private byte ParseShape(OreTypes ore, MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid, int x, int y)
        byte shape = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i += 2)
            if (GetNode(i, x, y, marchingGrid) > 0.5f && oreGrid.GetTileByIndex(i, x, y) == (int)ore)
                shape |= (byte)(1 << i);
                int nextIndex        = Mod(i + 2, 8);
                int prevIndex        = Mod(i - 2, 8);
                int nextIntermediate = Mod(i + 1, 8);
                int prevIntermediate = Mod(i - 1, 8);

                //If the next node is a different type, or below the rendering threshold, add the intermediate node
                if (GetNode(nextIndex, x, y, marchingGrid) < 0.5f || oreGrid.GetTileByIndex(nextIndex, x, y) != (int)ore)
                    shape |= (byte)(1 << (nextIntermediate));
                if (GetNode(prevIndex, x, y, marchingGrid) < 0.5f || oreGrid.GetTileByIndex(prevIndex, x, y) != (int)ore)
                    shape |= (byte)(1 << (prevIntermediate));
        //	return (byte) 1 +( 1<< 1) + (1 << 7);
    public MarchingSquaresCutTools(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingSquaresGrid, bool[,] destructArray)
        nodeArray = (marchingSquaresGrid).GetNodeArray();
        tileXSize = nodeArray.GetLength(0);
        tileYSize = nodeArray.GetLength(1);

        destructableArray = destructArray;
    public void ApplyStamp(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid)

        new MarchingSquaresCutTools(marchingGrid).DigCircleFromWorld(position, radius, isSolid);
        //	Topography topography = (Topography)FindObjectOfType (typeof(Topography));
        //	topography.DigCircle (this.transform.position, radius, isSolid);
    public void ApplyStamp(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid)
        //	Vector2 position2d = new Vector2 (this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y);
        //	QuadToHulls quad = new QuadToHulls(position2d, 0f, 20f, 20f);

        QuadToHulls quad = new QuadToHulls(position, angle, width, height);

        new MarchingSquaresCutTools(marchingGrid).DigConvexHullFromWorld(quad.GetUpperHull(), quad.GetLowerHull(), isSolid);
 public void ApplyStamp(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid)
     IStampable[] stampables = this.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <IStampable> ();
     foreach (IStampable stampable in stampables)
         if (!stampable.Equals(this))
             stampable.ApplyStamp(marchingGrid, oreGrid);
 public void BuildMesh(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid)
     //Loop through marchingGrid starting from your own coordinate
     for (int i = chunkCoord.X * chunkSize; i < chunkCoord.X * chunkSize + chunkSize; i++)
         for (int j = chunkCoord.Y * chunkSize; j < chunkCoord.Y * chunkSize + chunkSize; j++)
             BuildSquare(i, j, marchingGrid, oreGrid);
    public void ApplyStamp(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid)
        //	Vector2 position2d = new Vector2 (this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y);
        //	QuadToHulls quad = new QuadToHulls(position2d, 0f, 20f, 20f);

        QuadToHulls quad = new QuadToHulls(position, angle, width, height);

        new MarchingSquaresCutTools(marchingGrid).DigAxisAlignedRectFromWorld(position, width, height, isSolid, sharpCorners);

    private float GetIntermediateNodePosition(int index, int anchorX, int anchorY, MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid)
        switch (index)
        case 0:
            return(marchingGrid.GetNode(anchorX, anchorY));

        case 1:
            return(Mathf.Abs(marchingGrid.GetVert(anchorX, anchorY)));


        case 2:
            return(marchingGrid.GetNode(anchorX, anchorY + 1));

        case 3:
            return(Mathf.Abs(marchingGrid.GetHoriz(anchorX, anchorY + 1)));

        case 4:
            return(marchingGrid.GetNode(anchorX + 1, anchorY + 1));

        case 5:
            return(Mathf.Abs(marchingGrid.GetVert(anchorX + 1, anchorY)));

        case 6:
            return(marchingGrid.GetNode(anchorX + 1, anchorY));

        case 7:
            return(Mathf.Abs(marchingGrid.GetHoriz(anchorX, anchorY)));
    //Take a tile and an index, and return the vertext in 0,0 to 1,1 terms.
    private Vector3 GetTileVertPosition(int index, int anchorX, int anchorY, MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid)
        switch (index)
        case 0:
            return(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f));

        case 1:
            return(new Vector3(0f, Mathf.Abs(GetNode(index, anchorX, anchorY, marchingGrid)), 0f));                             //Abs to convert to -ve values (indicating they don't cross the 0.5 mark) into postive values
            //(which will be midway between two points that are both above or below 0.5)

        case 2:
            return(new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f));

        case 3:
            return(new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(GetNode(index, anchorX, anchorY, marchingGrid)), 1f, 0f));

        case 4:
            return(new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0f));

        case 5:
            return(new Vector3(1f, Mathf.Abs(GetNode(index, anchorX, anchorY, marchingGrid)), 0f));

        case 6:
            return(new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f));

        case 7:
            return(new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(GetNode(index, anchorX, anchorY, marchingGrid)), 0f, 0f));
        return(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f));
    public void BuildMesh(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid)
        //Loop through marchingGrid starting from your own coordinate
        for (int i = chunkCoord.X * chunkSize; i < chunkCoord.X * chunkSize + chunkSize; i++)
            for (int j = chunkCoord.Y * chunkSize; j < chunkCoord.Y * chunkSize + chunkSize; j++)
                BuildSquare(i, j, marchingGrid);
        while (numPanes < maxPanes)

    //Take a tile and an index, and return the vertext in 0,0 to 1,1 terms.
    private Vector3 GetTileVertPosition(int index, int anchorX, int anchorY, MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid)
        switch (index)
        case 0:
            return(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f));

        case 1:
            return(new Vector3(0f, GetNode(index, anchorX, anchorY, marchingGrid), 0f));

        case 2:
            return(new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f));

        case 3:
            return(new Vector3(GetNode(index, anchorX, anchorY, marchingGrid), 1f, 0f));

        case 4:
            return(new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0f));

        case 5:
            return(new Vector3(1f, GetNode(index, anchorX, anchorY, marchingGrid), 0f));

        case 6:
            return(new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f));

        case 7:
            return(new Vector3(GetNode(index, anchorX, anchorY, marchingGrid), 0f, 0f));
        return(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f));
    public void Initialise(float vesselSize)
        this.vesselRadius = vesselSize / 2f;

        //Ensure enough chunks to contain vessel. Could add a buffer to build above this level.
        numChunks    = (int)Mathf.Ceil(vesselSize / chunkSize);
        worldSizeX   = numChunks * chunkSize;
        worldSizeY   = numChunks * chunkSize;
        vesselCenter = new Vector3((float)worldSizeX / 2f, (float)worldSizeY / 2f, 0f);

        GameObject marchingGridGO = Instantiate(marchingGridPrefab, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        marchingGrid = marchingGridGO.GetComponent <MarchingSquaresGrid> () as MarchingSquaresGrid;
        marchingGrid.Initialise(worldSizeX, worldSizeY, isSolid);

        oreGrid = new OreGrid();
        oreGrid.GenerateMap(worldSizeX, worldSizeY);

        destructableArray = oreGrid.GetDestructableArray();

        LabyrinthBuilder labyrinthBuilder = GetComponentInChildren <LabyrinthBuilder> () as LabyrinthBuilder;

        if (labyrinthBuilder != null)

        rootStampCollection = this.transform.GetComponentInChildren <StampCollection> () as StampCollection;

        renderChunkPool                = new Stack <RenderChunk> ();
        renderChunkUpdateQueue         = new Queue <RenderChunk> ();
        renderChunkPriorityUpdateQueue = new Queue <RenderChunk> ();
        renderChunkArray               = new RenderChunk[numChunks, numChunks];

        collisionChunkPool                = new Stack <CollisionChunk> ();
        collisionChunkUpdateQueue         = new Queue <CollisionChunk> ();
        collisionChunkPriorityUpdateQueue = new Queue <CollisionChunk> ();
        collisionChunkArray               = new CollisionChunk[numChunks, numChunks];

        this.faceGO = Instantiate(facePrefab, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        this.interiorGO = Instantiate(interiorPrefab, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        renderFoci = new List <GameObject> ();
 public void ApplyStamp(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid)
     new MarchingSquaresCutTools(marchingGrid).DigPerlinTunnels(0.02f);
 public void UpdateRenderChunk(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid)
     BuildMesh(marchingGrid, oreGrid);
    private void BuildSquare(int x, int y, MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid, OreGrid oreGrid)
        float   xOffset   = (float)x;
        float   yOffset   = (float)y;
        Vector3 vecOffset = new Vector3(xOffset, yOffset, 0f);

        Color32 borderColor = new Color32(230, 230, 230, 255);
        Color32 mainColor   = new Color32(200, 200, 200, 255);

        //Build an individual square by going clockwise around the nodes and interpolations in that tile space
        int numCornerNodes  = 0;
        int numAllTypeNodes = 0;
        int i          = 0;
        int anchorVert = numVerts;

        int numShapes = 0;              //One shape per unique OreType.

        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if (i == 0 || i == 2 || i == 4 || i == 6)
                if (GetNode(i, x, y, marchingGrid) >= 0.5f)

        if (numCornerNodes > 0)
            //Parse up to 4 shapes.

            //Look at each corner.
            //If the Corner is rendered, set its bit to true.
            //If the the adjacent corners are different or not rendered, set the adjacent edge bits to true.
            byte botLeft  = 0;
            byte topRight = 0;
            byte topLeft  = 0;
            byte botRight = 0;

            OreTypes ore0 = (OreTypes)oreGrid.GetTile(x, y);
            OreTypes ore1 = (OreTypes)oreGrid.GetTile(x, y + 1);
            OreTypes ore2 = (OreTypes)oreGrid.GetTile(x + 1, y + 1);
            OreTypes ore3 = (OreTypes)oreGrid.GetTile(x + 1, y);

            bool unique0 = true;
            bool unique1 = true;
            bool unique2 = true;
            bool unique3 = true;

            int shape0Nodes = 0;
            int shape1Nodes = 0;
            int shape2Nodes = 0;
            int shape3Nodes = 0;

            //Identify the ore types that appear.
            if (ore0 == ore1)
                unique1 = false;
            if (ore0 == ore2)
                unique2 = false;
            if (ore0 == ore3)
                unique3 = false;

            if (ore1 == ore2)
                unique2 = false;
            if (ore1 == ore3)
                unique3 = false;

            if (ore2 == ore3)
                unique3 = false;

            //Render the first ore across the entire tile, to prevent gaps
            bool baseColorRendered = false;
            //For each unique ore type, loop around the perimeter, flagging raised corners of that type, and edge nodes where the ore is different or the elevation changes.
            //If a corner is the first instance of an ore type, parse its shape. Redundant ore type corners will be flagged in the first instance as part of this loop.
            if (unique0)
                botLeft           = ParseBaseShape(ore0, marchingGrid, oreGrid, x, y);
                baseColorRendered = true;
                //	botLeft = ParseShape (ore0, marchingGrid, oreGrid, x, y);
            if (unique1)
                if (baseColorRendered)
                    topLeft = ParseShape(ore1, marchingGrid, oreGrid, x, y);
                    baseColorRendered = true;
                    topLeft           = ParseBaseShape(ore1, marchingGrid, oreGrid, x, y);
            if (unique2)
                if (baseColorRendered)
                    topRight = ParseShape(ore2, marchingGrid, oreGrid, x, y);
                    baseColorRendered = true;
                    topRight          = ParseBaseShape(ore2, marchingGrid, oreGrid, x, y);
            if (unique3)
                if (baseColorRendered)
                    botRight = ParseShape(ore3, marchingGrid, oreGrid, x, y);
                    botRight = ParseBaseShape(ore3, marchingGrid, oreGrid, x, y);

            //If a corner is the origin of a shape, render it.
            if (botLeft > 0)               //if bot left needs to be rendered
                mainColor = oreGrid.GetOreColor(ore0);
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if ((botLeft & ((byte)1 << i)) > 0)
                        AddFaceVert(GetTileVertPosition(i, x, y, marchingGrid) + vecOffset + new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.1f), mainColor);

                for (i = 1; i < shape0Nodes - 1; i++)
                    faceTris.Add(anchorVert + i);
                    faceTris.Add(anchorVert + i + 1);
                anchorVert = numVerts;

            if (topLeft > 0)
                mainColor = oreGrid.GetOreColor(ore1);
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if ((topLeft & ((byte)1 << i)) > 0)
                        AddFaceVert(GetTileVertPosition(i, x, y, marchingGrid) + vecOffset + new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.2f), mainColor);

                for (i = 1; i < shape1Nodes - 1; i++)
                    faceTris.Add(anchorVert + i);
                    faceTris.Add(anchorVert + i + 1);
                anchorVert = numVerts;

            if (topRight > 0)
                mainColor = oreGrid.GetOreColor(ore2);
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if ((topRight & ((byte)1 << i)) > 0)
                        AddFaceVert(GetTileVertPosition(i, x, y, marchingGrid) + vecOffset + new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.3f), mainColor);

                for (i = 1; i < shape2Nodes - 1; i++)
                    faceTris.Add(anchorVert + i);
                    faceTris.Add(anchorVert + i + 1);
                anchorVert = numVerts;

            if (botRight > 0)
                mainColor = oreGrid.GetOreColor(ore3);
                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if ((botRight & ((byte)1 << i)) > 0)
                        AddFaceVert(GetTileVertPosition(i, x, y, marchingGrid) + vecOffset + new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.4f), mainColor);

                for (i = 1; i < shape3Nodes - 1; i++)
                    faceTris.Add(anchorVert + i);
                    faceTris.Add(anchorVert + i + 1);
                anchorVert = numVerts;

            //Add a lighter colour to the edge of the tile
            BuildOutline(x, y, marchingGrid, borderColor);
    private void BuildSquare(int x, int y, MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid)
        float   xOffset   = ((float)x);
        float   yOffset   = ((float)y);
        Vector3 vecOffset = new Vector3(xOffset, yOffset, 0f);

        Vector3 start1           = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
        Vector3 end1             = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
        Vector3 start2           = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
        Vector3 end2             = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
        int     numPanesToRender = 0;

        //A tile will have
        //0 collision panes if all corners true or no corners true
        //1 collision pane if 1 corner true, 1 corner false, or 2 adjacent corners true
        //2 collision panes corners alternate true and false

        //Turn the pattern of corners into a nybble
        ushort cornerPattern = 0x0000;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (GetNode(i * 2, x, y, marchingGrid) >= 0.5f)
                cornerPattern |= (ushort)((ushort)0x0001 << (i * 4));

        switch (cornerPattern)
        case 0x0000:            //All empty

        case 0x1111:            //All occupied

        case 0x0001:            //Bot left occupied
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(1, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(7, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x0010:            //Top left occupied
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(3, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(1, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x0100:            //Top right occupied
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(5, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(3, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x1000:            //Bot right occupied
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(7, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(5, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x1110:            //Bot left vacant
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(7, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(1, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x1101:            //Top left vacant
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(1, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(3, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x1011:            //Top right vacant
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(3, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(5, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x0111:            //Bot right vacant
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(5, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(7, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x0011:            //Right facing wall
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(3, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(7, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x1100:            //left facing wall
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(7, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(3, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x1001:            //Up facing panel
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(1, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(5, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x0110:            //Down facing panel
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(5, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(1, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 1;

        case 0x0101:            //Solid from bot left to top right
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(1, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(3, x, y, marchingGrid);
            start2           = GetTileVertPosition(5, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end2             = GetTileVertPosition(7, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 2;

        case 0x1010:            //Solid from top left to bot right
            start1           = GetTileVertPosition(3, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end1             = GetTileVertPosition(5, x, y, marchingGrid);
            start2           = GetTileVertPosition(7, x, y, marchingGrid);
            end2             = GetTileVertPosition(1, x, y, marchingGrid);
            numPanesToRender = 2;

        start1 = start1 + new Vector3(xOffset, yOffset);
        end1   = end1 + new Vector3(xOffset, yOffset);
        start2 = start2 + new Vector3(xOffset, yOffset);
        end2   = end2 + new Vector3(xOffset, yOffset);

        if (numPanesToRender == 1)
            BuildPane(start1.x, start1.y, end1.x, end1.y);
        else if (numPanesToRender == 2)
            BuildPane(start1.x, start1.y, end1.x, end1.y);
            BuildPane(start2.x, start2.y, end2.x, end2.y);
 public void UpdateCollisionChunk(MarchingSquaresGrid marchingGrid)