/// <summary> /// Search for a technician data using its id. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The id of the targeted technician.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Manager.Technician SearchById(int id) { /* On déclare et on crée une instance des variables nécéssaires pour la recherche */ Manager.Technician technician = new Manager.Technician(); try { XPathDocument XPathDocu = new XPathDocument(path + "Technicians.xml"); XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathNodeIterator Nodes; /* On affecte false à la variable NoMatches afin de vérifier par la suite * si la recherche a été fructueuse*/ technician.setnoMatch(false); /* On crée un navigateur */ Navigator = XPathDocu.CreateNavigator(); /* On crée ici l'expression XPath de recherche d'technician à partir de l'id */ string ExpXPath = "//Technician[@id='" + id + "' and status != 'Deactivated']"; /* On lance la recherche */ Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); /* On vérifie si la recherche a été fructueuse */ if (Nodes.Count != 0) { Nodes.MoveNext(); // NOTE: Necéssaire pour se placer sur le noeud recherché /* Encodage des données dans la classe technician */ technician.setId(id); /* Pas besoin de chercher cette donnée vu que c'est notre * critère de recherche, on peut donc directement * l'encoder. */ technician.setLogin(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("login", "")); technician.setPassword(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("password", "")); Nodes.Current.MoveToFirstChild(); /* On se déplace sur le premier noeud * enfant "Prenom" */ technician.setFirstName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); // On se déplace sur le noeud suivant "Nom" technician.setLastName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setEmail(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setPhoneNumber(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setAddress(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setRole(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setSpecialty(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setStatus(Helper.StringToStatus(Nodes.Current.Value)); } /* Si aucun technician n'a été trouvé */ else { technician.setnoMatch(true); } } catch (Exception x) { technician.setnoMatch(true); } /* Renvoi de toutes les données dans une instance de la classe "Client" */ return(technician); }
/// <summary> /// Modifies the technician Data. /// </summary> /// <param name="login">The login of the target technician object.</param> /// <param name="admin">The object that holds the new data.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Modify(string login, Manager.Technician technician) { try { /* On utilise un XmlDocument et non un XPathDocument car ce dernier ne permet * pas l'édition des données XML. */ XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathNodeIterator Nodes; XmlDoc.Load(path + "Technicians.xml"); Navigator = XmlDoc.CreateNavigator(); string ExpXPath = "//Technician[@login='******']"; Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); if (Nodes.Count != 0) { /* Encodage des nouvelles données */ Nodes.MoveNext(); Nodes.Current.MoveToFirstAttribute(); Nodes.Current.MoveToNextAttribute(); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getLogin()); Nodes.Current.MoveToNextAttribute(); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getPassword()); Nodes.Current.MoveToParent(); Nodes.Current.MoveToFirstChild(); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getFirstName()); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getLastName()); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getEmail()); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getPhoneNumber()); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getAddress()); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getRole()); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getSpecialty()); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element); Nodes.Current.SetValue(technician.getStatus().ToString()); //XmlDoc.Save(path+"Technicians.xml"); Program.service.SaveXmlFile("Technicians.xml", XmlDoc); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception x) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Returns all the elements or only the Activated onces from Technicians.xml depending on the value of the boolean argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="evenDeactivated">When true get all elments, otherwise get only the activated onces.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <Manager.Technician> GetAll(bool evenDeactivated) { /* On déclare et on crée une instance des variables nécéssaires pour la recherche */ List <Manager.Technician> technicians = new List <Manager.Technician>(); try { XPathDocument XPathDocu = new XPathDocument(path + "Technicians.xml"); XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathNodeIterator Nodes; /* On crée un navigateur */ Navigator = XPathDocu.CreateNavigator(); //To eleminate the case sensetive in XPath we use the methode translate(). string ExpXPath = ""; if (evenDeactivated) { ExpXPath = "//Technician"; } else { ExpXPath = "//Technician[status != 'Deactivated']"; } /* On lance la recherche */ Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); /* On vérifie si la recherche a été fructueuse */ //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("XMLTechnician: "+Nodes.Count.ToString()); if (Nodes.Count != 0) { while (Nodes.MoveNext()) // NOTE: Necéssaire pour se placer sur le noeud recherché { Manager.Technician technician = new Manager.Technician(); /* Encodage des données dans la classe Technician */ technician.setId(Convert.ToInt32(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("id", ""))); /* Pas besoin de chercher cette donnée vu que c'est notre * critère de recherche, on peut donc directement * l'encoder. */ technician.setLogin(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("login", "")); technician.setPassword(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("password", "")); Nodes.Current.MoveToFirstChild(); /* On se déplace sur le premier noeud * enfant "Prenom" */ technician.setFirstName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); // On se déplace sur le noeud suivant "Nom" technician.setLastName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setEmail(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setPhoneNumber(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setAddress(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setRole(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setSpecialty(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setStatus(Helper.StringToStatus(Nodes.Current.Value)); technicians.Add(technician); } } } catch (Exception x) { //If there was a problem we re-instanciate the list so no element is sent. //It returns an empty list instead of null, then we make our test on list.count. technicians = new List <Manager.Technician>(); } /* Renvoi de toutes les données dans une instance de la classe "Client" */ return(technicians); }
/// <summary> /// Search a technician using his firstname or lastname. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The first/last name of the technician.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <Manager.Technician> SearchByName(string name) { /* On déclare et on crée une instance des variables nécéssaires pour la recherche */ List <Manager.Technician> technicians = new List <Manager.Technician>(); try { XPathDocument XPathDocu = new XPathDocument(path + "Technicians.xml"); XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathNodeIterator Nodes; /* On crée un navigateur */ Navigator = XPathDocu.CreateNavigator(); /* On crée ici l'expression XPath de recherche d'technician à partir de l'id */ //string ExpXPath = "//Technician[(firstName='" + name + "' or lastName='" + name + "') and status != 'Deactivated']"; //To eleminate the case sensetive in XPath we use the methode translate(). string ExpXPath = "//Technician[(translate(firstName,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')='" + name.ToUpper() + "' or translate(lastName,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')='" + name.ToUpper() + "') and status != 'Deactivated']"; /* On lance la recherche */ Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); /* On vérifie si la recherche a été fructueuse */ if (Nodes.Count != 0) { while (Nodes.MoveNext()) // NOTE: Necéssaire pour se placer sur le noeud recherché { Manager.Technician technician = new Manager.Technician(); /* Encodage des données dans la classe technician */ technician.setId(Convert.ToInt32(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("id", ""))); /* Pas besoin de chercher cette donnée vu que c'est notre * critère de recherche, on peut donc directement * l'encoder. */ technician.setLogin(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("login", "")); technician.setPassword(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("password", "")); Nodes.Current.MoveToFirstChild(); /* On se déplace sur le premier noeud * enfant "Prenom" */ technician.setFirstName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); // On se déplace sur le noeud suivant "Nom" technician.setLastName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setEmail(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setPhoneNumber(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setAddress(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setRole(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setSpecialty(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setStatus(Helper.StringToStatus(Nodes.Current.Value)); technicians.Add(technician); } } } catch (Exception x) { //If there was a problem we re-instanciate the list so no element is sent. //It returns an empty list instead of null, then we make our test on list.count. technicians = new List <Manager.Technician>(); } /* Renvoi de toutes les données dans une instance de la classe "Client" */ return(technicians); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the file "Technician.xml" and inserts the first Technician to it. /// </summary> /// <param name="technician">The object holding the data.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool firstAdd(Manager.Technician technician) { try { XmlWriterSettings wSettings = new XmlWriterSettings(); wSettings.Indent = true; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(ms, wSettings);// Write Declaration xw.WriteStartDocument(); // Write the root node xw.WriteStartElement("Technicians"); // Write the technician and the technician elements xw.WriteStartElement("Technician"); xw.WriteStartAttribute("id"); xw.WriteString("0"); xw.WriteEndAttribute(); xw.WriteStartAttribute("login"); xw.WriteString(technician.getLogin()); xw.WriteEndAttribute(); xw.WriteStartAttribute("password"); xw.WriteString(technician.getPassword()); xw.WriteEndAttribute(); //---------------- xw.WriteStartElement("firstName"); xw.WriteString(technician.getFirstName()); xw.WriteEndElement(); //----------------- xw.WriteStartElement("lastName"); xw.WriteString(technician.getLastName()); xw.WriteEndElement(); //----------------- xw.WriteStartElement("email"); xw.WriteString(technician.getEmail()); xw.WriteEndElement(); //----------------- xw.WriteStartElement("phoneNumber"); xw.WriteString(technician.getPhoneNumber()); xw.WriteEndElement(); //----------------- xw.WriteStartElement("address"); xw.WriteString(technician.getAddress()); xw.WriteEndElement(); //----------------- xw.WriteStartElement("role"); xw.WriteString(technician.getRole()); xw.WriteEndElement(); //----------------- xw.WriteStartElement("specialty"); xw.WriteString(technician.getSpecialty()); xw.WriteEndElement(); //----------------- xw.WriteStartElement("status"); xw.WriteString(technician.getStatus().ToString()); xw.WriteEndElement(); //----------------- xw.WriteEndElement(); xw.WriteStartElement("MaxID"); xw.WriteString("0"); xw.WriteEndElement(); // Close the document xw.WriteEndDocument(); // Flush the write xw.Flush(); Byte[] buffer = new Byte[ms.Length]; buffer = ms.ToArray(); string xmlOutput = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); //File.WriteAllText(path+"Technicians.xml", xmlOutput); Program.service.CreateXmlFile("Technicians.xml", xmlOutput); } catch (Exception x) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// inserts an Technician to "Technicians.xml". /// </summary> /// <param name="technician">The object holding the data</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool insert(Manager.Technician technician) { try { XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathNodeIterator Nodes; Int32 ID; /* Variable utilisée pour savoir quel est l'ID qu'il faut affecter au nouveau * noeud créé */ XmlDoc.Load(path + "Technicians.xml"); Navigator = XmlDoc.CreateNavigator(); /* Recherche du noeud MaxID pour déterminer quelle sera l'ID du nouveau * technician. */ string ExpXPath = "//MaxID"; Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); Nodes.MoveNext(); /* On place l'ID le plus élevé du document dans la variable ID */ ID = Nodes.Current.ValueAsInt; /* On incrémente la valeur du noeud MaxID car une fois notre nouveau noeud * créé, l'ID le plus élevé du document sera aussi incrémenté */ Nodes.Current.SetValue((ID + 1).ToString()); /* On se place sur le noeud ayant l'ID le plus élevé */ //ExpXPath = "//Technician[@id='" + ID.ToString() + "']"; //Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); if (Nodes.Count != 0) { //Nodes.MoveNext(); Nodes.Current.MoveToPrevious(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Current: " + Nodes.Current.Name); /* On crée le noeud principal (Client). */ Nodes.Current.InsertElementAfter("", "Technician", "", ""); /* On se place sur le noeud ainsi créé. */ Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(XPathNodeType.Element); ID++; /* On incrémente ID pour que sa valeur soit identique à celle se * trouvant dans le noeud MaxID. */ /* Encodage des données */ Nodes.Current.CreateAttribute("", "id", "", ID.ToString()); Nodes.Current.CreateAttribute("", "login", "", technician.getLogin()); Nodes.Current.CreateAttribute("", "password", "", technician.getPassword()); Nodes.Current.AppendChildElement("", "firstName", "", technician.getFirstName()); Nodes.Current.AppendChildElement("", "lastName", "", technician.getLastName()); Nodes.Current.AppendChildElement("", "email", "", technician.getEmail()); Nodes.Current.AppendChildElement("", "phoneNumber", "", technician.getPhoneNumber()); Nodes.Current.AppendChildElement("", "address", "", technician.getAddress()); Nodes.Current.AppendChildElement("", "role", "", technician.getRole()); Nodes.Current.AppendChildElement("", "specialty", "", technician.getSpecialty()); Nodes.Current.AppendChildElement("", "status", "", technician.getStatus().ToString()); //XmlDoc.Save(path+"Technicians.xml"); Program.service.SaveXmlFile("Technicians.xml", XmlDoc); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception x) { return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Search a technician using his firstname or lastname. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The first/last name of the technician.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<Manager.Technician> SearchByName(string name) { /* On déclare et on crée une instance des variables nécéssaires pour la recherche */ List<Manager.Technician> technicians = new List<Manager.Technician>(); try { XPathDocument XPathDocu = new XPathDocument(path + "Technicians.xml"); XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathNodeIterator Nodes; /* On crée un navigateur */ Navigator = XPathDocu.CreateNavigator(); /* On crée ici l'expression XPath de recherche d'technician à partir de l'id */ //string ExpXPath = "//Technician[(firstName='" + name + "' or lastName='" + name + "') and status != 'Deactivated']"; //To eleminate the case sensetive in XPath we use the methode translate(). string ExpXPath = "//Technician[(translate(firstName,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')='" + name.ToUpper() + "' or translate(lastName,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')='" + name.ToUpper() + "') and status != 'Deactivated']"; /* On lance la recherche */ Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); /* On vérifie si la recherche a été fructueuse */ if (Nodes.Count != 0) { while (Nodes.MoveNext()) // NOTE: Necéssaire pour se placer sur le noeud recherché { Manager.Technician technician = new Manager.Technician(); /* Encodage des données dans la classe technician */ technician.setId(Convert.ToInt32(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("id", ""))); /* Pas besoin de chercher cette donnée vu que c'est notre * critère de recherche, on peut donc directement * l'encoder. */ technician.setLogin(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("login", "")); technician.setPassword(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("password", "")); Nodes.Current.MoveToFirstChild(); /* On se déplace sur le premier noeud * enfant "Prenom" */ technician.setFirstName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); // On se déplace sur le noeud suivant "Nom" technician.setLastName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setEmail(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setPhoneNumber(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setAddress(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setRole(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setSpecialty(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setStatus(Helper.StringToStatus(Nodes.Current.Value)); technicians.Add(technician); } } } catch (Exception x) { //If there was a problem we re-instanciate the list so no element is sent. //It returns an empty list instead of null, then we make our test on list.count. technicians = new List<Manager.Technician>(); } /* Renvoi de toutes les données dans une instance de la classe "Client" */ return technicians; }
/// <summary> /// Search for a technician data using its login. /// </summary> /// <param name="login">The login of the targeted technician.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Manager.Technician SearchById(string login) { /* On déclare et on crée une instance des variables nécéssaires pour la recherche */ Manager.Technician technician = new Manager.Technician(); try { XPathDocument XPathDocu = new XPathDocument(path + "Technicians.xml"); XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathNodeIterator Nodes; /* On affecte false à la variable NoMatches afin de vérifier par la suite * si la recherche a été fructueuse*/ technician.setnoMatch(false); /* On crée un navigateur */ Navigator = XPathDocu.CreateNavigator(); /* On crée ici l'expression XPath de recherche d'technician à partir de l'id */ string ExpXPath = "//Technician[@login='******' and status != 'Deactivated']"; /* On lance la recherche */ Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); /* On vérifie si la recherche a été fructueuse */ if (Nodes.Count != 0) { Nodes.MoveNext(); // NOTE: Necéssaire pour se placer sur le noeud recherché /* Encodage des données dans la classe technician */ technician.setId(Convert.ToInt32(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("id", ""))); /* Pas besoin de chercher cette donnée vu que c'est notre * critère de recherche, on peut donc directement * l'encoder. */ technician.setLogin(login); technician.setPassword(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("password", "")); Nodes.Current.MoveToFirstChild(); /* On se déplace sur le premier noeud * enfant "Prenom" */ technician.setFirstName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); // On se déplace sur le noeud suivant "Nom" technician.setLastName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setEmail(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setPhoneNumber(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setAddress(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setRole(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setSpecialty(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setStatus(Helper.StringToStatus(Nodes.Current.Value)); } /* Si aucun technician n'a été trouvé */ else { technician.setnoMatch(true); } } catch (Exception x) { technician.setnoMatch(true); } /* Renvoi de toutes les données dans une instance de la classe "Client" */ return technician; }
/// <summary> /// Returns all the elements or only the Activated onces from Technicians.xml depending on the value of the boolean argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="evenDeactivated">When true get all elments, otherwise get only the activated onces.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<Manager.Technician> GetAll(bool evenDeactivated) { /* On déclare et on crée une instance des variables nécéssaires pour la recherche */ List<Manager.Technician> technicians = new List<Manager.Technician>(); try { XPathDocument XPathDocu = new XPathDocument(path + "Technicians.xml"); XPathNavigator Navigator; XPathNodeIterator Nodes; /* On crée un navigateur */ Navigator = XPathDocu.CreateNavigator(); //To eleminate the case sensetive in XPath we use the methode translate(). string ExpXPath = ""; if (evenDeactivated) ExpXPath = "//Technician"; else ExpXPath = "//Technician[status != 'Deactivated']"; /* On lance la recherche */ Nodes = Navigator.Select(Navigator.Compile(ExpXPath)); /* On vérifie si la recherche a été fructueuse */ //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("XMLTechnician: "+Nodes.Count.ToString()); if (Nodes.Count != 0) { while (Nodes.MoveNext()) // NOTE: Necéssaire pour se placer sur le noeud recherché { Manager.Technician technician = new Manager.Technician(); /* Encodage des données dans la classe Technician */ technician.setId(Convert.ToInt32(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("id", ""))); /* Pas besoin de chercher cette donnée vu que c'est notre * critère de recherche, on peut donc directement * l'encoder. */ technician.setLogin(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("login", "")); technician.setPassword(Nodes.Current.GetAttribute("password", "")); Nodes.Current.MoveToFirstChild(); /* On se déplace sur le premier noeud * enfant "Prenom" */ technician.setFirstName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); // On se déplace sur le noeud suivant "Nom" technician.setLastName(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setEmail(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setPhoneNumber(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setAddress(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setRole(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setSpecialty(Nodes.Current.Value); Nodes.Current.MoveToNext(); technician.setStatus(Helper.StringToStatus(Nodes.Current.Value)); technicians.Add(technician); } } } catch (Exception x) { //If there was a problem we re-instanciate the list so no element is sent. //It returns an empty list instead of null, then we make our test on list.count. technicians = new List<Manager.Technician>(); } /* Renvoi de toutes les données dans une instance de la classe "Client" */ return technicians; }