public void add(string stock, string prce, string quant, string dte) { if (dte != "") { DateTime process = DateTime.Parse(dte); dte = process.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } else { dte = MYSQLEngine.timenow(); } CSVValue[] newvalues = new CSVValue[this.values.Length]; short ii = 0; foreach (CSVValue old in this.values) { newvalues[ii] = new CSVValue(old.stock, old.current_value, old.quantity, old.write_date); ii++; } this.values = new CSVValue[this.values.Length + 1]; ii = 0; foreach (CSVValue newv in newvalues) { this.values[ii] = new CSVValue(newv.stock, newv.current_value, newv.quantity, newv.write_date); ii++; } this.values[ii] = new CSVValue(stock, prce, quant, dte); }
public void ComputeBuyList() { if (this.isstillgood == true) { this.buylist.SetBuyList(MYSQLEngine.ReadBuyList(this.eq)); } foreach (Buy b in this.buylist.buys) { Console.WriteLine(b.ToString()); } }
public bool BuildReadValues() { if (this.has_csv_file == true) { try { this.readvalues = new CSVValues(this.csv_filepath); File.Delete(this.csv_filepath); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(false); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\n\nNo CSV file was found, building portfolio values from database."); this.readvalues = MYSQLEngine.ReadSource(this.eq); } return(true); }
private File_Status_Is ProcessYCAValue() // BUY LIST IS INITIALLY CONSTRUCTED HERE, BUT NOT POPULATED { short ii = 0; if (this.has_yca_file == true) { foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(this.yearly_contribution_filepath)) { if (ii == 0) { string instr = CSVValues.parse_decimal_str(line), parsedstr = ""; int sii = (instr.Length - 2); foreach (char c in instr) { if (sii > 0) { parsedstr = parsedstr + c; } sii--; } try { int ycaint = Int32.Parse(parsedstr); this.buylist = new BuyList(ycaint); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to construct buylist from file " + this.yearly_contribution_filepath + " exception message: " + ex.Message); return(File_Status_Is.File_Found_but_Parse_Failed); } try { MYSQLEngine.WriteYCA(this.eq, parsedstr); return(File_Status_Is.File_Found_and_Parsed); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(File_Status_Is.Failed); } } ii++; } return(File_Status_Is.Failed); } else { this.buylist = new BuyList(Int32.Parse(MYSQLEngine.ReadYCA(this.eq))); return(File_Status_Is.No_File_Found); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string dir; if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No arguments were supplied.\n"); dir = ImprovedGetAssembly(); } else { dir = args[0]; } if (valdir(dir) == false) { Console.WriteLine("First argument needs to be a valid directory."); return; } else { EngineQuery eq = new EngineQuery(); eq.server = ""; eq.user = "******"; bool goodpw = false; int pwii = 0; while (goodpw == false) { if (pwii != 0) { if (pwii > 5 || eq.password.Equals("x")) { string close = "C"; if (eq.password != "x") { close = "Five or more bad passwords, c"; } Console.WriteLine("\n" + close + "losing now."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } Console.WriteLine("\nBad Password. Enter 'x' to exit."); } eq.password = GetPassword(); goodpw = MYSQLEngine.CheckPW(eq); pwii++; } Parser _parser = new Parser(dir, eq); _parser.Initialize(); if (_parser.isstillgood == true) { MYSQLEngine.WriteManifest(_parser); MYSQLEngine.WriteSource(_parser); Console.WriteLine(""); for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("" + (ii + 1) + "..."); } Console.WriteLine(""); _parser.ComputeBuyList(); } Console.ReadLine(); } }