public ActionResult Index() { List <object> mylsit = new List <object>(); Managment db = new Managment(); var result = from y in db.Posts where ( from x in db.Responding_Posts select x.Post_ID ).Contains(y.ID) select y; var z = from f in result where ! ( from p in db.Projects select p.POST_ID ).Contains(f.ID) select f; mylsit.Add(z.ToList()); mylsit.Add(db.Sending_Requests.ToList()); return(View(mylsit)); }
public DialogRouteBus(Managment modelo, Form1 principal) { this.modelo = modelo; this.principal = principal; InitializeComponent(); addItems(); }
public bool ISemailExisit(string EmailID) { using (Managment db = new Managment()) { var v = db.Users.Where(a => a.Email == EmailID).FirstOrDefault(); return(v != null); } }
public void Get_all_database() { var managment = new Managment( clientEmail: "*****@*****.**", privateKey: File.ReadAllBytes(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\SheetDB.p12") ); managment.GetAllDatabases().ToList(); }
public void Get_table() { var managment = new Managment( clientEmail: "*****@*****.**", privateKey: File.ReadAllBytes(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\SheetDB.p12") ); managment.GetDatabase("Teste").GetTable <Pessoa>("Teste"); }
public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username) { Managment db = new Managment(); string data = db.Users.Where(a => a.Email == username).FirstOrDefault().Type; string[] result = { data }; return(result); }
public void Delete_Permission() { var managment = new Managment( clientEmail: "*****@*****.**", privateKey: File.ReadAllBytes(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\SheetDB.p12") ); managment.GetDatabase("Teste").GetPermission("*****@*****.**").Delete(); }
public ActionResult register([Bind(Exclude = "IsEmailVerified,ActivationCode")] User user) { bool Status = false; string message = ""; if (ModelState.IsValid) { #region // Email validation var isexsist = ISemailExisit(user.Email); if (isexsist) { ModelState.AddModelError("Exist", "Email Already Exsit"); return(View(user)); } #endregion #region // Activation code generation user.ActivationCode = Guid.NewGuid(); #endregion #region // password Hashing user.password = crypto.Hash(user.password); user.confirmpassword = crypto.Hash(user.confirmpassword); #endregion #region // Convert a photo to binary byte[] data = new byte[user.File.ContentLength]; user.File.InputStream.Read(data, 0, user.File.ContentLength); user.Photo = data; #endregion user.IsEmailVerified = false; #region // save to the database using (Managment db = new Managment()) { db.Users.Add(user); db.SaveChanges(); sendverficationlink(user.Email, user.ActivationCode.ToString()); message = "Registeraton successfully done !we have sent an activation link to your Email " + user.Email; Status = true; } #endregion } else { message = "Invalid Request"; } ViewBag.Message = message; ViewBag.Status = Status; return(View(user)); }
public ActionResult Index() { List <object> listprojects = new List <object>(); Managment db = new Managment(); listprojects.Add(db.Projects.ToList()); var user = from u in db.Users where u.Job_Description == "TL" || u.Job_Description == "JE" select u; listprojects.Add(user.ToList()); return(View(listprojects)); }
public ActionResult Leave(int postid) { using (Managment db = new Managment()) { Project project = db.Projects.Find(postid); db.Projects.Remove(project); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "PM")); }
//System.Timers.Timer clock; //GenericTime realTime; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //stops = new Hashtable(); //stations = new Hashtable(); model = new Managment(); options = new GroupBox(); realStops = new GMapOverlay(); onlyStations = new GMapOverlay(); onlyStops = new GMapOverlay(); //bus1 = new Hashtable(); //realTime = new GenericTime(2019,5,10,39,9,25); }
public void Update_Record() { var managment = new Managment( clientEmail: "*****@*****.**", privateKey: File.ReadAllBytes(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\SheetDB.p12") ); managment.GetDatabase("Teste").GetTable <Pessoa>("Teste").Add(new Pessoa() { Id = 1, Nome = "c" }).Update(new Pessoa() { Id = 2, Nome = "d" }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var dbName = "test_1"; var bakFile = @"C:\DATA\SQLSERVER\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup\test.bak"; Console.WriteLine("Restoring file: "); Console.WriteLine(bakFile); try { Managment.RestoreBakFile(@".\SQLEXPRESS", "sa", "P2ssw0rd", dbName, bakFile); Console.WriteLine("File Restored"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error:" + ex.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to finish!"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public ActionResult verifyAccount(string id) { bool status = false; using (Managment db = new Managment()) { db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; var v = db.Users.Where(a => a.ActivationCode == new Guid(id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (v != null) { v.IsEmailVerified = true; db.SaveChanges(); status = true; } else { ViewBag.Message = "Invalid Request"; } } ViewBag.status = status; return(View()); }
// [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult PostNewProject(Post post) { var role = Session["Role"]; var id = Session["id"]; post.User_ID = (int)id; if (ModelState.IsValid) { if ((string)role != "Customer") { ModelState.AddModelError("Not Allowd", "You are not allowed to post a project"); return(View()); } else { using (Managment db = new Managment()) { db.Posts.Add(post); db.SaveChanges(); } } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var result = Managment.RestoreBakFile(@".\SQLEXPRESS", "sa", "P2ssw0rd", "test_1", @"C:\DATA\SQLSERVER\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup\test.bak"); Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); }
public Form2(Managment model) { this.model = model; InitializeComponent(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //personnel Data Personnel personnel = new Personnel(); Corporate corporate = new Corporate(); Managment managment = new Managment(); LowerEnlisted lowerEnlisted = new LowerEnlisted(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Airborne Ops Data\n"); Thread.Sleep(1000); personnel.NumberOfPersonnel(150); corporate.NumberOfPersonnel(15); managment.NumberOfPersonnel(45); lowerEnlisted.NumberOfPersonnel(90); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); //Transportation data Transportation transportation = new Transportation(); Aircraft aircraft = new Aircraft(); Vehicles vehicles = new Vehicles(); Thread.Sleep(1000); transportation.NumberOfTrans(12); aircraft.NumberOfTrans(4); aircraft.NumberOfAirCrafts(2, "C-130"); aircraft.NumberOfAirCrafts(2, "C-17"); Thread.Sleep(1000); vehicles.NumberOfTrans(8); vehicles.NumberOfVehicles(3, "HMMVVs"); vehicles.NumberOfVehicles(5, "LMTVs"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); //parachute data Parachutes parachutes = new Parachutes(); PersonnelParachutes peopleChutes = new PersonnelParachutes(); Cargo cargo = new Cargo(); parachutes.TotalNumberOfParachutes(6000); peopleChutes.TotalNumberOfParachutes(5500); peopleChutes.PeopleParachutes(1200, "T-10s"); peopleChutes.PeopleParachutes(1150, "T-11M"); peopleChutes.PeopleParachutes(3150, "T-11R"); Thread.Sleep(1000); cargo.TotalNumberOfParachutes(500); cargo.HeavyRigParachutes(125, "G-11B"); cargo.HeavyRigParachutes(135, "G-12"); cargo.HeavyRigParachutes(240, "G-14"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public ActionResult login(login user, string Retunurl) { using (Managment db = new Managment()) { var v = db.Users.Where(a => a.Email == user.Email).FirstOrDefault(); if (v != null) { if (string.Compare(crypto.Hash(user.password), v.password) == 0) { int timeout = user.RememberMe ? 525600 : 10; var tickt = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(user.Email, user.RememberMe, timeout); string encrypting = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(tickt); var cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encrypting); cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeout); Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); Session["First"] = v.First_Name; Session["Last"] = v.Last_Name; Session["Mobile"] = v.Mobile; Session["jop"] = v.Job_Description; Session["photo"] = v.Photo; Session["id"] = v.ID; Session["Role"] = v.Type; Session["Email"] = v.Email; if (Url.IsLocalUrl(Retunurl)) { Redirect(Retunurl); } else { if (v.Type == "Admin") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Admin")); } else if (v.Type == "Customer") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Customer")); } else if (v.Type == "PM") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "PM")); } else if (v.Type == "TL") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "TL")); } else if (v.Type == "JE") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "JE")); } } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Email address or password is wrong"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Email address or password is wrong"); } } return(View()); }