///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select polysurface to explode"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.polysrf_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } IOnBrep brep = go.Object(0).Brep(); if (null == brep) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } for (int i = 0; i < brep.m_F.Count(); i++) { OnBrep faceBrep = brep.DuplicateFace(i, true); if (null != faceBrep) { context.m_doc.AddBrepObject(faceBrep); } } context.m_doc.DeleteObject(go.Object(0)); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select mesh"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } IRhinoMeshObject mesh_object = MRhinoMeshObject.ConstCast(go.Object(0).Object()); if (null == mesh_object) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } SampleCsColoredMeshConduit conduit = new SampleCsColoredMeshConduit(mesh_object.m_runtime_object_serial_number); conduit.Enable(); context.m_doc.Regen(); MRhinoGetString gs = new MRhinoGetString(); gs.SetCommandPrompt("Press <Enter> to continue"); gs.AcceptNothing(); gs.GetString(); conduit.Disable(); context.m_doc.Regen(); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select curve"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IOnCurve curve = go.Object(0).Curve(); if (null == curve) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // Several types of OnCurve objects can have the form of a polyline, // including OnLineCurve, a degree 1 OnNurbsCurve, ON_PolylineCurve, // and ON_PolyCurve (whose segments form a polyline). OnCurve.IsPolyline // tests a curve to see if it can be represented as a polyline. ArrayOn3dPoint points = new ArrayOn3dPoint(64); int point_count = curve.IsPolyline(points); if (point_count > 0) { string point_str = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < point_count; i++) { point_str = string.Empty; RhUtil.RhinoFormatPoint(points[i], ref point_str); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("Point {0} = {1}\n", i, point_str)); } } return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects for Z analysis"); go.SetGeometryFilter( IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.polysrf_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object ); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(i).Object(); if (null == obj) continue; if (obj.InAnalysisMode(ZAnalysisVAM.ZANALYSIS_VAM_ID)) // This object is already in Z analysis mode continue; if (obj.EnableAnalysisMode(ZAnalysisVAM.ZANALYSIS_VAM_ID, true)) // A new object is in Z analysis mode count++; } context.m_doc.Redraw(); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("{0} objects were put into Z-Analysis mode.\n", count)); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select polysurface to explode"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.polysrf_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IOnBrep brep = go.Object(0).Brep(); if (null == brep) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; for (int i = 0; i < brep.m_F.Count(); i++) { OnBrep faceBrep = brep.DuplicateFace(i, true); if (null != faceBrep) context.m_doc.AddBrepObject(faceBrep); } context.m_doc.DeleteObject(go.Object(0)); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select mesh"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IRhinoMeshObject mesh_object = MRhinoMeshObject.ConstCast(go.Object(0).Object()); if (null == mesh_object) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; SampleCsColoredMeshConduit conduit = new SampleCsColoredMeshConduit(mesh_object.m_runtime_object_serial_number); conduit.Enable(); context.m_doc.Regen(); MRhinoGetString gs = new MRhinoGetString(); gs.SetCommandPrompt("Press <Enter> to continue"); gs.AcceptNothing(); gs.GetString(); conduit.Disable(); context.m_doc.Regen(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select curves to apply linear tags"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); EstimatorTagForm form = new EstimatorTagForm(); form.m_str_title = "Add Linear Tags"; form.m_str_prompt = "Select one or more linear tags."; form.m_type = EstimatorTag.tag_type.linear_tag; DialogResult rc = form.ShowDialog(); if (rc == DialogResult.Cancel) return IRhinoCommand.result.cancel; List<string> tag_strings = new List<string>(form.m_selected_tags.Count); EstimatorPlugIn plugin = RMA.Rhino.RhUtil.GetPlugInInstance() as EstimatorPlugIn; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < form.m_selected_tags.Count; i++) { int index = form.m_selected_tags[i]; tag_strings.Add(plugin.m_tag_table[index].Id()); } for (i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) EstimatorHelpers.AddData(go.Object(i).Object(), tag_strings.ToArray()); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select surface edge"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.edge_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } MRhinoObjRef obj_ref = go.Object(0); IOnBrepEdge brep_edge = obj_ref.Edge(); if (null == brep_edge) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } IOnBrep brep = brep_edge.Brep(); if (null == brep) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // TODO: add functionality here... return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select solid meshes for volume calculation"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object); go.SetGeometryAttributeFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER.closed_mesh); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.EnableGroupSelect(); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } List <IOnMesh> meshes = new List <IOnMesh>(); for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { IOnMesh mesh = go.Object(i).Mesh(); if (mesh != null) { meshes.Add(mesh); } } if (meshes.Count == 0) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.nothing); } OnBoundingBox bbox = new OnBoundingBox(); for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++) { meshes[i].GetBoundingBox(ref bbox, 1); } On3dPoint base_point = bbox.Center(); double total_volume = 0.0; double total_error_estimate = 0.0; string msg; for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++) { double error_estimate = 0.0; double volume = meshes[i].Volume(base_point, ref error_estimate); msg = string.Format("Mesh {0} = {1:f} (+/- {2:f}\n", i, volume, error_estimate); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(msg); total_volume += volume; total_error_estimate += error_estimate; } msg = string.Format("Total volume = {0:f} (+/- {1:f})\n", total_volume, total_error_estimate); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(msg); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select surface or polysurface for direction display"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.polysrf_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); MRhinoObjRef obj_ref = go.Object(0); IOnBrep brep = obj_ref.Brep(); if (null == brep) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; bool bIsSolid = brep.IsSolid(); bool bFlip = false; SampleCsSurfaceDirectionConduit conduit = new SampleCsSurfaceDirectionConduit(); conduit.SetBrep(brep); conduit.Enable(); context.m_doc.Redraw(); MRhinoGetOption gf = new MRhinoGetOption(); gf.SetCommandPrompt("Press Enter when done"); gf.AcceptNothing(); if (!bIsSolid) gf.AddCommandOption(new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Flip")); for (; ; ) { IRhinoGet.result res = gf.GetOption(); if (res == IRhinoGet.result.option) { bFlip = !bFlip; conduit.SetFlip(bFlip); context.m_doc.Redraw(); continue; } if (res == IRhinoGet.result.nothing) { if (!bIsSolid && bFlip) { OnBrep flipped_brep = new OnBrep(brep); flipped_brep.Flip(); context.m_doc.ReplaceObject(obj_ref, flipped_brep); } } break; } conduit.Disable(); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select two surfaces or polysurfacs to intersect"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(2, 2); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } IOnBrep B0 = go.Object(0).Brep(); IOnBrep B1 = go.Object(1).Brep(); if (null == B0 || null == B1) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } OnCurve[] curves = null; On3dPointArray points = null; bool rc = RhUtil.RhinoIntersectBreps(B0, B1, context.m_doc.AbsoluteTolerance(), out curves, out points); if ( false == rc || null == curves || 0 == curves.Length || null == points || 0 == curves.Length ) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("No intersections found.\n"); return(IRhinoCommand.result.nothing); } if (null != curves) { for (int i = 0; i < curves.Length; i++) { context.m_doc.AddCurveObject(curves[i]); } } if (null != points) { for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++) { context.m_doc.AddPointObject(points[i]); } } context.m_doc.Redraw(); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select object"); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } MRhinoObjRef obj_ref = go.Object(0); IRhinoObject obj = obj_ref.Object(); if (null == obj) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // 1.) Try the object test RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Object Test: "); if (IsLeader(obj)) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is a leader.\n"); } else { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is not a leader.\n"); } // 2.) Try the GUID test RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("GUID Test: "); if (IsLeader(obj.Attributes().m_uuid)) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is a leader.\n"); } else { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is not a leader.\n"); } // 3.) Try the geometry test RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Geometry Test: "); if (IsLeader(obj_ref.Geometry())) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is a leader.\n"); } else { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is not a leader.\n"); } return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select object to move"); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } MRhinoGetPoint gp = new MRhinoGetPoint(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Point to move from"); gp.GetPoint(); if (gp.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(gp.CommandResult()); } On3dPoint pointFrom = gp.Point(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Point to move to"); gp.SetBasePoint(pointFrom); gp.DrawLineFromPoint(pointFrom, true); gp.GetPoint(); if (gp.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(gp.CommandResult()); } On3dPoint pointTo = gp.Point(); On3dVector dir = new On3dVector(pointTo - pointFrom); if (dir.IsTiny()) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.nothing); } OnXform xform = new OnXform(); xform.Translation(dir); MRhinoObjRef objectRef = go.Object(0); context.m_doc.TransformObject(ref objectRef, xform); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects to move"); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } MRhinoXformObjectList list = new MRhinoXformObjectList(); if (list.AddObjects(go, true) < 1) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } MRhinoGetPoint gp = new MRhinoGetPoint(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Point to move from"); gp.GetPoint(); if (gp.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(gp.CommandResult()); } RhinoGetTranslation gt = new RhinoGetTranslation(); gt.SetCommandPrompt("Point to move to"); gt.AppendObjects(list); gt.SetBasePoint(gp.Point()); gt.DrawLineFromPoint(gp.Point(), true); gt.GetXform(); if (gt.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(gt.CommandResult()); } OnXform xform = new OnXform(); if (gt.CalculateTransform(gt.View().ActiveViewport(), gt.Point(), ref xform)) { // TODO: do object transformation here. } return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select solid meshes for volume calculation"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object); go.SetGeometryAttributeFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER.closed_mesh); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.EnableGroupSelect(); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); List<IOnMesh> meshes = new List<IOnMesh>(); for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { IOnMesh mesh = go.Object(i).Mesh(); if (mesh != null) meshes.Add(mesh); } if (meshes.Count == 0) return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; OnBoundingBox bbox = new OnBoundingBox(); for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++) meshes[i].GetBoundingBox(ref bbox, 1); On3dPoint base_point = bbox.Center(); double total_volume = 0.0; double total_error_estimate = 0.0; string msg; for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++) { double error_estimate = 0.0; double volume = meshes[i].Volume(base_point, ref error_estimate); msg = string.Format("Mesh {0} = {1:f} (+/- {2:f}\n", i, volume, error_estimate); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(msg); total_volume += volume; total_error_estimate += error_estimate; } msg = string.Format("Total volume = {0:f} (+/- {1:f})\n", total_volume, total_error_estimate); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(msg); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select two surfaces or polysurfacs to intersect"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(2, 2); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IOnBrep B0 = go.Object(0).Brep(); IOnBrep B1 = go.Object(1).Brep(); if (null == B0 || null == B1) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; OnCurve[] curves = null; On3dPointArray points = null; bool rc = RhUtil.RhinoIntersectBreps(B0, B1, context.m_doc.AbsoluteTolerance(), out curves, out points); if ( false == rc || null == curves || 0 == curves.Length || null == points || 0 == curves.Length ) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("No intersections found.\n"); return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; } if (null != curves) { for (int i = 0; i < curves.Length; i++) context.m_doc.AddCurveObject(curves[i]); } if (null != points) { for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++) context.m_doc.AddPointObject(points[i]); } context.m_doc.Redraw(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select surface"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } IOnSurface srf = go.Object(0).Surface(); if (null == srf) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } IOnNurbsSurface ns = srf.NurbsSurface(); if (null == ns) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Not a NURBS surface.\n"); return(IRhinoCommand.result.nothing); } On3dPoint cv = new On3dPoint(); string str = string.Empty; for (int u = 0; u < ns.CVCount(0); u++) { for (int v = 0; v < ns.CVCount(1); v++) { if (ns.GetCV(u, v, ref cv)) { str = string.Empty; RhUtil.RhinoFormatPoint(cv, ref str); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("CV({0},{1}) = {2}\n", u, v, str)); } } } return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select hatch to explode"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.hatch_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IRhinoHatch hatchObject = MRhinoHatch.ConstCast(go.Object(0).Object()); if (null == hatchObject) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; List<Guid> objectGuids = new List<Guid>(); int objectGuids_Count = ExplodeHatch(context.m_doc, hatchObject.Attributes().m_uuid, ref objectGuids); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects for Z analysis"); go.SetGeometryFilter( IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.polysrf_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object ); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(i).Object(); if (null == obj) { continue; } if (obj.InAnalysisMode(ZAnalysisVAM.ZANALYSIS_VAM_ID)) { // This object is already in Z analysis mode continue; } if (obj.EnableAnalysisMode(ZAnalysisVAM.ZANALYSIS_VAM_ID, true)) { // A new object is in Z analysis mode count++; } } context.m_doc.Redraw(); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("{0} objects were put into Z-Analysis mode.\n", count)); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select curves to apply linear tags"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } EstimatorTagForm form = new EstimatorTagForm(); form.m_str_title = "Add Linear Tags"; form.m_str_prompt = "Select one or more linear tags."; form.m_type = EstimatorTag.tag_type.linear_tag; DialogResult rc = form.ShowDialog(); if (rc == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.cancel); } List <string> tag_strings = new List <string>(form.m_selected_tags.Count); EstimatorPlugIn plugin = RMA.Rhino.RhUtil.GetPlugInInstance() as EstimatorPlugIn; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < form.m_selected_tags.Count; i++) { int index = form.m_selected_tags[i]; tag_strings.Add(plugin.m_tag_table[index].Id()); } for (i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { EstimatorHelpers.AddData(go.Object(i).Object(), tag_strings.ToArray()); } return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select rectangular light"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.light_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } IOnLight light = go.Object(0).Light(); if (null == light) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } if (!light.IsRectangularLight()) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Not a rectangular light.\n"); return(IRhinoCommand.result.nothing); } On3dPoint origin = light.Location(); On3dVector xaxis = light.Length(); On3dVector yaxis = light.Width(); OnPlane plane = new OnPlane(origin, xaxis, yaxis); OnInterval x_interval = new OnInterval(0.0, xaxis.Length()); OnInterval y_interval = new OnInterval(0.0, yaxis.Length()); OnMesh mesh = RhUtil.RhinoMeshPlane(plane, x_interval, y_interval, 2, 2); if (null != mesh) { mesh.ConvertQuadsToTriangles(); context.m_doc.AddMeshObject(mesh); context.m_doc.Redraw(); } return(IRhinoCommand.result.cancel); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select edge curve"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.edge_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(0).Object(); IOnBrep brep = go.Object(0).Brep(); IOnBrepEdge edge = go.Object(0).Edge(); if (null == obj || null == brep || null == edge) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; MRhinoObjectAttributes attribs = new MRhinoObjectAttributes(obj.Attributes()); if (attribs.GroupCount() > 0) attribs.RemoveFromAllGroups(); for (int i = 0; i < edge.TrimCount(); i++) { IOnBrepTrim trim = edge.Trim(i); if (null != trim) { IOnBrepFace face = trim.Face(); if (null != face) { OnBrep face_brep = brep.DuplicateFace(face.m_face_index, true); if (null != face_brep) { MRhinoBrepObject face_brep_obj = context.m_doc.AddBrepObject(face_brep, attribs); if (null != face_brep_obj) face_brep_obj.Select(); } } } } context.m_doc.Redraw(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select curve"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } IOnCurve curve = go.Object(0).Curve(); if (null == curve) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // Several types of OnCurve objects can have the form of a polyline, // including OnLineCurve, a degree 1 OnNurbsCurve, ON_PolylineCurve, // and ON_PolyCurve (whose segments form a polyline). OnCurve.IsPolyline // tests a curve to see if it can be represented as a polyline. ArrayOn3dPoint points = new ArrayOn3dPoint(64); int point_count = curve.IsPolyline(points); if (point_count > 0) { string point_str = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < point_count; i++) { point_str = string.Empty; RhUtil.RhinoFormatPoint(points[i], ref point_str); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("Point {0} = {1}\n", i, point_str)); } } return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select object to move"); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); MRhinoGetPoint gp = new MRhinoGetPoint(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Point to move from"); gp.GetPoint(); if (gp.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return gp.CommandResult(); On3dPoint pointFrom = gp.Point(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Point to move to"); gp.SetBasePoint(pointFrom); gp.DrawLineFromPoint(pointFrom, true); gp.GetPoint(); if (gp.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return gp.CommandResult(); On3dPoint pointTo = gp.Point(); On3dVector dir = new On3dVector(pointTo - pointFrom); if (dir.IsTiny()) return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; OnXform xform = new OnXform(); xform.Translation(dir); MRhinoObjRef objectRef = go.Object(0); context.m_doc.TransformObject(ref objectRef, xform); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select surface"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IOnSurface srf = go.Object(0).Surface(); if (null == srf) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; IOnNurbsSurface ns = srf.NurbsSurface(); if (null == ns) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Not a NURBS surface.\n"); return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; } On3dPoint cv = new On3dPoint(); string str = string.Empty; for (int u = 0; u < ns.CVCount(0); u++) { for (int v = 0; v < ns.CVCount(1); v++) { if (ns.GetCV(u, v, ref cv)) { str = string.Empty; RhUtil.RhinoFormatPoint(cv, ref str); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("CV({0},{1}) = {2}\n", u, v, str)); } } } return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select surface edge"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.edge_object); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); MRhinoObjRef obj_ref = go.Object(0); IOnBrepEdge brep_edge = obj_ref.Edge(); if (null == brep_edge) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; IOnBrep brep = brep_edge.Brep(); if (null == brep) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // TODO: add functionality here... return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select rectangular light"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.light_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IOnLight light = go.Object(0).Light(); if (null == light) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; if (!light.IsRectangularLight()) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Not a rectangular light.\n"); return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; } On3dPoint origin = light.Location(); On3dVector xaxis = light.Length(); On3dVector yaxis = light.Width(); OnPlane plane = new OnPlane(origin, xaxis, yaxis); OnInterval x_interval = new OnInterval(0.0, xaxis.Length()); OnInterval y_interval = new OnInterval(0.0, yaxis.Length()); OnMesh mesh = RhUtil.RhinoMeshPlane(plane, x_interval, y_interval, 2, 2); if (null != mesh) { mesh.ConvertQuadsToTriangles(); context.m_doc.AddMeshObject(mesh); context.m_doc.Redraw(); } return IRhinoCommand.result.cancel; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects to apply item tag"); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); EstimatorTagForm form = new EstimatorTagForm(); form.m_str_title = "Add Item Tag"; form.m_str_prompt = "Select an item tag."; form.m_type = EstimatorTag.tag_type.item_tag; DialogResult rc = form.ShowDialog(); if (rc == DialogResult.Cancel) return IRhinoCommand.result.cancel; List<string> tag_strings = new List<string>(form.m_selected_tags.Count); EstimatorPlugIn plugin = RMA.Rhino.RhUtil.GetPlugInInstance() as EstimatorPlugIn; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < form.m_selected_tags.Count; i++) { int index = form.m_selected_tags[i]; tag_strings.Add(plugin.m_tag_table[index].Id()); } for (i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { EstimatorHelpers.RemoveAllData(go.Object(i).Object()); EstimatorHelpers.AddData(go.Object(i).Object(), tag_strings.ToArray()); } return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select object"); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); MRhinoObjRef obj_ref = go.Object(0); IRhinoObject obj = obj_ref.Object(); if (null == obj) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // 1.) Try the object test RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Object Test: "); if (IsLeader(obj)) RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is a leader.\n"); else RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is not a leader.\n"); // 2.) Try the GUID test RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("GUID Test: "); if (IsLeader(obj.Attributes().m_uuid)) RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is a leader.\n"); else RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is not a leader.\n"); // 3.) Try the geometry test RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Geometry Test: "); if (IsLeader(obj_ref.Geometry())) RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is a leader.\n"); else RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("object is not a leader.\n"); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select hatch to explode"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.hatch_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } IRhinoHatch hatchObject = MRhinoHatch.ConstCast(go.Object(0).Object()); if (null == hatchObject) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } List <Guid> objectGuids = new List <Guid>(); int objectGuids_Count = ExplodeHatch(context.m_doc, hatchObject.Attributes().m_uuid, ref objectGuids); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select surface or polysurface for direction display"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.polysrf_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } MRhinoObjRef obj_ref = go.Object(0); IOnBrep brep = obj_ref.Brep(); if (null == brep) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } bool bIsSolid = brep.IsSolid(); bool bFlip = false; SampleCsSurfaceDirectionConduit conduit = new SampleCsSurfaceDirectionConduit(); conduit.SetBrep(brep); conduit.Enable(); context.m_doc.Redraw(); MRhinoGetOption gf = new MRhinoGetOption(); gf.SetCommandPrompt("Press Enter when done"); gf.AcceptNothing(); if (!bIsSolid) { gf.AddCommandOption(new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Flip")); } for (; ;) { IRhinoGet.result res = gf.GetOption(); if (res == IRhinoGet.result.option) { bFlip = !bFlip; conduit.SetFlip(bFlip); context.m_doc.Redraw(); continue; } if (res == IRhinoGet.result.nothing) { if (!bIsSolid && bFlip) { OnBrep flipped_brep = new OnBrep(brep); flipped_brep.Flip(); context.m_doc.ReplaceObject(obj_ref, flipped_brep); } } break; } conduit.Disable(); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select tagged object to report"); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(0).Object(); if (null == obj) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } IOnGeometry geo = obj.Geometry(); if (null == geo) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } string[] string_array = null; if (0 == EstimatorHelpers.GetData(obj, ref string_array)) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("No Estimator tag data found.\n"); return(IRhinoCommand.result.nothing); } string filename = null; SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog(); sd.DefaultExt = "xml"; sd.Filter = "XML file (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; sd.AddExtension = true; sd.RestoreDirectory = true; sd.Title = "Save"; if (sd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { filename = sd.FileName; } sd.Dispose(); sd = null; if (null == filename) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.cancel); } XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteComment("Saved on " + DateTime.Now); // Write root element writer.WriteStartElement("Estimator"); writer.WriteAttributeString("Version", "1.0"); // Write object writer.WriteStartElement("Object"); writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", geo.ObjectType().ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("Uuid", obj.Attributes().m_uuid.ToString()); if (obj.Attributes().m_name.Length > 0) { writer.WriteElementString("Name", obj.Attributes().m_name); } else { writer.WriteElementString("Name", "(none)"); } // Write object length double length = EstimatorHelpers.GetLength(obj); if (length > 0.0) { writer.WriteElementString("Length", length.ToString()); } else { writer.WriteElementString("Length", "n/a"); } double tol = context.m_doc.AbsoluteTolerance(); // Write object area double area = EstimatorHelpers.GetArea(obj, tol); if (area > 0.0) { writer.WriteElementString("Area", area.ToString()); } else { writer.WriteElementString("Area", "n/a"); } // Write object volume double volume = EstimatorHelpers.GetVolume(obj); if (volume > 0.0) { writer.WriteElementString("Volume", volume.ToString()); } else { writer.WriteElementString("Volume", "n/a"); } // Write object tags writer.WriteStartElement("Tags"); for (int i = 0; i < string_array.Length; i++) { writer.WriteElementString("Tag", string_array[i]); } writer.WriteEndElement(); // Tags writer.WriteEndElement(); // Object writer.WriteEndElement(); // Estimator writer.WriteEndDocument(); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { // Select a curve object MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select curve"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); // Validate the selection IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(0).Object(); if (null == obj) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // Get the active view MRhinoView view = RhUtil.RhinoApp().ActiveView(); if (null == view) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // Get the construction plane from the active view OnPlane plane = new OnPlane(view.ActiveViewport().ConstructionPlane().m_plane); // Create a construction plane aligned bounding box OnBoundingBox bbox = new OnBoundingBox(); IRhinoObject[] objs = new IRhinoObject[1] { obj }; bool rc = RhUtil.RhinoGetTightBoundingBox(objs, ref bbox, false, plane); if (rc == false) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // Validate bounding box if (0 != bbox.IsDegenerate()) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Curve's tight bounding box is degenerate.\n"); return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; } // ON_BrepBox wants 8 points defining the box corners // arranged in this order: // // v7______________v6 // |\ |\ // | \ | \ // | \ _____________\ // | v4 | v5 // | | | | // | | | | // v3---|---------v2 | // \ | \ | // \ | \ | // \ | \ | // \v0____________\v1 // On3dPoint[] box_corners = new On3dPoint[8]; box_corners[0] = bbox.Corner(0, 0, 0); box_corners[1] = bbox.Corner(1, 0, 0); box_corners[2] = bbox.Corner(1, 1, 0); box_corners[3] = bbox.Corner(0, 1, 0); box_corners[4] = bbox.Corner(0, 0, 1); box_corners[5] = bbox.Corner(1, 0, 1); box_corners[6] = bbox.Corner(1, 1, 1); box_corners[7] = bbox.Corner(0, 1, 1); // Transform points to the world-xy plane OnXform p2w = new OnXform(); p2w.ChangeBasis(plane, OnUtil.On_xy_plane); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) box_corners[i].Transform(p2w); // Make a brep box OnBrep brep = OnUtil.ON_BrepBox(box_corners); if (null != brep) { context.m_doc.AddBrepObject(brep); context.m_doc.Redraw(); } return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { int nValue = _nValue; double dValue = _dValue; MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); go.EnableGroupSelect(true); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.EnableClearObjectsOnEntry(false); go.EnableUnselectObjectsOnExit(false); go.EnableDeselectAllBeforePostSelect(false); bool bHavePreselectedObjects = false; for (; ;) { go.ClearCommandOptions(); int dOptionIndex = go.AddCommandOptionNumber( new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Double"), new MRhinoGet.DoubleOption(dValue), "Double value", false, 0.1, 99.9 ); int nOptionIndex = go.AddCommandOptionInteger( new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Integer"), new MRhinoGet.IntegerOption(nValue), "Integer value", 1, 99 ); IRhinoGet.result res = go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (res == IRhinoGet.result.option) { IRhinoCommandOption commandOption = go.Option(); if (null != commandOption) { int optionIndex = commandOption.m_option_index; if (optionIndex == nOptionIndex) { nValue = (int)commandOption.m_number_option_value; } else if (optionIndex == dOptionIndex) { dValue = commandOption.m_number_option_value; } } go.EnablePreSelect(false); continue; } else if (res != IRhinoGet.result.@object) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.cancel); } if (go.ObjectsWerePreSelected()) { bHavePreselectedObjects = true; go.EnablePreSelect(false); continue; } break; } if (bHavePreselectedObjects) { // Normally, pre-selected objects will remain selected, when a // command finishes, and post-selected objects will be unselected. // This this way of picking, it is possible to have a combination // of pre-selected and post-selected. So, to make sure everything // "looks the same", lets unselect everything before finishing // the command. for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { IRhinoObject rhinoObject = go.Object(i).Object(); if (null != rhinoObject) { rhinoObject.Select(false); } } context.m_doc.Redraw(); } int objectCount = go.ObjectCount(); _dValue = dValue; _nValue = nValue; RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("Select object count = {0}\n", objectCount)); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("Value of double = {0}\n", _dValue)); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("Value of integer = {0}\n", _nValue)); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { // Step 1, select objects to include in the instance definition MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects to define block"); go.EnableReferenceObjectSelect(false); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.EnableGroupSelect(true); // Phantoms, grips, lights, etc., cannot be in instance definitions. uint forbidden_geometry_filter = (uint)(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.light_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.grip_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.phantom_object ); uint geometry_filter = forbidden_geometry_filter ^ (uint)IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.any_object; go.SetGeometryFilter(geometry_filter); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); // Step 2, select base point MRhinoGetPoint gp = new MRhinoGetPoint(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Block base point"); gp.GetPoint(); if (gp.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return gp.CommandResult(); On3dPoint base_point = gp.Point(); // Step 3, get instance definition name MRhinoGetString gs = new MRhinoGetString(); gs.SetCommandPrompt("Block definition name"); gs.SetDefaultString(GetUnusedInstanceDefinitionName(context.m_doc)); gs.GetString(); if (gs.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return gs.CommandResult(); string idef_name = gs.String().Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idef_name)) return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; // Step 4, verify objects int found_index = context.m_doc.m_instance_definition_table.FindInstanceDefinition(idef_name); List<IRhinoObject> objects = new List<IRhinoObject>(); bool bQuietly = context.IsInteractive() ? false : true; for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(i).Object(); if (obj == null) continue; // Probably don't need to do this... if (0 != (forbidden_geometry_filter & (uint)obj.ObjectType())) continue; if (obj.ObjectType() == IOn.object_type.instance_reference) { IRhinoInstanceObject iref_obj = MRhinoInstanceObject.ConstCast(obj); if (iref_obj != null) { if (found_index >= 0 && iref_obj.UsesDefinition(found_index) > 0) { if (!bQuietly) RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Unable to create block.\n"); return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; } } } objects.Add(obj); } // Step 5, create instance definition OnInstanceDefinition idef = new OnInstanceDefinition(); idef.SetName(idef_name); int idef_index = CreateInstanceDefinition(context.m_doc, idef, base_point, objects, bQuietly); if (idef_index < 0) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // Step 6, create the instance reference OnXform xform = new OnXform(); xform.Translation(base_point - new On3dPoint(OnUtil.On_origin)); IRhinoInstanceObject inst_obj = context.m_doc.m_instance_definition_table.CreateInstanceObject(idef_index, xform); if (inst_obj != null) { inst_obj.Select(true); } else { if (!bQuietly) RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Error creating block.\n"); return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; } // Step 7, delete existing geometry for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++) context.m_doc.DeleteObject(new MRhinoObjRef(objects[i])); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select surface, polysurface, or mesh to export"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.polysrf_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } MRhinoObjRef obj_ref = go.Object(0); IRhinoObject obj = obj_ref.Object(); if (null == obj) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } List <IRhinoObject> obj_list = new List <IRhinoObject>(); obj_list.Add(obj); ArrayMRhinoObjectMesh mesh_list = new ArrayMRhinoObjectMesh(obj_list.Count); OnMeshParameters mesh_parameters = _mesh_parameters; int mesh_ui_style = !context.IsInteractive() ? 2 : _mesh_ui_style; IRhinoCommand.result res = RhUtil.RhinoMeshObjects(obj_list.ToArray(), ref mesh_parameters, ref mesh_ui_style, ref mesh_list); if (res == IRhinoCommand.result.success) { if (mesh_ui_style >= 0 && mesh_ui_style <= 1) { _mesh_ui_style = mesh_ui_style; } _mesh_parameters = mesh_parameters; } else { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("No mesh to export.\n"); return(res); } string filename = string.Empty; if (context.IsInteractive()) { SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.Title = "Export"; dialog.Filter = "Geomview files|*.off"; dialog.InitialDirectory = DirectoryManager.DefaultDirectory(DirectoryManager.FileTypes.ftExport); if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.cancel); } filename = dialog.FileName; } else { MRhinoGetString gs = new MRhinoGetString(); gs.SetCommandPrompt("Export file name"); gs.GetString(); if (gs.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(gs.CommandResult()); } filename = gs.String().Trim(); } try { OnMesh mesh = mesh_list.First().GetMesh(); int vertex_count = mesh.VertexCount(); int face_count = mesh.FaceCount(); int edge_count = mesh.Topology().m_tope.Count(); System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename); // Write out the first line of the file header file.WriteLine("OFF"); // Write the header information file.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", vertex_count, face_count, edge_count)); file.WriteLine(); // Write out all the vertices in order for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) { On3fPoint p = mesh.m_V[i]; file.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", p.x.ToString("F"), p.y.ToString("F"), p.z.ToString("F"))); } file.WriteLine(); // Write out all the faces for (int i = 0; i < face_count; i++) { OnMeshFace f = mesh.m_F[i]; if (f.IsQuad()) { file.WriteLine(string.Format("4 {0} {1} {2} {3}", f.get_vi(0), f.get_vi(1), f.get_vi(2), f.get_vi(3))); } else { file.WriteLine(string.Format("3 {0} {1} {2}", f.get_vi(0), f.get_vi(1), f.get_vi(2))); } } file.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("{0}\n", e.Message)); } return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { // Step 1, select objects to include in the instance definition MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects to define block"); go.EnableReferenceObjectSelect(false); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.EnableGroupSelect(true); // Phantoms, grips, lights, etc., cannot be in instance definitions. uint forbidden_geometry_filter = (uint)(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.light_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.grip_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.phantom_object ); uint geometry_filter = forbidden_geometry_filter ^ (uint)IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.any_object; go.SetGeometryFilter(geometry_filter); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } // Step 2, select base point MRhinoGetPoint gp = new MRhinoGetPoint(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Block base point"); gp.GetPoint(); if (gp.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(gp.CommandResult()); } On3dPoint base_point = gp.Point(); // Step 3, get instance definition name MRhinoGetString gs = new MRhinoGetString(); gs.SetCommandPrompt("Block definition name"); gs.SetDefaultString(GetUnusedInstanceDefinitionName(context.m_doc)); gs.GetString(); if (gs.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(gs.CommandResult()); } string idef_name = gs.String().Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idef_name)) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.nothing); } // Step 4, verify objects int found_index = context.m_doc.m_instance_definition_table.FindInstanceDefinition(idef_name); List <IRhinoObject> objects = new List <IRhinoObject>(); bool bQuietly = context.IsInteractive() ? false : true; for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(i).Object(); if (obj == null) { continue; } // Probably don't need to do this... if (0 != (forbidden_geometry_filter & (uint)obj.ObjectType())) { continue; } if (obj.ObjectType() == IOn.object_type.instance_reference) { IRhinoInstanceObject iref_obj = MRhinoInstanceObject.ConstCast(obj); if (iref_obj != null) { if (found_index >= 0 && iref_obj.UsesDefinition(found_index) > 0) { if (!bQuietly) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Unable to create block.\n"); } return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } } } objects.Add(obj); } // Step 5, create instance definition OnInstanceDefinition idef = new OnInstanceDefinition(); idef.SetName(idef_name); int idef_index = CreateInstanceDefinition(context.m_doc, idef, base_point, objects, bQuietly); if (idef_index < 0) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // Step 6, create the instance reference OnXform xform = new OnXform(); xform.Translation(base_point - new On3dPoint(OnUtil.On_origin)); IRhinoInstanceObject inst_obj = context.m_doc.m_instance_definition_table.CreateInstanceObject(idef_index, xform); if (inst_obj != null) { inst_obj.Select(true); } else { if (!bQuietly) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Error creating block.\n"); } return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // Step 7, delete existing geometry for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++) { context.m_doc.DeleteObject(new MRhinoObjRef(objects[i])); } context.m_doc.Redraw(); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select surface, polysurface, or mesh to export"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.surface_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.polysrf_object | IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); MRhinoObjRef obj_ref = go.Object(0); IRhinoObject obj = obj_ref.Object(); if (null == obj) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; List<IRhinoObject> obj_list = new List<IRhinoObject>(); obj_list.Add(obj); ArrayMRhinoObjectMesh mesh_list = new ArrayMRhinoObjectMesh(obj_list.Count); OnMeshParameters mesh_parameters = _mesh_parameters; int mesh_ui_style = !context.IsInteractive() ? 2 : _mesh_ui_style; IRhinoCommand.result res = RhUtil.RhinoMeshObjects(obj_list.ToArray(), ref mesh_parameters, ref mesh_ui_style, ref mesh_list); if (res == IRhinoCommand.result.success) { if (mesh_ui_style >= 0 && mesh_ui_style <= 1) _mesh_ui_style = mesh_ui_style; _mesh_parameters = mesh_parameters; } else { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("No mesh to export.\n"); return res; } string filename = string.Empty; if (context.IsInteractive()) { SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.Title = "Export"; dialog.Filter = "Geomview files|*.off"; dialog.InitialDirectory = DirectoryManager.DefaultDirectory(DirectoryManager.FileTypes.ftExport); if (dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return IRhinoCommand.result.cancel; filename = dialog.FileName; } else { MRhinoGetString gs = new MRhinoGetString(); gs.SetCommandPrompt("Export file name"); gs.GetString(); if (gs.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return gs.CommandResult(); filename = gs.String().Trim(); } try { OnMesh mesh = mesh_list.First().GetMesh(); int vertex_count = mesh.VertexCount(); int face_count = mesh.FaceCount(); int edge_count = mesh.Topology().m_tope.Count(); System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename); // Write out the first line of the file header file.WriteLine("OFF"); // Write the header information file.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", vertex_count, face_count, edge_count)); file.WriteLine(); // Write out all the vertices in order for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) { On3fPoint p = mesh.m_V[i]; file.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", p.x.ToString("F"), p.y.ToString("F"), p.z.ToString("F"))); } file.WriteLine(); // Write out all the faces for (int i = 0; i < face_count; i++) { OnMeshFace f = mesh.m_F[i]; if (f.IsQuad()) file.WriteLine(string.Format("4 {0} {1} {2} {3}", f.get_vi(0), f.get_vi(1), f.get_vi(2), f.get_vi(3))); else file.WriteLine(string.Format("3 {0} {1} {2}", f.get_vi(0), f.get_vi(1), f.get_vi(2))); } file.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("{0}\n", e.Message)); } return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
/// <summary> /// This gets called when when the user runs this command. /// </summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { // Select objects to animate MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects to animate"); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); // Select path curve MRhinoGetObject gc = new MRhinoGetObject(); gc.SetCommandPrompt("Select path curve"); gc.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); gc.SetGeometryAttributeFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER.open_curve); gc.EnableDeselectAllBeforePostSelect(false); gc.GetObjects(1, 1); if (gc.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return gc.CommandResult(); // Get the curve IOnCurve crv = gc.Object(0).Curve(); if (null == crv ) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // Create an array of normalized curve parameters List<double> slist = new List<double>(m_max_steps); for (int i = 0; i < m_max_steps; i++ ) { double s = (double)i / ( (double)m_max_steps - 1 ); slist.Add(s); } // Get the real parameters along the curve double[] tlist = new double[m_max_steps]; if (!crv.GetNormalizedArcLengthPoints(slist.ToArray(), ref tlist)) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; // Create the display conduit SampleCsAnimatorConduit conduit = new SampleCsAnimatorConduit(); // Get points along curve On3dPoint start = new On3dPoint(crv.PointAtStart()); List<On3dPoint> plist = new List<On3dPoint>(tlist.Length); for (int i = 0; i < m_max_steps; i++) { On3dPoint pt = new On3dPoint(crv.PointAt(tlist[i])); plist.Add(pt); } // Hide objects and add them to conduit's object array for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++ ) { MRhinoObjRef objref = go.Object(i); context.m_doc.HideObject(objref); conduit.m_objects.Add(objref.Object()); } // Do animation... conduit.Enable(); for (int i = 0; i < m_max_steps; i++) { On3dVector v = plist[i] - start; conduit.m_xform.Translation(v); context.m_doc.Redraw(); Thread.Sleep(100); } for (int i = m_max_steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) { On3dVector v = plist[i] - start; conduit.m_xform.Translation(v); if (0 != i) { context.m_doc.Redraw(); Thread.Sleep(100); } } conduit.Disable(); // Show hidden objects for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { MRhinoObjRef objref = go.Object(i); context.m_doc.ShowObject(objref); } context.m_doc.Redraw(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects to move"); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); MRhinoXformObjectList list = new MRhinoXformObjectList(); if (list.AddObjects(go, true) < 1) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; MRhinoGetPoint gp = new MRhinoGetPoint(); gp.SetCommandPrompt("Point to move from"); gp.GetPoint(); if (gp.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return gp.CommandResult(); RhinoGetTranslation gt = new RhinoGetTranslation(); gt.SetCommandPrompt("Point to move to"); gt.AppendObjects(list); gt.SetBasePoint(gp.Point()); gt.DrawLineFromPoint(gp.Point(), true); gt.GetXform(); if (gt.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return gt.CommandResult(); OnXform xform = new OnXform(); if (gt.CalculateTransform(gt.View().ActiveViewport(), gt.Point(), ref xform)) { // TODO: do object transformation here. } return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select tagged object to report"); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(0).Object(); if (null == obj) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; IOnGeometry geo = obj.Geometry(); if (null == geo) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; string[] string_array = null; if (0 == EstimatorHelpers.GetData(obj, ref string_array)) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("No Estimator tag data found.\n"); return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; } string filename = null; SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog(); sd.DefaultExt = "xml"; sd.Filter = "XML file (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; sd.AddExtension = true; sd.RestoreDirectory = true; sd.Title = "Save"; if (sd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) filename = sd.FileName; sd.Dispose(); sd = null; if (null == filename) return IRhinoCommand.result.cancel; XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteComment("Saved on " + DateTime.Now); // Write root element writer.WriteStartElement("Estimator"); writer.WriteAttributeString("Version", "1.0"); // Write object writer.WriteStartElement("Object"); writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", geo.ObjectType().ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("Uuid", obj.Attributes().m_uuid.ToString()); if (obj.Attributes().m_name.Length > 0) writer.WriteElementString("Name", obj.Attributes().m_name); else writer.WriteElementString("Name", "(none)"); // Write object length double length = EstimatorHelpers.GetLength(obj); if (length > 0.0) writer.WriteElementString("Length", length.ToString()); else writer.WriteElementString("Length", "n/a"); double tol = context.m_doc.AbsoluteTolerance(); // Write object area double area = EstimatorHelpers.GetArea(obj, tol); if (area > 0.0) writer.WriteElementString("Area", area.ToString()); else writer.WriteElementString("Area", "n/a"); // Write object volume double volume = EstimatorHelpers.GetVolume(obj); if (volume > 0.0) writer.WriteElementString("Volume", volume.ToString()); else writer.WriteElementString("Volume", "n/a"); // Write object tags writer.WriteStartElement("Tags"); for (int i = 0; i < string_array.Length; i++) writer.WriteElementString("Tag", string_array[i]); writer.WriteEndElement(); // Tags writer.WriteEndElement(); // Object writer.WriteEndElement(); // Estimator writer.WriteEndDocument(); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { int nValue = _nValue; double dValue = _dValue; MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); go.EnableGroupSelect(true); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.EnableClearObjectsOnEntry(false); go.EnableUnselectObjectsOnExit(false); go.EnableDeselectAllBeforePostSelect(false); bool bHavePreselectedObjects = false; for (; ; ) { go.ClearCommandOptions(); int dOptionIndex = go.AddCommandOptionNumber( new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Double"), new MRhinoGet.DoubleOption(dValue), "Double value", false, 0.1, 99.9 ); int nOptionIndex = go.AddCommandOptionInteger( new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Integer"), new MRhinoGet.IntegerOption(nValue), "Integer value", 1, 99 ); IRhinoGet.result res = go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (res == IRhinoGet.result.option) { IRhinoCommandOption commandOption = go.Option(); if (null != commandOption) { int optionIndex = commandOption.m_option_index; if (optionIndex == nOptionIndex) nValue = (int)commandOption.m_number_option_value; else if (optionIndex == dOptionIndex) dValue = commandOption.m_number_option_value; } go.EnablePreSelect(false); continue; } else if (res != IRhinoGet.result.@object) return IRhinoCommand.result.cancel; if (go.ObjectsWerePreSelected()) { bHavePreselectedObjects = true; go.EnablePreSelect(false); continue; } break; } if (bHavePreselectedObjects) { // Normally, pre-selected objects will remain selected, when a // command finishes, and post-selected objects will be unselected. // This this way of picking, it is possible to have a combination // of pre-selected and post-selected. So, to make sure everything // "looks the same", lets unselect everything before finishing // the command. for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { IRhinoObject rhinoObject = go.Object(i).Object(); if (null != rhinoObject) rhinoObject.Select(false); } context.m_doc.Redraw(); } int objectCount = go.ObjectCount(); _dValue = dValue; _nValue = nValue; RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("Select object count = {0}\n", objectCount)); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("Value of double = {0}\n", _dValue)); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print(string.Format("Value of integer = {0}\n", _nValue)); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { // Select a curve object MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select curve"); go.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } // Validate the selection IRhinoObject obj = go.Object(0).Object(); if (null == obj) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // Get the active view MRhinoView view = RhUtil.RhinoApp().ActiveView(); if (null == view) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // Get the construction plane from the active view OnPlane plane = new OnPlane(view.ActiveViewport().ConstructionPlane().m_plane); // Create a construction plane aligned bounding box OnBoundingBox bbox = new OnBoundingBox(); IRhinoObject[] objs = new IRhinoObject[1] { obj }; bool rc = RhUtil.RhinoGetTightBoundingBox(objs, ref bbox, false, plane); if (rc == false) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // Validate bounding box if (0 != bbox.IsDegenerate()) { RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print("Curve's tight bounding box is degenerate.\n"); return(IRhinoCommand.result.nothing); } // ON_BrepBox wants 8 points defining the box corners // arranged in this order: // // v7______________v6 // |\ |\ // | \ | \ // | \ _____________\ // | v4 | v5 // | | | | // | | | | // v3---|---------v2 | // \ | \ | // \ | \ | // \ | \ | // \v0____________\v1 // On3dPoint[] box_corners = new On3dPoint[8]; box_corners[0] = bbox.Corner(0, 0, 0); box_corners[1] = bbox.Corner(1, 0, 0); box_corners[2] = bbox.Corner(1, 1, 0); box_corners[3] = bbox.Corner(0, 1, 0); box_corners[4] = bbox.Corner(0, 0, 1); box_corners[5] = bbox.Corner(1, 0, 1); box_corners[6] = bbox.Corner(1, 1, 1); box_corners[7] = bbox.Corner(0, 1, 1); // Transform points to the world-xy plane OnXform p2w = new OnXform(); p2w.ChangeBasis(plane, OnUtil.On_xy_plane); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { box_corners[i].Transform(p2w); } // Make a brep box OnBrep brep = OnUtil.ON_BrepBox(box_corners); if (null != brep) { context.m_doc.AddBrepObject(brep); context.m_doc.Redraw(); } return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
/// <summary> /// This gets called when when the user runs this command. /// </summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { // Select objects to animate MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt("Select objects to animate"); go.GetObjects(1, 0); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(go.CommandResult()); } // Select path curve MRhinoGetObject gc = new MRhinoGetObject(); gc.SetCommandPrompt("Select path curve"); gc.SetGeometryFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.curve_object); gc.SetGeometryAttributeFilter(IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER.open_curve); gc.EnableDeselectAllBeforePostSelect(false); gc.GetObjects(1, 1); if (gc.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) { return(gc.CommandResult()); } // Get the curve IOnCurve crv = gc.Object(0).Curve(); if (null == crv) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // Create an array of normalized curve parameters List <double> slist = new List <double>(m_max_steps); for (int i = 0; i < m_max_steps; i++) { double s = (double)i / ((double)m_max_steps - 1); slist.Add(s); } // Get the real parameters along the curve double[] tlist = new double[m_max_steps]; if (!crv.GetNormalizedArcLengthPoints(slist.ToArray(), ref tlist)) { return(IRhinoCommand.result.failure); } // Create the display conduit SampleCsAnimatorConduit conduit = new SampleCsAnimatorConduit(); // Get points along curve On3dPoint start = new On3dPoint(crv.PointAtStart()); List <On3dPoint> plist = new List <On3dPoint>(tlist.Length); for (int i = 0; i < m_max_steps; i++) { On3dPoint pt = new On3dPoint(crv.PointAt(tlist[i])); plist.Add(pt); } // Hide objects and add them to conduit's object array for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { MRhinoObjRef objref = go.Object(i); context.m_doc.HideObject(objref); conduit.m_objects.Add(objref.Object()); } // Do animation... conduit.Enable(); for (int i = 0; i < m_max_steps; i++) { On3dVector v = plist[i] - start; conduit.m_xform.Translation(v); context.m_doc.Redraw(); Thread.Sleep(100); } for (int i = m_max_steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) { On3dVector v = plist[i] - start; conduit.m_xform.Translation(v); if (0 != i) { context.m_doc.Redraw(); Thread.Sleep(100); } } conduit.Disable(); // Show hidden objects for (int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++) { MRhinoObjRef objref = go.Object(i); context.m_doc.ShowObject(objref); } context.m_doc.Redraw(); return(IRhinoCommand.result.success); }
///<summary> This gets called when when the user runs this command.</summary> public override IRhinoCommand.result RunCommand(IRhinoCommandContext context) { Model.globalContext = context; // get file info after it has been loaded into memory. Model.txtFilename = context.m_doc.GetPathName(); Model.txtTitle = context.m_doc.GetTitle(); // http://wiki.mcneel.com/developer/sdksamples/meshvolume MRhinoGetObject go = new MRhinoGetObject(); go.SetCommandPrompt( "Select solid meshes for volume calculation" ); go.SetGeometryFilter( IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_TYPE_FILTER.mesh_object ); go.SetGeometryAttributeFilter( IRhinoGetObject.GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER.closed_mesh ); go.EnableSubObjectSelect(false); go.EnableGroupSelect(); go.GetObjects( 1, 0 ); if( go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success ) return go.CommandResult(); List<IOnMesh> meshes = new List<IOnMesh>(); for( int i = 0; i < go.ObjectCount(); i++ ) { IOnMesh mesh = go.Object(i).Mesh(); if( mesh != null ) meshes.Add( mesh ); } if( meshes.Count == 0 ) return IRhinoCommand.result.nothing; OnBoundingBox bbox = new OnBoundingBox(); for( int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++ ) meshes[i].GetBoundingBox( ref bbox, 1 ); On3dPoint base_point = bbox.Center(); double total_volume = 0.0; double total_error_estimate = 0.0; string msg; for( int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++ ) { double error_estimate = 0.0; double volume = meshes[i].Volume( base_point, ref error_estimate ); msg = string.Format("Mesh {0} = {1:f} (+/- {2:f}\n",i,volume,error_estimate); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print( msg ); total_volume += volume; total_error_estimate += error_estimate; } msg = string.Format("Total volume = {0:f} (+/- {1:f})\n", total_volume, total_error_estimate); RhUtil.RhinoApp().Print( msg ); return IRhinoCommand.result.success; /* System.Guid id = CsDockingDialogDockBar.ID(); bool bVisible = RMA.UI.MRhinoDockBarManager.IsDockBarVisible(id); string prompt; if (bVisible) prompt = string.Format("{0} window is visible. New value", EnglishCommandName()); else prompt = string.Format("{0} window is hidden. New value", EnglishCommandName()); MRhinoGetOption go = new MRhinoGetOption(); go.SetCommandPrompt(prompt); int h_option = go.AddCommandOption(new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Hide")); int s_option = go.AddCommandOption(new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Show")); int t_option = go.AddCommandOption(new MRhinoCommandOptionName("Toggle")); go.GetOption(); if (go.CommandResult() != IRhinoCommand.result.success) return go.CommandResult(); IRhinoCommandOption opt = go.Option(); if (opt == null) return IRhinoCommand.result.failure; int option_index = opt.m_option_index; if (h_option == option_index) { if (bVisible) RMA.UI.MRhinoDockBarManager.ShowDockBar(id, false, false); } else if (s_option == option_index) { if (!bVisible) RMA.UI.MRhinoDockBarManager.ShowDockBar(id, true, false); } else if (t_option == option_index) { if (bVisible) RMA.UI.MRhinoDockBarManager.ShowDockBar(id, false, false); else RMA.UI.MRhinoDockBarManager.ShowDockBar(id, true, false); } return IRhinoCommand.result.success;*/ }