public EnterState PlayerCannotEnter(uint mapid, Player player, bool loginCheck = false) { MapRecord entry = CliDB.MapStorage.LookupByKey(mapid); if (entry == null) { return(EnterState.CannotEnterNoEntry); } if (!entry.IsDungeon()) { return(EnterState.CanEnter); } InstanceTemplate instance = Global.ObjectMgr.GetInstanceTemplate(mapid); if (instance == null) { return(EnterState.CannotEnterUninstancedDungeon); } Difficulty targetDifficulty = player.GetDifficultyID(entry); // Get the highest available difficulty if current setting is higher than the instance allows MapDifficultyRecord mapDiff = Global.DB2Mgr.GetDownscaledMapDifficultyData(entry.Id, ref targetDifficulty); if (mapDiff == null) { return(EnterState.CannotEnterDifficultyUnavailable); } //Bypass checks for GMs if (player.IsGameMaster()) { return(EnterState.CanEnter); } string mapName = entry.MapName[Global.WorldMgr.GetDefaultDbcLocale()]; Group group = player.GetGroup(); if (entry.IsRaid() && entry.Expansion() >= (Expansion)WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.Expansion)) // can only enter in a raid group but raids from old expansion don't need a group { if ((!group || !group.IsRaidGroup()) && WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.InstanceIgnoreRaid)) { return(EnterState.CannotEnterNotInRaid); } } if (!player.IsAlive()) { if (player.HasCorpse()) { // let enter in ghost mode in instance that connected to inner instance with corpse uint corpseMap = player.GetCorpseLocation().GetMapId(); do { if (corpseMap == mapid) { break; } InstanceTemplate corpseInstance = Global.ObjectMgr.GetInstanceTemplate(corpseMap); corpseMap = corpseInstance != null ? corpseInstance.Parent : 0; } while (corpseMap != 0); if (corpseMap == 0) { return(EnterState.CannotEnterCorpseInDifferentInstance); } Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Maps, "MAP: Player '{0}' has corpse in instance '{1}' and can enter.", player.GetName(), mapName); } else { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Maps, "Map.CanPlayerEnter - player '{0}' is dead but does not have a corpse!", player.GetName()); } } //Get instance where player's group is bound & its map if (!loginCheck && group) { InstanceBind boundInstance = group.GetBoundInstance(entry); if (boundInstance != null && != null) { Map boundMap = FindMap(mapid,; if (boundMap != null) { EnterState denyReason = boundMap.CannotEnter(player); if (denyReason != 0) { return(denyReason); } } } } // players are only allowed to enter 10 instances per hour if (entry.IsDungeon() && (player.GetGroup() == null || (player.GetGroup() != null && !player.GetGroup().IsLFGGroup()))) { uint instaceIdToCheck = 0; InstanceSave save = player.GetInstanceSave(mapid); if (save != null) { instaceIdToCheck = save.GetInstanceId(); } // instanceId can never be 0 - will not be found if (!player.CheckInstanceCount(instaceIdToCheck) && !player.IsDead()) { return(EnterState.CannotEnterTooManyInstances); } } //Other requirements if (player.Satisfy(Global.ObjectMgr.GetAccessRequirement(mapid, targetDifficulty), mapid, true)) { return(EnterState.CanEnter); } else { return(EnterState.CannotEnterUnspecifiedReason); } }