        public PlottableScatter PlotScatter(
            double[] xs,
            double[] ys,
            Color?color             = null,
            double lineWidth        = 1,
            double markerSize       = 5,
            string label            = null,
            double[] errorX         = null,
            double[] errorY         = null,
            double errorLineWidth   = 1,
            double errorCapSize     = 3,
            MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.filledCircle,
            LineStyle lineStyle     = LineStyle.Solid
            var scatterPlot = new PlottableScatter(xs, ys, errorX, errorY)
                color          = color ?? settings.GetNextColor(),
                lineWidth      = lineWidth,
                markerSize     = (float)markerSize,
                label          = label,
                errorLineWidth = (float)errorLineWidth,
                errorCapSize   = (float)errorCapSize,
                stepDisplay    = false,
                markerShape    = markerShape,
                lineStyle      = lineStyle

        public static Geometry MarkerShapeToGeometry(MarkerShape markerShape, double size)
            switch (markerShape)
            case MarkerShape.None:

            case MarkerShape.Circle:
                return(new EllipseGeometry(new Point(0, 0), size, size));

            case MarkerShape.Triangle:
                return(new PathGeometry(new PathFigure[] { s_triFigure }, FillRule.Nonzero, new ScaleTransform(size, size)));

            case MarkerShape.Square:
                double h = size / 1.2;
                return(new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(-h, -h, h * 2, h * 2)));

            case MarkerShape.Diamond:
                return(new PathGeometry(new PathFigure[] { s_diaFigure }, FillRule.Nonzero, new ScaleTransform(size, size)));

            case MarkerShape.Star:
                return(new PathGeometry(new PathFigure[] { s_starFigure }, FillRule.Nonzero, new ScaleTransform(size, size)));

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "unknown mark shape");
                goto case MarkerShape.Circle;
        public PlottableThing(
            Color?lineColor         = null,
            float lineWidth         = 1,
            LineStyle lineStyle     = LineStyle.solid,
            Color?markerColor       = null,
            float markerSize        = 3,
            MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.circleSolid,
            double alpha            = 1,
            string label            = null
            // choose default colors based on color sequence for theme
            if (lineColor == null)
                lineColor = Color.Red;
            markerColor = lineColor; // for now

            // adjust colors based on alpha

            this.lineColor   = (Color)lineColor;
            this.lineWidth   = lineWidth;
            this.lineStyle   = lineStyle;
            this.markerColor = (Color)markerColor;
            this.markerSize  = markerSize;
            this.markerShape = markerShape;
            this.label       = label;
 public MarkerStyle(float size = 5, Color?color = null, bool antiAlias = true, MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.circle)
     this.size        = size;
     this.color       = color ?? Color.Magenta;
     this.antiAlias   = antiAlias;
     this.markerShape = markerShape;
        public FunctionPlot PlotFunction(
            Func <double, double?> function,
            Color?color             = null,
            double lineWidth        = 1,
            double markerSize       = 0,
            string label            = "f(x)",
            MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.none,
            LineStyle lineStyle     = LineStyle.Solid
            if (markerShape != MarkerShape.none || markerSize != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("function plots do not use markers");

            FunctionPlot functionPlot = new FunctionPlot(function)
                Color     = color ?? settings.GetNextColor(),
                LineWidth = lineWidth,
                LineStyle = lineStyle,
                Label     = label

 public PlottableFunction(Func <double, double?> function, Color color, double lineWidth, double markerSize, string label, MarkerShape markerShape, LineStyle lineStyle)
     this.function    = function;
     this.color       = color;
     this.lineWidth   = lineWidth;
     this.markerSize  = markerSize;
     this.label       = label;
     this.markerShape = markerShape;
     this.lineStyle   = lineStyle;
        public LegendItem(string label, Color colour, LineStyle lineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, double lineWidth = 1, MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.filledCircle, double markerSize = 3)
            this.label  = label;
            this.colour = colour;

            this.lineStyle   = lineStyle;
            this.lineWidth   = lineWidth;
            this.markerShape = markerShape;
            this.markerSize  = markerSize;
        public PlottableScatterHighlight PlotScatterHighlight(
            double[] xs,
            double[] ys,
            Color?color                  = null,
            double lineWidth             = 1,
            double markerSize            = 5,
            string label                 = null,
            double[] errorX              = null,
            double[] errorY              = null,
            double errorLineWidth        = 1,
            double errorCapSize          = 3,
            MarkerShape markerShape      = MarkerShape.filledCircle,
            LineStyle lineStyle          = LineStyle.Solid,
            MarkerShape highlightedShape = MarkerShape.openCircle,
            Color?highlightedColor       = null,
            double?highlightedMarkerSize = null
            if (color is null)
                color = settings.GetNextColor();

            if (highlightedColor is null)
                highlightedColor = Color.Red;

            if (highlightedMarkerSize is null)
                highlightedMarkerSize = 2 * markerSize;

            PlottableScatterHighlight scatterPlot = new PlottableScatterHighlight(
                xs: xs,
                ys: ys,
                color: (Color)color,
                lineWidth: lineWidth,
                markerSize: markerSize,
                label: label,
                errorX: errorX,
                errorY: errorY,
                errorLineWidth: errorLineWidth,
                errorCapSize: errorCapSize,
                stepDisplay: false,
                markerShape: markerShape,
                lineStyle: lineStyle,
                highlightedShape: highlightedShape,
                highlightedColor: highlightedColor.Value,
                highlightedMarkerSize: highlightedMarkerSize.Value

        public static void DrawMarker(Graphics gfx, PointF pixelLocation, MarkerShape shape, float size, Brush brush, Pen pen)
            if (size == 0 || shape == MarkerShape.none)

            IMarker marker = Marker.Create(shape);

            DrawMarker(gfx, pixelLocation, marker, size, brush, pen);
        public PlottableScatterHighlight PlotScatterHighlight(
            double[] xs,
            double[] ys,
            Color?color                  = null,
            double lineWidth             = 1,
            double markerSize            = 5,
            string label                 = null,
            double[] errorX              = null,
            double[] errorY              = null,
            double errorLineWidth        = 1,
            double errorCapSize          = 3,
            MarkerShape markerShape      = MarkerShape.filledCircle,
            LineStyle lineStyle          = LineStyle.Solid,
            MarkerShape highlightedShape = MarkerShape.openCircle,
            Color?highlightedColor       = null,
            double?highlightedMarkerSize = null
            if (color is null)
                color = settings.GetNextColor();

            if (highlightedColor is null)
                highlightedColor = Color.Red;

            if (highlightedMarkerSize is null)
                highlightedMarkerSize = 2 * markerSize;

            var scatterPlot = new PlottableScatterHighlight(xs, ys, errorX, errorY)
                color                 = (Color)color,
                lineWidth             = lineWidth,
                markerSize            = (float)markerSize,
                label                 = label,
                errorLineWidth        = (float)errorLineWidth,
                errorCapSize          = (float)errorCapSize,
                stepDisplay           = false,
                markerShape           = markerShape,
                lineStyle             = lineStyle,
                highlightedShape      = highlightedShape,
                highlightedColor      = highlightedColor.Value,
                highlightedMarkerSize = (float)highlightedMarkerSize.Value

 public PlottableScatterHighlight(double[] xs, double[] ys, Color color, double lineWidth, double markerSize, string label,
                                  double[] errorX, double[] errorY, double errorLineWidth, double errorCapSize, bool stepDisplay, MarkerShape markerShape, LineStyle lineStyle, MarkerShape highlightedShape, Color highlightedColor, double highlightedMarkerSize)
     : base(xs, ys, color, lineWidth, markerSize, label, errorX, errorY, errorLineWidth, errorCapSize, stepDisplay, markerShape, lineStyle)
     if (xs.Length != ys.Length)
         throw new ArgumentException("xs and ys must have same length");
     this.highlightedColor      = highlightedColor;
     this.highlightedMarkerSize = (float)highlightedMarkerSize;
     this.highlightedShape      = highlightedShape;
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                int pointCount = 51;

                double[] x = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount);

                string[] markerShapeNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MarkerShape));
                for (int i = 0; i < markerShapeNames.Length; i++)
                    string      markerShapeName = markerShapeNames[i];
                    MarkerShape markerShape     = (MarkerShape)Enum.Parse(typeof(MarkerShape), markerShapeName);
                    double[]    sin             = DataGen.Sin(pointCount, 2, -i);
                    plt.PlotScatter(x, sin, label: markerShapeName, markerShape: markerShape, markerSize: 7);

                plt.Legend(fontSize: 10);
        public PlottableBoxAndWhiskerV2(double[] xs, double[][] ys, Color color, string label, MarkerShape markerShape, double lineWidth, double boxWidth)
            if (xs == null || ys == null)
                throw new Exception("Y data cannot be null");

            if (xs.Length != ys.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("X positions must be the same length as Y values");

            yLimits    = new double[2];
            yLimits[0] = ys[0][0];
            yLimits[1] = ys[0][0];

            for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ys[i].Length; j++)
                    if (ys[i][j] < yLimits[0])
                        yLimits[0] = ys[i][j];
                    else if (ys[i][j] > yLimits[1])
                        yLimits[1] = ys[i][j];

            this.xs          = xs;
            this.ys          = ys;
            this.color       = color;
            this.label       = label;
            this.lineWidth   = lineWidth;
            this.boxWidth    = boxWidth;
            this.markerShape = markerShape;

            pen   = new Pen(color, (float)lineWidth);
            brush = new SolidBrush(color);
        public PlottableFunction PlotFunction(
            Func <double, double?> function,
            Color?color             = null,
            double lineWidth        = 1,
            double markerSize       = 0,
            string label            = "f(x)",
            MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.filledCircle,
            LineStyle lineStyle     = LineStyle.Solid
            if (color == null)
                color = settings.GetNextColor();

            PlottableFunction functionPlot = new PlottableFunction(function, color.Value, lineWidth, markerSize, label, markerShape, lineStyle);

        public PlottableScatter PlotPoint(
            double x,
            double y,
            Color?color             = null,
            double markerSize       = 5,
            string label            = null,
            double?errorX           = null,
            double?errorY           = null,
            double errorLineWidth   = 1,
            double errorCapSize     = 3,
            MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.filledCircle,
            LineStyle lineStyle     = LineStyle.Solid
            if (color == null)
                color = settings.GetNextColor();

            double[] errorXarray = (errorX != null) ? new double[] { (double)errorX } : null;
            double[] errorYarray = (errorY != null) ? new double[] { (double)errorY } : null;

            PlottableScatter scatterPlot = new PlottableScatter(
                xs: new double[] { x },
                ys: new double[] { y },
                color: (Color)color,
                lineWidth: 0,
                markerSize: markerSize,
                label: label,
                errorX: errorXarray,
                errorY: errorYarray,
                errorLineWidth: errorLineWidth,
                errorCapSize: errorCapSize,
                stepDisplay: false,
                markerShape: markerShape,
                lineStyle: lineStyle

        public PlottableScatter PlotPoint(
            double x,
            double y,
            Color?color             = null,
            double markerSize       = 5,
            string label            = null,
            double?errorX           = null,
            double?errorY           = null,
            double errorLineWidth   = 1,
            double errorCapSize     = 3,
            MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.filledCircle,
            LineStyle lineStyle     = LineStyle.Solid
            if (color == null)
                color = settings.GetNextColor();

            var scatterPlot = new PlottableScatter(
                xs: new double[] { x },
                ys: new double[] { y },
                errorX: (errorX is null) ? null : new double[] { (double)errorX },
                errorY: (errorY is null) ? null : new double[] { (double)errorY }
                color          = (Color)color,
                lineWidth      = 0,
                markerSize     = (float)markerSize,
                label          = label,
                errorLineWidth = (float)errorLineWidth,
                errorCapSize   = (float)errorCapSize,
                stepDisplay    = false,
                markerShape    = markerShape,
                lineStyle      = lineStyle

        public PlottableScatter PlotScatter(
            double[] xs,
            double[] ys,
            Color?color             = null,
            double lineWidth        = 1,
            double markerSize       = 5,
            string label            = null,
            double[] errorX         = null,
            double[] errorY         = null,
            double errorLineWidth   = 1,
            double errorCapSize     = 3,
            MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.filledCircle,
            LineStyle lineStyle     = LineStyle.Solid
            if (color == null)
                color = settings.GetNextColor();

            PlottableScatter scatterPlot = new PlottableScatter(
                xs: xs,
                ys: ys,
                color: (Color)color,
                lineWidth: lineWidth,
                markerSize: markerSize,
                label: label,
                errorX: errorX,
                errorY: errorY,
                errorLineWidth: errorLineWidth,
                errorCapSize: errorCapSize,
                stepDisplay: false,
                markerShape: markerShape,
                lineStyle: lineStyle

        public static void DrawMarker(Graphics gfx, PointF pixelLocation, MarkerShape shape, float size, Brush brush, Pen pen)
            if (size == 0 || shape == MarkerShape.none)

            float diameter = size;
            float radius   = diameter / 2;

            /* Improve marker vs. line alignment on Linux and MacOS
             * https://github.com/ScottPlot/ScottPlot/issues/340
             * https://github.com/ScottPlot/ScottPlot/pull/1660
            if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                pixelLocation = new PointF(pixelLocation.X + .5f, pixelLocation.Y);

            IMarker marker = Marker.Create(shape);

            marker.Draw(gfx, pixelLocation, radius, brush, pen);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layerKey"></param>
        /// <param name="longitude"></param>
        /// <param name="latitude"></param>
        /// <param name="caption"></param>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="markShape"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="stroke"></param>
        /// <param name="fill"></param>
        public void DrawPoint(string layerKey,
                              double longitude, double latitude,
                              string caption, System.Drawing.Font font, System.Drawing.Color textColor,
                              MarkerShape markShape, double size, System.Drawing.Color stroke, System.Drawing.Color fill)
#if !DYN
            var mark = new C1.WPF.Maps.C1VectorPlacemark();
            mark.Lod = new C1.WPF.Maps.LOD(1, 300, 0, 10); // tbd: allow to control this
            dynamic mark = DynLoader.CreateC1MapsInstance("C1VectorPlacemark");
            mark.Lod = DynLoader.CreateC1MapsInstance("C1.WPF.Maps.LOD", 1, 300, 0, 10);
            mark.GeoPoint = new Point(longitude, latitude);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption))
                mark.Label = caption;
                Util.ApplyFontToControl(font, mark);
                if (!Util.IsColorEmpty(textColor))
                    mark.Foreground = Util.BrushFromGdiColor(textColor);
                // mark.LabelPosition = WPF.Maps.LabelPosition.Right | WPF.Maps.LabelPosition.Bottom;
                // mark.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                // TBD: label:
                // - setting mark.LabelPosition makes the label tiny. clarify.

            mark.Geometry = Util.MarkerShapeToGeometry(markShape, size);
            mark.Stroke   = Util.BrushFromGdiColor(stroke);
            mark.Fill     = Util.BrushFromGdiColor(fill);

            PointsMapsLayer ml = _layers.Find((l) => l.MapLayer.Key == layerKey) as PointsMapsLayer;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ml != null);
        public static void DrawMarker(Graphics gfx, PointF pixelLocation, MarkerShape shape, float size, Color color)
            Pen   pen   = new Pen(color);
            Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color);

            PointF     corner1 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - size / 2, pixelLocation.Y - size / 2);
            PointF     corner2 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X + size / 2, pixelLocation.Y + size / 2);
            SizeF      bounds  = new SizeF(size, size);
            RectangleF rect    = new RectangleF(corner1, bounds);

            switch (shape)
            case MarkerShape.filledCircle:
                gfx.FillEllipse(brush, rect);

            case MarkerShape.openCircle:
                gfx.DrawEllipse(pen, rect);

            case MarkerShape.filledSquare:
                gfx.FillRectangle(brush, rect);

            case MarkerShape.openSquare:
                gfx.DrawRectangle(pen, corner1.X, corner1.Y, size, size);

            case MarkerShape.filledDiamond:

                // Create points that define polygon.
                PointF point1 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y + size / 2);
                PointF point2 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - size / 2, pixelLocation.Y);
                PointF point3 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y - size / 2);
                PointF point4 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X + size / 2, pixelLocation.Y);

                PointF[] curvePoints = { point1, point2, point3, point4 };

                //Draw polygon to screen
                gfx.FillPolygon(brush, curvePoints);

            case MarkerShape.openDiamond:

                // Create points that define polygon.
                PointF point5 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y + size / 2);
                PointF point6 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - size / 2, pixelLocation.Y);
                PointF point7 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y - size / 2);
                PointF point8 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X + size / 2, pixelLocation.Y);

                PointF[] curvePoints2 = { point5, point6, point7, point8 };

                //Draw polygon to screen
                gfx.DrawPolygon(pen, curvePoints2);


            case MarkerShape.asterisk:
                Font   drawFont      = new Font("CourierNew", size * 3);
                SizeF  textSize      = Drawing.GDI.MeasureString(gfx, "*", drawFont);
                PointF asteriskPoint = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - textSize.Width / 2, pixelLocation.Y - textSize.Height / 4);
                gfx.DrawString("*", drawFont, brush, asteriskPoint);


            case MarkerShape.hashTag:
                Font   drawFont2      = new Font("CourierNew", size * 2);
                SizeF  textSize2      = Drawing.GDI.MeasureString(gfx, "#", drawFont2);
                PointF asteriskPoint2 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - textSize2.Width / 2, pixelLocation.Y - textSize2.Height / 3);
                gfx.DrawString("#", drawFont2, brush, asteriskPoint2);


            case MarkerShape.cross:
                Font   drawFont3      = new Font("CourierNew", size * 2);
                SizeF  textSize3      = Drawing.GDI.MeasureString(gfx, "+", drawFont3);
                PointF asteriskPoint3 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - textSize3.Width / (5 / 2), pixelLocation.Y - textSize3.Height / 2);
                gfx.DrawString("+", drawFont3, brush, asteriskPoint3);


            case MarkerShape.eks:
                Font   drawFont4      = new Font("CourierNew", size * 2);
                SizeF  textSize4      = Drawing.GDI.MeasureString(gfx, "x", drawFont4);
                PointF asteriskPoint4 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - textSize4.Width / (5 / 2), pixelLocation.Y - textSize4.Height / 2);
                gfx.DrawString("x", drawFont4, brush, asteriskPoint4);


            case MarkerShape.verticalBar:
                Font   drawFont5      = new Font("CourierNew", size * 2);
                SizeF  textSize5      = Drawing.GDI.MeasureString(gfx, "|", drawFont5);
                PointF asteriskPoint5 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - textSize5.Width / (5 / 2), pixelLocation.Y - textSize5.Height / 2);
                gfx.DrawString("|", drawFont5, brush, asteriskPoint5);


            case MarkerShape.triUp:
                // Create points that define polygon.
                PointF point9  = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y - size);
                PointF point10 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y);
                PointF point11 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - size * (float)0.866, pixelLocation.Y + size * (float)0.5);
                PointF point12 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y);
                PointF point13 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X + size * (float)0.866, (pixelLocation.Y + size * (float)0.5));

                PointF[] curvePoints3 = { point12, point9, point10, point11, point12, point13 };

                //Draw polygon to screen
                gfx.DrawPolygon(pen, curvePoints3);


            case MarkerShape.triDown:
                // Create points that define polygon.
                PointF point14 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y + size);
                PointF point15 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y);
                PointF point16 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X - size * (float)0.866, pixelLocation.Y - size * (float)0.5);
                PointF point17 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X, pixelLocation.Y);
                PointF point18 = new PointF(pixelLocation.X + size * (float)0.866, (pixelLocation.Y - size * (float)0.5));

                PointF[] curvePoints4 = { point17, point14, point15, point16, point17, point18 };

                //Draw polygon to screen
                gfx.DrawPolygon(pen, curvePoints4);


                throw new NotImplementedException($"unsupported marker type: {shape}");
        public PlottableScatter(double[] xs, double[] ys, Color color, double lineWidth, double markerSize, string label,
                                double[] errorX, double[] errorY, double errorLineWidth, double errorCapSize, bool stepDisplay, MarkerShape markerShape, LineStyle lineStyle)
            if ((xs == null) || (ys == null))
                throw new ArgumentException("X and Y data cannot be null");

            if ((xs.Length == 0) || (ys.Length == 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("xs and ys must have at least one element");

            if (xs.Length != ys.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Xs and Ys must have same length");

            if (errorY != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < errorY.Length; i++)
                    if (errorY[i] < 0)
                        errorY[i] = -errorY[i];

            if (errorX != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < errorX.Length; i++)
                    if (errorX[i] < 0)
                        errorX[i] = -errorX[i];

            this.xs             = xs;
            this.ys             = ys;
            this.color          = color;
            this.lineWidth      = lineWidth;
            this.markerSize     = (float)markerSize;
            this.label          = label;
            this.errorX         = errorX;
            this.errorY         = errorY;
            this.errorLineWidth = (float)errorLineWidth;
            this.errorCapSize   = (float)errorCapSize;
            this.stepDisplay    = stepDisplay;
            this.markerShape    = markerShape;
            this.lineStyle      = lineStyle;

            if (xs.Length != ys.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("X and Y arrays must have the same length");

            if ((errorX != null) && (xs.Length != errorX.Length))
                throw new ArgumentException("errorX must be the same length as the original data");

            if ((errorY != null) && (xs.Length != errorY.Length))
                throw new ArgumentException("errorY must be the same length as the original data");

            penLine      = GDI.Pen(color, lineWidth, lineStyle, true);
            penLineError = GDI.Pen(color, errorLineWidth, LineStyle.Solid, true);
 public ScatterPlot PlotPoint(double x, double y, Color?color = null, double markerSize = 5, string label = null,
                              double?errorX           = null, double?errorY = null, double errorLineWidth = 1, double errorCapSize = 3,
                              MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.filledCircle, LineStyle lineStyle = LineStyle.Solid)
 => throw new NotImplementedException();
        public static void DrawMarkers(Graphics gfx, ICollection <PointF> pixelLocations, MarkerShape shape, float size, Color color, float linewidth = 1)
            using SolidBrush brush = new(color);
            using Pen pen          = new(color, linewidth);
            IMarker marker = Marker.Create(shape);

            foreach (PointF pt in pixelLocations)
                DrawMarker(gfx, pt, marker, size, brush, pen);
 public static void DrawMarker(Graphics gfx, PointF pixelLocation, MarkerShape shape, float size, Color color, float linewidth = 1)
     using Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color);
     using Pen pen     = new(color, linewidth);
     DrawMarker(gfx, pixelLocation, shape, size, brush, pen);
 public static extern void player_pluginmark_selectShape(IntPtr marker, MarkerShape shape);
 /// <summary>
 /// 通知组件选择一个形状
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shp">目标形状</param>
 public void selectShape(MarkerShape shp)
     wizMarkerNative.player_pluginmark_selectShape(ptr, shp);
        public PlottableBoxAndWhiskerV2 PlotBoxAndWhiskerV2(double[] xs, double[][] ys, MarkerShape markerShape = MarkerShape.asterisk, double lineWidth = 2, Color?color = null, string label = null, double boxWidth = 50)
            if (!color.HasValue)
                color = settings.GetNextColor();

            PlottableBoxAndWhiskerV2 boxWhisker = new PlottableBoxAndWhiskerV2(xs, ys, color.Value, label, markerShape, lineWidth, boxWidth);

        public PlottableScatter(double[] xs, double[] ys, Color color, double lineWidth, double markerSize, string label,
                                double[] errorX, double[] errorY, double errorLineWidth, double errorCapSize, bool stepDisplay, MarkerShape markerShape, LineStyle lineStyle)
            if ((xs == null) || (ys == null))
                throw new Exception("X and Y data cannot be null");

            if (xs.Length != ys.Length)
                throw new Exception("Xs and Ys must have same length");

            if (errorY != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < errorY.Length; i++)
                    if (errorY[i] < 0)
                        errorY[i] = -errorY[i];

            if (errorX != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < errorX.Length; i++)
                    if (errorX[i] < 0)
                        errorX[i] = -errorX[i];

            this.xs             = xs;
            this.ys             = ys;
            this.color          = color;
            this.lineWidth      = lineWidth;
            this.markerSize     = (float)markerSize;
            this.label          = label;
            this.errorX         = errorX;
            this.errorY         = errorY;
            this.errorLineWidth = (float)errorLineWidth;
            this.errorCapSize   = (float)errorCapSize;
            this.stepDisplay    = stepDisplay;
            this.markerShape    = markerShape;
            this.lineStyle      = lineStyle;

            pointCount = xs.Length;

            if (xs.Length != ys.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("X and Y arrays must have the same length");

            if ((errorX != null) && (xs.Length != errorX.Length))
                throw new ArgumentException("errorX must be the same length as the original data");

            if ((errorY != null) && (xs.Length != errorY.Length))
                throw new ArgumentException("errorY must be the same length as the original data");

            penLine = new Pen(color, (float)lineWidth)
                // this prevents sharp corners
                StartCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round,
                EndCap   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round,
                LineJoin = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineJoin.Round

            switch (lineStyle)
            case LineStyle.Solid:
                penLine.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;

            case LineStyle.Dash:
                penLine.DashStyle   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash;
                penLine.DashPattern = new float[] { 8.0F, 4.0F };

            case LineStyle.DashDot:
                penLine.DashStyle   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDot;
                penLine.DashPattern = new float[] { 8.0F, 4.0F, 2.0F, 4.0F };

            case LineStyle.DashDotDot:
                penLine.DashStyle   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDotDot;
                penLine.DashPattern = new float[] { 8.0F, 4.0F, 2.0F, 4.0F, 2.0F, 4.0F };

            case LineStyle.Dot:
                penLine.DashStyle   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dot;
                penLine.DashPattern = new float[] { 2.0F, 4.0F };

            penLineError = new Pen(color, (float)errorLineWidth)
                // this prevents sharp corners
                StartCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round,
                EndCap   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round,
                LineJoin = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineJoin.Round

            brush = new SolidBrush(color);
 public PlottableScatterHighlightTestable(double[] xs, double[] ys, Color color, double lineWidth, double markerSize, string label,
                                          double[] errorX, double[] errorY, double errorLineWidth, double errorCapSize, bool stepDisplay, MarkerShape markerShape, LineStyle lineStyle, MarkerShape highlightedShape, Color highlightedColor, double highlightedMarkerSize)
     : base(xs, ys, color, lineWidth, markerSize, label, errorX, errorY, errorLineWidth, errorCapSize, stepDisplay, markerShape, lineStyle, highlightedShape, highlightedColor, highlightedMarkerSize)
        public PlottableScatter(double[] xs, double[] ys, Color color, double lineWidth, double markerSize, string label,
                                double[] errorX, double[] errorY, double errorLineWidth, double errorCapSize, bool stepDisplay, MarkerShape markerShape, LineStyle lineStyle)
            if ((xs == null) || (ys == null))
                throw new Exception("X and Y data cannot be null");

            if (xs.Length != ys.Length)
                throw new Exception("Xs and Ys must have same length");

            if (errorY != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < errorY.Length; i++)
                    if (errorY[i] < 0)
                        errorY[i] = -errorY[i];

            if (errorX != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < errorX.Length; i++)
                    if (errorX[i] < 0)
                        errorX[i] = -errorX[i];

            this.xs             = xs;
            this.ys             = ys;
            this.color          = color;
            this.lineWidth      = lineWidth;
            this.markerSize     = (float)markerSize;
            this.label          = label;
            this.errorX         = errorX;
            this.errorY         = errorY;
            this.errorLineWidth = (float)errorLineWidth;
            this.errorCapSize   = (float)errorCapSize;
            this.stepDisplay    = stepDisplay;
            this.markerShape    = markerShape;
            this.lineStyle      = lineStyle;

            if (xs.Length != ys.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("X and Y arrays must have the same length");

            if ((errorX != null) && (xs.Length != errorX.Length))
                throw new ArgumentException("errorX must be the same length as the original data");

            if ((errorY != null) && (xs.Length != errorY.Length))
                throw new ArgumentException("errorY must be the same length as the original data");

            penLine = new Pen(color, (float)lineWidth)
                StartCap    = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round,
                EndCap      = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round,
                LineJoin    = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineJoin.Round,
                DashPattern = StyleTools.DashPattern(lineStyle)

            penLineError = new Pen(color, (float)errorLineWidth)
                StartCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round,
                EndCap   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round,
                LineJoin = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineJoin.Round