public void SendMessage_ToCcAndBccNoAttachment() { // Setup var provider = new MacOsXEmailProviderDummy(); var email = provider.CreateMessage(); email.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); email.Cc.Add("*****@*****.**"); email.Bcc.Add("*****@*****.**"); email.Subject = "My subject"; email.Body = "This is a test email."; // Execute provider.SendMessage(email); // Verify var startInfo = provider.StartInfo; Assert.That(startInfo.FileName, Is.EqualTo("osascript")); Assert.That(startInfo.Arguments, Is.EqualTo( @"-e 'tell application ""Mail"" tell (make new outgoing message) set subject to ""My subject"" set content to ""This is a test email."" -- set visible to true make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:""*****@*****.**""} make new to recipient at end of cc recipients with properties {address:""*****@*****.**""} make new to recipient at end of bcc recipients with properties {address:""*****@*****.**""} end tell end tell' ")); }
public void SendMessage_SingleRecptMultipleAttachments() { // Setup var provider = new MacOsXEmailProviderDummy(); var email = provider.CreateMessage(); email.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); email.Subject = "My subject"; email.Body = "This is a test email."; using (var tempFile1 = new TempFile("SendMessage_SingleRecptMultipleAttachments1")) using (var tempFile2 = new TempFile("SendMessage_SingleRecptMultipleAttachments2")) { email.AttachmentFilePath.Add(tempFile1.Path); email.AttachmentFilePath.Add(tempFile2.Path); // Execute provider.SendMessage(email); // Verify var startInfo = provider.StartInfo; Assert.That(startInfo.FileName, Is.EqualTo("osascript")); Assert.That(startInfo.Arguments, Is.EqualTo( $@"-e 'tell application ""Mail"" tell (make new outgoing message) set subject to ""My subject"" set content to ""This is a test email."" -- set visible to true make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {{address:""*****@*****.**""}} make new attachment with properties {{file name:""{tempFile1.Path}""}} at after the last paragraph make new attachment with properties {{file name:""{tempFile2.Path}""}} at after the last paragraph end tell end tell' ")); } }