    /// <summary>
    /// mindId and maxId are the bounding volumes of the map
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fileName"></param>
    /// <param name="minId"></param>
    /// <param name="maxId"></param>
    public void SavePattern(string fileName, int minId, int maxId)
        int xMin = -1, xMax = -1;
        int zMin = -1, zMax = -1;

        MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(minId, MapSizeX, ref xMin, ref zMin);
        MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(maxId, MapSizeX, ref xMax, ref zMax);
        SavePattern(fileName, xMin, xMax, zMin, zMax);
    public void BuildPattern(MapController mapController, int targetX, int targetZ, float height, Quaternion rotation, bool isObstacle)
        if (mapData == null || mapObjectData == null)

        if (CanBuild(mapController.MapDataCollection, targetX, targetZ, height, rotation))
            int oriXSize = (int)assetSize.x;
            int oriZSize = (int)assetSize.z;

            int xSize = oriXSize;
            int zSize = oriZSize;
            Rotate(rotation.eulerAngles.y, ref xSize, ref zSize);

            int offsetX = targetX - (int)(xSize * 0.5f);
            int offsetZ = targetZ - (int)(zSize * 0.5f);

            IEnumerator mapObjItr = mapObjectData.GetObjectEnumerator();
            while (mapObjItr.MoveNext())
                MapObject mo = mapObjItr.Current as MapObject;

                int xIndex = -1;
                int zIndex = -1;
                MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(mo.Id, oriXSize, ref xIndex, ref zIndex); //get xIndex, zIndex from pattern coordinate

                int len = mo.ObjectDataList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    MapObject.ObjectData objData  = mo.ObjectDataList[i];
                    GameObject           obj      = Resources.Load(objData.PrefabName) as GameObject;
                    AssetCellData        cellData = obj.GetComponent <AssetCellData>();

                    Rotate(rotation.eulerAngles.y, oriXSize, oriZSize, cellData.Size.z, ref xIndex, ref zIndex);
                    xIndex += offsetX; //translate to map coordinate
                    zIndex += offsetZ;

                    if (!isObstacle)
                        mapController.UpdateCellData(objData.PrefabName, xIndex, zIndex, height + objData.Height, cellData.Size, objData.Rotation * rotation);
                        mapController.UpdateCellData(objData.PrefabName, xIndex, zIndex, height + objData.Height, cellData.Size, objData.Rotation * rotation, UnitType.OBSTACLE);
    /// <summary>
    /// 清除cell資料
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="assetCellData"></param>
    public void EraseCellData(AssetCellData assetCellData)
        MapObject mapObject = assetCellData.MapObj;

        if (mapObject != null)
            int xIndex = -1;
            int zIndex = -1;
            MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(mapObject.Id, MapSizeX, ref xIndex, ref zIndex);
            MapDataCollection.WriteCellData(xIndex, zIndex, assetCellData.Size, UnitType.NONE, assetCellData.ObjData.Height);
            MapObjectDataCollection.RemoveObjectData(mapObject.Id, assetCellData.ObjData);
    void initMap(Vector3 centerPosition)
        MapCenterPosition = centerPosition;
        int len = map.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            int xIndex = -1;
            int zIndex = -1;
            MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(i, MapSizeX, ref xIndex, ref zIndex);
            map[i] = new CellData(xIndex, zIndex, this);
    static void DrawCellByTopLeftCellPosition(MapObject mapObject, Vector3 topLeftCellPos, int MapSizeX, int MapSizeZ, Transform parent = null)
        int xIndex = 0;
        int zIndex = 0;

        MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(mapObject.Id, MapSizeX, ref xIndex, ref zIndex);

        int len = mapObject.ObjectDataList.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            DrawMapObjectDataTopLeftCellPosition(mapObject, mapObject.ObjectDataList[i], topLeftCellPos, xIndex, zIndex, parent);
    void checkIfNeedReBuild(MapController mapController)
        int mapSizeX = mapController.MapSizeX;
        int mapSizeZ = mapController.MapSizeZ;

        List <int> newId = new List <int>();

        foreach (var item in buildMapId)
            int curXIndex = -1;
            int curZIndex = -1;
            MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(item, mapSizeX, ref curXIndex, ref curZIndex);

            checkIfNeedReBuild(newId, curXIndex, curZIndex, mapSizeX, mapSizeZ);
            checkIfNeedReBuild(newId, curXIndex, curZIndex + 1, mapSizeX, mapSizeZ);
            checkIfNeedReBuild(newId, curXIndex, curZIndex - 1, mapSizeX, mapSizeZ);
            checkIfNeedReBuild(newId, curXIndex - 1, curZIndex, mapSizeX, mapSizeZ);
            checkIfNeedReBuild(newId, curXIndex + 1, curZIndex, mapSizeX, mapSizeZ);

        int len = newId.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            int id        = newId[i];
            int curXIndex = -1;
            int curZIndex = -1;
            MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(newId[i], mapSizeX, ref curXIndex, ref curZIndex);
            //mapController.EraseCellData(curXIndex, curZIndex);

            if (totalBuildMapId.ContainsKey(id))
                float     h      = totalBuildMapId[id];
                MapObject mo     = mapController.MapObjectDataCollection.GetMapObjectById(id);
                int       objLen = mo.ObjectDataList.Count;
                for (int j = 0; j < objLen; j++)
                    if (mo.ObjectDataList[j].Height == h)
                        mapController.EraseCellData(mo.ObjectDataList[j].Go.GetComponent <AssetCellData>());

    /// <summary>
    /// xMin、zMin、xMax、zMax are the bounding volumes of the map
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fileName"></param>
    /// <param name="xMin"></param>
    /// <param name="xMax"></param>
    /// <param name="zMin"></param>
    /// <param name="zMax"></param>
    /// <param name="MapSizeX"></param>
    public void SavePattern(string fileName, int xMin, int xMax, int zMin, int zMax, int MapSizeX)
        if (ObjectList.Count > 0)
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName))
                int patternSizeX = xMax - xMin + 1;

                foreach (var kvp in ObjectList)
                    //Cur map id to new map id
                    int curId  = kvp.Key;
                    int xIndex = -1;
                    int zIndex = -1;
                    MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(curId, MapSizeX, ref xIndex, ref zIndex); //get old map xIndex, zIndex
                    xIndex -= xMin;                                                     //translate to new map xIndex, zIndex
                    zIndex -= zMin;

                    saveMapObject(kvp.Value, sw, MapUtility.CoordinateToId(xIndex, zIndex, patternSizeX));
    //cellGo -> default gameObject
    //prefabName -> Map Connection prefab
    public override void Action(string prefabName, GameObject cellGo, AssetCellData cellData, DataMode dataMode, bool isObstacle, List <MapIndex> mapIndexList)
        base.Action(prefabName, cellGo, cellData, dataMode, isObstacle, mapIndexList);

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            if (dataMode == DataMode.ADD)
                int xIndex = -1;
                int zIndex = -1;
                MapUtility.CalCellIndexByMousePosition(mapController.CenterPosition, mapController.MapSizeX, mapController.MapSizeZ, rayCastMapLayer, ref xIndex, ref zIndex);
                if (xIndex >= 0 && zIndex >= 0)
                    int id = MapUtility.CoordinateToId(xIndex, zIndex, mapController.MapSizeX);
                    if (!buildMapId.Contains(id))
                        if (!isPress)
                            if (totalBuildMapId.ContainsKey(id))
                                buildHeight = totalBuildMapId[id];
                                buildHeight = MapUtility.CalCellHeightPosition(mapController.MapDataCollection, xIndex, zIndex, cellData);

                        if (mapController.MapDataCollection.CanBuildOnTheMap(xIndex, zIndex, buildHeight, cellData.Size) || totalBuildMapId.ContainsKey(id))

                            //Draw dummy object
                            GameObject dummy = Object.Instantiate(dummyObject) as GameObject;
                            dummy.transform.parent = dummyParent.transform;
                            Vector3 pos = mapController.GetCellPosition(xIndex, zIndex);
                            dummy.transform.position = new Vector3(pos.x, buildHeight, pos.z);

                            isPress = true;
            else if (dataMode == DataMode.ERASE)
                GameObject hitObject = MapUtility.GetRayCastMapObjectByMousePosition(rayCastLayer);
                if (hitObject != null)
                    AssetCellData cd = hitObject.GetComponent <AssetCellData>();
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && isPress)
            if (buildMapId.Count == 0)

            MapConnection mapConn = (Resources.Load(MapSetting.MAP_CONNECT_TILE_FOLDER_NAME + prefabName.GetPathWidthoutExtension()) as GameObject).GetComponent <MapConnection>();

            List <MapDir> neighBorList = new List <MapDir>();
            foreach (var item in buildMapId)
                int curXIndex = -1;
                int curZIndex = -1;
                MapUtility.IdToCoordinate(item, mapController.MapSizeX, ref curXIndex, ref curZIndex);

                getNeighborDir(curXIndex, curZIndex, mapController, neighBorList);
                Quaternion rot = Quaternion.identity;
                string     p   = getPrefabName(neighBorList, cellGo, mapConn, ref rot);

                if (!isObstacle)
                    mapController.UpdateCellData(p, curXIndex, curZIndex, buildHeight, cellData.Size, rot);
                    mapController.UpdateCellData(p, curXIndex, curZIndex, buildHeight, cellData.Size, rot, UnitType.OBSTACLE);
                AddMapIndex(curXIndex, curZIndex, mapIndexList);

                totalBuildMapId[item] = buildHeight;

            isPress = false;
            for (int i = dummyParent.transform.childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)