文件: Unsafe.cs 项目: jmhal/MPI.NET
 public static unsafe extern int MPI_Address(IntPtr location, out MPI_Aint address);
文件: Unsafe.cs 项目: jmhal/MPI.NET
 public static unsafe extern int MPI_Type_extent(MPI_Datatype datatype, out MPI_Aint extent);
文件: Unsafe.cs 项目: jmhal/MPI.NET
 public static unsafe extern int MPI_Type_struct(int count, int[] array_of_blocklengths, MPI_Aint[] array_of_displacements, MPI_Datatype[] array_of_types, out MPI_Datatype newtype);
文件: Unsafe.cs 项目: jmhal/MPI.NET
 public static unsafe extern int MPI_Type_hindexed(int count, int[] array_of_blocklengths, MPI_Aint[] array_of_displacements, MPI_Datatype oldtype, out MPI_Datatype newtype);
文件: Unsafe.cs 项目: jmhal/MPI.NET
 public static unsafe extern int MPI_Type_hvector(int count, int blocklength, MPI_Aint stride, MPI_Datatype oldtype, out MPI_Datatype newtype);
文件: Unsafe.cs 项目: jmhal/MPI.NET
 public static extern unsafe int MPI_Alloc_mem(MPI_Aint size, MPI_Info info, out IntPtr baseptr);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new MPI datatype by using reflection on the given type.
        /// </summary>
        private static MPI_Datatype BuildDatatype(Type type)
            // Try to build an MPI datatype using reflection, and return that value.
            FieldInfo[]    fields       = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            int[]          blocklens    = new int[fields.Length];
            MPI_Aint[]     indices      = new MPI_Aint[fields.Length];
            MPI_Datatype[] types        = new MPI_Datatype[fields.Length];
            int            actualLength = 0;

            // Walk the fields of the data structure, computing offsets and types
            // for the MPI datatype
            foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
                // Only include non-static, serialized fields
                if (!field.IsStatic && !field.IsNotSerialized)
                    Type fieldType   = field.FieldType; // The type stored in the field
                    int  fieldLength = 1;               // Number of elements in this field. > 1 only for "fixed" fields

                    // Handle "fixed" arrays in structures, such as:
                    //   struct Dimensions
                    //   {
                    //     public unsafe fixed float values[11];
                    //   }
                    // .NET 2.0 uses a synthesized type whose name contains "__FixedBuffer" for this
                    // field. The type itself has size = sizeof(float)*11, and contains a field
                    // named "FixedElementType", whose type is "float".
                    if (fieldType.Name.Contains("__FixedBuffer"))
                        // Dig out the inner field
                        FieldInfo innerField = fieldType.GetFields()[0];

                        // Determine the number of elements
                        fieldLength = Marshal.SizeOf(fieldType) / Marshal.SizeOf(innerField.FieldType);

                        // Pull out the type of the fixed array
                        fieldType = innerField.FieldType;

                    // Find the field's MPI datatype
                    MPI_Datatype fieldDatatype = GetDatatype(fieldType);
                    if (fieldDatatype == Unsafe.MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)
                        // There is no MPI datatype for this field, so we cannot build a
                        // datatype for this struct. Note this failure and return.

                    // Compute the offset of this field
                    int fieldOffset = (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(type, field.Name);

                    // Record this field
                    blocklens[actualLength] = fieldLength;
                    indices[actualLength]   = new IntPtr(fieldOffset);
                    types[actualLength]     = fieldDatatype;

            // Create the MPI datatype
            MPI_Datatype datatype;

                // Build the MPI datatype as a "structure"
                int errorCode = Unsafe.MPI_Type_struct(actualLength, blocklens, indices, types, out datatype);
                if (errorCode != Unsafe.MPI_SUCCESS)
                    throw Environment.TranslateErrorIntoException(errorCode);

                // Commit the newly-constructed MPI datatype
                errorCode = Unsafe.MPI_Type_commit(ref datatype);
                if (errorCode != Unsafe.MPI_SUCCESS)
                    throw Environment.TranslateErrorIntoException(errorCode);
