private static HbmMapping GetMapping()
     var orm = new ObjectRelationalMapper();
     var mapper = new Mapper(orm,
     new CoolPatternsAppliersHolder(orm));
     new GuidOptimizedPoidPattern());
     orm.VersionProperty<Entity>(x => x.Version);
     orm.NaturalId<Product>(p => p.Name);
     orm.Cascade<Movie, ActorRole>(
     Cascade.All | Cascade.DeleteOrphans);
     mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi =>
     mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(Decimal) &&
     pm => pm.Type(NHibernateUtil.Currency));
     mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi =>
     orm.IsRootEntity(mi.DeclaringType) &&
     pm => pm.NotNullable(true));
     mapper.Subclass<Movie>(cm =>
     cm.List(movie => movie.Actors,
     colm => colm.Index(
     lim => lim.Column("ActorIndex")), m => { }));
     var domainClasses = typeof(Entity).Assembly.GetTypes()
     .Where(t => typeof(Entity).IsAssignableFrom(t));
     return mapper.CompileMappingFor(domainClasses);
        private void AppliesGeneralConventions(Mapper mapper)
            const string softDeleteWhereClause = "DeletedOn is NULL";

            // because VersionModelBase is not an entity I can use the it to customize the mapping of all inherited classes
            mapper.Class <VersionModelBase>(map => map.Where(softDeleteWhereClause));

            // When the collection elements inherits from VersionModelBase then should apply the where-clause for "soft delete"
            mapper.AddCollectionPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType().IsGenericCollection() &&
                                        , map => map.Where(softDeleteWhereClause));

            // The default length for string is 100
            // Note : because this convetion has no specific restriction other than typeof(string) should be added at first (the order, in this case, is important)
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(string), map => map.Length(100));

            // When the property name is Description and is of type string then apply length 500
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.Name == "Description" && mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(string),
                                      map => map.Length(500));

            // When the property is of type decimal and it refers to a price then applies Currency
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.Name.EndsWith("Cost") && mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(decimal),
                                      map => map.Type(NHibernateUtil.Currency));
文件: DBInit.cs 项目: GunioRobot/vlko
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the mappings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The configuration.</param>
        public static void InitMappings(Configuration config)
            var orm = new ObjectRelationalMapper();

            var mapper = new Mapper(orm);

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(string) && !mi.Name.EndsWith("Text"), pm => pm.Length(50));
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(string) && mi.Name.EndsWith("Text"), pm => pm.Type(NHibernateUtil.StringClob));

            orm.Patterns.PoidStrategies.Add(new AssignedPoidPattern());

            foreach (var componentDbInit in IoC.ResolveAllInstances<IComponentDbInit>())
                componentDbInit.InitMappings(orm, mapper);

            // compile the mapping for the specified entities
            HbmMapping mappingDocument = mapper.CompileMappingFor(ListOfModelTypes());

            // inject the mapping in NHibernate
            config.AddDeserializedMapping(mappingDocument, "Domain");
            // fix up the schema

            SessionFactory.SessionFactoryInstance = config.BuildSessionFactory();
        public void ExecuteCustomDelegatedApplier()
            var orm = new Mock<IDomainInspector>();
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsEntity(It.IsAny<Type>())).Returns(true);
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsRootEntity(It.IsAny<Type>())).Returns(true);
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsTablePerClass(It.IsAny<Type>())).Returns(true);
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsPersistentId(It.Is<MemberInfo>(mi => mi.Name == "Id"))).Returns(true);
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsPersistentProperty(It.Is<MemberInfo>(mi => mi.Name != "Id"))).Returns(true);

            var mapper = new Mapper(orm.Object);
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(DateTime) && (mi.Name.StartsWith("Date") || mi.Name.EndsWith("Date")),
                                      pm => pm.Type(NHibernateUtil.Date));
            var mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor(new[] {typeof (MyClass)});

            var hbmClass = mapping.RootClasses.Single();

            var hbmProp = (HbmProperty) hbmClass.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "Date");

            hbmProp = (HbmProperty)hbmClass.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "DateOfMeeting");

            hbmProp = (HbmProperty)hbmClass.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "MeetingDate");

            hbmProp = (HbmProperty)hbmClass.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "StartAt");
        private void CustomizeColumns(Mapper mapper)
            // in EditionQuotation all references to a class inherited from Cost are not nullables (this is only an example because you can do it one by one)
                mi => mi.DeclaringType == typeof(EditionQuotation) && typeof(Cost).IsAssignableFrom(mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType()),
                map => map.NotNullable(true));

            // in Quotation all string properties are not nullables (this is only an example because you can do it one by one)
                mi => mi.DeclaringType == typeof(Quotation) && mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(string),
                map => map.NotNullable(true));

            // Quotation columns size customization (if you use a Validator framework you can implements a pattern-applier to customize columns size and "nullable" stuff)
            // Note: It is needed only for properties without a convention (the property Description has its convetion)
            mapper.Customize <Quotation>(map =>
                map.Property(q => q.Code, pm => pm.Length(10));
                map.Property(q => q.Reference, pm => pm.Length(50));
                map.Property(q => q.PaymentMethod, pm => pm.Length(50));
                map.Property(q => q.TransportMethod, pm => pm.Length(50));

            // Column customization for class ProductQuotation
            // Note: It is needed only for properties outside conventions
            mapper.Customize <ProductQuotation>(map => map.Property(pq => pq.Group, pm =>
        public void ExecuteCustomDelegatedApplier()
            var orm = new Mock <IDomainInspector>();

            orm.Setup(m => m.IsEntity(It.IsAny <Type>())).Returns(true);
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsRootEntity(It.IsAny <Type>())).Returns(true);
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsTablePerClass(It.IsAny <Type>())).Returns(true);
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsPersistentId(It.Is <MemberInfo>(mi => mi.Name == "Id"))).Returns(true);
            orm.Setup(m => m.IsPersistentProperty(It.Is <MemberInfo>(mi => mi.Name != "Id"))).Returns(true);

            var mapper = new Mapper(orm.Object);

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(DateTime) && (mi.Name.StartsWith("Date") || mi.Name.EndsWith("Date")),
                                      pm => pm.Type(NHibernateUtil.Date));
            var mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor(new[] { typeof(MyClass) });

            var hbmClass = mapping.RootClasses.Single();

            var hbmProp = (HbmProperty)hbmClass.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "Date");


            hbmProp = (HbmProperty)hbmClass.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "DateOfMeeting");

            hbmProp = (HbmProperty)hbmClass.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "MeetingDate");

            hbmProp = (HbmProperty)hbmClass.Properties.First(p => p.Name == "StartAt");
        private static Mapper GetMapper()
            var orm = GetORM();
              var mapper = new Mapper(orm);

            m => orm.IsRootEntity(m.DeclaringType) &&
            a => a.NotNullable(true));
              return mapper;
        public void AddCustomDelegatedApplier()
            var orm    = new Mock <IDomainInspector>();
            var mapper = new Mapper(orm.Object);
            var previousPropertyApplierCount = mapper.PatternsAppliers.Property.Count;

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.Name.StartsWith("Date") || mi.Name.EndsWith("Date"),
                                      pm => pm.Type(NHibernateUtil.Date));

            mapper.PatternsAppliers.Property.Count.Should().Be(previousPropertyApplierCount + 1);
        public void AddCustomDelegatedApplier()
            var orm = new Mock<IDomainInspector>();
            var mapper = new Mapper(orm.Object);
            var previousPropertyApplierCount = mapper.PatternsAppliers.Property.Count;

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.Name.StartsWith("Date") || mi.Name.EndsWith("Date"),
                                      pm => pm.Type(NHibernateUtil.Date));

            mapper.PatternsAppliers.Property.Count.Should().Be(previousPropertyApplierCount + 1);
        public void CallPatternAppliersOnNestedCompositeElements()
            Mock<IDomainInspector> orm = GetMockedDomainInspector();
            var mapper = new Mapper(orm.Object);
            bool reSimplePropertyCalled = false;
            bool reManyToOneCalled = false;

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.DeclaringType == typeof(MyNestedComponent), pm => reSimplePropertyCalled = true);
            mapper.AddManyToOnePattern(mi => mi.DeclaringType == typeof(MyNestedComponent), pm => reManyToOneCalled = true);

            mapper.CompileMappingFor(new[] { typeof(MyClass) });
        public void CallPatternAppliersOnNestedCompositeElements()
            Mock <IDomainInspector> orm = GetMockedDomainInspector();
            var  mapper = new Mapper(orm.Object);
            bool reSimplePropertyCalled = false;
            bool reManyToOneCalled      = false;

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.DeclaringType == typeof(MyNestedComponent), pm => reSimplePropertyCalled = true);
            mapper.AddManyToOnePattern(mi => mi.DeclaringType == typeof(MyNestedComponent), pm => reManyToOneCalled     = true);

            mapper.CompileMappingFor(new[] { typeof(MyClass) });
        public void WhenRegisterApplierOnPropertyThenInvokeApplier()
            Mock<IDomainInspector> orm = GetMockedDomainInspector();
            var mapper = new Mapper(orm.Object);
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.Name == "Level", pm => pm.Column("myLevelColumn"));

            HbmMapping mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor(new[] { typeof(Person) });
            var rc = mapping.RootClasses.Single();
            var map = rc.Properties.OfType<HbmMap>().Single();
            var hbmCompositeMapKey = (HbmCompositeMapKey)map.Item;
            var hbmKeyProperty = (HbmKeyProperty)hbmCompositeMapKey.Properties.Single(p => p.Name == "Level");

        public void WhenRegisterApplierOnPropertyThenInvokeApplier()
            Mock <IDomainInspector> orm = GetMockedDomainInspector();
            var mapper = new Mapper(orm.Object);

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.Name == "Level", pm => pm.Column("myLevelColumn"));

            HbmMapping mapping            = mapper.CompileMappingFor(new[] { typeof(Person) });
            var        rc                 = mapping.RootClasses.Single();
            var        map                = rc.Properties.OfType <HbmMap>().Single();
            var        hbmCompositeMapKey = (HbmCompositeMapKey)map.Item;
            var        hbmKeyProperty     = (HbmKeyProperty)hbmCompositeMapKey.Properties.Single(p => p.Name == "Level");

        private static HbmMapping GetMapping()
            var orm = new ObjectRelationalMapper();
            var mapper = new Mapper(orm, new CoolPatternsAppliersHolder(orm));

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(IsLongString, p => p.Length(4001));

            orm.Patterns.PoidStrategies.Add(new AssignedPoidPattern());

            var domainClasses = typeof (IEntity).Assembly.GetTypes()
                .Where(t => t.IsClass && !t.IsAbstract)
                .Where(t => typeof (IEntity).IsAssignableFrom(t))


            mapper.AddRootClassPattern(t => true, applier => applier.Lazy(false));

            var mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor(domainClasses);
            return mapping;
        public override void ConfigureMapping(Configuration configuration)
            var orm = new ObjectRelationalMapper();
            var mapper = new Mapper(orm);

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(string), pm => pm.Length(50));
            orm.Patterns.PoidStrategies.Add(new AssignedPoidPattern());
            // define the mapping shape

            // list all the entities we want to map.
            IEnumerable<Type> baseEntities = GetMappingTypes();

            // we map all classes as Table per class

            // compile the mapping for the specified entities
            HbmMapping mappingDocument = mapper.CompileMappingFor(baseEntities);

            // inject the mapping in NHibernate
            configuration.AddDeserializedMapping(mappingDocument, "Domain");

            SessionFactory.SessionFactoryInstance = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
        public override void ConfigureMapping(NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration configuration)
            var orm = new ObjectRelationalMapper();
            var mapper = new Mapper(orm);

            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => TypeExtensions.GetPropertyOrFieldType(mi) == typeof(string), pm => pm.Length(50));
            orm.Patterns.PoidStrategies.Add(new NativePoidPattern());
            orm.Patterns.PoidStrategies.Add(new GuidOptimizedPoidPattern());

            // list all the entities we want to map.
            IEnumerable<Type> baseEntities = GetMappingTypes();

            // we map all classes as Table per class

            mapper.Customize<Hotel>(ca => ca.Collection(item => item.Reservations, cm => cm.Key(km => km.Column("HotelId"))));
            mapper.Customize<Room>(ca => ca.Collection(item => item.Reservations, cm => cm.Key(km =>
            mapper.Customize<Reservation>(ca =>
                ca.ManyToOne(item => item.Hotel, m => { m.Column("HotelId"); m.Insert(false); m.Update(false); m.Lazy(LazyRelation.Proxy); });
                ca.ManyToOne(item => item.Room, m => { m.Column("RoomId"); m.Insert(false); m.Update(false); m.Lazy(LazyRelation.Proxy); });

            // compile the mapping for the specified entities
            HbmMapping mappingDocument = mapper.CompileMappingFor(baseEntities);

            // inject the mapping in NHibernate
            configuration.AddDeserializedMapping(mappingDocument, "Domain");
            // fix up the schema

            SessionFactory.SessionFactoryInstance = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
        public void UsageOfCustomMulticolumnsTypeUsingPatternAppliers()
            // In this example you can see how create setup ConfORM to map a multi-column usertype with parameters.

            var orm = new ObjectRelationalMapper();

            orm.TablePerClass <LoveEvent>();

            // In this case the custom type is used only for a specific property.
            orm.Complex <LoveEvent>(loveEvent => loveEvent.AllowedWeekDays);

            var mapper = new Mapper(orm);

            // In this case I'm using a PatternApplier (directly with delegates instead a specific class) to define the persistent representation of the bool array
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => typeof(bool[]).Equals(mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType()) && mi.Name.Contains("Days"), (mi, pm) =>
                pm.Type(typeof(MulticolumnsBoolArrayType), new { ArraySize = DaysOfTheWeekColumnsNames.Length });
                pm.Columns(DaysOfTheWeekColumnsNames.Select(colName => new Action <IColumnMapper>(cm => cm.Name(mi.Name + colName))).ToArray());

            var mapping = mapper.CompileMappingFor(new[] { typeof(LoveEvent) });

        private void AppliesGeneralConventions(Mapper mapper)
            const string softDeleteWhereClause = "DeletedOn is NULL";

            // because VersionModelBase is not an entity I can use the it to customize the mapping of all inherited classes
            mapper.Class<VersionModelBase>(map => map.Where(softDeleteWhereClause));

            // When the collection elements inherits from VersionModelBase then should apply the where-clause for "soft delete"
            mapper.AddCollectionPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType().IsGenericCollection() &&
                                              typeof (VersionModelBase).IsAssignableFrom(
                                        , map => map.Where(softDeleteWhereClause));

            // The default length for string is 100
            // Note : because this convetion has no specific restriction other than typeof(string) should be added at first (the order, in this case, is important)
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof(string), map => map.Length(100));

            // When the property name is Description and is of type string then apply length 500
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.Name == "Description" && mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof (string),
                                      map => map.Length(500));

            // When the property is of type decimal and it refers to a price then applies Currency
            mapper.AddPropertyPattern(mi => mi.Name.EndsWith("Cost") && mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof (decimal),
                                      map => map.Type(NHibernateUtil.Currency));
        private void CustomizeColumns(Mapper mapper)
            // in EditionQuotation all references to a class inherited from Cost are not nullables (this is only an example because you can do it one by one)
                mi => mi.DeclaringType == typeof (EditionQuotation) && typeof (Cost).IsAssignableFrom(mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType()),
                map => map.NotNullable(true));

            // in Quotation all string properties are not nullables (this is only an example because you can do it one by one)
                mi => mi.DeclaringType == typeof (Quotation) && mi.GetPropertyOrFieldType() == typeof (string),
                map => map.NotNullable(true));

            // Quotation columns size customization (if you use a Validator framework you can implements a pattern-applier to customize columns size and "nullable" stuff)
            // Note: It is needed only for properties without a convention (the property Description has its convetion)
            mapper.Customize<Quotation>(map =>
                                                map.Property(q => q.Code, pm => pm.Length(10));
                                                map.Property(q => q.Reference, pm => pm.Length(50));
                                                map.Property(q => q.PaymentMethod, pm => pm.Length(50));
                                                map.Property(q => q.TransportMethod, pm => pm.Length(50));

            // Column customization for class ProductQuotation
            // Note: It is needed only for properties outside conventions
            mapper.Customize<ProductQuotation>(map => map.Property(pq => pq.Group, pm =>