private void SendEmail()
        MasterTablesManager   MasMgr  = new MasterTablesManager();
        MailManagerSmtpClient objMail = new MailManagerSmtpClient();

        DataTable dt = MasMgr.GetEmailNotification();

        string strRetText  = "";
        string strToAddr   = dt.Rows[0]["Disburse"].ToString().Trim();
        string strCC       = dt.Rows[0]["Notify"].ToString().Trim() + ";" + dt.Rows[0]["Verify"].ToString().Trim() + ";" + dt.Rows[0]["Review"].ToString().Trim();
        string strSubject  = "Salary of " + ddlMonth.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim() + " has been Approved";
        string strBody     = "Salary is approved, please proceed for payment.";
        string strFromAddr = Session["EMAILID"].ToString().Trim();

        strRetText = objMail.PayslipEmail(strFromAddr, strToAddr, strSubject, strBody, strCC);

        if (strRetText == "Y")
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + ", and Email has been sent to Disburse by Finance.";
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + ", Email sending failed.";
    private void SendEmail()
        MasterTablesManager   MasMgr  = new MasterTablesManager();
        MailManagerSmtpClient objMail = new MailManagerSmtpClient();

        DataTable dt = MasMgr.GetEmailNotification();

        string strRetText  = "";
        string strToAddr   = dt.Rows[0]["Approval"].ToString().Trim();
        string strCC       = dt.Rows[0]["Notify"].ToString().Trim() + ";" + dt.Rows[0]["Verify"].ToString().Trim();
        string strSubject  = "Salary of " + ddlMonth.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim() + " has been waiting for your Approval";
        string strBody     = "Hi,<br />The salary has been reviwed and found ok, you may now approve.";
        string strFromAddr = Session["EMAILID"].ToString().Trim();

        strRetText = objMail.PayslipEmail(strFromAddr, strToAddr, strSubject, strBody, strCC);

        if (strRetText == "Y")
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + ", and Email has been sent to Approve by CR.";
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + ", Email sending failed.";
    private void SendEmail()
        MasterTablesManager   MasMgr  = new MasterTablesManager();
        MailManagerSmtpClient objMail = new MailManagerSmtpClient();

        DataTable dt = MasMgr.GetEmailNotification();

        string strRetText  = "";
        string strToAddr   = dt.Rows[0]["Review"].ToString().Trim();
        string strCC       = dt.Rows[0]["Notify"].ToString().Trim();
        string strSubject  = "Salary of " + ddlMonth.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim() + " has been waiting for ur Recommendation";
        string strBody     = "Hi,<br />The salary has been verified by Finance and found ok, you may recommend for approval.";
        string strFromAddr = Session["EMAILID"].ToString().Trim();

        strRetText = objMail.PayslipEmail(strFromAddr, strToAddr, strSubject, strBody, strCC);

        if (strRetText == "Y")
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + ", and Email has been sent to Review by Director Finance.";
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + ", Email sending failed.";
    private void SendEmail()
        MasterTablesManager   MasMgr  = new MasterTablesManager();
        MailManagerSmtpClient objMail = new MailManagerSmtpClient();

        DataTable dt = MasMgr.GetEmailNotification();

        string strRetText  = "";
        string strToAddr   = dt.Rows[0]["Notify"].ToString().Trim();
        string strCC       = dt.Rows[0]["Verify"].ToString().Trim() + ";" + dt.Rows[0]["Review"].ToString().Trim() + ";" + dt.Rows[0]["Approval"].ToString().Trim();
        string strSubject  = "Payroll has been Disbursed";
        string strBody     = "";
        string strFromAddr = Session["EMAILID"].ToString().Trim();

        strRetText = objMail.PayslipEmail(strFromAddr, strToAddr, strSubject, strBody, strCC);

        if (strRetText == "Y")
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + ", and Email has been sent to Notify previous Actors.";
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + ", Email sending failed.";
    private void SendEmail()
        MasterTablesManager   MasMgr  = new MasterTablesManager();
        MailManagerSmtpClient objMail = new MailManagerSmtpClient();

        DataTable dt = MasMgr.GetEmailNotification();

        string strRetText  = "";
        string strToAddr   = dt.Rows[0]["Verify"].ToString().Trim();
        string strSubject  = "Salary of " + ddlMonth.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim() + " has been waiting for your verification";
        string strBody     = "Hi,<br />The salary has been prepared by HR. Please verify and forword to Dir finance & Admin.";
        string strFromAddr = Session["EMAILID"].ToString().Trim();

        strRetText = objMail.PayslipEmail(strFromAddr, strToAddr, strSubject, strBody, "");

        if (strRetText == "Y")
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + "Email has been sent to Verify by Finance.";
            lblMsg.Text = lblMsg.Text + "Email sending failed.";
    protected void btnSendEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string strRetText      = "";
        string strToAddr       = "";
        string strSubject      = "";
        string strBody         = "";
        string strFromAddr     = Session["EMAILID"].ToString().Trim();
        string strPayslipMonth = ddlMonth.SelectedItem.Text.Trim() + " " + ddlYear.SelectedValue.Trim();
        string strSalType      = chkBonus.Checked == true ? "B" : "S";

        foreach (GridViewRow gRow in grEmployee.Rows)
            CheckBox chkB = (CheckBox)gRow.Cells[0].FindControl("chkBox");
            if (chkB.Checked == true)
                this.ResetGridView(grGrossandBenefits, true);
                this.ResetGridView(grDeduct, true);
                this.ResetGridView(grNetPay, true);

                grGrossandBenefits.DataSource = objPayRptMgr.GetPayslipMonthlyGrossAndBenefits(gRow.Cells[2].Text.Trim(), ddlMonth.SelectedValue.ToString(), ddlYear.SelectedValue.ToString(), strSalType);

                //grDeduct.DataSource = objPayRptMgr.GetPayslipMonthlyDeductions(gRow.Cells[2].Text.Trim(), ddlMonth.SelectedValue.ToString(), ddlYear.SelectedValue.ToString(), strSalType);

                //grNetPay.DataSource = objPayRptMgr.GetPayslipMonthlyNetPay(gRow.Cells[2].Text.Trim(), ddlMonth.SelectedValue.ToString(), ddlYear.SelectedValue.ToString(), strSalType);

                lblRemarks.Text = objPayRptMgr.GetPayrollRemarksForPayslip(gRow.Cells[2].Text.Trim(), ddlMonth.SelectedValue.ToString(), ddlYear.SelectedValue.ToString(), strSalType);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblRemarks.Text) == false)
                    lblRemarks.Text = "* " + lblRemarks.Text;


                strToAddr = gRow.Cells[7].Text.Trim();
                if (chkBonus.Checked == true)
                    strSubject = "Festival Allowance - " + strPayslipMonth;
                    strSubject = "Payslip for the Month of " + strPayslipMonth;
                strBody = " <pre style=" + "\"font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;font-family:Arial;\"" + "> " + "Save The Children " + " </pre> "
                          + " <pre style=" + "\"font-size:12px;font-family:Arial;\"" + "> " + gRow.Cells[3].Text.Trim() + " </pre> "
                          + " <pre style=" + "\"font-size:12px;font-family:Arial;\"" + "> " + gRow.Cells[5].Text.Trim() + " </pre> "
                          + " <pre style=" + "\"font-size:12px;font-family:Arial;\"" + "> " + gRow.Cells[4].Text.Trim() + " </pre> "
                          + " <pre style=" + "\"font-size:12px;font-family:Arial;\"" + "> " + "Employee ID: " + gRow.Cells[2].Text.Trim() + " </pre> "
                          + " <pre> </pre>"
                          + " <pre style=" + "\"font-size:12px;font-family:Arial;\"" + "> " + "Date of Issue : " + DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString() + " </pre> "
                          + " <pre> </pre>"
                          + " <pre style=" + "\"font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;font-family:Arial;\"" + "> " + strSubject + " </pre> "
                          + " <pre> </pre>"
                          + " <table style=" + "\"width:100%;\"" + "> "
                          + " \n "
                          + " <tr> "
                          + " \n "
                          + " <td style=" + "\"width:49%;vertical-align:top;\"" + "> "
                          + " \n "
                          + this.GetGridViewHTML(grGrossandBenefits)
                          + " \n "
                          + " </td> "
                          + " \n "
                          + " <td style=" + "\"width:49%;vertical-align:top;\"" + "> "
                          + " \n "
                          + this.GetGridViewHTML(grDeduct)
                          + " <pre> </pre>"
                          + this.GetGridViewHTML(grNetPay)
                          + " <pre> </pre>"
                          + lblRemarks.Text.Trim()
                          + " </td> "
                          + " \n "
                          + " </tr> "
                          + " \n "
                          + " <tr> "
                          + " \n "
                          + " <td colspan=" + "\"2\"" + ">"
                          + " \n "
                          + " <pre> </pre>"
                          + " <pre style=" + "\"font-size:12px;font-family:Arial;\"" + "> "
                          + " Note: This is a computer generated payslip and does not require any signature. If any discrepancy is found please "
                          + " inform HR Team within 7 days of the issuance. "
                          + "</pre> "
                          + " </td> "
                          + " </tr> "
                          + "\n "
                          + " </table> "
                          + " \n ";

                strRetText = objMail.PayslipEmail(strFromAddr, strToAddr, strSubject, strBody, "");
                if (strRetText == "N")
                    gRow.Cells[1].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    gRow.Cells[2].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    gRow.Cells[3].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    gRow.Cells[4].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    gRow.Cells[5].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    gRow.Cells[6].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                    gRow.Cells[7].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                chkB.Checked            = false;
                gRow.Cells[1].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                gRow.Cells[2].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                gRow.Cells[3].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                gRow.Cells[4].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                gRow.Cells[5].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                gRow.Cells[6].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                gRow.Cells[7].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
        this.ResetGridView(grGrossandBenefits, false);
        this.ResetGridView(grDeduct, false);
        this.ResetGridView(grNetPay, false);
        lblRemarks.Text = "";
        if (strRetText == "N")
            lblMsg.Text = "Failure in Sending Mail";
        if (strRetText == "Y")
            lblMsg.Text = "Payslip email has been sent successfully";