    // *Procedual generation of a static level*
    public void LevelLoad(MainGame.LevelStatic levelStatic)

        parentMainGame.UIImage.sprite = null;
        if (levelStatic.mirror == 1)
            parentMainGame.UIImage.sprite = mirror1;
        else if (levelStatic.mirror == 2)
            parentMainGame.UIImage.sprite = mirror2;
        else if (levelStatic.mirror == 3)
            parentMainGame.UIImage.sprite = mirror3;
        else if (levelStatic.mirror == 4)
            parentMainGame.UIImage.sprite = mirror4;

        String checkStaticType    = "";
        String checkStaticCorrect = "";

        // Loop for the coordinates
        for (int y = 0; y < levelStatic.height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < levelStatic.width; x++)
                // Reset basic tile
                tileBasic.gameObject = default;

                // Basic Functions

                // The correct x and y index in the array is the height time the max width plus the width since for everything max width you will get a new row
                int activeCell = y * levelStatic.width + x;

                checkStaticType    += levelStatic.tileType[activeCell];
                checkStaticCorrect += levelStatic.tileCorrect[activeCell];

                // **MapClick Logic**

                // Set tile sprite setting based of the first column and last row
                if (x == 0 && y == levelStatic.height - 1)
                    tileBasic.sprite = square4;
                else if (x == 0 && y != levelStatic.height - 1)
                    tileBasic.sprite = square2;
                else if (x != 0 && y == levelStatic.height - 1)
                    tileBasic.sprite = square3;
                    tileBasic.sprite = square1;

                // Centre the tiles rather than using the top right quadrant
                int xCentre = x - levelStatic.width / 2;
                int yCentre = y - levelStatic.height / 2;

                // This is another instantiate but all the changes need be in place before its creation
                parentMainGame.MapClick.SetTile(new Vector3Int(xCentre, yCentre, 0), tileBasic);

                // Checking levelActive for a currently selected tile, will be used in save files
                if (levelStatic.tileSelected[activeCell] == 1)
                    parentMainGame.SetTileColour(new Color(200, 0, 0), new Vector3Int(xCentre, yCentre, 0));

                // Reset basic tile
                tileBasic.sprite = null;

                // **MapNumber Logic**

                // Create a new asset inside the game to break its reference to the origin
                tileBasic.gameObject = Instantiate(tileNumber, new Vector3(-99, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

                // Prefab can now be instanced without changing the other tiles prefabs
                TextMeshPro number_value = tileBasic.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshPro>();

                // Logic for tile type 1
                if (levelStatic.tileType[activeCell] == 1)
                    int tileNumberCorrect = 0;
                    if (x == 0)
                        for (int xmax = 0; xmax < levelStatic.width; xmax++)
                            int logic = activeCell + xmax;
                            if (0 < logic && logic < levelStatic.width * levelStatic.height)
                                if (levelStatic.tileCorrect[logic] == 1)
                    if (y == levelStatic.height - 1)
                        for (int ymax = 0; ymax < levelStatic.height; ymax++)
                            int logic = activeCell - ymax * levelStatic.width;
                            if (0 < logic && logic <= levelStatic.width * levelStatic.height)
                                if (levelStatic.tileCorrect[logic] == 1)
                    // Applies the static level type 1 restrictions
                    if (Array.Exists <int>(levelStatic.type1RestrictX, element => element.Equals(tileNumberCorrect)) &&
                        Array.Exists <int>(levelStatic.type1RestrictY, element => element.Equals(tileNumberCorrect)))
                        tileNumberCorrect = 0;

                    number_value.text = tileNumberCorrect.ToString();

                // Logic for tile type 2
                if (levelStatic.tileType[activeCell] == 2)
                    int tileNumberCorrect = 0;
                    for (int xdif = -1; xdif < 2; xdif++)
                        for (int ydif = -1; ydif < 2; ydif++)
                            int logic = (y + ydif) * levelStatic.width + x + xdif;
                            if (0 < logic && logic < levelStatic.width * levelStatic.height)
                                if (levelStatic.tileCorrect[logic] == 1)
                    // Applies the static level type 2 restictions
                    //if (Array.Exists<int>(levelStatic.type2Restict, element => element.Equals(tileNumberCorrect))) { tileNumberCorrect = 0; }

                    number_value.text = tileNumberCorrect.ToString();

                // Logic for tile type 3
                if (levelStatic.tileType[activeCell] == 3)
                    tileCorrect_countdown = 0;
                    for (int y_count = 0; y_count < levelStatic.height; y_count++)
                        for (int x_count = 0; x_count < levelStatic.width; x_count++)
                            int logic = y_count * levelStatic.width + x_count;
                            if (levelStatic.tileCorrect[logic] == 1)
                    number_value.text = tileCorrect_countdown.ToString();

                // Logic for tile type 4
                if (levelStatic.tileType[activeCell] == 4)
                    //number_value.text = "?";

                // Turns zeros to question marks
                if (number_value.text == "0")
                    //number_value.text = "?";

                parentMainGame.MapNumber.SetTile(new Vector3Int(xCentre, yCentre, 0), tileBasic);

                parentMainGame.levelActive = levelStatic;

                // Destroy the original object after the launch
                Destroy(tileBasic.gameObject, 1);

        Debug.Log("Type" + checkStaticType.Length + " Correct" + checkStaticCorrect.Length);
    // *Randomly generate a new static level*
    public void LevelGenerate(MainGame.LevelRandom levelRandom)
        // An instantiated static level
        MainGame.LevelStatic levelStatic = new MainGame.LevelStatic
            level          = "static",
            height         = levelRandom.height,
            width          = levelRandom.width,
            tileType       = new int[levelRandom.height * levelRandom.width],
            tileCorrect    = new int[levelRandom.height * levelRandom.width],
            tileSelected   = new int[levelRandom.height * levelRandom.width],
            type1RestrictX = levelRandom.type1RestrictX,
            type1RestrictY = levelRandom.type1RestrictY,
            type2Restict   = levelRandom.type2Restict,
            mirror         = 1,
            name           = "Beginner"

        // Create a Tile Pattern array and random binary number
        int[]  tilePattern   = new int[levelRandom.height * levelRandom.width];
        int    randomNumber  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, (int)Math.Pow(2, Mathf.Floor(levelRandom.height / 2) * Mathf.Floor(levelRandom.width / 2)) - 2);
        String randomPattern = Convert.ToString(randomNumber, 2);

        // Set the Tile Pattern with the random number Pattern
        for (int i = 0; i < randomPattern.Length; i++)
            tilePattern[i] = Convert.ToInt32(randomPattern.ToCharArray()[i]) - 48;

        // Mirror 1 Pattern duplication
        if (levelStatic.mirror == 1)
            for (int y = 0; y < Mathf.Floor(levelRandom.height / 2); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Mathf.Floor(levelRandom.width / 2); x++)
                    int levelActiveCell = (int)(y * Mathf.Floor(levelRandom.width / 2) + x);

                    // 4 Quadrant duplication
                    if (tilePattern[levelActiveCell] == 1)
                        // Bottom left
                        levelActiveCell = y * levelRandom.width + x + 1;
                        levelStatic.tileCorrect[levelActiveCell] = 1;
                        // Bottom right
                        levelActiveCell = y * levelRandom.width - x + levelRandom.width - 1;
                        levelStatic.tileCorrect[levelActiveCell] = 1;
                        // Top left
                        levelActiveCell = (-(1 + y - levelRandom.height) * levelRandom.width - levelRandom.height + x + 1);
                        levelStatic.tileCorrect[levelActiveCell] = 1;
                        // Top right
                        levelActiveCell = (-1 + levelRandom.height * levelRandom.width) - ((y + 1) * levelRandom.width + x);
                        levelStatic.tileCorrect[levelActiveCell] = 1;

        // Set grid tile type
        for (int y = 0; y < levelStatic.height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < levelStatic.width; x++)
                int activeCell = y * levelStatic.width + x;

                if (x == 0 || y == levelStatic.height - 1)
                    levelStatic.tileType[activeCell] = 1;
                    levelStatic.tileType[activeCell] = 2;

    // *Main game loop*
    public void LevelListen(MainGame.LevelStatic levelActive)
        // Check if you Won by comparing correct tiles with selected tiles, else save the game
        if (levelActive.tileSelected.SequenceEqual(levelActive.tileCorrect))
            // Reset the map local save back to 0
            for (int i = 0; i < levelActive.height * levelActive.width; i++)
                levelActive.tileSelected[i] = 0;
            string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(levelActive);
            parentMainGame.maps[parentMainGame.levelNumber_current] = json;

            // Unload level and show popup menu
            parentMainGame.gameState = MainGame.GameState.Menu;
            parentMainGame.menuState = MainGame.MenuState.Popup;
            parentMainGame.runState  = MainGame.RunState.Transition;

        // Is the mouse button down and not up
        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && !Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) || parentMainGame.gameState == MainGame.GameState.Menu)
            // Check to see if game is paused
            if (parentMainGame.gameState == MainGame.GameState.Menu)
                parentMainGame.menuState = MainGame.MenuState.Main;
                parentMainGame.runState  = MainGame.RunState.Transition;
                string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(levelActive);
                parentMainGame.maps[parentMainGame.levelNumber_current] = json;

            // Mouse position to camera position
            Vector3 mouse_pos = Input.mousePosition;
            mouse_pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mouse_pos);

            // Return tileMap x and y (x, y, z) based on the clicked tile position
            Vector3Int tileVector_int = parentMainGame.TileVector_get(mouse_pos);

            // Set color to red if tile is white else color is white
            if (tileVector_int.z == 0)
                if (parentMainGame.MapClick.GetColor(tileVector_int) == Color.white && parentMainGame.mouseState == 0 || parentMainGame.mouseState == 1)
                    parentMainGame.SetTileColour(new Color(200, 0, 0), tileVector_int);
                    levelActive.tileSelected[parentMainGame.LevelArrayIndex_create(tileVector_int)] = 1;
                    // Debug.Log(tileVector_int);

                    parentMainGame.mouseState = 1;
                else if (parentMainGame.MapClick.GetColor(tileVector_int) == new Color(200, 0, 0) && parentMainGame.mouseState == 0 || parentMainGame.mouseState == 2)
                    parentMainGame.SetTileColour(Color.white, tileVector_int);
                    levelActive.tileSelected[parentMainGame.LevelArrayIndex_create(tileVector_int)] = 0;
                    // Debug.Log(tileVector_int);

                    parentMainGame.mouseState = 2;
                //Tile tileUpdate = MapNumber.GetTile<Tile>(new Vector3Int(0, level.height - 1, 0));

                //string countdown = tileUpdate.gameObject.GetComponent<TextMeshPro>().text;


                //MapNumber.SetTile(new Vector3Int(0, level.height - 1, 0), tileUpdate);
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            parentMainGame.mouseState = 0;