private void lblExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MangingFormAndControls th = new MangingFormAndControls(new frmLogIn()); this.Close(); th.threading(); }
//For entering into the application as a Guest. private void lblGuest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MangingFormAndControls th = new MangingFormAndControls(new frmDeshBoard()); this.Close(); th.threading(); }
private void lblRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MangingFormAndControls th = new MangingFormAndControls(new frmCreateAccount()); this.Close(); th.threading(); }
//Log in button will ask user for log in if they are not logged in already. private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MangingFormAndControls th = new MangingFormAndControls(new frmLogIn()); if (UserInfo.loggedIn == true) { //If user is logged in he will be logged out for further login. DialogResult result = MsgBox.Show("You will be logged out.", "Warning", "OK", "Cancel"); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); th.threading(); } } else { this.Close(); th.threading(); } }
private void btnLogIn_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Checks Userid and password mathches for application running. if (txtUsername.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show($"Please Enter User ID", "User Regisration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { UserInfo.UserLogIn($"Select * from Users Where UserId='{txtUsername.Text}' and Password = '******'"); if (txtUsername.Text == UserInfo.UserId && txtPassword.Text == UserInfo.Password) { //After checking if required filds mathches userinfo classes field is set true and show user's first name and last name in the welcome screen. UserInfo.loggedIn = true; DialogResult result = MsgBox.Show($"Welcome {UserInfo.FirstName} {UserInfo.LastName}", $"Logged in as {UserInfo.UserType}", "OK", "Cancel"); //If user press ok button than application runs. Otherwise application restarts. if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { //Form threading starts for closing this form and starting other form. MangingFormAndControls th = new MangingFormAndControls(new frmDeshBoard()); this.Close(); th.threading(); } else { ////Whole application restarts. Application.Restart(); } } else { MsgBox.Show($"Wrong UserName / Password", "Log In faild", "Try Again", "Cancel"); } } }