public static String PublishClass(int headerId, String SaveDir = "") { List <int> commentIds = new List <int>(); List <String> fileNames = new List <string>(); String packFileName = ""; using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { CommentHeader header = db.CommentHeaders.Find(headerId); packFileName = String.Format("{0} {1} comments", header.Section.Block.LongName, header.Section.Course.Name).ToLower(); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogInformation("Publishing {0}", packFileName); packFileName = packFileName.Replace(" ", "_"); packFileName = packFileName.Replace("\"", ""); Regex disalowedChars = new Regex(@"(\.|:|&|#|@|\*|~|\?|<|>|\||\^|( ( )+)|/)"); foreach (Match match in disalowedChars.Matches(packFileName)) { packFileName = packFileName.Replace(match.Value, ""); } foreach (int id in header.StudentComments.Select(c => { fileNames.Add((new CommentLetter(id)).Publish(SaveDir)); } } if (SaveDir.Equals("")) { return(MailControler.PackForDownloading(fileNames, packFileName, HttpContext.Current.Server)); } else { return(MailControler.PackForDownloading(fileNames, String.Format("{0}\\{1}.zip", SaveDir, packFileName))); } }
protected override void OnStop() { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); PublishingLog.WriteEntry("Comment Publishing Service Stopped.", EventLogEntryType.Information); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Comment Service Stopped", "Comment Publishing Service has stopped."); }
protected void ResetBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String response = ""; bool success = true; String passwd = RandomizeCB.Checked ? WebhostMySQLConnection.AccountManagement.AccountManagement.GenerateRandomPassword() : NewPasswordInput.Text; try { PasswordReset.ChangeAllPasswords(EmailSelect.SelectedValue, "", passwd, "", true); response = String.Format("Password for {0} has been set to {1}{2}Please visit to set your own password.", EmailSelect.SelectedValue, passwd, Environment.NewLine); } catch (GoogleAPICall.GoogleAPIException ge) { response = ge.Message; Exception inner = ge.InnerException; while (inner != null) { response += Environment.NewLine + inner.Message; inner = inner.InnerException; } success = false; LogError("Failed to reset password:{0}{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, response); } if (success && !ResetInfoEmail.Text.Equals("")) { MailControler.MailToUser("Password Reset", response, ResetInfoEmail.Text, EmailSelect.SelectedValue); } MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Password Reset Info", response); LogInformation("Password for {0} has been reset by {1}", EmailSelect.SelectedValue, bPage.user.Name); }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry("Schoology Sync Sevice Starting.", EventLogEntryType.Information); SyncTimer.Start(); AdjustmentTimer.Start(); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Schoology Sync Service Started.", "Sync Service is Started!"); }
protected override void OnStop() { SyncTimer.Stop(); AdjustmentTimer.Stop(); SyncTimer.Dispose(); AdjustmentTimer.Dispose(); ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry("Schoology Sync Service Is Stopped.", EventLogEntryType.Information); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Schoology Sync Service Stopped.", "The Schoology Sync Service has been Stopped..."); }
void CourseAndSectonsTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { String Report = ""; ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry("Checking for Changes to Schoology Courses and Sections.", EventLogEntryType.Information); Report += SchoologySync.GetCoursesFromSchoology(); Report += "\n" + SchoologySync.GetSchoologySectionIdsForTerm(DateRange.GetCurrentOrLastTerm()); ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry(Report, EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry("Completed Course and Section Sync.", EventLogEntryType.Information); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Schoology Course and Section Sync.", Report); }
public static String BlockOrderByDayOfWeek(DateTime date) { String blocks = "ABCDEF"; if (date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday) { using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { if (db.WednesdaySchedules.Where(w => w.Day.Equals(date.Date)).Count() <= 0) { WebhostEventLog.Syslog.LogWarning("I don't know if today is an ABC wednesday or not!"); try { MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Wednesday Schedule?", "I don't know if today is ABC or not >_<"); } catch { WebhostEventLog.Syslog.LogError("I couldn't send you an email to let you know..."); } return(blocks); } WednesdaySchedule wed = db.WednesdaySchedules.Where(w => w.Day.Equals(date.Date)).Single(); if (wed.IsABC) { return("ABC"); } return("DEF"); } } int offset = 0; switch (date.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: offset = 1; break; case DayOfWeek.Thursday: offset = 2; break; case DayOfWeek.Friday: offset = 3; break; default: offset = 0; break; } String ordered = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ordered += blocks[(i + offset) % 6]; } return(ordered); }
protected void GetAccountsBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <String> files = new List <string>(); List <CSV> csvs = Import.GetNewAccountsCSVs(SelectedIds); csvs[0].Save(Server.MapPath("~/Temp/gmail_users.csv")); csvs[1].Save(Server.MapPath("~/Temp/ad_users.csv")); Response.Redirect(MailControler.PackForDownloading(new List <string>() { "~/Temp/gmail_users.csv", "~/Temp/ad_users.csv" }, "new users", Server)); }
public static String PublishTermByStudent(int termId = -1, List <int> studentIds = null, String SaveDir = "") { using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { if (db.Terms.Where(t => == termId).Count() <= 0) { termId = Import.GetCurrentOrLastTerm(); } Term term = db.Terms.Where(t => == termId).Single(); String packFileName = term.Name.ToLower() + ""; List <String> termCommentFiles = new List <string>(); if (studentIds == null) { studentIds = Import.ActiveStudents(termId); } foreach (int studentId in studentIds) { Student student = db.Students.Where(s => s.ID == studentId).Single(); String studentFileName = String.Format("[{3}] {0}, {1} {2}", student.LastName, student.FirstName, term.Name, student.GraduationYear); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogInformation("Publishing {0}", studentFileName); List <String> studentFiles = new List <String>(); List <int> commentIds = student.StudentComments.Where(com => com.CommentHeader.TermIndex == termId).Select(com =>; foreach (int id in commentIds) { studentFiles.Add((new CommentLetter(id)).Publish(SaveDir)); } if (SaveDir.Equals("")) { termCommentFiles.Add(MailControler.PackForDownloading(studentFiles, studentFileName, HttpContext.Current.Server)); } else { termCommentFiles.Add(MailControler.PackForDownloading(studentFiles, String.Format("{0}\\{1}", SaveDir, studentFileName))); } } if (SaveDir.Equals("")) { return(MailControler.PackForDownloading(termCommentFiles, packFileName, HttpContext.Current.Server)); } else { return(MailControler.PackForDownloading(termCommentFiles, String.Format("{0}\\{1}", SaveDir, packFileName))); } } }
protected void CancelNoteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LogError(String.Format("User has actively aborted entering requested data for {0}", ClassInfoLabel.Text), typeof(Dictionary <int, AttendanceControl.AdditionalInfoRequest>), (Dictionary <int, AttendanceControl.AdditionalInfoRequest>)Session["required_update_info"]); MailControler.MailToUser("User has actively aborted entering requested data.", String.Format("{0} actively ignored the request for additional information on attendance markings for {1}. These markings changes have been rejected.", user.Name, ClassInfoLabel.Text), MailControler.DeanOfStudents.Email, MailControler.DeanOfStudents.Name, user); MailControler.MailToUser("Aborted entering requested data.", String.Format("You actively ignored the request for additional information on attendance markings for {1}. These markings changes have been rejected.", user.Name, ClassInfoLabel.Text), user); Session["required_update_info"] = null; Redirect("~/Mobile/Attendance.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { log.WriteLine("Page_Error @ {0}", Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Failed to write to log file: {0}", ex.Message); } Exception Err = Server.GetLastError(); //ADUser user = (ADUser)Session[State.AuthUser]; if (user == null) { LogError("Page error with no user logged in on {1}.{0}{0}Error details:{0}{2}{0}____________________________{0}{0}Stack Trace:{0}{3}", Environment.NewLine, Request.RawUrl, Err.Message, Err.StackTrace); return; } MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Page Error in Webhost.", "Webhost had an Page error somewhere...", user); String ErrString = Err.ToString(); String StackTrace = Err.StackTrace; String AllMessages = Err.Message; while (Err.InnerException != null) { Err = Err.InnerException; AllMessages += "\n\nInner Exception:\n" + Err.Message; StackTrace += "\n\nInner Exception:\n" + Err.StackTrace; ErrString += "\n\nInner Exception:\n" + Err.ToString(); } String Message = "Error Produced by " + user.Name + " at " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "\n" + "Page:\t" + Request.Url + "\n\n" + "Error Details:\n\n" + ErrString + "\n\n" + "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n" + "All Messages:\n\n" + AllMessages + "\n\n" + "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n" + "Stack Traces:\n\n" + StackTrace; MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Page Error Details on " + Request.Url, Message, user); LogError(Message); }
protected void LoadTable() { Dictionary <String, int> map = MorningMeetingSeatClicker.MapMarkingToGradeTableEntry(); Dictionary <int, String> revmap = new Dictionary <int, string>(); foreach (String key in map.Keys) { revmap.Add(map[key], key); } using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { int mmid = AttendanceControl.MorningMeetingSectionId(); Section morningmeeting = db.Sections.Where(sec => == mmid).Single(); if (morningmeeting.SeatingCharts.Count <= 0) { MailControler.MailToUser("Morning Meeting Seating Chart.", AttendanceControl.GenerateMorningMeetingSeatingChart(), ((BasePage)Page).user); } String rows = "ABCDEFGHIJKL"; SeatingChart chart = db.Sections.Where(sec => == mmid).Single().SeatingCharts.ToList().First(); foreach (SeatingChartSeat seat in chart.SeatingChartSeats.Where(s => s.StudentId.HasValue).ToList()) { String id = String.Format("{0}{1}", rows[seat.Row], seat.Column + 1); seatControls.Where(sc => sc.ID.Equals(id)).Single().StudentId = seat.StudentId.Value; seatControls.Where(sc => sc.ID.Equals(id)).Single().ToolTip = String.Format("{0} {1}", seat.Student.FirstName, seat.Student.LastName); if (morningmeeting.AttendanceMarkings.Where(mk => mk.AttendanceDate.Equals(SelectedDate) && mk.StudentID == seat.StudentId.Value).Count() > 0) { seatControls.Where(sc => sc.ID.Equals(id)).Single().Marking = revmap[morningmeeting.AttendanceMarkings.Where(mk => mk.AttendanceDate.Equals(SelectedDate) && mk.StudentID == seat.StudentId.Value).Single().MarkingIndex]; } else { seatControls.Where(sc => sc.ID.Equals(id)).Single().Marking = "OK"; } } foreach (MorningMeetingSeatClicker clicker in seatControls) { clicker.Enabled = clicker.StudentId != -1; } } }
public Signature(int facultyId) { using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { Faculty faculty = db.Faculties.Where(f => f.ID == facultyId).Single(); FacultyId = facultyId; if (faculty.SignatureData.Length <= 0) { image = null; return; } MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(); str.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); try { str.Read(faculty.SignatureData, 0, faculty.SignatureData.Length); } catch { image = null; return; } MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream(); for (int i = 0; i < faculty.SignatureData.Length; i++) { mStream.WriteByte(faculty.SignatureData[i]); } try { image = Image.FromStream(mStream); } catch (Exception e) { MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Signature Image Failed To Load.", String.Format("Comment Letter Signature Image for {0} {1} failed to load properly.\n\nError: {2}", faculty.FirstName, faculty.LastName, e.Message)); image = null; } } }
protected void PublishCalendarBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { WeekendControl.PublishWeekendScheduleToGoogleCalendars(WeekendID, State.log); SuccessLabel.Text = "Successfully Posted to Google Calendar"; } catch (Exception er) { SuccessLabel.Text = "There was a Problem, I'm emailing Jason now!"; String message = er.Message; while (er.InnerException != null) { er = er.InnerException; message += Environment.NewLine + er.Message; } MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Problem Publishing Weekend Calendar", message, ((BasePage)Page).user); } SuccessPanel.Visible = true; }
void SyncTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry("Syncing Schoology Attendances.", EventLogEntryType.Information); long ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; String report = ""; //this.CanStop = false; try { report = AttendanceControl.PullFromSchoology(); } catch (SchoologyAPICall.SchoologyAPIException apiex) { String Message = apiex.Message; Exception inner = apiex.InnerException; while (inner != null) { Message += Environment.NewLine + "________________________________________" + Environment.NewLine + inner.Message; } ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("API Call failed:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, Message), EventLogEntryType.Error); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Schoology Sync Service Error", String.Format("Schoology Sync Service Failed with the following error:{0}{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, Message)); } catch (Exception ex) { String Message = ex.Message; while (ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; Message += Environment.NewLine + "________________________________________" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Schoology Sync Service Error", String.Format("Schoology Sync Service Failed with the following error:{0}{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, Message)); ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format(Message), EventLogEntryType.Error); } //this.CanStop = true; ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry(report, EventLogEntryType.Information); ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks - ticks; TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(ticks); ServiceEventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("Syncronization Complete. This Sync took {0}.", ts), EventLogEntryType.Information); }
protected static void ExecuteStudentRequest(XMLTree xml, String saveDir) { int termId = Convert.ToInt32(xml.Attributes["termid"]); List <int> studentIds = new List <int>(); foreach (XMLTree studentTree in xml.ChildTrees.Where(tree => tree.TagName.Equals("student")).ToList()) { int studentId = Convert.ToInt32(studentTree.Attributes["studentid"]); studentIds.Add(studentId); } String fileName = CommentLetter.PublishTermByStudent(termId, studentIds, saveDir); MailControler.MailToUser("Comments Published Successfully", String.Format("Click the Link to download the comments you requested:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, fileName.Replace("W:", "").Replace("\\", "/")), String.Format("{0}", xml.Attributes["username"]), xml.Attributes["name"], "*****@*****.**", "Comment Bot"); }
/// <summary> /// Publish comments via commandline tool. dumps them in C:\Temp /// Defaults to this term, all students. /// </summary> /// <param name="termId"></param> /// <param name="studentIds"></param> public static void CommandLinePublish(int termId = -1, List <int> studentIds = null) { using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { if (db.Terms.Where(t => == termId).Count() <= 0) { termId = Import.GetCurrentOrLastTerm(); } Term term = db.Terms.Where(t => == termId).Single(); String packFileName = term.Name.ToLower() + "_term_comments"; List <String> termCommentFiles = new List <string>(); if (studentIds == null) { studentIds = Import.ActiveStudents(termId); } foreach (int studentId in studentIds) { Student student = db.Students.Where(s => s.ID == studentId).Single(); String studentFileName = String.Format("{0}, {1} [{3}] {2} Comments", student.LastName, student.FirstName, term.Name, student.GraduationYear); Console.WriteLine("Publishing {0}, {1} [2]", student.LastName, student.FirstName, student.GraduationYear); List <String> studentFiles = new List <string>(); List <StudentComment> commentIds = student.StudentComments.Where(com => com.CommentHeader.TermIndex == termId).ToList(); foreach (StudentComment comment in commentIds) { studentFiles.Add((new CommentLetter(, true)).Publish(true)); Console.WriteLine("\t[{0}] {1}", comment.CommentHeader.Section.Block.LongName, comment.CommentHeader.Section.Course.Name); } termCommentFiles.Add(MailControler.PackForDownloading(studentFiles, studentFileName)); } MailControler.PackForDownloading(termCommentFiles, packFileName); } }
protected static void ExecuteClassRequest(XMLTree xml, String saveDir) { int termId = Convert.ToInt32(xml.Attributes["termid"]); List <int> studentIds = new List <int>(); List <String> filenames = new List <string>(); foreach (XMLTree studentTree in xml.ChildTrees.Where(tree => tree.TagName.Equals("section")).ToList()) { int headerId = Convert.ToInt32(studentTree.Attributes["headerid"]); filenames.Add(CommentLetter.PublishClass(headerId, saveDir)); } String zipFile = MailControler.PackForDownloading(filenames, String.Format("{0}\\classes_{1}.zip", saveDir, DateTime.Now.Ticks)); MailControler.MailToUser("Comments Published Successfully", String.Format("Click the Link to download the comments you requested:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, zipFile.Replace("W:", "").Replace("\\", "/")), String.Format("{0}", xml.Attributes["username"]), xml.Attributes["name"].Replace('_', ' '), "*****@*****.**", "Comment Bot"); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["email"]) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pwd"])) { using (SecureString sstr = new SecureString()) { foreach (char ch in Request.QueryString["pwd"]) { sstr.AppendChar(ch); } sstr.MakeReadOnly(); String username = Request.QueryString["email"]; if (username.Contains("@")) { username = username.Split('@')[0]; } using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { Variable lockedOut; String lockvn = String.Format("locked_out:{0}", username); if (db.Variables.Where(v => v.Name.Equals(lockvn)).Count() > 0) { lockedOut = db.Variables.Where(v => v.Name.Equals(lockvn)).Single(); if (lockedOut.Value.Equals("true")) { // Send Forbidden status code. Response.StatusCode = 403; Response.ClearContent(); Response.End(); } } else { lockedOut = new Variable() { id = db.Variables.OrderBy(v => + 1, Name = String.Format("locked_out:{0}", username), Value = "false" }; db.Variables.Add(lockedOut); db.SaveChanges(); } String authtimevn = String.Format("auth_time:{0}", username); String spamvn = String.Format("spam_count:{0}", username); if (db.Variables.Where(v => v.Name.Equals(authtimevn)).Count() > 0) { Variable auth_time = db.Variables.Where(v => v.Name.Equals(authtimevn)).Single(); Variable spam_count = db.Variables.Where(v => v.Name.Equals(spamvn)).Single(); if ((DateTime.Now - DateTime.FromBinary(Convert.ToInt64(auth_time.Value))).TotalSeconds < 5) { auth_time.Value = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToBinary()); int scount = Convert.ToInt32(spam_count.Value); spam_count.Value = Convert.ToString(++scount); db.SaveChanges(); if (scount > 5) { MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Login API Spam", String.Format("{0} has been sending authentication requests very quickly...", username)); } Response.StatusCode = 429; Response.ClearContent(); Response.End(); } auth_time.Value = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToBinary()); db.SaveChanges(); } else { Variable new_auth_time = new Variable() { id = db.Variables.OrderBy(v => + 1, Name = String.Format("auth_time:{0}", username), Value = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToBinary()) }; Variable new_spam_count = new Variable() { id = + 1, Name = String.Format("spam_count:{0}", username), Value = "0" }; db.Variables.Add(new_auth_time); db.Variables.Add(new_spam_count); db.SaveChanges(); } Variable failCount; string fcvn = String.Format("auth_fail_count:{0}", username); if (db.Variables.Where(v => v.Name.Equals(fcvn)).Count() > 0) { failCount = db.Variables.Where(v => v.Name.Equals(fcvn)).Single(); } else { failCount = new Variable() { id = db.Variables.OrderBy(v => + 1, Name = String.Format("auth_fail_count:{0}", username), Value = "0" }; } int count = Convert.ToInt32(failCount.Value); if (count > 5) { MailControler.MailToWebmaster("I'm a Teapot", String.Format("There have been too many failed password attempts by {0} against the Login API. You have to manually fix this.", username)); lockedOut.Value = "true"; db.SaveChanges(); // If you fail password more than 5 times, you get nonsense until that is fixed. Response.StatusCode = 418; Response.ClearContent(); Response.End(); } ADUser user = (new ADUser(username, sstr)); if (user.Authenticated) { byte[] fingerprint = {}; if (user.IsStudent) { Student student = db.Students.Find(user.ID); if (student.Fingerprints.Where(f => !f.IsDeactivated && !f.IsDeleted).Count() > 0) { fingerprint = student.Fingerprints.Where(f => !f.IsDeactivated && !f.IsDeleted).ToList().First().Value; } else { Fingerprint fp = new Fingerprint() { Id = db.Fingerprints.OrderBy(f => f.Id).ToList().Last().Id + 1, IsDeleted = false, IsDeactivated = false, IsInUse = true, Value = WebhostMySQLConnection.AccountManagement.AccountManagement.GenerateNewFingerprint() }; db.Fingerprints.Add(fp); student.Fingerprints.Add(fp); db.SaveChanges(); fingerprint = fp.Value; } } else { Faculty faculty = db.Faculties.Find(user.ID); if (faculty.Fingerprint.Id > 0 && !faculty.Fingerprint.IsDeactivated && !faculty.Fingerprint.IsDeleted) { fingerprint = faculty.Fingerprint.Value; } else if (faculty.Fingerprints.Where(f => !f.IsDeactivated && !f.IsDeleted).Count() > 0) { fingerprint = faculty.Fingerprints.Where(f => !f.IsDeactivated && !f.IsDeleted).ToList().First().Value; } else { Fingerprint fp = new Fingerprint() { Id = db.Fingerprints.OrderBy(f => f.Id).ToList().Last().Id + 1, IsDeleted = false, IsDeactivated = false, IsInUse = true, Value = WebhostMySQLConnection.AccountManagement.AccountManagement.GenerateNewFingerprint() }; db.Fingerprints.Add(fp); faculty.CurrentFingerprintId = fp.Id; faculty.Fingerprints.Add(fp); db.SaveChanges(); fingerprint = fp.Value; } } failCount.Value = "0"; db.SaveChanges(); Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.ClearContent(); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write(Convert.ToBase64String(fingerprint)); Response.End(); } else { failCount.Value = Convert.ToString(++count); db.SaveChanges(); Response.StatusCode = 401; Response.ClearContent(); Response.End(); } } } } }
protected void ClassSelectCmbBx_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Saving) { State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Aborted Changing Comment while Saving.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogWarning("Aborted changing comment while saving."); return; } State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Loading Selected Course.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); try { SelectedSectionId = Convert.ToInt32(ClassSelectCmbBx.SelectedValue); } catch (Exception ex) { State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Failed: {2}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), ex.Message); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogError("Failed to select section: {0}", ex.Message); return; } StudentSelectCmbBx.Visible = true; int term = SelectedTermId == -1 ? Import.GetCurrentOrLastTerm() : SelectedTermId; using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { Section section = db.Sections.Find(SelectedSectionId); if (section == null) { WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogError("Unable to locate section id {0}.", SelectedSectionId); throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Section Id"); } State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Loading Section [{2}] {3}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogInformation("Loading Section [{0}] {1}", section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name); // Load Header Paragraph. if (section.CommentHeaders.Where(hdr => hdr.TermIndex == term).Count() > 0) { if (section.CommentHeaders.Where(hdr => hdr.TermIndex == term).Count() > 1) // PROBLEM! { MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Class has Too Many header paragraphs....", String.Format("{0} objects match header paragraph for [{1}] {2} {3} comments.", section.CommentHeaders.Where(hdr => hdr.TermIndex == term).Count(), section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name, section.Terms.Where(t => == term).Single().Name), ((BasePage)Page).user); State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Too many Class header paragraphs are stored in the database!!!", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); /********************************************************************* * TODO: * Handle This some how! * * Make a pop-up to choose which to keep. * *********************************************************************/ State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Aborting the defunct Header Loader.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogError("Too many Class Header paragraphs stored for section {0} in term id {1}", SelectedSectionId, term); return; } State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Getting Comment Header HTML.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); CommentHeader header = section.CommentHeaders.Where(hdr => hdr.TermIndex == term).Single(); LoadedHeaderId =; HeaderHTML = header.HTML; HeaderEditor.Content = header.HTML; State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Done.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogInformation("Successfully Loaded header id {0}", LoadedHeaderId); } else { State.log.WriteLine("{0} {1}: No Header exisits--creating new header.", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogInformation("Creating a new header paragraph object."); // Create Paragraph! CommentHeader header = new CommentHeader() { id = db.CommentHeaders.Count() > 0 ? db.CommentHeaders.OrderBy(h => + 1 : 0, HTML = "", SectionIndex = SelectedSectionId, TermIndex = term }; db.CommentHeaders.Add(header); db.SaveChanges(); LoadedHeaderId =; HeaderEditor.Content = ""; State.log.WriteLine("{0} {1}: Saved new blank header to database.", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); } State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Loading Student Roster.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); StudentPanel.Visible = false; StudentSelectCmbBx.DataSource = (from student in section.Students orderby student.LastName, student.FirstName select new { Name = student.FirstName + " " + student.LastName, ID = student.ID }).ToList(); StudentSelectCmbBx.DataTextField = "Name"; StudentSelectCmbBx.DataValueField = "ID"; StudentSelectCmbBx.DataBind(); EditorLabel.Text = "Editing Comment Header. Select a Student to load the Individual Comment."; PreviewBtn.Visible = false; DownloadClassBtn.Visible = true; ClassReviewBtn.Visible = true; HeaderPanel.Visible = true; HeaderBtn.Visible = false; State.log.WriteLine("{0} {1}: Completed Loading Class Header.", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); } }
protected void StudentSelectCmbBx_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { CommentGrades.ResetBar(); State.log.WriteLine("{0} {1}: Loading new student selection.", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); if (Saving) { State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Aborted Changing Comment while Saving.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogWarning("Aborted changing comment while saving."); return; } if (LoadedHeaderId == -1) { State.log.WriteLine("{0} {1}: No Header is Loaded... There's a problem...", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); StudentSelectCmbBx.DataSource = new List <string>(); StudentSelectCmbBx.DataBind(); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogError("Cannot Select a student while no Header is loaded..."); return; } try { SelectedStudentId = Convert.ToInt32(StudentSelectCmbBx.SelectedValue); } catch (Exception ex) { State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Failed: {2}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), ex.Message); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogError("Failed to select Student: {0}", ex.Message); return; } using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { CommentHeader header = db.CommentHeaders.Where(hdr => == LoadedHeaderId).Single(); // check for existing comments. if (header.StudentComments.Where(com => com.StudentID == SelectedStudentId).Count() > 0) { // check for multiples. if (header.StudentComments.Where(com => com.StudentID == SelectedStudentId).Count() > 1) { State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Something went wrong! Too many comments for{2} and{3}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), SelectedStudentId, LoadedHeaderId); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Class has Too Many comment paragraphs....", String.Format("{0} objects match comment paragraph for{4} in [{1}] {2} {3} comments.", header.StudentComments.Where(com => com.StudentID == SelectedStudentId).Count(), header.Section.Block.LongName, header.Section.Course.Name, header.Term.Name), ((BasePage)Page).user); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogError("Something went wrong! Too many comments for{0} and{1}", SelectedStudentId, LoadedHeaderId); /********************************************************************* * TODO: * Handle This some how! * * Make a pop-up to choose which to keep. * *********************************************************************/ State.log.WriteLine("{1} {0}: Aborting the defunct Header Loader.", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); return; } // Load the unique comment. StudentComment comment = header.StudentComments.Where(com => com.StudentID == SelectedStudentId).Single(); LoadedCommentId =; State.log.WriteLine("{0} {1}: Loading unique comment id={2}", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), LoadedCommentId); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogInformation("Loaded Comment id {0}", LoadedCommentId); StudentCommentHTML = comment.HTML; CommentGrades.EffortGradeID = comment.EffortGradeID; CommentGrades.FinalGradeID = comment.FinalGradeID; CommentGrades.ExamGradeID = comment.ExamGradeID; CommentGrades.TrimesterGradeID = comment.TermGradeID; StudentEditor.Content = comment.HTML; StudentNameLabel.Text = String.Format("Comment for {0} {1}", comment.Student.FirstName, comment.Student.LastName); } else { // Create new blank comment. State.log.WriteLine("{0} {1}: Creating a new Student Comment paragraph.", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); WebhostEventLog.CommentLog.LogInformation("Creating new student comment."); StudentComment comment = new StudentComment() { id = db.StudentComments.Count() > 0 ? db.StudentComments.OrderBy(com => + 1 : 0, StudentID = SelectedStudentId, Student = db.Students.Where(s => s.ID == SelectedStudentId).Single(), HeaderIndex =, HTML = "", TermGradeID = CommentGrades.AFDefault, EffortGradeID = CommentGrades.EffortDefault, FinalGradeID = CommentGrades.AFDefault, ExamGradeID = CommentGrades.AFDefault }; db.StudentComments.Add(comment); db.SaveChanges(); LoadedCommentId =; comment = db.StudentComments.Where(c => == LoadedCommentId).Single(); StudentEditor.Content = ""; StudentNameLabel.Text = String.Format("Comment for {0} {1}", comment.Student.FirstName, comment.Student.LastName); State.log.WriteLine("{0} {1}: New blank comment is saved to the database.", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); } EditorLabel.Text = "Editing Student Individual Comment."; HeaderBtn.Visible = true; HeaderPanel.Visible = false; StudentPanel.Visible = true; PreviewBtn.Visible = true; } }
protected void ConfirmBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.Equals(DayOfWeek.Saturday) || DateTime.Today.Day.Equals(DayOfWeek.Sunday)) { LogInformation("No Email Pings on the weekend!"); return; } using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { Dictionary <Faculty, List <Section> > needAttendance = new Dictionary <Faculty, List <Section> >(); int tid = DateRange.GetCurrentOrLastTerm(); Term term = db.Terms.Find(tid); foreach (Section section in term.Sections.ToList()) { if (section.Block.IsSpecial) { continue; // don't mark these blocks... } switch (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Monday: if (!section.Block.MeetsMonday) { continue; } break; case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: if (!section.Block.MeetsTuesday) { continue; } break; case DayOfWeek.Wednesday: if (!section.Block.MeetsWednesday || section.Course.Name.Contains("Tutorial")) { continue; } else if (db.WednesdaySchedules.Where(w => w.Day.Equals(DateTime.Today)).Count() > 0) { WednesdaySchedule wed = db.WednesdaySchedules.Where(w => w.Day.Equals(DateTime.Today)).Single(); if (wed.IsABC && (new Regex("[DEF]")).IsMatch(section.Block.Name)) { continue; } } break; case DayOfWeek.Thursday: if (!section.Block.MeetsThursday) { continue; } break; case DayOfWeek.Friday: if (!section.Block.MeetsFriday) { continue; } break; default: break; } if (section.AttendanceMarkings.Where(at => at.AttendanceDate.Equals(DateTime.Today)).Count() <= 0) { LogWarning("No attendance has been submitted for [{0}] {1}", section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name); foreach (Faculty teacher in section.Teachers.ToList()) { if (!needAttendance.ContainsKey(teacher)) { LogWarning("Adding {0} {1} to the Notify list.", teacher.FirstName, teacher.LastName); needAttendance.Add(teacher, new List <Section>() { section }); } else { needAttendance[teacher].Add(section); } } } } String Subject = "Please submit attendance"; String BodyTemplate = "You have not entered attendance today for the following classes:" + Environment.NewLine; String DigestBody = "The following Teachers have been informed that their attendance has not been taken for the indicated classes."; foreach (Faculty teacher in needAttendance.Keys) { LogInformation("Sending Request Email to {0} {1} for {2} classes.", teacher.FirstName, teacher.LastName, needAttendance[teacher].Count); String Body = String.Format("Dear {0},{1}{1}{2}", teacher.FirstName, Environment.NewLine, BodyTemplate); DigestBody += String.Format("{0}{0}____________________________________{0}{1} {2}:", Environment.NewLine, teacher.FirstName, teacher.LastName); foreach (Section section in needAttendance[teacher]) { Body += String.Format("{0}[{1}] {2}", Environment.NewLine, section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name); DigestBody += String.Format("{0}[{1}] {2}", Environment.NewLine, section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name); } Body += String.Format("{0}{0}Thanks,{0}Dean of Students Office{0}{0}CC:[email protected], {1}", Environment.NewLine, teacher.UserName); MailControler.MailToUser(Subject, Body, String.Format("{0}", teacher.UserName), String.Format("{0} {1}", teacher.FirstName, teacher.LastName)); //MailControler.MailToUser(Subject, Body, MailControler.DeanOfStudents.Email, MailControler.DeanOfStudents.Name); //MailControler.MailToWebmaster(Subject, Body); } MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Attendance Reminder Digest", DigestBody); MailControler.MailToUser("Attendance Reminder Digest", DigestBody, MailControler.DeanOfStudents.Email, MailControler.DeanOfStudents.Name); LogInformation("Done sending Attendance Reminders."); } ConfirmPanel.Visible = false; }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("fingerprint")) { UserFingerprint = Request.QueryString["fingerprint"]; using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { byte[] fingerprintData = Convert.FromBase64String(UserFingerprint); bool found = false; foreach (Fingerprint fp in db.Fingerprints.ToList()) { if (fp.Value.SequenceEqual(fingerprintData)) { try { Session[State.AuthUser] = new ADUser(fp); found = true; Session["log"] = new Log(String.Format("{0}_SessionLog", ((ADUser)Session[State.AuthUser]).UserName), Server); } catch (InvalidDataException) { // Invalid Fingerprint. Response.ClearContent(); Response.StatusCode = 403; Response.End(); } } } if (!found) { // Bad Fingerprint. Response.ClearContent(); Response.StatusCode = 403; Response.End(); } } } try { log.WriteLine("Page_Init @ {0}", Request.RawUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Failed to write to log file: {0}", ex.Message); } Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1)); Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); if (user == null || !user.Authenticated) { LogWarning("User Must Login before accessing {0}, redirecting to login.", Request.RawUrl); Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } // Check Permissions using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { bool ok = RequiredPermissions.Count == 0; if (!ok && user.IsTeacher) { Faculty faculty = db.Faculties.Where(f => f.ID == user.ID).Single(); foreach (Permission requiredPermission in RequiredPermissions) { if (faculty.Permissions.Where(p => == > 0) { ok = true; LogInformation("{0} has required permission {1} to access {2}", user.Name, requiredPermission.Name, Request.RawUrl); break; } } } else if (!ok) { Student student = db.Students.Where(f => f.ID == user.ID).Single(); foreach (Permission requiredPermission in RequiredPermissions) { if (student.Permissions.Where(p => == > 0) { ok = true; LogInformation("{0} has required permission {1} to access {2}", user.Name, requiredPermission.Name, Request.RawUrl); break; } } } if (!ok) { MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Access Denied", String.Format("{0} was refused access to {1} due to insufficient permissions.", user.Name, Request.RawUrl)); LogError("{0} was denied access to {1} due to insufficient permissions.", user.Name, Request.RawUrl); Response.Redirect("~/Home.aspx"); } Session["RedURL"] = Request.RawUrl; LogInformation("Page_Init @ {0} by {1}", Request.RawUrl, user.Name); } }
protected void LoadInfo(int sectionId, DateTime date) { using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { int year = DateRange.GetCurrentAcademicYear(); GradeTable attMarkings = db.GradeTables.Where(t => t.AcademicYearID == year && t.Name.Equals("Attendance")).Single(); AttendanceTable.Rows.Clear(); Section section = db.Sections.Where(sec => == sectionId).Single(); ClassNameLabel.Text = String.Format("[{0}] {1}", section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name); AttendancePageInfo api = new AttendancePageInfo() { SectionId = sectionId, Date = date, Name = ClassNameLabel.Text, Attendances = new List <AttendanceData>() }; List <Student> StudentRoster = section.Course.Name.Equals("Morning Meeting") ? section.Students.OrderBy(s => s.GraduationYear).ThenBy(s => s.LastName).ThenBy(s => s.FirstName).ToList() : section.Students.OrderBy(s => s.LastName).ThenBy(s => s.FirstName).ToList(); bool allSubmitted = true; foreach (Student student in StudentRoster) { AttendanceMarking mark = null; AttendanceData atd = new AttendanceData() { StudentId = student.ID, Name = String.Format("{0} {1}", student.FirstName, student.LastName) }; if (section.AttendanceMarkings.Where(m => m.StudentID == student.ID && m.AttendanceDate.Equals(date)).Count() == 1) { mark = section.AttendanceMarkings.Where(m => m.StudentID == student.ID && m.AttendanceDate.Equals(date)).Single(); } else if (section.AttendanceMarkings.Where(m => m.StudentID == student.ID && m.AttendanceDate.Equals(date)).Count() > 1) { LogError("Multiple Attendance Markings found for {0} {1} in [{2}] {3} on {4}", student.FirstName, student.LastName, section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name, date.ToString("DDD dd MMM, yyyy")); AttendanceMarking toKeep = null; List <AttendanceMarking> toDelete = section.AttendanceMarkings.Where(m => m.StudentID == student.ID && m.AttendanceDate.Equals(date)).ToList(); foreach (AttendanceMarking errMark in toDelete) { if (toKeep == null) { toKeep = errMark; } if (toKeep.Marking.Name.Equals("Excused")) { break; } if (errMark.SubmissionTime > toKeep.SubmissionTime) { toKeep = errMark; } } toDelete.Remove(toKeep); db.AttendanceMarkings.RemoveRange(toDelete); db.SaveChanges(); foreach (Faculty teacher in section.Teachers.ToList()) { MailControler.MailToUser("Attendance Needs Checking.", String.Format("There was a problem with the marking for {0} {1} in [{2}] {3} on {4}. I have attempted to correct the error, but you should double check it. Currently, they are marked as {5}.", student.FirstName, student.LastName, section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name, date.ToString("DDD dd MMM, yyyy"), toKeep.Marking.Name), String.Format("{0}", teacher.UserName), String.Format("{0} {1}", teacher.FirstName, teacher.LastName)); } } else { allSubmitted = false; } TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell nameCell = new TableCell(); Label nameLabel = new Label() { Text = student.FirstName + " " + student.LastName, ToolTip = "Advisor: " + student.Advisor.FirstName + " " + student.Advisor.LastName, Width = Unit.Percentage(60) }; HiddenField sidf = new HiddenField() { Value = Convert.ToString(student.ID) }; nameCell.Controls.Add(sidf); nameCell.Controls.Add(nameLabel); TableCell markingCell = new TableCell(); RadioButtonList markddl = new RadioButtonList() { Width = Unit.Percentage(100), RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Table, RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal, RepeatColumns = 2, CssClass = "table_fixed" }; int presentId = attMarkings.GradeTableEntries.Where(m => m.Name.Equals("Present")).Single().id; markddl.DataSource = attMarkings.GradeTableEntries.ToList(); markddl.DataTextField = "Name"; markddl.DataValueField = "id"; markddl.DataBind(); if (mark != null) { markddl.ClearSelection(); markddl.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(mark.MarkingIndex); atd.Marking = mark.Marking.Name; } else { markddl.ClearSelection(); markddl.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(presentId); atd.Marking = "Present"; } markingCell.Controls.Add(markddl); ((List <AttendanceData>)api.Attendances).Add(atd); row.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(2); row.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid; row.Cells.Add(nameCell); row.Cells.Add(markingCell); AttendanceTable.Rows.Add(row); } if (section.AttendanceSubmissionStatuses.Where(s => s.Day.Equals(date) && s.AttendanceStatus.Blocking).Count() > 0) { AttendanceSubmissionStatus status = section.AttendanceSubmissionStatuses.Where(s => s.Day.Equals(date)).Single(); if (status.TimeStamp.AddSeconds(5 * section.Students.Count) < DateTime.Now) { LogError("There was a problem entering attendance for [{0}] {1} at {2}. I will let the user know that there was a problem.", section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name, status.TimeStamp.ToString("dddd, dd MM - h:mm:ss")); if (allSubmitted) // calculated manually above! { LogInformation("Attendance was submitted earlier--but may not have been updated correctly."); MailControler.MailToUser("Attendance Problem", String.Format("Hello,{0}" + "Your attendance entry for [{1}] {2} had a problem when you tried to submit it at {3}. There are saved attendance entries, but they may not be correct. Please double check the entries and resubmit if necessary.{0}{0}Thanks!", Environment.NewLine, section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name, status.TimeStamp.ToString("dddd, dd MM - h:mm:ss")), user, "*****@*****.**", "Attendance Bot"); SubmittedLabel.Text = "You have not yet entered attendance data."; SubmittedLabel.CssClass = "incomplete_highlight"; status.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; status.StatusId = db.AttendanceStatuses.Where(st => st.Name.Equals("Not Submitted")).Single().id; } else { LogInformation("Attendance was not submitted prior to this attempt."); MailControler.MailToUser("Attendance Problem", String.Format("Hello,{0}" + "Your attendance entry for [{1}] {2} had a problem when you tried to submit it at {3}. There are incomplete attendance records right now. Please double check the entries and resubmit your attendance for this class.{0}{0}Thanks!", Environment.NewLine, section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name, status.TimeStamp.ToString("dddd, dd MM - h:mm:ss")), user, "*****@*****.**", "Attendance Bot"); SubmittedLabel.Text = "Successfully Submitted."; SubmittedLabel.CssClass = "success_highlight"; status.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; status.StatusId = db.AttendanceStatuses.Where(st => st.Name.Equals("Submitted")).Single().id; } db.SaveChanges(); } else { LogWarning("The attendance for [{0}] {1} is still processing (less than the alotted {2} seconds have passed).", section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name, (5 * section.Students.Count)); MailControler.MailToUser(String.Format("Attendance Submission Status for [{0}] {1}", section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name), String.Format("Hello,{0}Your attendance for [{1}] {2} is still processing. Because of the number of students in your class, this may take as long as {3}:{4} minutes. Wait at least that long and check again to see if it has submitted properly.", Environment.NewLine, section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name, (5 * section.Students.Count) / 60, (5 * section.Students.Count) % 60), user, "*****@*****.**", "Attendance Bot"); SubmittedLabel.Text = "Attendance for this section is Currently Processing."; SubmittedLabel.CssClass = "working_highlight"; } } else if (allSubmitted) { SubmittedLabel.Text = "Successfully Submitted."; SubmittedLabel.CssClass = "success_highlight"; } else { SubmittedLabel.Text = "You have not yet entered attendance data."; SubmittedLabel.CssClass = "incomplete_highlight"; } LogCurrentData(api); } }
protected void Signup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { WeekendActivity activity = db.WeekendActivities.Where(act => == ActivityId).Single(); int studentId = ((BasePage)Page).user.ID; String calendarId = db.GoogleCalendars.Where(c => c.CalendarName.Equals("Weekend Activities")).Single().CalendarId; Student student = db.Students.Where(s => s.ID == studentId).Single(); LogInformation("Processing {0} click for {1}.", Signup.Text, activity.Name); /* * // Check Campused * if(activity.Weekend.CampusedStudents.Contains(student)) * { * State.log.WriteLine("Signup was blocked. Campused!"); * MailControler.MailToUser("Signup was blocked.", String.Format("You are not allowed to sign up for {0} because you have been campused this weekend.", activity.Name), ((BasePage)Page).user); * return; * } * * // Check Detention * DateRange activityTimes = activity.DateAndTime.Hour == 0 ? new DateRange(activity.DateAndTime, activity.DateAndTime.AddDays(1)) : * activity.Duration == 0 ? new DateRange(activity.DateAndTime, activity.DateAndTime.AddHours(3)) : * new DateRange(activity.DateAndTime, activity.DateAndTime.AddMinutes(activity.Duration)); * * if(activityTimes.Intersects(DateRange.Detention) && activity.Weekend.DetentionList.Contains(student)) * { * State.log.WriteLine("Signup was blocked. Detention!"); * MailControler.MailToUser("Signup was blocked.", String.Format("You are not allowed to sign up for {0} because you are in Detention this weekend.", activity.Name), ((BasePage)Page).user); * return; * } */ if (Signup.Text.Contains("Remove")) { State.log.WriteLine("Removing {0} {1} from {2}", student.FirstName, student.LastName, activity.Name); LogInformation("Removing {0} {1} from {2}", student.FirstName, student.LastName, activity.Name); try { WebhostMySQLConnection.StudentSignup signup = student.StudentSignups.Where(sig => sig.ActivityId == ActivityId).Single(); signup.IsRescended = true; db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { State.log.WriteLine("Failed to remove...\r\n{0}", ex.Message); LogError("Failed to remove {0} {1} from {2}\r\n{3}", student.FirstName, student.LastName, activity.Name, ex.Message); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Webhost Error: Removing Signup", String.Format( "Could not remove {0} {1} from signup {2}\r\n{3}", student.FirstName, student.LastName, activity.Name, ex.Message )); return; } if (!activity.GoogleCalendarEventId.Equals("")) { using (GoogleCalendarCall gcal = new GoogleCalendarCall()) { gcal.RemoveParticipant(calendarId, activity.GoogleCalendarEventId, student.UserName); State.log.WriteLine("Removed {0} {1} from Calendar Event."); } } } else { State.log.WriteLine("Atempting to sign up {0} {1} for {2}", student.FirstName, student.LastName, activity.Name); if (student.StudentSignups.Where(sig => sig.ActivityId == ActivityId).Count() > 0) { WebhostMySQLConnection.StudentSignup signup = student.StudentSignups.Where(sig => sig.ActivityId == ActivityId).Single(); if (signup.IsBanned) { State.log.WriteLine("Signup was blocked."); LogWarning("{0} {1} was blocked from signing up for {2} because they have been banned.", student.FirstName, student.LastName, activity.Name); MailControler.MailToUser("Signup was blocked.", String.Format("You are not allowed to sign up for {0}", activity.Name), ((BasePage)Page).user); return; } signup.IsRescended = false; signup.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; Signup.Text = "Sign me up!"; State.log.WriteLine("Re-signed up!"); LogInformation("{0} {1} has resigned up for {2}.", student.FirstName, student.LastName, activity.Name); } else { WebhostMySQLConnection.StudentSignup newSig = new WebhostMySQLConnection.StudentSignup() { StudentId = studentId, ActivityId = ActivityId, IsBanned = false, IsRescended = false, TimeStamp = DateTime.Now }; db.StudentSignups.Add(newSig); State.log.WriteLine("New Signup created."); LogInformation("{0} {1} has signed up for {2}.", student.FirstName, student.LastName, activity.Name); } if (!activity.GoogleCalendarEventId.Equals("")) { using (GoogleCalendarCall call = new GoogleCalendarCall()) { call.AddEventParticipant(calendarId, activity.GoogleCalendarEventId, student.UserName); State.log.WriteLine("Updated calendar Event to include {0}", student.UserName); } } db.SaveChanges(); } State.log.WriteLine("Signup Changes Saved to Database."); reload(); } }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { timer.Start(); PublishingLog.WriteEntry("Comment Publishing Service Started.", EventLogEntryType.Information); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Comment Service Started", "Comment Publishing Service has been started."); }
protected void ResetBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { State.log.WriteLine("Attempting to reset password."); LogInformation("Attempting to reset password."); ADSuccessMessage.Text = ""; GoogleSuccessMessage.Text = ""; if (OldPwdInput.Text.Equals("")) { ErrorMessage.Text = "You must type your old password."; LogError("User did not enter their old password."); State.log.WriteLine(ErrorMessage.Text); ErrorPanel.Visible = true; return; } if (!NewPwdInput.Text.Equals(RepeatPwdInput.Text)) { ErrorMessage.Text = "New Password doesn't match Re-entered Password."; LogError("New Password doesn't match."); State.log.WriteLine(ErrorMessage.Text); ErrorPanel.Visible = true; return; } try { State.log.WriteLine("Calling PasswordReset.ChangeAllPasswords"); PasswordReset.ChangeAllPasswords(((BasePage)Page).user.UserName, OldPwdInput.Text, NewPwdInput.Text); } catch (PasswordReset.PasswordException ex) { String Message = ex.Message; Exception inner = ex.InnerException; while (inner != null) { Message += Environment.NewLine + "____________________________________" + Environment.NewLine + inner.Message; inner = inner.InnerException; } ErrorMessage.Text = Message; State.log.WriteLine(ErrorMessage.Text); ErrorPanel.Visible = true; LogError(Message); MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Failed to change user password.", String.Format("{0} failed to change their active directory password: {1}", user.UserName, Message), user); return; } catch (WebhostMySQLConnection.GoogleAPI.GoogleAPICall.GoogleAPIException gae) { String message = gae.Message; Exception inner = gae.InnerException; while (inner != null) { message += Environment.NewLine + "_____________________________________" + Environment.NewLine + inner.Message; inner = inner.InnerException; } MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Google Password Reset Failed...", message, ((BasePage)Page).user); State.log.WriteLine(message); LogError(message); GoogleSuccessMessage.Text = "Failed to Change Google Password."; } ADSuccessMessage.Text = "Successfully Changed Active Directory Password."; State.log.WriteLine("AD Password Changed Successfully."); if (GoogleSuccessMessage.Text.Equals("")) { GoogleSuccessMessage.Text = "Successfully Changed Google Password."; State.log.WriteLine("Google Password Changed Successfully."); } MailControler.MailToWebmaster("Successfully Changed Password", String.Format("for {0}", user.UserName), user); SuccessPanel.Visible = true; }
protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShortRequest shreq = new ShortRequest() { StudentName = user.Name, DeviceType = DeviceType, MACAddress = MACAddrInput.Text }; if (!ValidateMAC()) { ErrorMessage.Text = "The MAC Address you entered is not valid--please check to make sure it is correct."; LogError("Invalid MAC Address for {0}", shreq.ToString()); ErrorPanel.Visible = true; return; } using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { //Check for Existing Mac Address Request. if (db.RegistrationRequests.Where(req => req.MacAddress.Equals(MACAddress)).Count() > 0) { WebhostMySQLConnection.RegistrationRequest request = db.RegistrationRequests.Where(req => req.MacAddress.Equals(MACAddress)).Single(); if (request.RequestCompleted) { ErrorMessage.Text = "This Device has already been registered. If you are experiencing difficulties, email Mr. Cox or Mr. Harrison."; LogError("The device has already been registered: {0}", shreq.ToString()); MailControler.MailToUser("Your Registration Request has already been registered.", shreq.ToString(), user); } else if (request.RequestDenied) { ErrorMessage.Text = "This device has been rejected. Please see Mr. Cox or Mr. Harrison for details."; LogError("Registration Request has been rejected: {0}", shreq.ToString()); MailControler.MailToUser("Your Registration Request has been rejected.", shreq.ToString(), user); } else { ErrorMessage.Text = "This Device is pending registration. Don't worry--we'll get to it soon =)"; LogError("Impatient User: {0}", shreq); MailControler.MailToUser("Your Registration Request is pending review.", shreq.ToString(), user); } ErrorPanel.Visible = true; return; } int reqid = db.RegistrationRequests.Count() > 0 ? db.RegistrationRequests.OrderBy(req => + 1 : 0; WebhostMySQLConnection.RegistrationRequest nrequest = new WebhostMySQLConnection.RegistrationRequest() { id = reqid, StudentId = ((BasePage)Page).user.IsStudent?((BasePage)Page).user.ID:10, MacAddress = MACAddress, DeviceType = DeviceType, RequestCompleted = false, RequestDenied = false }; db.RegistrationRequests.Add(nrequest); db.SaveChanges(); LogInformation("New Request submitted: {0}", shreq.ToString()); if (EmailEnabled) { MailControler.MailToWebmaster("New Device Registration Request.", shreq.ToString(), user); MailControler.MailToUser("New Device Registration Request.", shreq.ToString(), "*****@*****.**", "Jeff Harrison", user); MailControler.MailToUser("Your Registration Request has been successfully submitted.", shreq.ToString(), user); } SuccessPanel.Visible = true; } }