public ActionResult UploadAllDocumentsPutBack(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> checkDocuments)
     //Let us get Id of newly created reocrd
     string _addedPutBackRecordID = Request.Form["hdnPutbackRecordID"];
     //If ID is not null then go ahaead
     if (_addedPutBackRecordID != null)
         int _recordID = 0;
         //Gather the Info
         _recordID = Convert.ToInt32(_addedPutBackRecordID);
         //Get the Info from the Repository
         Cascade.Data.Repositories.MSIPutBackFormRepository repository = new MSIPutBackFormRepository();
         Cascade.Data.Models.MSI_PutBackForm _putbackForm = (from existingForm in repository.GetAll().Where(record => record.ID == _recordID)
                                                             select existingForm).First();
         _putbackForm.UploadedOn = DateTime.Now;
         _putbackForm.IsActive = true;
         _putbackForm.UploadedBy = UserId.ToString();
         #region [[ Check Images ]]
         if (checkDocuments != null)
             if (checkDocuments.Count() >= 1)
                 PerformFileUploadOperationPutBack(_putbackForm, checkDocuments);
         //Redirect to View Edit Form
         return RedirectToAction("DetailsPutback", "Recall", new { id = _putbackForm.ID });
         //Something is wrong so go to main page
         return RedirectToAction("PutBackIndex", "Recall");
 public JsonResult GetPutbackData(int id)
     MSIPutBackFormRepository portRecallRepo = new MSIPutBackFormRepository();
     var _portRecallData = from _portRecall in portRecallRepo.GetAll().Distinct()
                           where _portRecall.ID == id
                           select _portRecall;
     return Json(_portRecallData.SingleOrDefault(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);