        public Playlist CreatePlaylist(string name)
            MPMediaPlaylist playlist = MPMediaLibrary.DefaultMediaLibrary.GetPlaylistAsync(new NSUuid(), new MPMediaPlaylistCreationMetadata(name)).Result;

            if (playlist != null)
                return(new Playlist
                    Id = playlist.PersistentID,
                    Title = playlist.Name,
                    IsDynamic = true,
                    DateModified = DateTime.Now
        async Task CreatePlaylistIfNeededAsync()
            if (MediaPlaylist != null)

            // To create a new playlist or lookup a playlist there
            // are several steps you need to do.
            NSUuid playlistUuid;
            MPMediaPlaylistCreationMetadata playlistCreationMetadata = null;
            var userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults;

            if (userDefaults.StringForKey(playlistUuidKey) is string playlistUuidString)
                // In this case, the sample already created a playlist in
                // a previous run. In this case we lookup the UUID that
                // was used before.
                playlistUuid = new NSUuid(playlistUuidString);
                // Create an instance of `UUID` to identify the new playlist.
                playlistUuid = new NSUuid();

                // Create an instance of `MPMediaPlaylistCreationMetadata`,
                // this represents the metadata to associate with the new playlist.
                playlistCreationMetadata = new MPMediaPlaylistCreationMetadata("Test Playlist")
                    DescriptionText = $"This playlist was created using {NSBundle.MainBundle.InfoDictionary ["CFBundleName"]} to demonstrate how to use the Apple Music APIs"

                // Store the `UUID` that the sample will use for looking
                // up the playlist in the future.
                userDefaults.SetString(playlistUuid.AsString(), playlistUuidKey);

            // Request the new or existing playlist from the device.
            MediaPlaylist = await MPMediaLibrary.DefaultMediaLibrary.GetPlaylistAsync(playlistUuid, playlistCreationMetadata);

            InvokeOnMainThread(() => NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName(LibraryDidUpdate, null));