        public ActionResult ReductionCardList(int appId, int PageType)
            int    couponstate = Context.GetRequestInt("couponstate", -1);
            int    pageIndex   = Context.GetRequestInt("pageIndex", 1);
            int    pageSize    = Context.GetRequestInt("pageSize", 10);
            string couponname  = Context.GetRequest("couponname", string.Empty);
            string souceFrom   = Context.GetRequest("SouceFrom", string.Empty);

            ViewBag.SouceFrom = souceFrom;
            #region 专业版 版本控制
            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"

            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation app = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (app == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "小程序未授权!", code = "403"
            XcxTemplate xcxTemplate = XcxTemplateBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"id={app.TId}");
            if (xcxTemplate == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "小程序模板不存在!", code = "500"

            PageType = xcxTemplate.Type;
            int reductionCardSwtich = 0;//社交立减金开关
            int versionId           = 0;
            if (xcxTemplate.Type == (int)TmpType.小程序专业模板)
                FunctionList functionList = new FunctionList();
                versionId    = app.VersionId;
                functionList = FunctionListBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"TemplateType={xcxTemplate.Type} and VersionId={versionId}");
                if (functionList == null)
                    return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                        Msg = "功能权限未设置!", code = "500"
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionList.NewsMgr))
                    MarketingPlugin marketingPlugin = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MarketingPlugin>(functionList.MarketingPlugin);
                    reductionCardSwtich = marketingPlugin.ReductionCard;
            ViewBag.versionId           = versionId;
            ViewBag.reductionCardSwtich = reductionCardSwtich;

            int storeId = 0;
            switch (PageType)
            case (int)TmpType.小程序餐饮模板:
                Food store_Food = FoodBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($" appId = {appId} ");
                if (store_Food == null)
                    return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                        Msg = "找不到店铺!", code = "500"
                storeId = store_Food.Id;

            case (int)TmpType.小程序多门店模板:
                FootBath store_MultiStore = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($" appId = {appId} and HomeId = 0 ");
                if (store_MultiStore == null)
                    return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                        Msg = "找不到店铺!", code = "500"
                storeId = store_MultiStore.Id;

            case (int)TmpType.小程序专业模板:
                Store store = StoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByRid(appId);
                if (store == null)
                    return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                        Msg = "找不到店铺!", code = "500"
                storeId = store.Id;

            case (int)TmpType.小未平台子模版:
                PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(appId);
                if (platStore == null)
                    return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                        Msg = "找不到店铺!", code = "500"
                storeId = platStore.Id;

                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "找不到店铺!", code = "500"

            List <Coupons> list = new List <Coupons>();
            list = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.GetCouponList(couponname, couponstate, storeId, appId, TicketType.立减金, pageSize, pageIndex, "addtime desc");
            if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                string           couponids = string.Join(",", list.Select(s => s.Id).Distinct());
                List <CouponLog> loglist   = CouponLogBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"couponid in ({couponids}) and state!=4");

                foreach (Coupons item in list)
                    item.StateStr = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.GetStateName(item);
                    List <CouponLog> temploglist = loglist?.Where(w => w.CouponId == item.Id).ToList();
                    if (temploglist != null && temploglist.Count > 0)
                        int orderCount = temploglist.GroupBy(g => g.FromOrderId).Count();

                        item.RemNum    = item.CreateNum - orderCount;
                        item.CouponNum = temploglist.Count;
                        var tempuserlist = temploglist.GroupBy(g => g.UserId).ToList();
                        item.PersonNum = tempuserlist != null && tempuserlist.Count > 0 ? tempuserlist.Count : 0;
                        List <CouponLog> tempuselist = temploglist.Where(w => w.State == 1).ToList();
                        item.UseNum = tempuselist != null && tempuselist.Count > 0 ? tempuselist.Count : 0;
                        item.RemNum = item.CreateNum;

            ViewBag.TotalCount  = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.GetCouponListCount(couponname, couponstate, storeId, appId, TicketType.立减金);
            ViewBag.PageType    = PageType;
            ViewBag.appId       = appId;
            ViewBag.StoreId     = storeId;
            ViewBag.pageSize    = pageSize;
            ViewBag.couponstate = couponstate;
            ViewBag.couponname  = couponname;

        public ActionResult AddOrEditReductionCard()
            int    appId     = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);
            int    PageType  = Context.GetRequestInt("PageType", 0);
            int    couponid  = Context.GetRequestInt("couponid", 0);
            int    storeId   = Context.GetRequestInt("storeId", 0);
            string souceFrom = Context.GetRequest("SouceFrom", string.Empty);

            ViewBag.SouceFrom = souceFrom;

            #region 专业版 版本控制
            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"

            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation app = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (app == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "小程序未授权!", code = "403"
            XcxTemplate xcxTemplate = XcxTemplateBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"id={app.TId}");
            if (xcxTemplate == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "小程序模板不存在!", code = "500"

            PageType = xcxTemplate.Type;
            int reductionCardSwtich = 0;//社交立减金开关
            int versionId           = 0;
            if (xcxTemplate.Type == (int)TmpType.小程序专业模板)
                FunctionList functionList = new FunctionList();
                versionId    = app.VersionId;
                functionList = FunctionListBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"TemplateType={xcxTemplate.Type} and VersionId={versionId}");
                if (functionList == null)
                    return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                        Msg = "功能权限未设置!", code = "500"
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionList.NewsMgr))
                    MarketingPlugin marketingPlugin = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MarketingPlugin>(functionList.MarketingPlugin);
                    reductionCardSwtich = marketingPlugin.ReductionCard;
            ViewBag.versionId           = versionId;
            ViewBag.reductionCardSwtich = reductionCardSwtich;

            Coupons viewModel = null;
            ViewBag.PageType = PageType;
            ViewBag.appId    = appId;
            if (couponid > 0)
                viewModel = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(couponid);
                if (null == viewModel)
                    return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                        Msg = "数据不存在!", code = "500"
                viewModel.LimitMoneyType = viewModel.LimitMoney > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.GoodsIdStr))
                    viewModel.SelectGoods = new List <object>();

                    int int_TryParseId = 0;
                    switch (PageType)
                    case (int)TmpType.小程序餐饮模板:
                        Food store_Food = FoodBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);
                        if (store_Food != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(viewModel.GoodsIdStr))
                            List <string> idStrs = viewModel.GoodsIdStr.Split(',').Where(g => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(g) &&
                                                                                         Int32.TryParse(g, out int_TryParseId))?.ToList();

                            if (idStrs != null && idStrs.Any())
                                List <FoodGoods> goods_Food = FoodGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"id in ({string.Join(",", idStrs)})");
                                foreach (FoodGoods item in goods_Food)
                                        Id        = item.Id,
                                        ImgUrl    = item.ImgUrl,
                                        GoodsName = item.GoodsName,
                                        showtime  = item.CreateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                                        sel       = false

                    case (int)TmpType.小程序多门店模板:
                    case (int)TmpType.小程序专业模板:
                        List <EntGoods> goodslist = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"id in ({viewModel.GoodsIdStr})");
                        foreach (EntGoods item in goodslist)
                                Id        = item.id,
                                ImgUrl    = item.img,
                                GoodsName = item.name,
                                showtime  = item.addtime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                                sel       = false

                    case (int)TmpType.小未平台子模版:
                        List <PlatChildGoods> platChildGoodsList = PlatChildGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(viewModel.GoodsIdStr);
                        foreach (PlatChildGoods item in platChildGoodsList)
                                Id        = item.Id,
                                ImgUrl    = item.Img,
                                GoodsName = item.Name,
                                showtime  = item.Addtime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
                                sel       = false
                viewModel = new Coupons()
                    StoreId = storeId, CreateNum = 20, TicketType = (int)TicketType.立减金
            viewModel.appId = appId;
        public ActionResult addorupdatecoupon(Coupons coupon)
            if (coupon == null || coupon.appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "参数错误" }));

            int appId = coupon.appId;
            XcxAppAccountRelation app = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(appId);

            if (app == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "没开通模板" }));

            XcxTemplate xcxTemplate = XcxTemplateBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"id={app.TId}");

            if (xcxTemplate == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "小程序模板不存在" }));

            int showTipCount = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.GetShowTipCount(appId, coupon.Id);

            if (showTipCount >= 3 && coupon.IsShowTip == 1)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "只允许设置3张优惠券弹窗显示" }));

            #region 专业版 版本控制
            if (xcxTemplate.Type == (int)TmpType.小程序专业模板)
                FunctionList functionList = new FunctionList();
                int          versionId    = app.VersionId;
                functionList = FunctionListBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"TemplateType={xcxTemplate.Type} and VersionId={versionId}");
                if (functionList == null)
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "此功能未开启" }));

                MarketingPlugin marketingPlugin = new MarketingPlugin();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionList.MarketingPlugin))
                    marketingPlugin = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MarketingPlugin>(functionList.MarketingPlugin);
                if (marketingPlugin.ReductionCard == 1)//表示关闭了立减金功能
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "请升级更高版本才能使用此功能!" }));

            if (coupon.CreateNum > 999 || coupon.CreateNum < 1)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "优惠券的生成数量为1-999!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (coupon.Id <= 0)
                if (coupon.ValType == 0)
                    if (coupon.EndUseTime < coupon.StartUseTime)
                        return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "优惠券过期日期必须大于生效日期!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                else if (coupon.ValDay <= 0)
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "优惠券生效日期不能为空!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            if (coupon.Money <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = coupon.CouponWay == 0 ? "优惠金额必须0!" : "优惠折扣必须大于0" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            else if (coupon.CouponWay == 1 && coupon.Money > 99 * 100)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "优惠折扣不能超过9.9折" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            bool result = false;
            #region Base64解密
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(coupon.Desc))
                    string strDescription = coupon.Desc.Replace(" ", "+");
                    byte[] bytes          = Convert.FromBase64String(strDescription);
                    coupon.Desc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

                coupon.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now;

                if (coupon.Id > 0)
                    Coupons oldModel = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(coupon.Id);
                    if (null == oldModel)
                        return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "优惠券出错,请刷新重试!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                    int couponUserNum        = 0;
                    List <CouponLog> loglist = CouponLogBLL.SingleModel.GetList("couponid=" + coupon.Id + "  and state!=4 ");
                    if (loglist != null && loglist.Any())
                        couponUserNum = loglist.GroupBy(g => g.FromOrderId).Count();

                    if (couponUserNum > coupon.CreateNum)
                        return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = $"当前优惠券已被领取{couponUserNum}份 , 生成数量不能小于已领取数量!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    // log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(),JsonConvert.SerializeObject(coupon));

                    string columnField = "couponname,CreateNum,UpdateTime,desc,IsShowTip,discountType,WxCouponsCardOpen";

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(coupon.WxCouponsCardId) && coupon.WxCouponsCardOpen == 1)
                        CreateCardResult createCardResult = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.AddWxCoupons(coupon, app, dzaccount.Id.ToString());
                        if (createCardResult != null && createCardResult.errcode == 0)
                            columnField                   += ",WxCouponsCardId,WxCouponsCardOpenResult";
                            coupon.WxCouponsCardId         = createCardResult.card_id;
                            coupon.WxCouponsCardOpenResult = $"同步成功微信优惠券ID:{createCardResult.card_id}";
                            columnField += ",WxCouponsCardOpenResult";
                            coupon.WxCouponsCardOpenResult = $"同步失败原因{createCardResult.errcode}:{createCardResult.errmsg}";

                    result = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.Update(coupon, columnField);
                    coupon.AddTime = DateTime.Now;

                    if (coupon.WxCouponsCardOpen == 1)
                        CreateCardResult createCardResult = CouponsBLL.SingleModel.AddWxCoupons(coupon, app, dzaccount.Id.ToString());
                        if (createCardResult != null && createCardResult.errcode == 0)
                            coupon.WxCouponsCardId         = createCardResult.card_id;
                            coupon.WxCouponsCardOpenResult = $"同步成功微信优惠券ID:{createCardResult.card_id}";
                            coupon.WxCouponsCardOpenResult = $"同步失败原因:{createCardResult.errmsg}";

                    int id = coupon.Id = Convert.ToInt32(CouponsBLL.SingleModel.Add(coupon));
                    result = id > 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙!" + ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            return(Json(new { isok = result, msg = result ? "保存成功!" : "系统繁忙" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));