public Form1() { // Register the event with event handler delSpeak = Speak; InitializeComponent(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Start() { soundManager = GameObject.FindWithTag("MusicManager"); makeSound = soundManager.GetComponent <MakeSound> (); audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); sounds = new AudioClip[makeSound.audioclips.Length]; for (int a = 0; a < makeSound.audioclips.Length; a++) { sounds [a] = makeSound.audioclips [a]; } GameObject birdGenObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("BirdGenerator"); birdGenerator = birdGenObj.GetComponent <BirdGenerator> (); birdKeys = birdGenerator.birdKeys; allowedToPlay = true; happyParticles = transform.Find("BirdHappyParticles").GetComponent <ParticleSystem> (); confusedParticles = transform.Find("BirdConfusedParticles").GetComponent <ParticleSystem> (); playingParticles = transform.Find("BirdPlayingParticles").GetComponent <ParticleSystem> (); birdRenderer = transform.Find("pCube8").GetComponent <Renderer> (); callUI = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Call_UI> (); playingParticles.startColor = particleColor; confusedParticles.startColor = particleColor; birdRenderer.material = birdMaterial; confusedParticles.transform.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer> ().material = confusedMaterial; playingParticles.transform.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer> ().material = playingMaterial; }
void Start() { alpha = 0.0f; isFadein = true; ocarinaImages = ocarina.GetComponentsInChildren <Image> (); birdUIImages = birdUI.GetComponentsInChildren <Image> (); makeSound = GameObject.FindWithTag("MusicManager").GetComponent <MakeSound> (); SetUIAlphaToZero(); FadeInOcarina(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { sound = GetComponent <MakeSound>(); }