public void General_IdentifyIncorrectLinks_WS_1112() { if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1112")) { Assert.Ignore(); } else { MainHomePage home = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin(); switch (client) { case "HSS": { Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = pending.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Send Appreciation", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(6), "Link is Broken or not well written"); SendAppreciationPage appreciation = home.NavigateToSendAppreciation(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "customer_appreciation", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "Pinnacol": { Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSpan(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "Textron": case "Eurest": case "BAE": { switch (client) { case "Textron": url = url.Substring(0, 39); break; } Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = pending.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "Akron": { Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Caregiver", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(7), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationCaregiver(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Social Stream", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(8), "Link is Broken or not well written"); SocialStreamHomePage socialStream = home.NavigateToSocialStream(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "social_stream", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = socialStream.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = myActivity.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" View Hierarchy", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(10), "Link is Broken or not well written"); ViewHierarchyHomePage hierarchy = home.NavigateToViewHierarchy(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "hierarchy", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = hierarchy.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognition Training", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(11), "Link is Broken or not well written"); TrainingHomePage training = home.NavigateToTraining(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "videos", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "GreatExpressions": { url = url.Substring(0, 36); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = pending.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" View Hierarchy", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(10), "Link is Broken or not well written"); ViewHierarchyHomePage hierarchy = home.NavigateToViewHierarchy(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "hierarchy", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "UC": { url = url.Substring(0, 32); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = myActivity.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Report Builder", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(12), "Link is Broken or not well written"); ReportBuilderHomePage report = home.NavigateToReportBuilder(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "report_builder", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "TRU": case "Shawcor": { switch (client) { case "TRU": url = url.Substring(0, 38); break; } home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "Sprint": { url = url.Substring(0, 35); home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/recognize", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "HealthAlliance": { Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } case "WesternConnecticut": { home.ExpandMenuPinnacol(); Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0), "Link is Broken or not well written"); NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written"); EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = events.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written"); GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = mall.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4), "Link is Broken or not well written"); PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); home = awards.NavigateToHomePage(); Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written"); MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity(); Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(), "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages"); break; } } } }