        public static void BFrotorsANDgroundset(int[,] order, int[,] grdSet, string cryb, string msg)
        {   // uses brute force on rotor order and ground settings
            // order set and ground setting set are created previously (order array and grdSet array)

            MachineRun ma;

            // plug board is set to: no plugs used
            string[] plugs = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };
            Rotor    rl, rm, rr;

            StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("C:\\EnigmaTests\\Stopwatch\\BFrotorsANDgroundset\\BFrotorANDgroundset_B_orderANDgrdSet_" + cryb + ".txt");

            file.WriteLine("\ncryb: " + cryb);
            file.WriteLine("\n msg: " + msg + "\r\n");

            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();


            string line  = "";
            int    count = 0;                                  // count for all possible calculations

            for (int ord = 1; ord < order.GetLength(0); ord++) // order set row
                Console.WriteLine("running code for row: " + ord);
                for (int grd = 1; grd < grdSet.GetLength(0); grd++) // grdSet set row

                    //Console.WriteLine(order[orderRow, 1] + ":" + order[orderRow, 2] + ":" + order[orderRow, 3] + ":" + gpl + ":" + gpm + ":" + gpr);

                    rl = new Rotor(order[ord, 1], grdSet[grd, 1], 0);      //  left rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.
                    rm = new Rotor(order[ord, 2], grdSet[grd, 2], 0);      //  middle rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.
                    rr = new Rotor(order[ord, 3], grdSet[grd, 3], 0);      //  right rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.

                    // mirror position is set to "B" and entry rotor is set to "O"
                    ma = new MachineRun("B", rl, rm, rr, "O", plugs);
                    string decMsg = ma.EncryptDecrypt(msg);

                    if (decMsg.Contains(cryb.ToUpper()))
                        line  = "FOUND at rotor order: " + order[ord, 1] + order[ord, 2] + order[ord, 3] + "  at GS: " + grdSet[grd, 1] + "." + grdSet[grd, 2] + "." + grdSet[grd, 3];
                        line += Environment.NewLine + "decoded: " + decMsg;
            file.WriteLine("\r\n\r\n" + count);
            TimeSpan ts = timer.Elapsed;

            file.WriteLine("running time at " + ts.Days + ":" + ts.Hours + ":" + ts.Minutes + ":" + ts.Seconds + "." + ts.Milliseconds / 10);
        public static string EncryptParallelMachineRotorGroundRing(int rsL, int rsM, int rsR, int gsL, int gsM, int gsR, int ringL, int ringM, int ringR, string msg)
        {   // encrypts the message for each rotor order for all possible settings of rind and ground
            // plug board is set to: no plugs used
            //string[] plugs = { "H", "X", "E", "Y", "L", "Z", "O", "W", "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G", "I", "J", "K", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", null, null, null, null };
            string[] plugs = { "A", "V", "B", "S", "C", "G", "D", "L", "F", "U", "H", "Z", "I", "N", "K", "M", "O", "W", "R", "X", null, null, null, null, null, null };
            //string[] plugs = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };

            // mirror position is set to "B" and entry rotor is set to "O"
            MachineRun ma     = new MachineRun("B", new Rotor(rsL, gsL, ringL), new Rotor(rsM, gsM, ringM), new Rotor(rsR, gsR, ringR), "O", plugs);
            string     decMsg = ma.EncryptDecrypt(msg);

            return(decMsg); // +" |" + rsL + rsM + rsR + "|" + gsL + "." + gsM + "." + gsR + "|" + ringL + "." + ringM + "." + ringR;
        public static Tuple <int, int> MachineContribution(int request, MachineRun machine)
            var totalProcessed = machine.CompletedOutput + machine.FailedOutput;

            if (totalProcessed <= request)
                return(new Tuple <int, int>(machine.CompletedOutput, machine.FailedOutput));
                var ratioUsed = (decimal)request / totalProcessed;

                return(new Tuple <int, int>((int)Math.Ceiling(machine.CompletedOutput * ratioUsed), (int)Math.Floor(machine.FailedOutput * ratioUsed)));
        private static Tuple <int, int> OrderProcessResult(int request, MachineRun machine)
            var totalProcessed = machine.CompletedOutput + machine.FailedOutput;

            if (totalProcessed < request)
                return(new Tuple <int, int>(machine.CompletedOutput, machine.FailedOutput));
                var ratioUsed = (decimal)request / totalProcessed;

                return(new Tuple <int, int>((int)Math.Ceiling(machine.CompletedOutput * ratioUsed), (int)Math.Floor(machine.FailedOutput * ratioUsed)));
        public static void MachineRotorGroundPlug(int rsl, int rsm, int rsr, int gsl, int gsm, int gsr, string[] plugs, string cryb, string msg, StreamWriter fileOut)
            // mirror position is set to "B" and entry rotor is set to "O"
            MachineRun ma     = new MachineRun("B", new Rotor(rsl, gsl, 0), new Rotor(rsm, gsm, 0), new Rotor(rsr, gsr, 0), "O", plugs);
            string     decMsg = ma.EncryptDecrypt(msg);

            //Console.WriteLine(rsl + ":" + rsm + ":" + rsr + "|" + gsl + ":" + gsm + ":" + gsr + "|");
            if (decMsg.Equals(cryb.ToUpper()))
                string line = "FOUND at rotor order: " + rsl + rsm + rsr + "  at GS: " + gsl + "." + gsm + "." + gsr + "|" + PrintPlugs(plugs);
                line += Environment.NewLine + "decoded: " + decMsg;
        public static void MachineRotorGround(int rsl, int rsm, int rsr, int gsl, int gsm, int gsr, string cryb, string msg, StreamWriter file)
            //Console.WriteLine("working task ..."+rsl+":"+rsm+":"+rsr+"|"+gsl+"."+gsm+"."+gsr);

            // plug board is set to: no plugs used
            string[] plugs = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };

            // mirror position is set to "B" and entry rotor is set to "O"
            MachineRun ma     = new MachineRun("B", new Rotor(rsl, gsl, 0), new Rotor(rsm, gsm, 0), new Rotor(rsr, gsr, 0), "O", plugs);
            string     decMsg = ma.EncryptDecrypt(msg);

            if (decMsg.Contains(cryb.ToUpper()))
                string line = "FOUND at rotor order: " + rsl + rsm + rsr + "  at GS: " + gsl + "." + gsm + "." + gsr;
                line += Environment.NewLine + "decoded: " + decMsg;
        public static MachineRun RunMachine(MachineRun machine)
            var averageFailureRate        = Setting.GetSetting(machine.SettingsList, Settings.AverageFailureRate);
            var failureRateVariability    = Setting.GetSetting(machine.SettingsList, Settings.FailureRateVariability);
            var averageProductionTime     = Setting.GetSetting(machine.SettingsList, Settings.AverageProductionTime);
            var productionTimeVariability = Setting.GetSetting(machine.SettingsList, Settings.ProductionTimeVariability);
            var machineFailureRate        = Setting.GetSetting(machine.SettingsList, Settings.MachineFailureRate);

            var adjFailureRate = averageFailureRate;

            if (machine.Machine.Broken)
                adjFailureRate = averageFailureRate * 10000;

            //produce widgets
            var baseProduction = ActionCheck.GenerateInt((int)(averageProductionTime * 2), (int)productionTimeVariability);

            var baseFailure = ActionCheck.GenerateFloat(adjFailureRate * 2, failureRateVariability) / 2;

            baseFailure = baseFailure > 1 ? 1 : baseFailure < 0 ? 0 : baseFailure;

            machine.CompletedOutput = (int)Math.Ceiling(baseProduction * (1 - baseFailure));

            machine.FailedOutput = baseProduction - machine.CompletedOutput;

            //check to see if machine broke
            var machineAge = (DateTime.UtcNow - machine.Machine.CreateDate).TotalHours / 100;

            var failureChance1 = ActionCheck.GenerateFloat(machineFailureRate, (float)machineAge);
            var failureChance2 = ActionCheck.GenerateFloat(machineFailureRate, (float)machineAge);
            var failureChance3 = ActionCheck.GenerateFloat(machineFailureRate, (float)machineAge);

            if (!machine.MachineBroken && !ActionCheck.Check(failureChance1) && !ActionCheck.Check(failureChance2) && !ActionCheck.Check(failureChance3))
                machine.MachineBroken = true;

        public static void MachineRotorGroundRing(int rsL, int rsM, int rsR, int gsL, int gsM, int gsR, int ringL, int ringM, int ringR, string cryb, string msg, StreamWriter file)
            //Console.WriteLine("working task ..."+rsL+":"+rsM+":"+rsR+"|"+gsL+"."+gsM+"."+gsR+"|"+ringL+"."+ringM+"."+ringR);

            // plug board is set to: no plugs used
            //string[] plugs = { "H", "X", "E", "Y", "L", "Z", "O", "W", "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "G", "I", "J", "K", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", null, null, null, null };
            string[] plugs = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };

            // mirror position is set to "B" and entry rotor is set to "O"
            MachineRun ma     = new MachineRun("B", new Rotor(rsL, gsL, ringL), new Rotor(rsM, gsM, ringM), new Rotor(rsR, gsR, ringR), "O", plugs);
            string     decMsg = ma.EncryptDecrypt(msg);

            //Console.WriteLine("msg: "+decMsg);
            if (decMsg.Contains(cryb.ToUpper()))
                string line = "" + rsL + rsM + rsR + "|" + gsL + "." + gsM + "." + gsR + "|" + ringL + "." + ringM + "." + ringR;
                //line += Environment.NewLine + "decoded: " + decMsg;
        public static void BFrotorsEveryTwo(int[,] order, string cryb, string msg)
        {   // brute force through order of rotors and their ground settings  NOT including ring settings and NOT including the plugboard
            // uses the B mirror
            // runs two enigmas consecutively

            StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("C:\\EnigmaTests\\Stopwatch\\BFrotors\\BFrotorsEveryTwo_B_orderOf8" + cryb + ".txt");

            // plug board is set to: no plugs used
            string[] plugs = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };

            file.WriteLine("\ncryb: " + cryb);
            file.WriteLine("\n msg: " + msg + "\r\n");

            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();


            int count = 0;        // count for all possible calculations

            string line     = ""; // for output to the file
            string decMsg_1 = "";
            string decMsg_2 = "";

            Rotor      rl_1, rm_1, rr_1, rl_2, rm_2, rr_2;
            MachineRun ma_1, ma_2;

            for (int orderRow = 1; orderRow < order.GetLength(0); orderRow += 2)
                //Console.WriteLine("Checking row: " + orderRow);

                for (int gpl = 0; gpl <= 25; gpl++)                           // ground position of left rotor
                    for (int gpm = 0; gpm <= 25; gpm++)                       // ground position of middle rotor
                        for (int gpr = 0; gpr <= 25; gpr++)                   // ground position right rotor
                            rl_1 = new Rotor(order[orderRow, 1], gpl, 0);     //  left rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.
                            rm_1 = new Rotor(order[orderRow, 2], gpm, 0);     //  middle rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.
                            rr_1 = new Rotor(order[orderRow, 3], gpr, 0);     //  right rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.

                            rl_2 = new Rotor(order[orderRow + 1, 1], gpl, 0); //  left rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.
                            rm_2 = new Rotor(order[orderRow + 1, 2], gpm, 0); //  middle rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.
                            rr_2 = new Rotor(order[orderRow + 1, 3], gpr, 0); //  right rotor , A -> Z, ring setting a.

                            // mirror position is set to "B" and entry rotor is set to "O"
                            ma_1 = new MachineRun("B", rl_1, rm_1, rr_1, "O", plugs);
                            ma_2 = new MachineRun("B", rl_2, rm_2, rr_2, "O", plugs);

                            decMsg_1 = ma_1.EncryptDecrypt(msg);

                            decMsg_2 = ma_2.EncryptDecrypt(msg);

                            //Console.WriteLine(order[orderRow, 1]+":"+ order[orderRow, 2]+":"+order[orderRow, 3]+":"+gpl+":"+gpm+":"+gpr);
                            //Console.WriteLine(order[orderRow+1, 1] + ":" + order[orderRow+1, 2] + ":" + order[orderRow+1, 3] + ":" + gpl + ":" + gpm + ":" + gpr);

                            if (decMsg_1.Contains(cryb.ToUpper()))
                                line  = "FOUND at rotor order: " + order[orderRow, 1] + order[orderRow, 2] + order[orderRow, 3] + "  at GS: " + gpl + "." + gpm + "." + gpr;
                                line += Environment.NewLine + "decoded: " + decMsg_1;

                            if (decMsg_2.Contains(cryb.ToUpper()))
                                line  = "FOUND at rotor order: " + order[orderRow + 1, 1] + order[orderRow + 1, 2] + order[orderRow + 1, 3] + "  at GS: " + gpl + "." + gpm + "." + gpr;
                                line += Environment.NewLine + "decoded: " + decMsg_2;
            file.WriteLine("\r\n\r\n" + count);
            TimeSpan ts = timer.Elapsed;

            file.WriteLine("running time at " + ts.Days + ":" + ts.Hours + ":" + ts.Minutes + ":" + ts.Seconds + "." + ts.Milliseconds / 10);
        public static async Task RunOrchestrator(
            [OrchestrationTrigger] DurableOrchestrationContext context,
            [ServiceBus("machines", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")] ICollector <string> machineOutput,
            [ServiceBus("logs", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")] ICollector <string> logOutput,
            [EventHub("mainlogs", Connection = "EventHubConnectionAppSetting")] IAsyncCollector <string> outputEvents,
            ILogger log)
            var settingsList = new List <Settings>

                using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SqlConnection")))
                    var settingsRepo = new SettingRepository(conn);
                    var machineRepo  = new MachineRepository(conn);

                    var settings = settingsRepo.GetSettings(settingsList).Result;
                    var machines = machineRepo.GetActiveMachines().Result;

                    var results = new List <MachineRun>();

                    foreach (var machine in machines)
                        var run = new MachineRun(machine, settings.ToList());

                        var result = RunMachine(run);


                        /* if (result.MachineBroken)
                         * {
                         *   await context.CallActivityAsync("BreakMachine", result.Machine);
                         *   machineOutput.Add(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Machine,
                         *       new JsonSerializerSettings
                         *       {
                         *           ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
                         *       }));
                         *   logOutput.Add($"{TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("US Eastern Standard Time")).ToLongTimeString()} Machine {result.Machine.Id} broken.");
                         * }*/

                    var runLog = await context.CallActivityAsync <MachineRunResults>("ProcessResults", results);

                    if (runLog != null)
                        runLog.MachineRuns = results;
                        var logResults = machineRepo.CreateRunResults(runLog).Result;
                                                                          new JsonSerializerSettings
                            ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
            catch (Exception e)