        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool             topMenu     = true;
            MachineInventory mi          = new MachineInventory();
            Sales            transaction = new Sales();


            // Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the vendor thing");

    private void SpawnTrackNetworks()
        this.manager.SetTitle("Track Systems");
        this.manager.AddButton("allnetworks", "Global Inventory", buttonx2, 0);
        this.manager.AddButton("selnetwork", "Select Network", buttonx3, 0);
        this.manager.AddButton("tracknetworks", "Network Status", buttonx4, 0);
        this.manager.AddButton("viewinventory", "View Inventory", buttonx5, 0);

        int ycursor      = 65;
        int trackiconx   = globalxoffset + 175;
        int trackxoffset = trackiconx + 65;
        int tracklabel   = trackxoffset + 250;
        int stationxicon = trackiconx + 50;
        int stationlabel = stationxicon + 65;
        int cartxicon    = stationxicon + 50;
        int cartlabel    = cartxicon + 65;
        int invxicon     = cartxicon + 50;
        int invlabel     = invxicon + 65;

        int networkcount = FreightCartManager.instance.GlobalTrackNetworks.Count;

        if (networkcount == 0)
            this.manager.AddBigLabel("notracknetworks", "No track networks found...", Color.red, 225, 150);
            string trackicon   = "Track Straight";
            string stationicon = "Minecart Load";
            for (int n = 0; n < networkcount; n++)
                FreightTrackNetwork network = FreightCartManager.instance.GlobalTrackNetworks[n];
                if (network == null)
                int junctioncount = network.TrackJunctions.Count;
                int networkID     = network.NetworkID;
                int assignedcarts;
                int availcarts;
                network.GetNetworkStats(out assignedcarts, out availcarts);

                this.manager.AddIcon("trackicon" + n, trackicon, Color.white, trackiconx, ycursor);
                this.manager.AddBigLabel("trackjunctions" + n, "ID: " + network.NetworkID.ToString() + "   " + junctioncount.ToString() + " Junctions   Carts: ", Color.white, trackxoffset, ycursor);
                this.manager.AddBigLabel("trackcarts" + n, availcarts.ToString() + " / " + assignedcarts.ToString(), availcarts > assignedcarts ? Color.green : availcarts == assignedcarts ? Color.white : Color.red, tracklabel, ycursor);
                ycursor += 60;
                if (this.TrackNetworkDisplay == n)
                    List <FreightCartStation> stations = network.GetNetworkStations();
                    stations = stations.OrderBy(x => x.StationName).ToList();
                    int stationcount = stations.Count;
                    Debug.LogWarning("FSM Station Count: " + stationcount.ToString());
                    for (int m = 0; m < stationcount; m++)
                        FreightCartStation station = stations[m];
                        int stationavail           = station.AvailableCarts;
                        int stationassigned        = station.AssignedCarts;
                        this.manager.AddIcon("stationicon" + m, stationicon, Color.white, stationxicon, ycursor);
                        this.manager.AddBigLabel("stationnetwork" + m, (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(station.StationName) ? station.StationName : "UNNAMED") + " - " + station.NetworkID, station.StationFull <= 0 ? Color.white : Color.red, stationlabel, ycursor);
                        this.manager.AddBigLabel("stationcarts" + m, "Carts: " + stationavail.ToString() + " / " + stationassigned.ToString(), stationavail > stationassigned ? Color.green : stationavail == stationassigned ? Color.white : Color.red, stationlabel + 350, ycursor);
                        ycursor += 60;
                        if (this.StationDisplay == m)
                            this.manager.AddButton("addcart", "Add Cart", stationlabel + 475, ycursor - 60);
                            this.manager.AddButton("removecart", "Remove Cart", stationlabel + 475, ycursor - 10);
                            this.CurrentStation = station;

                            List <FreightRegistry> LocalDeficits = new List <FreightRegistry>();
                            List <FreightRegistry> LocalSurplus  = new List <FreightRegistry>();
                            if (station.massStorageCrate != null)
                                LocalDeficits = FreightCartManager.instance.GetLocalDeficit(station.NetworkID, station.massStorageCrate);
                                LocalSurplus  = FreightCartManager.instance.GetLocalSurplus(station.NetworkID, station.massStorageCrate);
                            else if (station.HopperInterface != null)
                                LocalDeficits = this.FreightListingConversion(station.HopperInterface.FreightRequests.OrderByDescending(x => x.Quantity).Take(3).ToList());
                                LocalSurplus  = this.FreightListingConversion(station.HopperInterface.FreightOfferings.OrderByDescending(x => x.Quantity).Take(3).ToList());
                            else if (station.AttachedInterface != null)
                                LocalDeficits = this.FreightListingConversion(station.AttachedInterface.FreightRequests.OrderByDescending(x => x.Quantity).Take(3).ToList());
                                LocalSurplus  = this.FreightListingConversion(station.AttachedInterface.FreightOfferings.OrderByDescending(x => x.Quantity).Take(3).ToList());
                            ycursor -= 20;
                            string str     = "";
                            int    shifter = 1;
                            int    ind2    = 0;
                            if (LocalDeficits.Count <= 0)
                                this.manager.AddLabel(GenericMachineManager.LabelType.OneLineFullWidth, "localdef", "This storage is fully stocked!", Color.white, false, stationlabel, ycursor);
                                this.manager.AddLabel(GenericMachineManager.LabelType.OneLineFullWidth, "localdef", "Top requests for this storage:", Color.white, false, stationlabel, ycursor);
                            ycursor += 20;
                            for (int index = 0; index < LocalDeficits.Count; index++)
                                if (LocalDeficits[index].Deficit != 0)
                                    str = (index + 1).ToString() + ") " + LocalDeficits[index].Deficit.ToString("N0") + "x " + ItemManager.GetItemName(LocalDeficits[index].FreightItem) + "\n";
                                    this.manager.AddLabel(GenericMachineManager.LabelType.OneLineFullWidth, "localdef" + index, str, Color.white, false, stationlabel, ycursor);
                                    ycursor += 20;
                            ycursor -= 20 * shifter;
                            if (LocalSurplus.Count <= 0)
                                this.manager.AddLabel(GenericMachineManager.LabelType.OneLineFullWidth, "localsur", "This storage has nothing to offer!", Color.white, false, stationlabel + 250, ycursor);
                                this.manager.AddLabel(GenericMachineManager.LabelType.OneLineFullWidth, "localsur", "Top offerings for this storage:", Color.white, false, stationlabel + 250, ycursor);
                            ycursor += 20;
                            for (int index = 0; index < LocalSurplus.Count; index++)
                                if (LocalSurplus[index].Surplus != 0)
                                    str = (index + 1).ToString() + ") " + LocalSurplus[index].Surplus.ToString("N0") + "x " + ItemManager.GetItemName(LocalSurplus[index].FreightItem) + "\n";
                                    this.manager.AddLabel(GenericMachineManager.LabelType.OneLineFullWidth, "localsur" + index, str, Color.white, false, stationlabel + 250, ycursor);
                                    ycursor += 20;
                                ind2 = index;
                            if (ind2 > (shifter - 2))
                                ycursor += 20;
                                ycursor += (shifter - 1 - ind2) * 20 + 20;

                            int cartcount = station.CartList.Count;
                            for (int p = 0; p < cartcount; p++)
                                FreightCartMob cart = station.CartList[p];

                                int itemID = ItemEntries.MineCartT1;
                                if (cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.FreightCartMK1)
                                    itemID = ModManager.mModMappings.ItemsByKey["steveman0.FreightCartMK1"].ItemId;
                                else if (cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.FreightCart_T1 || cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.OreFreighter_T1)
                                    itemID = ItemEntries.MineCartT1;
                                else if (cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.FreightCart_T2 || cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.OreFreighter_T2)
                                    itemID = ItemEntries.MineCartT2;
                                else if (cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.FreightCart_T3 || cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.OreFreighter_T3)
                                    itemID = ItemEntries.MineCartT3;
                                else if (cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.FreightCart_T4 || cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.OreFreighter_T4)
                                    itemID = ItemEntries.MineCartT4;
                                else if (cart.meType == FreightCartMob.eMinecartType.FreightCartTour)
                                    itemID = ItemEntries.TourCart;
                                string carticon = ItemManager.GetItemIcon(itemID);

                                this.manager.AddIcon("carticon" + p, carticon, Color.white, cartxicon, ycursor);
                                this.manager.AddBigLabel("cartlabel" + p, "Inventory: " + cart.mnUsedStorage.ToString() + "/" + cart.mnMaxStorage.ToString(), Color.white, cartlabel, ycursor);
                                ycursor += 60;
                                if (p == CartDisplay)
                                    MachineInventory inv = null;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(station.NetworkID) && cart.LocalInventory.ContainsKey(station.NetworkID))
                                        inv = cart.LocalInventory[station.NetworkID];
                                    if (inv == null || inv.ItemCount() == 0)
                                        this.manager.AddBigLabel("invlabelempty", "No goods from this station", Color.white, invxicon + 15, ycursor);
                                        ycursor += 60;
                                        int invcount = inv.Inventory.Count;
                                        for (int q = 0; q < invcount; q++)
                                            ItemBase item    = inv.Inventory[q];
                                            string   invicon = ItemManager.GetItemIcon(item);
                                            this.manager.AddIcon("invicon" + q, invicon, Color.white, invxicon, ycursor);
                                            this.manager.AddBigLabel("invlabel" + q, item.ToString(), Color.white, invlabel, ycursor);
                                            ycursor += 60;
                    //Insert Tour cart staion listing here