public static void OnInspectorGUI_EditPrefabs(this ManagesPrefabInstances p) { var bkgColorSave = GUI.backgroundColor; using (var instances = ListPool <PrefabInstance> .Get()) { p.GetPrefabInstances(instances, ensureCreated: false); if (instances.Count > 0) { switch (p.defaultInstancePolicy) { case PrefabInstancePolicy.AllowApplyInstanceToParentPrefab: EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(@"Be careful with Apply! Instance Policy 'AllowApplyInstanceToParentPrefab' means Apply will bake nested prefabs into the parent", MessageType.Warning); break; default: EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(@"About Apply... Instance Policy '" + p.defaultInstancePolicy + @"' means 'Apply' will find nested prefabs, apply their changes separately and then remove them from their parent prefab to avoid having them become part of the parent. NOTE: this behaviour does NOT apply to nested prefabs that aren't managed, e.g. you just added one to the", MessageType.Info); break; } GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button(p.supportsMultiplePrefabTypes? "Delete Prefab[s]": "Delete Prefab")) { foreach (var pInst in instances) { if (pInst.instance == null) { continue; } Object.DestroyImmediate(pInst.instance, true); } } } else { GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button(p.supportsMultiplePrefabTypes? "Edit Prefab[s]": "Edit Prefab")) { instances.Clear(); p.GetPrefabInstances(instances, ensureCreated: true); } if (GUILayout.Button(p.supportsMultiplePrefabTypes? "Edit Prefab[s] and Nested Prefabs": "Edit Prefab and Nested Prefabs")) { p.EditPrefabRecursive(); } } } GUI.backgroundColor = bkgColorSave; }
public static void ApplyManagedPrefabInstancesThenRemoveFromParentPrefab(this ManagesPrefabInstances mpi) { using (var instances = ListPool <PrefabInstance> .Get()) { mpi.GetPrefabInstances(instances); for (var i = instances.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (instances[i].instancePolicy == PrefabInstancePolicy.AllowApplyInstanceToParentPrefab) { instances.RemoveAt(i); continue; } if (instances[i].prefab == null) { Debug.LogError("[" + Time.frameCount + "][" + (mpi as Component).Path() + "] no prefab for instance with type " + instances[i].prefabType); instances.RemoveAt(i); continue; } UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(instances[i].instance, instances[i].prefab, UnityEditor.ReplacePrefabOptions.ReplaceNameBased); } foreach (var pInst in instances) { Object.DestroyImmediate(pInst.instance.gameObject, true); } } }
public static void EditPrefabRecursive(this ManagesPrefabInstances p) { using (var pInstances = ListPool <PrefabInstance> .Get()) { p.GetPrefabInstances(pInstances, ensureCreated: true); foreach (var pInst in pInstances) { using (var nested = ListPool <ManagesPrefabInstances> .Get()) { pInst.instance.GetComponentsInChildren <ManagesPrefabInstances>(true, nested); foreach (var nestedP in nested) { nestedP.EditPrefabRecursive(); } } } } }