        /// <summary>
        /// 在布局中添加一个地图数据框
        /// </summary>
        private void AddDataFrame(FrmLayoutPage dialog)
            IMap pMap = new MapClass();

            pMap.Name = "New Map";

            IMapFrame pMapFrame = new MapFrameClass();

            pMapFrame.Map = pMap;

            IElement  pElement = pMapFrame as IElement;
            IEnvelope pEnv     = new EnvelopeClass();

            pEnv.PutCoords(0, 0, 5, 5);
            pElement.Geometry = pEnv;

            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = dialog.PageControl.GraphicsContainer;

            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

            IActiveView pActiveView = dialog.PageControl.ActiveView;

            pActiveView.FocusMap = pMap;
        private void axPageLayoutControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.IPageLayoutControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            if (e.button == 1)

            //Create an envelope by tracking a rectangle
            IEnvelope envelope = axPageLayoutControl1.TrackRectangle();

            //Create a map frame element with a new map
            IMapFrame mapFrame = new MapFrameClass();

            mapFrame.Map = new MapClass();

            //Add the map frame to the PageLayoutControl with specified geometry
            axPageLayoutControl1.AddElement((IElement)mapFrame, envelope, null, null, 0);
            //Refresh the PageLayoutControl
            axPageLayoutControl1.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when this command is clicked
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnClick()
            // TODO: Add ChangeFrameShadow.OnClick implementation

            /* IActiveView pActiveView;
             * IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer;
             * IMapFrame pMapFrame;
             * IMap pMap;
             * pActiveView = m_pageLayoutControl.PageLayout as IActiveView;
             * pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap;
             * pGraphicsContainer = pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;
             * pMapFrame = pGraphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap) as IMapFrame;
             * IStyleSelector pStyleSelector;
             * pStyleSelector = new ShadowSelectorClass();
             * //􁰒􂼎􄗝􁢽􁇍􄈵􁸚􁇍􄈵􃒭􂫼􁠋
             * bool m_bOK;
             * m_bOK = pStyleSelector.DoModal(m_pageLayoutControl.hWnd);
             * //􀽖􁵰􂫼􁠋􁣝cancel􁣝􄪂􀟭􄗔􀟎
             * if (!m_bOK) return;
             * IShadow pShadow;
             * //􀒢􄗝􁢽􀰼􀐁􁕫􀠄􀏔􀏾IShadow􁇍􄈵
             * pShadow = pStyleSelector.GetStyle(0) as IShadow;
             * IFrameProperties pFrameProperties;
             * pFrameProperties = pMapFrame as IFrameProperties;
             * //􄆒􃕂*/
            IElementProperties pElementProties = m_element as IElementProperties;

            if (m_element is IMapFrame)
                m_MapFrame = m_element as IMapFrame;
            else if (pElementProties.Type == "Map Surround Frame")
                IMapSurroundFrame pMapSurrounFrame = pElementProties as IMapSurroundFrame;
                if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Legend")
                    //ILegend pLegend = m_element as ILegend;
                    //IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pLegend;
                    IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                    //  pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                    IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                    pMapFrm    = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                    m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
                else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Alternating Scale Bar")
                    // IScaleBar pScaleBatr = m_element as IScaleBar;
                    // IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pScaleBatr ;
                    IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                    //  pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                    IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                    pMapFrm    = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                    m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
                else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Scale Text")
                    //IScaleText pScaleText = m_element as IScaleText;
                    // IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pScaleText;
                    IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                    //pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                    IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                    pMapFrm    = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                    m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
                else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "North Arrow")
                    // INorthArrow pNorthArrow = m_element as INorthArrow;
                    //  IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pNorthArrow ;
                    IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                    // pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                    IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                    pMapFrm    = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                    m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
            IFrameProperties pFrameProperties;

            pFrameProperties = m_MapFrame as IFrameProperties;
            frmLegendItemSymbol frmBackGround = new frmLegendItemSymbol();

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.esriSymbologyStyleClass styleClass = esriSymbologyStyleClass.esriStyleClassShadows;
            IStyleGalleryItem pStyleGalleryItem = frmBackGround.GetItem(styleClass);

            if (pStyleGalleryItem != null)
                pFrameProperties.Shadow = (IShadow )pStyleGalleryItem.Item;
            // pFrameProperties.Shadow = pShadow;
            m_pageLayoutControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, null, null);
		private void axPageLayoutControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.IPageLayoutControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
			if (e. button == 1) return; 

			//Create an envelope by tracking a rectangle
			IEnvelope envelope = axPageLayoutControl1.TrackRectangle();

			//Create a map frame element with a new map
			IMapFrame mapFrame = new MapFrameClass();
			mapFrame.Map = new MapClass();

			//Add the map frame to the PageLayoutControl with specified geometry
			axPageLayoutControl1.AddElement((IElement)mapFrame, envelope, null, null, 0);
			//Refresh the PageLayoutControl
			axPageLayoutControl1.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when this command is clicked
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnClick()
            // TODO: Add ChangeFrameBorder.OnClick implementation
            IActiveView pActiveView;
            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer;
            IMapFrame pMapFrame;
            IMap pMap;
            pActiveView = m_pageLayoutControl.PageLayout as IActiveView;
            pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap;
            pGraphicsContainer = pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;
            pMapFrame = pGraphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap) as IMapFrame;
            IStyleSelector pStyleSelector;
            pStyleSelector = new BorderSelectorClass();
            bool m_bOK;
            m_bOK = pStyleSelector.DoModal(m_pageLayoutControl.hWnd);
            if (!m_bOK) return;
            IBorder pBorder;
            pBorder = pStyleSelector.GetStyle(0) as IBorder; //􁕫􀠄􀏔􀏾 IBorder􁇍􄈵
            IElementProperties pElementProties = m_element as IElementProperties;
            if (m_element is IMapFrame)
                m_MapFrame = m_element as IMapFrame;
            else if (pElementProties.Type == "Map Surround Frame")
             IMapSurroundFrame pMapSurrounFrame = pElementProties as IMapSurroundFrame;
             if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Legend")
                 //ILegend pLegend = m_element as ILegend;
                 //IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pLegend;
                 IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame ;
               //  pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                 IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                 pMapFrm = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                 m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
             else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Alternating Scale Bar")
                // IScaleBar pScaleBatr = m_element as IScaleBar;
                // IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pScaleBatr ;
                 IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
               //  pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                 IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                 pMapFrm = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                 m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
             else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Scale Text")
                 //IScaleText pScaleText = m_element as IScaleText;
                // IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pScaleText;
                 IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                 //pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                 IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                 pMapFrm = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                 m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
             else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "North Arrow")
                // INorthArrow pNorthArrow = m_element as INorthArrow;
               //  IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pNorthArrow ;
                 IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                // pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                 IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                 pMapFrm = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                 m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;


            frmLegendItemSymbol frmBackGround = new frmLegendItemSymbol();
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.esriSymbologyStyleClass styleClass = esriSymbologyStyleClass.esriStyleClassBorders ;
            IStyleGalleryItem pStyleGalleryItem = frmBackGround.GetItem(styleClass);
            if (pStyleGalleryItem != null)
                m_MapFrame.Border = (IBorder )pStyleGalleryItem.Item;
            m_pageLayoutControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when this command is clicked
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnClick()
            // TODO: Add ChangeFrameBorder.OnClick implementation

             * IActiveView pActiveView;
             * IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer;
             * IMapFrame pMapFrame;
             * IMap pMap;
             * pActiveView = m_pageLayoutControl.PageLayout as IActiveView;
             * pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap;
             * pGraphicsContainer = pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;
             * pMapFrame = pGraphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap) as IMapFrame;
             * IStyleSelector pStyleSelector;
             * //􁮄􁓎􀏔􀏾􄖍􁸚􄗝􁢽􀰼􁇍􄈵
             * pStyleSelector = new BorderSelectorClass();
             * bool m_bOK;
             * m_bOK = pStyleSelector.DoModal(m_pageLayoutControl.hWnd);
             * if (!m_bOK) return;
             * IBorder pBorder;
             * pBorder = pStyleSelector.GetStyle(0) as IBorder; //􁕫􀠄􀏔􀏾 IBorder􁇍􄈵
            IElementProperties pElementProties = m_element as IElementProperties;

            if (m_element is IMapFrame)
                m_MapFrame = m_element as IMapFrame;
            else if (pElementProties.Type == "Map Surround Frame")
                IMapSurroundFrame pMapSurrounFrame = pElementProties as IMapSurroundFrame;
                if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Legend")
                    //ILegend pLegend = m_element as ILegend;
                    //IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pLegend;
                    IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                    //  pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                    IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                    pMapFrm    = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                    m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
                else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Alternating Scale Bar")
                    // IScaleBar pScaleBatr = m_element as IScaleBar;
                    // IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pScaleBatr ;
                    IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                    //  pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                    IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                    pMapFrm    = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                    m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
                else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Scale Text")
                    //IScaleText pScaleText = m_element as IScaleText;
                    // IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pScaleText;
                    IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                    //pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                    IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                    pMapFrm    = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                    m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
                else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "North Arrow")
                    // INorthArrow pNorthArrow = m_element as INorthArrow;
                    //  IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pNorthArrow ;
                    IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
                    // pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
                    IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
                    pMapFrm    = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
                    m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;

            frmLegendItemSymbol frmBackGround = new frmLegendItemSymbol();

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.esriSymbologyStyleClass styleClass = esriSymbologyStyleClass.esriStyleClassBorders;
            IStyleGalleryItem pStyleGalleryItem = frmBackGround.GetItem(styleClass);

            if (pStyleGalleryItem != null)
                m_MapFrame.Border = (IBorder )pStyleGalleryItem.Item;
            m_pageLayoutControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, null, null);
        private void GeneratePageLayout()
            IPageLayout pageLayout = axPageLayoutControl1.PageLayout;
            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = pageLayout as IGraphicsContainer;
            IPage pPage = new PageClass();
            pPage = pageLayout.Page;
            pPage.PutCustomSize(36, 24);
            IActiveView pActiveView = pageLayout as IActiveView;
            IMap pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap;

            IMapFrame mapFrame1 = pGraphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap) as IMapFrame;
            IEnvelope pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            pEnvelope.PutCoords(1.5, 3, 17.5, 20);
            IElement pElement = mapFrame1 as IElement;
            pElement.Geometry = pEnvelope;

            //Map frame 2
            IMap mapDF1 = new MapClass();

            IMapFrame mapFrame2 = new MapFrameClass();

            mapFrame2.Map = mapDF1;
            IElement element1 = mapFrame2 as IElement;
            IEnvelope envelope1 = new EnvelopeClass();
            envelope1.PutCoords(18.5, 3, 34.5, 20);
            element1.Geometry = envelope1;
            //?????element 1 or bot map always hide???

            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(element1, 0);
            //////add map---problem shot
            //mapFrame1.Map = m_MapControltop.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            //mapFrame2.Map = m_MapControlbase.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            //TRY to use ObjectCopy
            //copy map to top mapframe of pagelayoutcontrol
            IObjectCopy objectCopy1 = new ObjectCopyClass();
            object toCopyMap1 = m_MapControltop.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            //IMap map1 = toCopyMap1 as IMap;
            //map1.IsFramed = true;
            object copiedMap1 = objectCopy1.Copy(toCopyMap1);
            object toOverwriteMap1 = mapFrame1.Map;
            objectCopy1.Overwrite(copiedMap1, ref toOverwriteMap1);
            //copy map to bot mapframe of pagelayoutcontrol
            IObjectCopy objectCopy2 = new ObjectCopyClass();
            object toCopyMap2 = m_MapControlbase.ActiveView.FocusMap;
            object copiedMap2 = objectCopy2.Copy(toCopyMap2);
            object toOverwriteMap2 = mapFrame2.Map;
            objectCopy2.Overwrite(copiedMap2, ref toOverwriteMap2);
            mapFrame1.Map.Name = "MapTop";
            mapFrame2.Map.Name = "MapBot";
            //try to change scale

            IGraphicsContainer container = this.axPageLayoutControl1.GraphicsContainer;
            IElement element = container.Next();
            int index = 0;
            while (element != null)
                if (element is IMapFrame)
                    IMapFrame mapFrame = (IMapFrame)element;
                    string sMapName = mapFrame.Map.Name;
                    IElementProperties elementProperties = (IElementProperties)element;
                    string slementName = elementProperties.Name;
                    index += 1;
                element = container.Next();

            //add title
            ITextElement teTitle = new TextElementClass();
            IPoint ptTitle = new PointClass();
            ptTitle.PutCoords(18, 22.5);
            IElement eleTitle = teTitle as IElement;
            eleTitle = MakeATextElement(ptTitle, tbStNum.Text + " " + tbStNa.Text + " Historical Aerial Comparison", 80);
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(eleTitle, 0);

            string topYear = cboTopYear.Text;
            string botYear = cboBotYear.Text;
            //Add subtitle
            ITextElement teSubTitle1 = new TextElementClass();
            IPoint ptSubTitle1 = new PointClass();
            ptSubTitle1.PutCoords(9.5, 21);
            IElement eleSubTitle1 = teSubTitle1 as IElement;
            eleSubTitle1 = MakeATextElement(ptSubTitle1, topYear, 45);
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(eleSubTitle1, 0);
            //Add Subtitle2
            ITextElement teSubTitle2 = new TextElementClass();
            IPoint ptSubTitle2 = new PointClass();
            ptSubTitle2.PutCoords(26.5, 21);
            IElement eleSubTitle2 = teSubTitle2 as IElement;
            eleSubTitle2 = MakeATextElement(ptSubTitle2, botYear, 45);
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(eleSubTitle2, 0);

            //Add Scale Bar
            //Add North Arrow
            AddNorthArrow(axPageLayoutControl1.PageLayout, mapFrame1.Map);
            axPageLayoutControl1.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Occurs when this command is clicked
 /// </summary>
 public override void OnClick()
     // TODO: Add ChangeFrameShadow.OnClick implementation
        /* IActiveView pActiveView;
     IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer;
     IMapFrame pMapFrame;
     IMap pMap;
     pActiveView = m_pageLayoutControl.PageLayout as IActiveView;
     pMap = pActiveView.FocusMap;
     pGraphicsContainer = pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer;
     pMapFrame = pGraphicsContainer.FindFrame(pMap) as IMapFrame;
     IStyleSelector pStyleSelector;
     pStyleSelector = new ShadowSelectorClass();
     bool m_bOK;
     m_bOK = pStyleSelector.DoModal(m_pageLayoutControl.hWnd);
     if (!m_bOK) return;
     IShadow pShadow;
     pShadow = pStyleSelector.GetStyle(0) as IShadow;
     IFrameProperties pFrameProperties;
     pFrameProperties = pMapFrame as IFrameProperties;
     IElementProperties pElementProties = m_element as IElementProperties;
     if (m_element is IMapFrame)
         m_MapFrame = m_element as IMapFrame;
     else if (pElementProties.Type == "Map Surround Frame")
         IMapSurroundFrame pMapSurrounFrame = pElementProties as IMapSurroundFrame;
         if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Legend")
             //ILegend pLegend = m_element as ILegend;
             //IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pLegend;
             IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
             //  pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
             IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
             pMapFrm = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
             m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
         else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Alternating Scale Bar")
             // IScaleBar pScaleBatr = m_element as IScaleBar;
             // IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pScaleBatr ;
             IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
             //  pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
             IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
             pMapFrm = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
             m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
         else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "Scale Text")
             //IScaleText pScaleText = m_element as IScaleText;
             // IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pScaleText;
             IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
             //pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
             IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
             pMapFrm = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
             m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
         else if (pMapSurrounFrame.MapSurround.Name == "North Arrow")
             // INorthArrow pNorthArrow = m_element as INorthArrow;
             //  IMapSurround pmapSurd = (IMapSurround)pNorthArrow ;
             IMapSurroundFrame pmapSurdFrm = pMapSurrounFrame;
             // pmapSurdFrm.MapSurround = pmapSurd;
             IMapFrame pMapFrm = new MapFrameClass();
             pMapFrm = pmapSurdFrm.MapFrame;
             m_MapFrame = pMapFrm;
     IFrameProperties pFrameProperties;
     pFrameProperties =m_MapFrame as IFrameProperties;
     frmLegendItemSymbol frmBackGround = new frmLegendItemSymbol();
     ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.esriSymbologyStyleClass styleClass = esriSymbologyStyleClass.esriStyleClassShadows ;
     IStyleGalleryItem pStyleGalleryItem = frmBackGround.GetItem(styleClass);
     if (pStyleGalleryItem != null)
         pFrameProperties .Shadow  = (IShadow )pStyleGalleryItem.Item;
        // pFrameProperties.Shadow = pShadow;
     m_pageLayoutControl.Refresh (esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, null, null);