        public void AddRiverCard(int player, int number, MahjongCard card, Grid container)
            // Create a new card
            System.Windows.Controls.Image imgCard = new System.Windows.Controls.Image()
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top,
                Height  = 40,
                Width   = 24,
                Stretch = Stretch.Uniform,

            // Set the render to high quality
            imgCard.SetValue(RenderOptions.BitmapScalingModeProperty, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality);

            // Set card position
            imgCard.Margin = new Thickness(number % 7 * imgCard.Width, number / 7 * imgCard.Height, 0, 0);

            // Set image
            imgCard.Source = cardImage[card.name];

            // Set tag
            HandCardInfo handCardInfo = new HandCardInfo()
                card   = card,
                player = player,

            imgCard.Tag = handCardInfo;

            // Add the card
        private void AddHandCard(int player, int number, MahjongCard card, Grid container, int height = 75, int width = 46)
            // Create a new card
            System.Windows.Controls.Image imgCard = new System.Windows.Controls.Image()
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top,
                Height  = height,
                Width   = width,
                Stretch = Stretch.Uniform,

            // Set the render to high quality
            imgCard.SetValue(RenderOptions.BitmapScalingModeProperty, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality);

            // Set card position
            imgCard.Margin = new Thickness((number * imgCard.Width) + 5, 10, 0, 0);

            // Set image
            imgCard.Source = cardImage[card.name];

            // Set mouse event
            imgCard.MouseEnter += HandCard_MouseEnter;
            imgCard.MouseLeave += HandCard_MouseLeave;

            // Set click event
            imgCard.MouseLeftButtonUp += HandCard_MouseLeftButtonUp;

            // Set tag
            HandCardInfo handCardInfo = new HandCardInfo()
                card   = card,
                player = player,

            imgCard.Tag = handCardInfo;

            // Add the card
        private void AddCard(int item, int number, MahjongCard card, Grid container, int height = 75, int width = 46, int interval = 5)
            // Create a new card
            System.Windows.Controls.Image imgCard = new System.Windows.Controls.Image()
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top,
                Height  = height,
                Width   = width,
                Stretch = Stretch.Uniform,

            // Set the render to high quality
            imgCard.SetValue(RenderOptions.BitmapScalingModeProperty, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality);

            // Set card position
            imgCard.Margin = new Thickness(number * (imgCard.Width + interval), item * (imgCard.Height + interval), 0, 0);

            // Set image
            imgCard.Source = cardImage[card.name];

            // Add the card