        public void CreateMsnTest()
            var msnFeatures = new MSnFeatureToMSFeatureDAOHibernate();

            var map = new MSFeatureToMSnFeatureMap();

            map.LCMSFeatureID = 0;
            map.MSDatasetID   = 0;
            map.MSFeatureID   = 0;
            map.MSMSFeatureID = 0;
            map.RawDatasetID  = 0;

        public void CacheFeatures(IList <UMCLight> features, IProgress <ProgressData> progress = null)
            // SpectraTracker - Makes sure that we only record a MS spectra once, before we cache
            // this keeps us from trying to put duplicate entries into the MS/MS data
            // table/container.
            var spectraTracker = new Dictionary <int, MSSpectra>();
            var msmsFeatures   = new List <MSSpectra>();
            var mappedPeptides = new List <DatabaseSearchSequence>();
            var sequenceMaps   = new List <SequenceToMsnFeature>();

            // This dictionary makes sure that the peptide was not seen already, since a peptide can be mapped multiple times...?
            var matches    = new List <MSFeatureToMSnFeatureMap>();
            var msFeatures = new List <MSFeatureLight>();
            var peptideId  = 0;

            // Next we may want to map our MSn features to our parents.  This would allow us to do traceback...
            foreach (var feature in features)
                var totalMsMs       = 0;
                var totalIdentified = 0;
                var datasetId       = feature.GroupId;

                // For Each MS Feature
                foreach (var msFeature in feature.MsFeatures)
                    totalMsMs += msFeature.MSnSpectra.Count;
                    // For each MS / MS
                    foreach (var spectrum in msFeature.MSnSpectra)
                        var match = new MSFeatureToMSnFeatureMap
                            RawDatasetID  = datasetId,
                            MSDatasetID   = datasetId,
                            MSFeatureID   = msFeature.Id,
                            MSMSFeatureID = spectrum.Id,
                            LCMSFeatureID = feature.Id
                        spectrum.GroupId = datasetId;

                        if (spectraTracker.ContainsKey(spectrum.Id))

                        spectraTracker.Add(spectrum.Id, spectrum);

                        // We are prepping the sequences that we found from peptides that were
                        // matched only, not all of the results.
                        // These maps here are made to help establish database search results to msms
                        // spectra
                        foreach (var peptide in spectrum.Peptides)
                            peptide.GroupId = datasetId;
                            var newPeptide = new DatabaseSearchSequence(peptide, feature.Id)
                                GroupId = datasetId,
                                Id      = peptideId++

                            var sequenceMap = new SequenceToMsnFeature
                                UmcFeatureId = feature.Id,
                                DatasetId    = msFeature.GroupId,
                                MsnFeatureId = spectrum.Id,
                                SequenceId   = peptide.Id

                        totalIdentified += spectrum.Peptides.Count;

                feature.MsMsCount = totalMsMs;
                feature.IdentifiedSpectraCount = totalIdentified;

            var count = 0;

            //TODO: Fix!!! make sure sequence maps are unique
            sequenceMaps.ForEach(x => x.Id = count++);

            var progData         = new ProgressData(progress);
            var internalProgress = new Progress <ProgressData>(pd => progData.Report(pd.Percent));

            ////if (msmsFeatures.Count > 0)
            ////    progData.StepRange(1);
            ////    Providers.MSnFeatureCache.AddAll(msmsFeatures, internalProgress);

            ////if (matches.Count > 0)
            ////    progData.StepRange(2);
            ////    Providers.MSFeatureToMSnFeatureCache.AddAll(matches, internalProgress);

            if (sequenceMaps.Count > 0)
                Providers.SequenceMsnMapCache.AddAll(sequenceMaps, internalProgress);

            if (mappedPeptides.Count > 0)
                Providers.DatabaseSequenceCache.AddAll(mappedPeptides, internalProgress);

            ////if (msFeatures.Count > 0)
            ////    progData.StepRange(99);
            ////    Providers.MSFeatureCache.DeleteByDatasetId(msFeatures[0].GroupId);
            ////    Providers.MSFeatureCache.AddAllStateless(msFeatures, internalProgress);

            if (features.Count > 0)
                Providers.FeatureCache.AddAllStateless(features, internalProgress);