             * The application name and version are included in each MWS call's
             * HTTP User-Agent field. These are required fields.

            string applicationName = GlobalConfig.Instance.GetCommonConfigValue("appName");
            string applicationVersion = GlobalConfig.Instance.GetCommonConfigValue("appVersion");

             * All MWS requests must contain the seller's merchant ID and
             * marketplace ID.
            string merchantId = GlobalConfig.Instance.GetConfigValue(market_id, "sellerId");
            string marketplaceId = GlobalConfig.Instance.GetConfigValue(market_id, "marketplaceId");

            // United States:
            config.ServiceURL = GlobalConfig.Instance.GetConfigValue(market_id, "serviceURL");
            // United Kingdom:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.co.uk";
            // Germany:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.de";
            // France:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.fr";
            // Japan:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.jp";
            // China:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com.cn";
            // Canada:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.ca";
            // Italy:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.it";
            MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, config);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission Result Action
                GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest();
                request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

                // Note that depending on the size of the feed sent in, and the number of errors and warnings,
                // the result can reach sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_
                // program to MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
                // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
                // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
                request.FeedSubmissionId = feedSubmissionId;
                request.FeedSubmissionResult = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                GetFeedSubmissionResultSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionResult(service, request);
 public SubmitFeedController(MarketplaceWebServiceClient amazonClient, string merchantId, string marketplaceId)
     _AmazonClient = amazonClient;
     _MerchantId = merchantId;
     _MarketplaceId = marketplaceId;
         * Samples for Marketplace Web Service functionality
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Marketplace Web Service Samples!");

            Console.WriteLine("To get started:");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Fill in your AWS credentials");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Uncomment sample you're interested in trying");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Set request with desired parameters");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Hit F5 to run!");

            Console.WriteLine("Samples Output");

             * Access Key ID and Secret Acess Key ID, obtained from:
             * http://aws.amazon.com
             * IMPORTANT: Your Secret Access Key is a secret, and should be known
             * only by you and AWS. You should never include your Secret Access Key
             * in your requests to AWS. You should never e-mail your Secret Access Key
             * to anyone. It is important to keep your Secret Access Key confidential
             * to protect your account.
            String accessKeyId     = "AKIAIKYYTE7TYRWSAIEA";
            String secretAccessKey = "jFA0WUoRP1yJty5pp8BXWfHN/UwMOecXQ6grn2D9";

             * Instantiate  Implementation of Marketplace Web Service

            //MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

             * The application name and version are included in each MWS call's
             * HTTP User-Agent field. These are required fields.

            const string applicationName    = "T-Tek Seller Tool";
            const string applicationVersion = "0.1";

            /*MarketplaceWebService service =
             *  new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(
             *      accessKeyId,
             *      secretAccessKey,
             *      applicationName,
             *      applicationVersion,
             *      config);*/

             * All MWS requests must contain the seller's merchant ID and
             * marketplace ID.
            const string merchantId    = "A380610PV1XE6A";
            const string marketplaceId = "ATVPDKIKX0DER";

             * Uncomment to configure the client instance. Configuration settings
             * include:
             *  - MWS Service endpoint URL
             *  - Proxy Host and Proxy Port
             *  - User Agent String to be sent to Marketplace Web Service  service
            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

            config.ProxyHost = "https://PROXY_URL";
            config.ProxyPort = 9090;
            // IMPORTANT: Uncomment out the appropiate line for the country you wish
            // to sell in:
            // United States:
            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";
            // United Kingdom:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.co.uk";
            // Germany:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.de";
            // France:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.fr";
            // Japan:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.jp";
            // China:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com.cn";
            // Canada:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.ca";
            // Italy:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.it";
                "<Parameter 1>", "<Parameter 2>");
            MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, config);

             * Uncomment to try out Mock Service that simulates Marketplace Web Service
             * responses without calling Marketplace Web Service  service.
             * Responses are loaded from local XML files. You can tweak XML files to
             * experiment with various outputs during development
             * XML files available under MarketplaceWebService\Mock tree
            //MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceMock();

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Action
                GetReportRequest request = new GetReportRequest();
                request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

                // Note that depending on the type of report being downloaded, a report can reach
                // sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_ program to
                // MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
                // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
                // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
                request.ReportId = "REPORT_ID";
                request.Report   = File.Open("report.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                GetReportSample.InvokeGetReport(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule Count Action
                GetReportScheduleCountRequest request = new GetReportScheduleCountRequest();
                request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                GetReportScheduleCountSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request List By Next Token Action
                //GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportRequestList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportRequestListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Update Report Acknowledgements Action
                //UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request = new UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.WithReportIdList(new IdList().WithId("REPORT_ID"));
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //UpdateReportAcknowledgementsSample.InvokeUpdateReportAcknowledgements(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Submit Feed Action
                // SubmitFeedRequest request = new SubmitFeedRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // request.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
                // request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>( new string [] { marketplaceId } );

                // MWS exclusively offers a streaming interface for uploading your feeds. This is because
                // feed sizes can grow to the 1GB+ range - and as your business grows you could otherwise
                // silently reach the feed size where your in-memory solution will no longer work, leaving you
                // puzzled as to why a solution that worked for a long time suddenly stopped working though
                // you made no changes. For the same reason, we strongly encourage you to generate your feeds to
                // local disk then upload them directly from disk to MWS.

                //request.FeedContent = File.Open("feed.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                // Calculating the MD5 hash value exhausts the stream, and therefore we must either reset the
                // position, or create another stream for the calculation.
                //request.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
                //request.FeedContent.Position = 0;

                //request.FeedType = "FEED_TYPE";

                //SubmitFeedSample.InvokeSubmitFeed(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Count Action
                // GetReportCountRequest request = new GetReportCountRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                // GetReportCountSample.InvokeGetReportCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission List By Next Token Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetFeedSubmissionList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Cancel Feed Submissions Action
                //CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request = new CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //CancelFeedSubmissionsSample.InvokeCancelFeedSubmissions(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Request Report Action
                //RequestReportRequest request = new RequestReportRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
                //request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>( new string [] { marketplaceId } );

                //request.ReportType = "Desired Report Type";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //request.ReportOptions = "ShowSalesChannel=true";
                //RequestReportSample.InvokeRequestReport(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission Count Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetFeedSubmissionCountSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Cancel Report Requests Action
                //CancelReportRequestsRequest request = new CancelReportRequestsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //CancelReportRequestsSample.InvokeCancelReportRequests(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report List Action
                //GetReportListRequest request = new GetReportListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportListSample.InvokeGetReportList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission Result Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

                // Note that depending on the size of the feed sent in, and the number of errors and warnings,
                // the result can reach sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_
                // program to MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
                // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
                // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
                //request.FeedSubmissionId = "FEED_SUBMISSION_ID";
                //request.FeedSubmissionResult = File.Open("feedSubmissionResult.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                //GetFeedSubmissionResultSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionResult(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission List Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetFeedSubmissionListSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request List Action
                //GetReportRequestListRequest request = new GetReportRequestListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestListSample.InvokeGetReportRequestList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule List By Next Token Action
                //GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportScheduleList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report List By Next Token Action
                // GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportListByNextTokenRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                // GetReportListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Manage Report Schedule Action
                //ManageReportScheduleRequest request = new ManageReportScheduleRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.ReportType = "Report Type";
                //request.Schedule = "Schedule";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //ManageReportScheduleSample.InvokeManageReportSchedule(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request Count Action
                //GetReportRequestCountRequest request = new GetReportRequestCountRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestCountSample.InvokeGetReportRequestCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule List Action
                //GetReportScheduleListRequest request = new GetReportScheduleListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportScheduleListSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleList(service, request);

            Console.WriteLine("End of output. You can close this window");

        public static void RunSample()
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Marketplace Web Service Samples!");

            Console.WriteLine("To get started:");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Fill in your AWS credentials");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Uncomment sample you're interested in trying");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Set request with desired parameters");
            Console.WriteLine("  - Hit F5 to run!");

            Console.WriteLine("Samples Output");

             * Access Key ID and Secret Acess Key ID, obtained from:
             * http://aws.amazon.com
             * IMPORTANT: Your Secret Access Key is a secret, and should be known
             * only by you and AWS. You should never include your Secret Access Key
             * in your requests to AWS. You should never e-mail your Secret Access Key
             * to anyone. It is important to keep your Secret Access Key confidential
             * to protect your account.

            IniReader iniReader = new IniReader(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\config.ini");
            string awsSection = "AWS_US";

            String accessKeyId = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "accessKey");
            String secretAccessKey = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "secretKey");

            * Instantiate  Implementation of Marketplace Web Service

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

             * The application name and version are included in each MWS call's
             * HTTP User-Agent field. These are required fields.

            string applicationName = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "appName"); ;
            string applicationVersion = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "appVersion"); ;

            //MarketplaceWebService service =
            //    new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(
            //        accessKeyId,
            //        secretAccessKey,
            //        applicationName,
            //        applicationVersion,
            //        config);

             * All MWS requests must contain the seller's merchant ID and
             * marketplace ID.
            string merchantId = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "sellerId");
            string marketplaceId = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "marketplaceId");

             * Uncomment to configure the client instance. Configuration settings
             * include:
             *  - MWS Service endpoint URL
             *  - Proxy Host and Proxy Port
             *  - User Agent String to be sent to Marketplace Web Service  service
            //MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();
            //config.ProxyHost = "https://PROXY_URL";
            //config.ProxyPort = 9090;
            // IMPORTANT: Uncomment out the appropiate line for the country you wish
            // to sell in:
            // United States:
            config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com";
            // United Kingdom:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.co.uk";
            // Germany:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.de";
            // France:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.fr";
            // Japan:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.jp";
            // China:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.com.cn";
            // Canada:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.ca";
            // Italy:
            // config.ServiceURL = "https://mws.amazonservices.it";
            MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, config);

             * Uncomment to try out Mock Service that simulates Marketplace Web Service
             * responses without calling Marketplace Web Service  service.
             * Responses are loaded from local XML files. You can tweak XML files to
             * experiment with various outputs during development
             * XML files available under MarketplaceWebService\Mock tree
            // MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceMock();

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Action
                // GetReportRequest request = new GetReportRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

                // Note that depending on the type of report being downloaded, a report can reach
                // sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_ program to
                // MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
                // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
                // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
                // request.ReportId = "REPORT_ID";
                // request.Report = File.Open("report.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite );
                // GetReportSample.InvokeGetReport(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule Count Action
                //GetReportScheduleCountRequest request = new GetReportScheduleCountRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportScheduleCountSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request List By Next Token Action
                //GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportRequestListByNextTokenRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportRequestList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportRequestListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Update Report Acknowledgements Action
                //UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest request = new UpdateReportAcknowledgementsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.WithReportIdList(new IdList().WithId("REPORT_ID"));
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //UpdateReportAcknowledgementsSample.InvokeUpdateReportAcknowledgements(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Submit Feed Action
                //SubmitFeedRequest request = new SubmitFeedRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "MWSAuthToken"); // Optional
                //request.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
                //request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>(new string[] { marketplaceId });

                // MWS exclusively offers a streaming interface for uploading your feeds. This is because
                // feed sizes can grow to the 1GB+ range - and as your business grows you could otherwise
                // silently reach the feed size where your in-memory solution will no longer work, leaving you
                // puzzled as to why a solution that worked for a long time suddenly stopped working though
                // you made no changes. For the same reason, we strongly encourage you to generate your feeds to
                // local disk then upload them directly from disk to MWS.

                //request.FeedContent = File.Open("feed.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                // Calculating the MD5 hash value exhausts the stream, and therefore we must either reset the
                // position, or create another stream for the calculation.
                //request.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
                //request.FeedContent.Position = 0;

                //request.FeedType = "_POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA_";

                //SubmitFeedSample.InvokeSubmitFeed(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Count Action
                // GetReportCountRequest request = new GetReportCountRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                // GetReportCountSample.InvokeGetReportCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission List By Next Token Action
            //    GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenRequest();
            //    request.Merchant = merchantId;
            //    // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
            //    request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetFeedSubmissionList";
            //    // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
            //    GetFeedSubmissionListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Cancel Feed Submissions Action
                //CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest request = new CancelFeedSubmissionsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //CancelFeedSubmissionsSample.InvokeCancelFeedSubmissions(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Request Report Action
                //RequestReportRequest request = new RequestReportRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
                //request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>( new string [] { marketplaceId } );

                //request.ReportType = "Desired Report Type";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //request.ReportOptions = "ShowSalesChannel=true";
                //RequestReportSample.InvokeRequestReport(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission Count Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionCountRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetFeedSubmissionCountSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Cancel Report Requests Action
                //CancelReportRequestsRequest request = new CancelReportRequestsRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //CancelReportRequestsSample.InvokeCancelReportRequests(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report List Action
                //GetReportListRequest request = new GetReportListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportListSample.InvokeGetReportList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission Result Action
                GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionResultRequest();
                request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

                // Note that depending on the size of the feed sent in, and the number of errors and warnings,
                // the result can reach sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_
                // program to MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
                // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
                // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
                request.FeedSubmissionId = "51635016699";
                request.FeedSubmissionResult = File.Open("feedSubmissionResult1.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                GetFeedSubmissionResultSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionResult(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Feed Submission List Action
                //GetFeedSubmissionListRequest request = new GetFeedSubmissionListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                ////request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //// @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetFeedSubmissionListSample.InvokeGetFeedSubmissionList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request List Action
                //GetReportRequestListRequest request = new GetReportRequestListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestListSample.InvokeGetReportRequestList(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule List By Next Token Action
                //GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportScheduleList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportScheduleListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report List By Next Token Action
                // GetReportListByNextTokenRequest request = new GetReportListByNextTokenRequest();
                // request.Merchant = merchantId;
                // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.NextToken = "NextToken from GetReportList";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                // GetReportListByNextTokenSample.InvokeGetReportListByNextToken(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Manage Report Schedule Action
                //ManageReportScheduleRequest request = new ManageReportScheduleRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                //request.ReportType = "Report Type";
                //request.Schedule = "Schedule";
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //ManageReportScheduleSample.InvokeManageReportSchedule(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request Count Action
                //GetReportRequestCountRequest request = new GetReportRequestCountRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportRequestCountSample.InvokeGetReportRequestCount(service, request);

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Schedule List Action
                //GetReportScheduleListRequest request = new GetReportScheduleListRequest();
                //request.Merchant = merchantId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                //GetReportScheduleListSample.InvokeGetReportScheduleList(service, request);

            Console.WriteLine("End of output. You can close this window");

        public static void SubmitFeed(string fileName, string feedType)
            //IniReader iniReader = new IniReader(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\config.ini");
            //string awsSection = "AWS_US";

            //String accessKeyId = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "accessKey");
            //String secretAccessKey = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "secretKey");

            * Instantiate  Implementation of Marketplace Web Service

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

             * The application name and version are included in each MWS call's
             * HTTP User-Agent field. These are required fields.

            //string applicationName = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "appName"); ;
            //string applicationVersion = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "appVersion");

             * All MWS requests must contain the seller's merchant ID and
             * marketplace ID.
            //string merchantId = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "sellerId");
            //string marketplaceId = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "marketplaceId");

            // United States:
            config.ServiceURL = GlobalConfig.Instance.ServiceURL;

            config.SetUserAgentHeader(GlobalConfig.Instance.AppName, GlobalConfig.Instance.AppVersion, "C#");

            MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(GlobalConfig.Instance.AccessKey, GlobalConfig.Instance.SecretKey, config);

            SubmitFeedRequest request = new SubmitFeedRequest();
            request.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
            // request.MWSAuthToken = iniReader.ReadValue(awsSection, "MWSAuthToken"); // Optional
            request.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
            request.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>(new string[] { GlobalConfig.Instance.MarketplaceId });

            // MWS exclusively offers a streaming interface for uploading your feeds. This is because
            // feed sizes can grow to the 1GB+ range - and as your business grows you could otherwise
            // silently reach the feed size where your in-memory solution will no longer work, leaving you
            // puzzled as to why a solution that worked for a long time suddenly stopped working though
            // you made no changes. For the same reason, we strongly encourage you to generate your feeds to
            // local disk then upload them directly from disk to MWS.

            request.FeedContent = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            // Calculating the MD5 hash value exhausts the stream, and therefore we must either reset the
            // position, or create another stream for the calculation.
            request.ContentMD5 = MarketplaceWebServiceClient.CalculateContentMD5(request.FeedContent);
            request.FeedContent.Position = 0;

            request.FeedType = feedType;

            SubmitFeedSample.InvokeSubmitFeed(service, request);