//Entry Vertices Position of object
            Vector3[] EntryVertices(MQO.MQOFormat format,int obj_id)
                int vcount = (int)format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face_vartex_count;

                int face_add = 0;
                Vector3[] vpos = new Vector3[vcount];
                for (int i = 0; i < vcount;)
                    if(format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count == 3)
                        vpos[i] = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,2);
                        vpos[i+1] = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,0);
                        vpos[i+2] = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,1);
                    else if(format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count == 4)
                        vpos[i] = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,3);
                        vpos[i+1] = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,0);
                        vpos[i+2] = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,1);
                        vpos[i+3] = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,2);
                    i += format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count;
                for(int i = 0; i < vcount; i++)
                    vpos[i] = Vector3.Reflect(vpos[i],Vector3.right);
                return vpos;
            //Entry Vertives NormalsVector of Face (You must make Normals from face positions)
            Vector3[] EntryNormals(MQO.MQOFormat format,int obj_id)
                int vcount = (int)format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face_vartex_count;

                    //Entry Normal vector making
                Vector3 Nvector_1;
                Vector3 Nvector_2;
                Vector3 Nvector;

                int face_add = 0;
                Vector3[] normal = new Vector3[vcount];

                for (int i = 0; i < vcount;)
                    if(format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count == 3)
                        //Entry Normal vector making
                        Nvector_1 = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,1) - format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,0);
                        Nvector_2 = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,2) - format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,0);
                        Nvector = Vector3.Cross(Nvector_2,Nvector_1);

                        normal[i+2] = Nvector;
                        normal[i+1] = Nvector;
                        normal[i] = Nvector;
                    else if(format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count == 4)
                        Nvector_1 = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,2) - format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,0);
                        Nvector_2 = format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,3) - format.GetVPos(obj_id ,face_add,1);
                        Nvector = Vector3.Cross(Nvector_2,Nvector_1);

                        normal[i+3] = Nvector;
                        normal[i+2] = Nvector;
                        normal[i+1] = Nvector;
                        normal[i] = Nvector;

                    i += format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count;
                for(int i = 0; i < vcount; i++)
                    normal[i] = Vector3.Reflect(normal[i],Vector3.right);
                return normal;
 public void ReplaceObject(MQO.MQOFormat format , int obj_id ,GameObject obj, Mesh mesh, UnityEngine.Material[] materials)
     MeshFilter filter = obj.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
     filter.mesh = mesh;
     MeshRenderer mren = obj.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
     mren.sharedMaterials = materials;
     for( int Set = 0; Set < mren.sharedMaterials.Length; Set++)
         MQO.MQOFormat.Material mqoMat = format.material_list.material[Set];
         if(mren.sharedMaterials[Set].shader = Shader.Find("Metasequoia/Phong"))
             mren.sharedMaterials[Set].SetFloat("_Spec", mqoMat.spc);
 // マテリアルの生成
 public Material[] CreateMaterials(MQO.MQOFormat format)
     Material[] materials;
     materials = EntryAttributesForMaterials(format);
     CreateAssetForMaterials(format, materials);
     return materials;
            void CreateAssetForMaterials(MQO.MQOFormat format, Material[] mats)
                // 適当なフォルダに投げる
                string path = format.folder + "/Materials/";
                AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(format.folder, "Materials");

                for (int i = 0; i < mats.Length; i++)
                    string fname = path + format.material_list.material[i].materialName + ".asset";
                    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mats[i], fname);
 Material[] EntryAttributesForMaterials(MQO.MQOFormat format)
     int count = (int)format.material_list.material_count;
     Material[] mats = new Material[count];
     EntryColors(format, mats);
     return mats;
            //You must make mqo shader switch
            //Create Material Object
            void EntryColors(MQO.MQOFormat format, Material[] mats)
                // マテリアルの生成
                for (int i = 0; i < mats.Length; i++)
                    // mqoフォーマットのマテリアルを取得
                    MQO.MQOFormat.Material mqoMat = format.material_list.material[i];
                        case 0:
                            mats[i] = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));
                        case 1:
                            mats[i] = new Material(Shader.Find("Metasequoia/Constant"));
                        case 3:
                            mats[i] = new Material(Shader.Find("Metasequoia/Phong"));
                        default :
                            mats[i] = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));
                    mats[i].color = mqoMat.col;

                    // テクスチャが空でなければ登録
                    if (mqoMat.tex != "") {
                        string path = format.folder + "/" + mqoMat.tex;
                        mats[i].mainTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(Texture)) as Texture;
                        mats[i].mainTextureScale = new Vector2(1, -1);
            //Create Mesh object
            public Mesh[] CreateMeshes(MQO.MQOFormat format)
                Mesh[] mesh = new Mesh[format.object_list.obj_count];
                for(int i = 0; i < format.object_list.obj_count; i++)
                    mesh[i] = new Mesh();

                //Mesh Parametor Entry
                EntryAttributesForMesh(format, mesh);

                //Set Mesh Material and Triangle
                SetSubMesh(format, mesh);
                CreateAssetForMesh(format, mesh);
                return mesh;
 // メッシュをProjectに登録
 void CreateAssetForMesh(MQO.MQOFormat format, Mesh[] mesh)
     for(int i =0; i < format.object_list.obj_count; i++)
         AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh[i], format.folder + "/" + format.object_list.obj[i].obj_name + ".asset");
         AssetDatabase.SaveAssets ();
            //Entry Mesh's Material & Vertex index
            void SetSubMesh(MQO.MQOFormat format, Mesh[] mesh)
                int vcount;
                int fcount;
                int face_add;
                for(int obj_id = 0; obj_id < format.object_list.obj_count; obj_id++)
                    vcount = (int)format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face_vartex_count;
                    fcount = (int)format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face_count;
                    face_add = 0;

                    //warning after this line change
                        mesh[obj_id].subMeshCount = (int)format.material_list.material_count;

                        List<int> submesh = new List<int>();
                        int v_add = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < mesh[obj_id].subMeshCount; i++)
                            for (int f_add = 0; f_add < fcount; f_add++) {
                                if (i == format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[f_add].mat) {
                                    if(format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[f_add].vartex_count == 3)
                                        v_add += 3;
                                    else if(format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[f_add].vartex_count == 4)
                                        v_add += 4;
                            //for(int f = 0; f < submesh.Count; f+=3)
                                //Debug.Log(obj_id + "'submesh_" + f + ":" + submesh[f] + "," + submesh[f+1] + "," + submesh[f+2]);
                            int[] buf = new int[submesh.Count];
                            mesh[obj_id].SetTriangles(buf, i);
 //Entry Vert/normal/uv object Mesh
 void EntryAttributesForMesh(MQO.MQOFormat format, Mesh[] mesh)
     for(int obj_id = 0; obj_id < format.object_list.obj_count; obj_id++)
         mesh[obj_id].vertices = EntryVertices(format,obj_id);
         mesh[obj_id].normals = EntryNormals(format,obj_id);
         mesh[obj_id].uv = EntryUV(format,obj_id);
            //Entry UV of Face
            Vector2[] EntryUV(MQO.MQOFormat format,int obj_id)
                int vcount = (int)format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face_vartex_count;
                int fcount = (int)format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face_count;

                int face_add = 0;
                Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vcount];

                for (int i = 0; i < vcount;)
                    if(format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count == 3)
                        uvs[i] = format.GetVUV(obj_id ,face_add,2);
                        uvs[i+1] = format.GetVUV(obj_id ,face_add,0);
                        uvs[i+2] = format.GetVUV(obj_id ,face_add,1);
                    else if(format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count == 4)
                        uvs[i] = format.GetVUV(obj_id ,face_add,3);
                        uvs[i+1] = format.GetVUV(obj_id ,face_add,0);
                        uvs[i+2] = format.GetVUV(obj_id ,face_add,1);
                        uvs[i+3] = format.GetVUV(obj_id ,face_add,2);
                    i += format.object_list.obj[obj_id].face_list.face[face_add].vartex_count;
                //for(int i = 0; i < vcount; i++)
                    //Debug.Log("uvs: "+ i + ":"  + uvs[i]);
                return uvs;