private static IEnumerable <string> GetZipmodsFromDirectory(string modDirectory) { Logger.LogInfo("Loading mods from directory: " + modDirectory); return(Directory.GetFiles(modDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(x => x.EndsWith(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.EndsWith(".zipmod", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); }
private void AddAdvancedIron() { Logger.LogInfo("AddAdvancedIron Start"); RecipeProto advIron = orgRecipe.Copy(); advIron.ID = 620; advIron.Name = "铁锭(高效)"; = advIron.Name.Translate(); advIron.Description = "您可以通过加水生成更多的铸锭。"; advIron.description = advIron.Description.Translate(); advIron.Items = new int[] { 1001, 1000 }; advIron.ItemCounts = new int[] { 6, 4 }; advIron.Results = new int[] { 1101 }; advIron.ResultCounts = new int[] { 15 }; advIron.Explicit = true; advIron.TimeSpend = (60 * 12); advIron.GridIndex = 1708; advIron.SID = advIron.GridIndex.ToString(); advIron.sid = advIron.GridIndex.ToString().Translate(); Traverse.Create(advIron).Field("_iconSprite").SetValue(this.ironIcon); var ironIngotItem = LDB.items.Select(1101);; LDBTool.PostAddProto(ProtoType.Recipe, advIron); Logger.LogInfo("AddAdvancedIron End"); }
public static void Verbose(string str, params object[] args) { if (IsGlobalEnabled && IsVerboseEnabled) { LogInstance?.LogInfo(string.Format($"[Verbose] {str}", args)); } }
private static void InitHardcoreLabel() { GameObject selectScreen = FejdStartup.instance.m_characterSelectScreen; Text characterName = selectScreen.transform.Find("SelectCharacter").Find("CharacterName").GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); GameObject hardcoreLabelGO = new GameObject("HardcoreLabel"); RectTransform rect = hardcoreLabelGO.AddComponent <RectTransform>(); rect.position = (characterName.transform as RectTransform).position + new Vector3(0, 60); rect.sizeDelta = new Vector2((characterName.transform as RectTransform).rect.width, 40); Text text = hardcoreLabelGO.AddComponent <Text>(); text.font = characterName.font; text.color =; text.fontSize = characterName.fontSize - 12; text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; text.text = Localization.instance.Localize("($hardcore_hardcore)"); Outline outline = hardcoreLabelGO.AddComponent <Outline>(); outline.effectColor =; outline.effectDistance = new Vector2(2, -2); hardcoreLabelGO.transform.SetParent(characterName.transform); hardcoreLabel = hardcoreLabelGO; Log.LogInfo($"{hardcoreLabel} Initialized."); }
public void Awake() { SpreadsheetGenMod.Logger = base.Logger; // "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dyson Sphere Program\BepInEx\LogOutput.log" SpreadsheetGenMod.Config = base.Config; // Determine the default spreadsheet path and configured spreadsheet path. spreadsheetFileNameTemplate = "DSP_Star_Sector_Resources_${seed}-${starCount}.csv"; if (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) != "") { spreadsheetFileNameTemplate = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + spreadsheetFileNameTemplate; } spreadsheetFileNameTemplate = Config.Bind <string>("Output", "SpreadsheetFileName", spreadsheetFileNameTemplate, "Path to the output spreadsheet. You can use ${seed} and ${starCount} as placeholders and the mod will insert them into the filename.").Value; spreadsheetColumnSeparator = Config.Bind <string>("Output", "SpreadsheetColumnSeparator", spreadsheetColumnSeparator, "Character to use as Separator in the generated file.").Value; spreadsheetFloatPrecision = Config.Bind <int>("Output", "SpreadsheetFloatPrecision", spreadsheetFloatPrecision, "Decimals to use when exporting floating point numbers. Use -1 to disable rounding.").Value; spreadsheetLocale = new CultureInfo(Config.Bind <string>("Output", "SpreadsheetLocale", spreadsheetLocale.Name, "Locale to use for exporting numbers.").Value, false); enablePlanetLoadingFlag = Config.Bind <bool>("Enable", "LoadAllPlanets", enablePlanetLoadingFlag, "Planet loading is needed to get all resource data, but you can skip this step for memory efficiency.").Value; enablePlanetUnloadingFlag = Config.Bind <bool>("Enable", "UnloadPlanets", enablePlanetUnloadingFlag, "Once planets are loaded to obtain their resource data, unload them to conserve memory. (This setting is only used if LoadAllPlanets is true.)").Value; enableOnStartTrigger = Config.Bind <bool>("Enable", "SaveOnStart", enableOnStartTrigger, "Whether or not spreadsheet generation should be triggered by starting a game.").Value; enableOnPauseTrigger = Config.Bind <bool>("Enable", "SaveOnPause", enableOnPauseTrigger, "Whether or not spreadsheet generation should be triggered by pausing the game.").Value; Logger.LogInfo("Will use spreadsheet path \"" + spreadsheetFileNameTemplate + "\""); Harmony harmony = new Harmony(pluginGuid); harmony.PatchAll(typeof(SpreadsheetGenMod)); Logger.LogInfo("Initialization complete."); }
IEnumerator LoadAssetBundles(Action callback = null) { foreach (var bundleName in fileLoader.GetResourceFilenames("AssetBundle")) { var path = Path.Combine(m_bundleLoadDir, bundleName); m_bundleCreateRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(path); yield return(m_bundleCreateRequest); AssetBundle bundle = m_bundleCreateRequest.assetBundle; if (bundle == null) { Logger.LogWarning("Failed to load AssetBundle: " + bundleName); yield return(bundle); } else { Logger.LogInfo("Successfully loaded additional bundle named: " +; Bundles.Add(bundle); } } BundlesLoaded = true; StartCoroutine(LoadAllAssetsInBundle(callback)); }
public static void AddDropInformation(ItemDropLocation dropLocation, params PickupSelection[] pickupSelections) { Logger.LogInfo( $"Adding drop information for {dropLocation.ToString()}: {pickupSelections.Sum(x => x.Pickups.Count)} items"); Selection[dropLocation] = pickupSelections.ToList(); }
public void OnPeerConnected(NetPeer rawPeer) { var peer = new Peer(rawPeer, _messages.Definitions); _log.LogInfo($"{peer} connected"); _peers.Add(rawPeer, peer); _events.OnPeerConnected(peer); }
/// <summary> /// 設定CurrentUICulture /// </summary> /// <param name="culture">Culture Name (Ex: "en-US"),傳入Null則設定為系統語言</param> /// <returns>以Culture Name建立的CultureInfo</returns> internal static CultureInfo SetUICulture(string culture = null) { try { return(null == culture ? (UICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures).FirstOrDefault(x => x.EnglishName.Equals(Application.systemLanguage.ToString()))) : (UICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(culture))); } catch (Exception) { Logger.LogInfo($"Language not found. Keep {UICulture.Name}"); return(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = UICulture); } }
static void EquipLastItems(TombStone __instance) { if (__instance.GetOwner() != player.GetPlayerID()) { return; } LogSource.LogInfo(string.Format("{0} has picked up all from TOMBSTONE", player.GetPlayerName())); if (player) { EquipLastItemsToRespownedPlayer(equipedItems, player); } }
public static async Task <GameObject> GetItemInventoryDisplayAsync() { GameObject IID; do { Logger.LogInfo("Waiting for client to spawn ItemInventoryDisplay..."); await Task.Delay(150); IID = GameObject.Find("ItemInventoryDisplay"); } while (IID == null); return(IID); }
/// <summary> /// Enable Unity Audio. Should only be called when UnityPlayer is not loaded. /// </summary> public static void EnableUnityAudio() { try { Logger.LogInfo("Attempting to enable Unity audio..."); ChangeDisableUnityAudio(Path.Combine(ManagedPath, "../globalgamemanagers"), false, Game); Logger.LogInfo("Unity audio enabled."); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError($"An exception was encountered while attempting to enable Unity audio: {ex.Message}"); } }
public void ReadPluginData(PluginData data) { if (data == null) { Logger.LogInfo("No PluginData Existed"); } else { if ((!"AllCharaOverlayTable", out object tmpOverlayTable) || tmpOverlayTable == null) || (!"AllCharaResources", out object tmpResources) || null == tmpResources)) { Logger.LogInfo("Wrong PluginData Existed"); }
static void SetEnemyLevel(ref Character __instance) { if (__instance.m_name.StartsWith("$enemy_")) { string enemyName = __instance.m_name.Substring(7, __instance.m_name.Length - 7); int level = GetLevelForEnemy(enemyName); if (level > 0) { __instance.SetLevel(level); logger.LogInfo(enemyName + " Loaded. Setting to level " + level + " (" + (level - 1) + " stars)"); } } }
public void Awake() { Logger = base.Logger; Settings.InitConfig(Config); harmony.PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); int patchedMethods = 0; foreach (MethodBase method in harmony.GetPatchedMethods()) { Logger.LogInfo("Patched " + method.DeclaringType.Name + "." + method.Name); patchedMethods++; } Logger.LogInfo(patchedMethods + " patches applied\n"); }
public static IEnumerator PrintResults() { yield return(null); logger.LogInfo($"Chainloader total: {chainTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); logger.LogInfo($"Plugins total: {timers.Sum(x => x.Value.Value.ElapsedMilliseconds)} ms"); foreach (var timer in timers.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Value.ElapsedMilliseconds)) { logger.LogInfo($"{timer.Value.Key.GUID}: {timer.Value.Value.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); } harmony.UnpatchAll(harmony.Id); }
public static void Log(string log, LogType type) { if (AllowLogging) { if (type == LogType.General) { BepLog.LogInfo(log); } else if (type == LogType.Loading && LogLoading) { BepLog.LogInfo(log); } } }
public static void SetActivity(Activity activity) { _activityManager.UpdateActivity(activity, (result => { if (result == Result.Ok) { log.LogInfo("Success"); } else { log.LogInfo("Failed: " + result); } })); }
public void Awake() { using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ExtraItems.extraitem_assets")) { MainAssets = AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(stream); var provider = new AssetBundleResourcesProvider($"@{ModName}", MainAssets); ResourcesAPI.AddProvider(provider); } //Item initialization var ItemTypes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(type => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ItemBase))); foreach (var itemType in ItemTypes) { ItemBase item = (ItemBase)System.Activator.CreateInstance(itemType); if (ValidateItem(item, Items)) { item.Init(Config); ModLogger.LogInfo("Item: " + item.ItemName + " Initialized!"); } } //Material Shader Conversion var materialAssets = MainAssets.LoadAllAssets <Material>(); ModLogger.LogInfo("Intersection Shader is: " + IntersectionShader); foreach (Material material in materialAssets) { if (!"Fake")) { continue; } switch ( { case ("fake ror/hopoo games/deferred/hgstandard"): material.shader = HopooShader; break; case ("fake ror/hopoo games/fx/hgcloud intersection remap"): material.shader = IntersectionShader; break; case ("fake ror/hopoo games/fx/hgcloud remap"): material.shader = CloudRemapShader; break; } } }
private void LoadMods() { Logger.LogInfo("Loading mods..."); var mods = new List <Mod>(); var modsPath = Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, H3VR.Sideloader.Shared.Info.MODS_DIR); Directory.CreateDirectory(modsPath); var modIds = new HashSet <string>(); // TODO: Make more elaborate (check version, etc) void LoadMods(IEnumerable <string> paths, Func <string, Mod> loader) { foreach (var path in paths) { try { var mod = loader(path); if (modIds.Contains(mod.Manifest.Guid)) { Logger.LogWarning( $"Skipping [{mod.Name}] because a mod with same GUID ({mod.Manifest.Guid}) was already loaded (check logs)"); continue; } Logger.LogDebug($"Loading {mod.Name}"); modIds.Add(mod.Manifest.Guid); mods.Add(mod); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogWarning($"Skipping {path} because: ({e.GetType()}) {e.Message}"); } } } LoadMods(Directory.GetDirectories(modsPath, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly), Mod.LoadFromDir); LoadMods(Extensions.GetAllFiles(modsPath, H3VR.Sideloader.Shared.Info.ModExts.Select(s => $"*.{s}").ToArray()), Mod.LoadFromZip); // TODO: Sanity checking etc foreach (var loader in loaders) { Logger.LogDebug($"Loading {loader}"); loader.Initialize(mods); } Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {mods.Count} mods!"); }
private static bool LoadAssetPatch(AssetBundleController __instance, ref string assetName, ref object __result) { if (__instance.assetBundleName.Contains("thumnbnail/thumbnail_") || __instance.assetBundleName.Contains("thumnbnail/thumnbs_")) { string text = + "/thumnbnail_R/" + assetName + ".png"; if (File.Exists(text)) { Logger.LogInfo("Load thumb:" + text); __result = LoadPNG(text); return(false); } } return(true); }
void Awake() { logger = Logger; logger.LogInfo("Hello, world!"); _harmony = Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); //portal_name_hash = StringExtensionMethods.GetStableHashCode(portal_name); }
private void Awake() { Logger = base.Logger; // Add missing head type selection if the game supports it (ui for it was added in darkness for some reason) var missingDarkness = typeof(ChaInfo).GetProperty("exType", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) == null; if (missingDarkness) { Logger.LogInfo("Darkness/Yoyaku expansion is missing!"); // Make sure this setting is supported // todo is this necessary? if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ChaListDefine.CategoryNo), 100)) { MakerAPI.RegisterCustomSubCategories += MakerAPI_RegisterCustomSubCategories; } } var h = new Harmony(GUID); h.PatchAll(typeof(CalendarIconHooks)); // Fixes only needed for party if (Paths.ProcessName == Constants.GameProcessNameSteam) { h.Patch(AccessTools.Method(typeof(ConfigScene), "Start"), postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(RestoreMissingFunctions), nameof(ConfigAddFix))); h.Patch(AccessTools.Method("Localize.Translate.Manager:SetLanguage", new[] { typeof(int) }), transpiler: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(RestoreMissingFunctions), nameof(LanguageUnlock))); } }
public override void Load() { _logger = Log; _logger.LogInfo($"{PluginName} v{PluginVersion} created by Cheep loaded"); GameMode = new TeleportationGameMode(); }
void Awake() { logger = Logger; logger.LogInfo("Hello, world!"); _harmony = Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); }
public static void Patch(AssemblyDefinition newtonsoftAssemblyDef) { if (newtonsoftAssemblyDef.MainModule.Types.Any(t => t.Namespace.StartsWith("Oculus"))) { Logger.LogInfo("Newtonsoft.Json.dll already uses Oculus.Newtonsoft.Json namespace, skipping shim."); return; } var oculusNewtonsoftAssemblyDef = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(OculusNewtonsoftJsonPath); var oculusAssemblyNameRef = new AssemblyNameReference( oculusNewtonsoftAssemblyDef.Name.Name, oculusNewtonsoftAssemblyDef.Name.Version); newtonsoftAssemblyDef.MainModule.AssemblyReferences.Add(oculusAssemblyNameRef); foreach (var type in oculusNewtonsoftAssemblyDef.MainModule.Types) { if (!type.IsPublic) { continue; } var exportedType = new ExportedType( type.Namespace, type.Name, newtonsoftAssemblyDef.MainModule, oculusAssemblyNameRef); newtonsoftAssemblyDef.MainModule.ExportedTypes.Add(exportedType); } }
private void Init() { foreach (string curDir in SupportedFolders) { // Make sure we have the key initialized if (!resourceFilenames.ContainsKey(curDir)) { resourceFilenames.Add(curDir, new List <string>()); } string curPath = m_loadDir + @"\" + curDir; if (!Directory.Exists(curPath)) { continue; } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(curPath); // Get the names of the files without having to parse stuff foreach (string s in files) { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(s); Logger.LogInfo("Loading: " + f.Name); resourceFilenames[curDir].Add(f.Name); } } }
public static void LogDebug(string message) { if (ConfigurationManager.GeneralConfig?.EnableDebugLogging?.Value == true) { Logger?.LogInfo($"{message}"); } }
public static void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode) { try { parentLogger.LogInfo("On Scene Loaded" +; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Loading Scene: " +; if ( == "UI") { TextMeshProUGUI betaText = GetUITextByName("BETA"); if (betaText) { betaText.text = "INJECTED BUILD - unstable mods"; } } else { TextMeshProUGUI modListText = GetUITextByName("TextMeshPro Text"); if (modListText) { BepInPlugin bepInPlugin = (BepInPlugin)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(ModdingUtils.parentPlugin.GetType(), typeof(BepInPlugin)); if (modListText.text.EndsWith("</size>")) { modListText.text += "\n\nMods Currently Installed:\n"; } modListText.text += "\n" + bepInPlugin.Name + " - " + bepInPlugin.Version; } } } catch (Exception ex) { parentLogger.LogFatal(ex); } }
//Post register fixups private static void onPostAdd() { foreach (var kv in models) { kv.Value.Preload(); PrefabDesc pdesc = kv.Value.prefabDesc; Material[] mats = pdesc.materials; for (int i = 0; i < pdesc.lodMaterials[0].Length; i++) { pdesc.lodMaterials[0][i] = mats[i]; } LDB.models.modelArray[kv.Value.ID] = kv.Value; } foreach (var kv in items) { kv.Value.Preload(kv.Value.index); } foreach (var kv in recipes) { kv.Value.Preload(kv.Value.index); } onLoadingFinished?.Invoke(); LogSource.LogInfo("Post loading is complete!"); }