 public override IBinaryDocumentMemoryBlock OpenBinaryDocument(IBinaryDocument sourceDocument)
     catch (TypeLoadException)
         return(ManagedBinaryMemoryBlock.CreateManagedBinaryMemoryBlock(sourceDocument.Location, sourceDocument));
            /// <summary>
            /// Factory method for opening the memory mapped file. The content of the map is assumed to come from localFileName.
            /// This can throw FileLoadException in case of error.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="localFileName"></param>
            /// <param name="binaryDocument"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static ManagedBinaryMemoryBlock CreateManagedBinaryMemoryBlock(
                string localFileName,
                IBinaryDocument binaryDocument
                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(localFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                    if (stream.Length != binaryDocument.Length)
                        throw new IOException("File size difference: " + localFileName);
                    if (stream.Length > Int32.MaxValue)
                        throw new IOException("File too Big: " + localFileName);
                    ManagedBinaryMemoryBlock managedBinaryMemoryBlock = new ManagedBinaryMemoryBlock(binaryDocument);
                    byte *pMainBuffer = (byte *)managedBinaryMemoryBlock._pointer;

                    //Read a fixed length block at a time, so that the GC does not come under pressure from lots of large byte arrays.
                    int    fileRemainingLen = (int)binaryDocument.Length;
                    int    copyBufferLen    = 8096;
                    byte[] tempBuffer       = new byte[copyBufferLen];
                    fixed(byte *tempBufferPtr = tempBuffer)
                        while (fileRemainingLen > 0)
                            if (fileRemainingLen < copyBufferLen)
                                copyBufferLen = fileRemainingLen;
                            stream.Read(tempBuffer, 0, copyBufferLen);
                            byte *iterBuffer = tempBufferPtr;
                            byte *endBuffer  = tempBufferPtr + copyBufferLen;
                            while (iterBuffer < endBuffer)
                                *pMainBuffer++ = *iterBuffer++;
                            fileRemainingLen -= copyBufferLen;

            /// <summary>
            /// Factory method for opening the memory mapped file. The content of the map is assumed to come from localFileName.
            /// This can throw FileLoadException in case of error.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="localFileName"></param>
            /// <param name="binaryDocument"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static ManagedBinaryMemoryBlock CreateManagedBinaryMemoryBlock(
                string localFileName,
                IBinaryDocument binaryDocument
                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(localFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                    if (stream.Length != binaryDocument.Length)
                        throw new IOException("File size difference: " + localFileName);
                    if (stream.Length > Int32.MaxValue)
                        throw new IOException("File too Big: " + localFileName);
                    ManagedBinaryMemoryBlock managedBinaryMemoryBlock = new ManagedBinaryMemoryBlock(binaryDocument);
                    byte* pMainBuffer = (byte*)managedBinaryMemoryBlock._pointer;

                    //Read a fixed length block at a time, so that the GC does not come under pressure from lots of large byte arrays.
                    int fileRemainingLen = (int)binaryDocument.Length;
                    int copyBufferLen = 8096;
                    byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[copyBufferLen];
                    fixed (byte* tempBufferPtr = tempBuffer)
                        while (fileRemainingLen > 0)
                            if (fileRemainingLen < copyBufferLen)
                                copyBufferLen = fileRemainingLen;
                            stream.Read(tempBuffer, 0, copyBufferLen);
                            byte* iterBuffer = tempBufferPtr;
                            byte* endBuffer = tempBufferPtr + copyBufferLen;
                            while (iterBuffer < endBuffer)
                                *pMainBuffer++ = *iterBuffer++;
                            fileRemainingLen -= copyBufferLen;
                    return managedBinaryMemoryBlock;