        public void CreateDoors()
            foreach (Rect room in _rooms)
                Vector2Int roomCenter = Vector2Int.CeilToInt(room.center);
                Array      values     = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections));

                MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections randomDirection = (MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections)values.GetValue(_random.Next(0, values.Length));

                Vector2Int doorPosition = Vector2Int.zero;
                switch (randomDirection)
                case MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.NORTH:
                    doorPosition = new Vector2Int(roomCenter.x, (int)room.max.y);

                case MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.SOUTH:
                    doorPosition = new Vector2Int(roomCenter.x, (int)room.min.y);

                case MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.EAST:
                    doorPosition = new Vector2Int((int)room.min.x, roomCenter.y);

                case MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.WEST:
                    doorPosition = new Vector2Int((int)room.max.x, roomCenter.y);

                _map.SetTile(doorPosition.x, doorPosition.y, new Tile(Tile.Type.Empty));
        public void Walk(int width, int height)
            // ==== Choose Direction ====
            float north = 1.0f;
            float south = 1.0f;
            float east  = 1.0f;
            float west  = 1.0f;

            //weight the random walk against edges

            //drunkard is at far left side of map
            if (_drunkardX < width * 0.25f)
                east += _weightedTowardCenter;
            //drunkard is at far right side of map
            else if (_drunkardX > _width * 0.75f)
                west += _weightedTowardCenter;

            //drunkard is at the top of the map
            if (_drunkardY < _height * 0.25f)
                south += _weightedTowardCenter;
            //drunkard is at the bottom of the map
            else if (_drunkardY > height * 0.75f)
                north += _weightedTowardCenter;

            //weight the random walk in favor of the previous direction

            if (_previousDirection == MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.NORTH)
                north += _weightedTowardPreviousDirection;

            if (_previousDirection == MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.SOUTH)
                south += _weightedTowardPreviousDirection;

            if (_previousDirection == MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.EAST)
                east += _weightedTowardPreviousDirection;

            if (_previousDirection == MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.WEST)
                west += _weightedTowardPreviousDirection;

            //normalize probabilities so they form a range from 0 to 1
            float total = north + south + east + west;

            north /= total;
            south /= total;
            east  /= total;
            west  /= total;

            //Choose the direction
            MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections direction;
            double choice = _random.NextDouble();
            int    dx     = 0;
            int    dy     = 0;

            if ((0.0f <= choice) && (choice < north))
                dx        = 0;
                dy        = -1;
                direction = MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.NORTH;
            else if ((north <= choice) && choice < (north + south))
                dx        = 0;
                dy        = 1;
                direction = MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.SOUTH;
            else if (((north + south) <= choice) && (choice < (north + south + east)))
                dx        = 1;
                dy        = 0;
                direction = MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.EAST;
                dx        = -1;
                dy        = 0;
                direction = MapUtils.CardinalFourDirections.WEST;

            //==== Walk ====
            if (((0 < _drunkardX + dx) && (_drunkardX + dx < width - 1)) && ((0 < _drunkardY + dy) && (_drunkardY + dy < height - 1)))
                _drunkardX += dx;
                _drunkardY += dy;

                if (_map.GetTile(_drunkardX, _drunkardY).type.Equals(Tile.Type.Block))
                    _map.SetTile(_drunkardX, _drunkardY, new Tile(Tile.Type.Empty));
                    _filled += 1.0f;

                _previousDirection = direction;